Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Olan Teff, The Freebooter.


(Credit of picture goes to Naomi-Robbinson over at Conceptart:

NAME: Olan Teff

FACTION: --None As Of The Moment--
RANK: --None As Of The Moment--
AGE: 28 standard years.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 190-200lbs
EYES: Brown-blue. (Heterochromatic)
HAIR: Dirty Blond-Brown.
SKIN: Caucasian.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes. (No training, no knowledge of his power.)


Good in a Brawl: He prettymuch grew up fighting with tough customers; for FUN. His brothers, to his father, to the miners down at the local bar. This has given him the knowhow to fight even with the oddest weapons, and a deep appreciation for his Vibroblade and blaster pistol.
Love the Boom: Having a father as a demolitionist certainly passes on a time loved tradition of blowing things to kingdom come. Hes good with explosives.
Tough As Teff!: Its as simple as this, the guy can take a few punches. And thensome.
One With A Blade: Years of having a vibroknife in his hand, as much as a vibroblade has made this man a swordsmen to be reckoned with.
Speed Demon: The guy is fast. Loves speed in all its forms. From flying the fastest ships he can get his hands on, to drawing his pistol and putting a hole in the other guy before they can even speak-he is fast in a lot of ways.
Unusual Luck...: Things just seem to go his way sometimes...

...And Misfortune: ...and sometimes the Universe just seems to have it out for him.
Short Fuse: Teffs aren't known for their patience. Olan a little less than usual. Shoot first, ask questions later.
Another 'Round!: Olan likes himself some alchy', and generally won't stop until he has passed out. Or he runs out. Of money or alcohol, whichever comes first. He'll share, but he better like you!
Words Like Bricks: For all his good manners, Olan is not one to mince words. He will tell you exactly what he thinks of you, or what is going on. With all the charisma of a Rancor.
Carrying Injuries: After years of getting injured again and again, he has some parts of his body which will never heal properly ever again. Especially his left knee and left shoulder.
Daredevil: Olan has a bad habit of getting himself into situations that others would not dare try to get into. And he actively seeks them out.
Hard of Hearing: Years of explosives handling probably hasn't helped him any-but his hearing is quite bad. Especially in his left side.

"What you see, is what you get" would be the very mantra this man carries with him like a living mantle. Unshaven much of the time, hair in a wild mess-reaching madly for the sky like a bellowing fire. Sure, he doesn't smell bad, but he sure as hell looks like he crawled out of a sandpit somewhere, after fighting last nights meal to the death. Only things on him that looked well kept is a deep blue captains jacket, and the metal shod boots he wears almost constantly. Scars crisscross over his chinline and near his left eye, burn marks mostly.

What does stand out the most though, is his striking blue and shock brown eyes. Staring right at you as you look him over.

Olan Teff was born to the Teff tribe-since Family is just too civilized a word for them-as the third born and youngest son to Geraldt Teff and Elana Teff. He had two elder brothers, Varn and Radik. Geraldt, the father, was an ex-soldier who grew up as the son of a Dustchaser, and decided to put his skills to work after the war ended. Taking up a home on Gorse, a planet rich with Thorilide, and a mining hub for anyone with enough chest hair to call it home, he started his Business: "Teff Explosives Consultation and Services". The War hadn't ended truly, and the miners needed always another good explosives expert down below, so work was plentiful.

So it wasn't unusual that the sons followed in the footsteps of their father. Learning everything about the trade, while growing up and learning about life...albeit in the less than usual manner. All was hunky-dory until Elana died. She prettymuch kept the family together. Sort of the glue which held them all as one big blob of happiness and dirt. With that, Geraldt lost much of his will to work. The elder brothers carried on with the business and young Olan kept himself busy keeping his father out of trouble...and getting himself into trouble.

Life was going good once again after some time. His father was getting out his drunken stupor and began to work once more. His brothers had become virtuoso's of the explosive-craft. And Olan was making his way into being the next Teff to begin playing in the big leagues with his brothers and 'pa.

It did not last long.

A violent mine collapse killed both of his Brothers, and crippled his father. Atop of that, the Mines ran dry of Thorilide.

With that, Geraldt sold the business name and shop to a competitor. Taking the money and giving it to his last son, with the final words; "Go far from here." Before shoving him out of the room he occupied in the local hospital.

There was no tears left after that. Olan took the money, bought a ship, a blaster and a sword. Got what provisions he needed and set out to get as far from the home he has known for so long.

Striking out into the depths of space, making his own way-by blade, wit or tough work. He would survive and carry on his families name. And doing his best not to try and think too hard, because that just lead him to drinking a bit too much and wondering where the rest of his money went. Thus is how its been for the last several years...

The Story Thus Far!

On a routine mission to the Republic controlled Tirahnn for business, dropping off some rations for disaster relief and some hospital equipment, he decided to spend some time planetside and see the sights. Having not been there in a good long while. After a quick and somewhat strange party in a park, which included but was not limited to; a long haired woman, a talkative old lady, a catgirl and a sombrero wearing Hutt.

Quickly taking his leave to finish his business and get paid, he found himself like he usually does-at a bar. Conversing with a beautiful lady, of all things. After a bit of drunken banter he doesn't quite remember, other than he offered her a spot on his ship to his next destination and beyond-he got some sleep. Next day he met with his handler on planet, got his ship loaded and got off planet. Not before being attacked by a duo of fighters and drones.

Thanks to his new ally on board, La'Kuus, he was able to shake them off and get into space. After a quick lunch, he practiced a bit with the young fighter-leading to him having a rough time. Now he had a better idea of her skills and how to maybe make use of them. Got some rest, contacted his handler on the next planet-Nar Shadda and the duo were off again. Having now secured a job for La as well on the planet.

Now having landed on Shadda, La'kuus is off kicking rump and taking names-while Olan is dealing with his business planetside...or is he?

To be continued!
He has a stock YT-2660: Standard cargo storage (30 metric tons of space), Heavy Laser Turret, Hyperdrive (Short-Medium distance), Twin-Power engines, 2-Month Standard Food Dispensor.etc.etc.

(Thanks to Samize and Shepster for their awesome stuff! *Big High Fives*)




Character Relations:

[member="Gordosa"] : (Met in Passing)
A Strange Hutt he encountered on the world of Tihhrann one day during a social get together for the poor. He played some interesting music, and obviously likes 'Big Hutts'.

[member="Elizabeth Verdan"] : (Met In Passing)
A young cat-creature/being that mystified the young man. Met at a party and seemed to have a deep love for a certain woman. Also fell asleep easy to drinking milk. BEWARE; Sharp Claws.

@La'kuus Quelin : (Friendly, Current)
A young woman whom he met on Tihrann at a bar, probably the closest relationship with another living being he has had in quite some years. The young woman is strong and quite a good fighter for her age and lack of experience outside her home planets spectrum. He feels he can trust her, and that is all that matters to him right now.


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