Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Old enemies

OOC info: please do not use the "beskar rebel" for your threads or as your character, I will turn him into my character when I will be done developing Mishmam

While Mishmam was patrolling the territory, he got a report from one of his STDs (super tactical droids)
-sir, one of our probe droids has located an asteroid station, it does not reply on any of our transmissions and is not registered or mentioned in any of imperial documentations
-send a squadron of starfighters to scout the area and send more probes into this region - he said with a robotic voice accompanied by similar breathing sounds - like that of Vader, his suit was in standard, "civilian" mode

-affirmative, sir
After a while, Mishmam got another report about this sector
-sir, we recieved reports from one of our probe droids, it got inside the station and has identified the station an ancient rebel asteroid station from the times of the galactic civil war, here is the video feed
Mishmam looked at the hologram showing the layout of the station, it had large dockyards and rooms of cryo chambers connected to the main computer of the station, there was not much else to it, Mishmam looked at his recordings he made when he was serving Sidious's Galactic Empire
-the puzzle is now complete, prepare our fleet for hyperspace jump, we are heading for that station now
After a hyperspace jump Mishmam boarded the station with two squads of deathtroopers following him directly and a company of stormtroopers
-seek potential threats and disable the station's defence systems and lock the dockyards down no one is to enter or leave this station without my personal approval - Mishmam headed to the cryosleep rooms and opened one of the caskets, pulling a rebel soldier out and pushing him into the wall with the Force
-you will tell me where the "beskar rebel" is, and I may spare you
-I won't tell you ANYTHING - the rebel said, struggling to get out if Mishmam's grasp, to no result
-then i will pull it out of you - Mishmam said as he probed the rebel's mind with the Force, finding no useful information
-USELESS - Mishmam said as he threw the rebel onto the floor -bring him to the main computer, his clearance will be useful - Mishmam accessed the main computer, which let him track an active rebel fleet, suddenly, the base shook after getting shot and the base comms console opened, Mishmam heard a familiar voice:
-didn't expect I would get this far?
-you HAVE exceeded my expectations, but I will fix that soon - suddenly, all the cryo caskets opened and fully armed rebels have leaved them
-according to my calculations your troops will handle the rebels on the station, but our fleet is attacked by a rebel fleet and it appears that a home one type mon calamari cruiser is their flagship
-I am moving to join you on my command ship - Mishmam said, moving through the station to his ship to realise that the gates, that allowed the ships to leave the dockyards had their opening mechanisms shot down by the rebel fleet, he boarded "Harvester one" and took control of the ship, which was quite rare for him, as he usually preferred to have super tactical droid pilot his command ship, he put energy production and system powering to maximum and shot the gates out
-STU (super tactical droid unit), pilot Harvester one and shoot down the MC75s with our main cannon, everyone knows what to do, and turn the interdiction field online, they will not escape me NOW - all objectives were completed with minimal casualties and no large ships lost - disable their mon calamari cruiser and prepare two legions of troops for boarding, we will capture their flagship - as the boarding crew along with Mishmam arrived at the ship, moving through its hallways to the ship's bridge, but on his way he was Force pushed, flying through multiple walls
-troops, move on, I will handle this myself - he said -empire took EVERYTHING from me, why would you EVER join such an EVIL organisation?! HOW can someone be SO EVIL as you?!
-the empire brought ORDER and PEACE to the galaxy, and rebels? Only chaos and destruction and who are left of them will PAY for this, YOU will pay for this - Mishmam hit the rebel Force user, knocking the lightsaber out of his hand, then pushed him into the wall, rendering him unconscious, after that Mishmam got to the ship bridge, confronting the "beskar rebel"
-I have you now
-this won't save your empire
-troops, access the ship's computer - the ship's database had data about multiple rebel fleets awakened from cryptosleep, but it only had code names
-and THAT was your backup plan? Just rebel fleets reserved for possible rebirth of the rebellion if the first on fails? You DID get old after all, troops teke him prisoner, everyone else is to be executed
-ruthless and cruel. As always
-though at least I didn't get old, troops add this ship to our fleet, and assign it two super tactical droids
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Shoda Teshima

This Has Gone Far Enough.

One of the grates nearby would be kicked several times, finally being dislodged in the asteroid hideout in question. The Rebel Alliance has long since been killed off, even the idea of the New Republic over several centuries now, eight centuries to be exact with only the Galactic Alliance now remaining of that once great glorious idea. Cyrosleep on both sides...was not an unknown thing, in fact several millennials have proven itself to be still in existence ranging from the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Old Republic. It was not uncommon per say to meet an individual who had awakened and became part of an evergrowing universe where it seemed to have finally calmed down a bit.

Or, so it was thought. It was rare for someone to awaken with their own group, let alone an army then attempt to hunt down anything left of said other group. Even more so when you realize that it found yet its own army outside and just caused an entire uproar and alarm throughout the entire Empire sector. Everything had gone mad, multiple capital ships, even though centuries old and antiquated, were incredibly dangerous. What was worse, the location in question was just where Shoda Teshima was being discharged. It was indeed an ancient station, it was hidden away as a medical facility for those that were in dire need of treatment but far away from prying eyes, was a fantastic cybernetic operation facility.

Yet that seemed to end when...this old Galactic Empire fleet decided to jump from hyperspace and approach the facility. While it had avoided the smaller and active section of the station, far more of the station was sealed away in case of biological breach. As he straightened himself up, he looked out the transparisteel window towards the outside to see the various fleet floating outside. It was getting worse and part of the attack from the old Mon Calamari ships had damaged several power relays...something he had to fix. While he was not the only one on board with the power to fix them.

He was the only one on board with any true combat training. Training...he now had to use. Going over towards one of the sealed off engineering rooms, he accessed the corridor to find several cyro caskets opened once again. This was a patterned theme...and more blaster scarring all along the walls. He did not have time to truly dwell on where the foes went or those with old causes, he went over towards one of the power relay consoles to divert power, tapping on the data console till it rerouted power. He only had a few left to go...communications was able to warn the Empire itself of this strange new arrival, but now it was just to buy time.

Time...they may soon be running out of fast.

Mishmam Mishmam
When Mishmam prepared his new ship (captured mon calamari cruiser) for service under the empire, checked the comms console to realise that ancient rebel fleets began harrassing the imperials all over the imperial territory, and the imperial Navy waws dealing with chiss insurgency, now there were TWO rebellions within the empire
-sir, shall we call aid from the imperial Navy? -asked STDU stationed on Harvester one
-no, they are busy dealing with chiss rebellion, therefore I will personally crush the ancient rebellion, prepare fleet for hyperspace jump, I recieved multiple distress calls from across the Empire, jump to... Shoda Teshima's location - the fleet jumped to hyperspace, the rebels had a mon calamari cruiser, four CR90 corvettes and two MC49 starships
-engage and destroy the enemy fleet, but I need one of CR90 corvettes boarded and captured, I will destroy the mon calamari cruiser - Mishmam said as the fleet released its swarms of starfighters
-open fire on their flagship from the main cannon and board the MC90 at once -the objectives were completed, and Mishmam boarded and captured the MC90 corvette and prepared to send a distress call on the rebel frequencies, using the newly retrieved clearance codes, he Force pulled small asteroids towards his fleet
-those asteroids won't harm my fleet or the fleet of rebels... on their own, I want strong explosives placed inside each asteroid, when those anarchists arrive, we will lead them towards the trap and detonate it, send the distress call when you are ready... - after the distress call was sent and rebel fleet arrived, everything went as planned, the rebel fleet entered the asteroid field and took serious damage from the explosions and was finished by the Mishmam's fleet, which quickly repaired itself and prepared to board the local rebel station
Shoda Teshima
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Shoda Teshima

The power sparked to life from another section of the medical station, closing the panel as power was restored. Hearing a communication incoming, he placed his hand on his left ear, hearing a crackle before the voice came to life on the other end.

"Shoda, we got the power back online. The mess these two have made are just...immense. We still have medical on lockdown, have you encountered any hostiles yet?"
"Negative, seems that I have been missing them by a few short minutes. What are these people doing? The war is over by now!"
"I am fully aware Shoda but this is not ending. Just a heads up, the old fleet of the Galactic Empire has jumped in from hyperspace, outside it has now become a warzone. The stations energy signature has been spiking, it lead them straight to us! They are planning to board, we got to many innoc-"
"I am fully aware. Get the turret systems online and keep the entrances under lockdown. This has gone far they decided to come here is beyond me. Shoda out."

Turning off the communicator, he walked up the staircase to notice a group of killed...well, old rebels around him in destroyed cyro containers. The station has been under lockdown now for a short time and yet, these strange fleets were attempting to come aboard. They were all set for an upcoming conflict, Shoda himself looking down at some of the arms they had taken with them to cyrosleep. Picking up something that seemed strange to him, he held it in his hands as it resembled some strange scattergun with a grip handle on the side as he spoke to himself.

" energy weapon that acts like a slugthrower. I guess the Rebellion really were desperate at times!"

Picking up the scatter chips, he flipped the scattergun onto its side and started to load them one by one, slowly walking out into a larger hallway with his eyes scanning the area. Each step he made, loaded another scatter chip into the ever growing magazine of the scatter gun. Finishing, he pulled the handle back as it was a pump action scatter gun, complete with an authentic noise that anyone nearby would know, someone just got a shotgun.

Mishmam (char.) Mishmam (char.)

Meanwhile, Mishmam, who was done with the rebel fleet gave an order to his men
-fleet, prepare to engage the station's defences, but I will talk to them first
-this is Mishmam of the New Imperial Order
( to station, open up for investigation immediately - there was no reply
-ENGAGE - the station became a battlefront once again and after half an hour was clear of ground-air type weapons, a path to the station was open
-deploy two legions of stormtroopers on the station, I will oversee the battle personally - Mishmam entered the station and rebels began being massacred once again, when Mishmam recieved a report of a Force user he headed there immediately and ordered his troops not to engage the individual, Mishmam confronted him one-o-one and it turned out to be a familiar face
-I did not think you would be here, it was ANOTHER one of your mistakes
-Mishmam, we ALL were twisted by sidious, it is not your or my fault
-really? It is YOUR ignorance that destroyed all I had left and now YOU will suffer for that AND for what the jedi did to me when I was on the second death star - Mishmam said as he ignited his crimson blade
-you don't have to do this, it's been more than 800 years, things CHANGED, it is our chance to try again, start a better life
-MY chance, and YOU will suffer - Mishmam said as he stood in a juyo stance
-then you are already lost - Mishmam set his suit to military mode and attacked, clashing with the jedi in a duel, pushing the one he once trusted, who now was his enemy back with every strike, ultimately overpowering him, as the fight advanced into the hangar bay of the dead station, the jedi jumped on one of the rocket-engined ships
-I am what you made me - as Mishmam said that the jedi activated the ship's engines and pushed Mishmam towards them while the ship's landing "legs" were still magnetised, thrown off balance, Mishmam tried to get out of th jedi's grasp as he melted alive under thousands of degrees under the engine fire as his suit couldn't protect him from such heat for so long, when Mishmam DID release himself he fell on the floor, struggling to get up
-I loved you, we could start a better life, but you chose this! - the jedi cried out
-I HATE YOU! - Mishmam screamed in pain, while the jedi was fleeing, when Mishmam managed to get up, he Force drained the few remaining rebels and prepared to rescue the innocent civilians and whoever was left on the station
-he must be found, I will confront him personally

OOC info: please do not use the jedi Mishmam fought as I will make him into a separate character in the future
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Shoda Teshima

The loud whine then crack whip like noise would pierce the air, a blast of kinetic energy shards filled the air with members of the former Rebellion fell on each rack of a energy chip. Walking forward, he kept his weapon aimed around every corner as it had once again, become a battlefield of death and destruction. The loud whining from a disused hanger bay from a boarding party made him fully aware that he did not wish to go in that general direction, making him go the other direction towards medical as the turrets were firing onto any hostiles that got in their pathway. Getting towards the blast door, he clutched his left hand and rapped it twice on the door as the metallic parts of his cybernetic body echoed in the hall.

"Getting real hot out here Issac! It is time to go! Where the *@&% is Angelus?"
"He is bringing one of the old cloaked starships, he be here soon. Coast clear?"
"Aye but we better get a move on, I rather not find out who we are dealing with...or what we are dealing with aside from ghosts."

The door would open to reveal a man known as Issac Hafey, a cybernetic doctor and was wearing a rather unique suit. Having a few assistants and whatever patients remained, a group of less than a dozen, he rallied them to Shoda. Making a motion, Shoda lead the way towards one of medicals own hanger bays as there was a set of stormtroopers in the pathway. Shoda kept his scattergun aimed a bit upward but did not stop pointing in the general direction as he spoke up a bit loudly.


Before even a second passed, the scattergun erupted in fire as the stormtrooper flew back into the wall. A firefight erupted in the hallway with Shoda advancing slowly on each pull of the scattergun, shredding through the enemies antiquated armor left and right. Going through two squads worth of stormtroopers, they advanced into the hanger bay as the Galactic Empire fleet outside stood at the ready, Issac Hafey turning around and getting the blast doors shut and then welding them shut.

"Ten minutes, judging by how this is going, we may not have ten minutes."
"Then get behind some of the crates and shield the patients, I am not letting two warring factions cause any more casualties to our people. They already wrecked the station beyond repair, it is a miracle it is still together!"

Mishmam (char.) Mishmam (char.)
Meanwhile Mishmam recieved a report of a third faction slipping under his nose, the station had more stormtroopers (dead and alive) that it should have had, something was wrong, but later he realised that the rebels fought on two fronts, not only they fought the newly reborn Empire everyone knew, they ALSO fought the stormtroopers of the long gone Galactic Empire, which would explain to Mishmam why some idiot attacked Shoda teshima, a nova trooper, it was not an idiot, it was an ancient soldier, so Mishmam had a good idea on how to lure the disorganised ancient soldiers of the Galactic empire, he approached one of the stormtroopers (not those under Mishmam's command, the ancient ones) and used a skill he did not use in a long time
-you will use the comms console to inform everyone that lord Vader has arrived and awaiting stormtroopers at the hangar bay
- I will use the comms console to inform everyone that lord Vader has arrived and awaiting stormtroopers in the hangar bay - it worked, while the 800 year old TK ran towards the comms console, Mishmam headed towards the hangar bay, when the derelict imperials have arrived, Mishmam explained to them, what happened to the empire, what year it was and what has replaced the hegemon, when he heard a familiar voice
-so what are your orders - said a voice, Mishmam heard it thousands of times, it was a clone
-MY orders?
-yes, amongst all of us who used to serve the Galactic empire you are the highest ranking
-good, tell me, what was your clone unit? - Mishmam said as he felt something different about this clone... different, he had a dead inhibitor chip and... didn't age at his biological 20's
-501'st legion, sir
-good, you all will return to MY fleet for reassignment into the ranks of the NEW empire, I will deal with the rebels myself - Mishmam said as he moved through the corridors, killing rebels left and right, avoiding civilians, he let the dark side of the Force flow through him, cloud his mind and direct him to killing rebels, somehow without civilian casualties, but rebels got sliced, stabbed, cut, Force choked etc. and periodically insulted by Mishmam (examples: your weapons betray you, your hope has blinded you, you paid the price of rebellion) until the rebels were wiped out and Mishmam prepared to provide aid to the crew and the patients of the medical station - he also reported the events to the empire and was approved a rank of moff, but was not assigned a planet
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Shoda Teshima

There was a long silence as the hanger bay cracked and creaked loudly. Sitting in the hanger bay with a majority of them, the soft whine of a transport showed up as the cloaking device disengaged with several members being loaded up onto the shuttlecraft. Yelling out a bit loudly against the whine of the transport, Shoda spoke.

"Lift off, I am going to see what is going on personally. This...this is just madness."
"Understood...Shoda, I am can feel the Force on this one. It will not be kind."
"Not...what I wanted to hear."

The transport would lift off and cloak again, leaving the area as Shoda breathed in, turning towards the blast doors as he activated his cybernetics, two lightfoil blades emerging from each arm and cut into the blast door to make an exit. Going through it, he looked back and forth before letting the special blades retract back into his arms.

"Now...who the hell are we dealing with?"

Mishmam (char.) Mishmam (char.)
Mishmam, now moff of the Ord Traci was clearing out the remains of the rebels, securing the station, using the sation comms as he reached them
-This is moff Mishmam of the NIO (new imperial order), to all imperials onboard the station: take cover until I declare the station fully secured, do not try to contact anyone, especially if they wear stormtrooper or rebel outfit or armed. - Mishmam and his soldiers advanced as he grew continuously tired of the newly re emerged rebellion, they were traitors for the long gone Galactic empire and a threat to the NIO Mishmam served, but for Mishmam they were both of the above, he hammered through them, killing ancient rebels mercilessly and pacifying the ancient imperials by non-lethal means until the station was secured, his soldiers prepared to clean up the mess they left after themselves. Mishmam used the station comms to inform the civilians that the station was safe.
-This is moff Mishmam, imperial forces cleared station of hostiles, you are safe to exit cover and ask any nearby imperials for aid if necessary
Shoda Teshima

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