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Old starship designs in Canon Companiess?

So I have been thinking of having Corruck's company produce some starfighters, in the near future.

To avoid producing ships that are patented by canon companies that are owned at the moment, I have been reading through what companies are owned, what fighters they produced, etc.

What I would like to know is if it is possible to make starships based on the designs from companies that were from Old Republic era. ( I found some of the designs appealing.) I will likely avoid producing any Republic vehicles from the time period, as Rendili made most of those and Rendili is owned I think.

So is it allowed to create starfighters based on designs from those ancient companies, companies that have not already been taken?

Thanks for you time and any help!
Ah talking about totally different subject.

Well, Incom does it...

*shrugs* But then again they own those designs and build on them.

However, I do agree with [member="Jared Ovmar"]. Original is better.
Well I just mean the layout, I like those ones used in the movies and the Old Republic, just the design. As for abilities and how they work I would simply make them different.

Like take a Tie Fighter, keep the general appearance, but change some of the systems, make it a little slower, and add a weak shield. As an example.

Is that sort of thing allowed?

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
[member="Jared Ovmar"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Corruck Kazen"]

Sure, but most of the legendary designs are used by companies currently in play. Sienar would sue and/or wreck stuff, if you tried to submit a TIE for sale.
Oh, absolutely, I wouldn't doubt that. :) That was just an example.

I am thinking of using the designs from things like The Old Republic game, or Kotor. (At least the designs that are not within the ownership of PC run companies.)

Does that make sense? If so, is is allowed?

Edit: such as Harrower-class Deadnaught (Again just an example)

[member="Jared Ovmar"]
Corruck Kazen said:
Well I just mean the layout, I like those ones used in the movies and the Old Republic, just the design. As for abilities and how they work I would simply make them different.

Like take a Tie Fighter, keep the general appearance, but change some of the systems, make it a little slower, and add a weak shield. As an example.

Is that sort of thing allowed?

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
[member="Jared Ovmar"]
Same if you did something with like the ARC-170.

You could probably ask for lease/construction rights to retired designs. I've had players do that before and approved it, however, you must consider a specific percentage of the sales would go to the parent company.
Would you suggest that I RP asking the companies that are not PC controlled, such as Taerab Starship Manufacturing the ones that built the Harrower, from my above example?

If not, what would be suggested?

I would like to avoid trying to gain control of the cannon companies, partly because it doesn't make RP sense, and then also because most of those ships were built by different companies.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Thank you [member="Darth Vitium"]

I will see what happens in the future as to whether I do Dev threads for old designs, or if I stick with the traditional make my own.

Thanks everyone for you input!

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