King Iedolas Solidor
Grand Duke of House Solidor
The old capital of Kaikielius, before it’s relocation and construction of Mensoge. The second greatest city, surrounded by forests and a small desert. The city still holds a magnificent look and architecture of the old glory days of house Praji, now the city has fallen under the grace and control of House Hightower.
This was a strange life. In the past, he went to Bespili, but he never actually saw the city by anything besides the people. But now, there he was again, watching calmly through a window, standing tall and still, waiting for better or worse in this meeting that would occur. But, with no set mind in that, Iedolas kepted himself watching out of that window, not looking for his contact, but looking at the jungle.
All that green, wild, untamed life. A untouched world, that his elzeri ancestors would have died to see and feel again, when roaming through the galaxy in search of a world to settle. They didn’t had any wild forests like those in Kaikielius, he thought privately to himself, they had thick woods, with big and sturdy oaks, gushy rivers and deadly wildlife, but nothing that big. “Ain’t life strange?”, he almost could smile by his own remark, for after all, he was descended of a wood people, a kind that lived and died in woods before losing their homeworld, wherever it was.
“Bring me a drink, if you be so kind.”, he murmured to his aide. And the serving droid rushed to do what was asked of him, serving in a golden goblet with his personal casket of wine. Delivering the cup in his hand with a small reverence to his royal being. Iedolas rose the goblet slowly to his lips, barely touching the wine and sipping a small amount of the red delicacy.
This was a strange life. In the past, he went to Bespili, but he never actually saw the city by anything besides the people. But now, there he was again, watching calmly through a window, standing tall and still, waiting for better or worse in this meeting that would occur. But, with no set mind in that, Iedolas kepted himself watching out of that window, not looking for his contact, but looking at the jungle.
All that green, wild, untamed life. A untouched world, that his elzeri ancestors would have died to see and feel again, when roaming through the galaxy in search of a world to settle. They didn’t had any wild forests like those in Kaikielius, he thought privately to himself, they had thick woods, with big and sturdy oaks, gushy rivers and deadly wildlife, but nothing that big. “Ain’t life strange?”, he almost could smile by his own remark, for after all, he was descended of a wood people, a kind that lived and died in woods before losing their homeworld, wherever it was.
“Bring me a drink, if you be so kind.”, he murmured to his aide. And the serving droid rushed to do what was asked of him, serving in a golden goblet with his personal casket of wine. Delivering the cup in his hand with a small reverence to his royal being. Iedolas rose the goblet slowly to his lips, barely touching the wine and sipping a small amount of the red delicacy.