Can't Heal Her Own Heart
- Intent: To create lightsabers for Olaya Astrapi.
- Image Source: Here; second image edited by me.
- Canon Link: N/A.
- Permissions: N/A.
- Primary Source: Lightsaber; Asajj Ventress' Lightsabers.
- Manufacturer: Olaya Astrapí .
- Affiliation: Olaya Astrapi.
- Market Status: Closed-Market.
- Model: N/A.
- Modularity: Yes.
- Production: Unique.
- Material: Durasteel, Kyber Crystals (2), lightsaber components, Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse.
- Classification: Lightsabers.
- Size: Average.
- Weight: Light.
- Two cyan kyber crystals.
- Bifurcating Cyclical-Ignition Pulse to function underwater.
- Ornate and fanciful hilt design.
- Force activated (still has buttons.)
- Lightsaba!: The lightsaber blades can cut through near anything with ease.
- Head Underwater: The lightsabers function underwater.
- Versatile: Need one lightsaber? Need to duel wield? Need to use a saberstaff? The clips at the end of the lightsabers, in blade of traditional pommels, allow for the lightsabers to be connected into a saberstaff. This lightsaber has it all!
- Cortisis: Cortisis can short circuit the lightsabers upon contact.
- Beskar: Beskar, songsteel, phrik, and other lightsaber resistant materials are, well, resistant to these lightsabers as well.
- Lightsaber Staff: When connected in saberstaff form, the lightsabers can fall into the same weaknesses as a traditional saberstaff. The long hilt makes for an easy target to break, and if the connecting cable is cut directly, repairs are needed.
A doctor and healer by nature, Olaya Astrapi was initially less than thrilled about crafting a weapon. But, after fighting her demons on Ilum and earning two crystals, she went all out making fanciful and top tier lightsabers. Olaya was always dramatic...
Due to having two crystals, Olaya built two lightsabers. But these lightsabers also could be joined together into a saberstaff. Versatility was important to her, and these lightsabers promised that.
Did these weapons make her a Jedi? Or was being a Jedi way more than that? Yes, the swords were important, but being a Jedi was way more than just the weapon. The healer she was, Olaya was determined to prove that she was in this to help others and redeem herself. The lightsabers were only one step...
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