Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old Hate ( Praelior )

The Gen'Dai was without his Zabrak Partner [member="Nulgath Zardai"], Time separated them for now and their Training stopped to deal with Invasions and things of that sort. Kezeroth came alone to the Training room where he started it all, His Journey to gain power started in this very room. Standing in the Room as a Knight now and Over-see'er for Acolytes, The Gen'Dai was proud to be progressed through the ranks. Kezeroths Appearance had taken a turn for the worse, Pale and Sulfuric yellow eyes that glew. Drowning in the Darkside.

Standing In the a Black tattered Cloak waiting for his Master [member="Darth Praelior"] A Witch that still failed to impress Kezeroth, But Still he found himself in need. Kezeroth previously had called on [member="Darth Praelior"] to learn and hone some Abilities, Powers that consisted of Force Lightning, A power Kezeroth only Recently discovered and hungered for and Alter Environment . A Power [member="Darth Praelior"] was known to use, It was time Kezeroth learned once more.

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