Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exhaustion sometimes came over Pomsty due to physical exertion, and sometimes…mentally, for the younglings just don't take their studies as seriously as Dathomiri youth. Things blow up in Potions class. Everybody smells when it is about to happen, as the initiates get their measurements wrong. Nobody ever locks the lid onto the cauldron. No! That would cut the mess down! What a day. What a week of the same thing…the whole month…the season. Sometimes her exhaustion is both physical and mental.

Only so much magick can be used to penetrate and clean up magick gone wrong, without causing a secondary poisoning of the atmosphere of the classroom! To avoid the micromanaging of the younglings, as they were left to old fashioned soap and water mopping of the floors…and the walls, Pomsty took a walk in the gardens, loving the late season blossoms as their smells permeated her senses. The younglings shall return to the classroom tomorrow, and her motive is to teach them to remember to lock the lid once the potion goes awry! She refuses to baby them and fix their every problem, or clean up after them like they haven't each two capable arms to make their own way.

Pomsty found [member="Vytal Noctura"] seated within the garden, a sight often repeated as of late. The Nightsister felt much more weighing upon her sister's mind than she reveals. Sometimes secrets are necessary, she understands. Vytal has taken on alot of responsibility. Pomsty brews potions and teaches the younglings, while Vytal holds lectures on the lack of acceptance of witches within the CIS, and discussions on the state of the galaxy and the many threats to the faction.

Sometimes one doesn't require any more talking, and just needs an outlet. Pomsty hopes to lighten the mood, so she sat down next to Vytal and booped her sister on the side of her thighs, with her hip, forcing her sister to scoot over as she did so. Pomsty smiled as she said, "Osiceca yuslul icupi, (Storm Drawer,) we have not had a skate kize (play fight) since years." Pomsty scooted against Vytal once again, pushing her sister over more towards the edge of the short bench.

The witch reached up and grabbed the leather cord to her Moonstone Talisman of Counterspell and removed it, setting it down carefully upon the bench next to her. She removed her vest, laden with an arsenal of Potions. Her Onyx Talisman gifted to her by the Fanged God however cannot be removed; she had done so numerous times, and every time she had, it mysteriously reappeared hung over her heart.

"I challenge you," she said.
Everyone knew about the Force. They knew of it. Often times those without often derided the existence of such power as being a thing between Jedi and Sith, as though those were the only philosophies or groups in the entire galaxy that held the power. Good and Evil. Light and Dark. Such a simplistic outlook on such a deeply nuanced facet of existence. What, however, could be said of magick? 'That it was the Force, surely!' That they were connected, certainly, but not the same. Often it was reduced back down into Light and Dark applications of power -- those that sought to help the helpless, or oppress the masses. No thought given to those in between. To how countless possibilities were just at the full extent of their reach waiting to be taken hold of; and yes, to better society, to conqueror society, or simply to expand the boundaries of one's understanding of the vast, multilayered world they resided in.

Ironic that Vytal was trying to educate the ignorant of this power. Only in that she came to the stars in search of strength for Dathomir, with not the slightest inclination of whether any Offworlders benefited in exchange. Nevertheless, in order to ascend and obtain greater influence or acquisition of relics, technology, or understanding Vytal found herself needing to promote the well-being and acceptance of the Mandragora. Expand its influence, expand her own, and benefit Dathomir -- or so the idea went. Somedays the Nightsister wondered if the Offworlders might get more out of this bargain than she; or worse yet, that the Offworlders were so hopeless they'd never understand the power and application of magick in every day life. Even those without could benefit! Could the same be said of the Force? Could you bottle the Force for consumption to heal the sick? Not at scale anyway that anyone had demonstrated. Pom, on the other hand...

The pale woman's eyes blinked when Pom suddenly bumped into her. A slight shuffle and Vytal moved over for her Sister to sit down.

One by one, Pom relieved herself of accessories. Vytal watched silently as her Sister did this. At last Pom's gaze came back to her, and words fell from her dark lips.

A soft, subdued bark of laughter came from the Nightsister with those words. "Shame," Vytal stood to her feet, "if it had been any other I might have Compelled them to prowl the garden like a rancor. Then I will not have you wait, Sister. But first," she motioned to Pom's items, "bring those with us. There is somewhere more fitting for this challenge."

Without elaborating, Vytal strode off toward the East Gate. They would pass through one of the smaller, pedestrian-focused cardinal gates and out of the Castle proper. Still upon the isolated bedrock the Castle had been built upon surrounded by what seemed to be a bottomless pit, the two would descend a flight of stairs toward a walled in circular slab. All around the ring stood tall archways with no roof or beams overhead. It was fairly large, yet often only ever supported two occupants for most exchanges. Countless magickal limiters and protection spells had been cast, written, or infused upon the place to contain the destructive power of those within -- such could be overcome, but it would take a powerful spell indeed to threaten the Castle from here.

"A Witch's Dueling Ring," Vytal announced, followed by an easy smile. "I wouldn't want my Sister holding back out of fear for the young ones in her charge." There was nothing against playful banter between rivals.

Tag: [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]​
“Naked Rankor,” Pomsty clarified.

As they walked, Pomsty spoke. “I recently read about a Jedi who became marooned on Dathomir. It revealed how he taught his ways on the Force to our ancestors, but allowed them extended practices which the offworlders ruefully describe as sheer superstitions. This is where their error about us stems from, that we use props to move the same Force they do. And yet, Vytal, seeing the Fanged God through Force Sight all illuminated in his glory, still empowered as he was during his walk upon our world, I cannot help but feel swayed to agree with them; like this particular power of two extremes, Light, Dark and all shades of gray in between, exists everywhere and within, and connecting everything. The Fanged God exists as the source of the Darkness. The Force is available, limitless, at our fingertips. It makes me feel a need to learn the abilities they pass down to one another to expand my knowledge in it. And yet, I see they have limited themselves, for they close their mind to our skills.” The Force trained understood alot, but they did not comprehend the spirits or the demons which also possessed power to be utilized for grand purpose. Pomsty wondered if [member="Vytal Noctura"] would support her exploration. She wondered who it is who would show her the most amazing discovery. The Vicelord [member="Darth Metus"] is an excellent instructor, but often too busy with matters of his own interests.

The Force holds secrets which it’s user unlocks under strict focus on specific intent. With Magick, the focus is in the creation of Potions and Talismans. The wielder learns to safely utilize what already exists. Both require understanding of the focus necessary to achieve success. Without the proper focus one is certain to fail.

Pomsty’s gaze fixated upon the ground as they approached Vytal’s destination. She peered over the edge of the wide pit. The colosseum which had long lay buried under the ground, now partially excavated at its center, housed a direct line to Darkness. As Vytal descended the steps to the bottom, Pomsty Apparated down.

The stone rippled at the immediate contact of her feet. Pomsty felt a coldness envelop her, and all external sound snuffed from perception. The dirt and stone boundary transformed to a familiar scene too long left behind. Her nostrils filled with the smell of life as it dwells upon Dathomir. How she misses home. Little by little the needs and desires of the exploring Daughters of Dathomir are becoming fulfilled.

Ichor flowed throughout the area, Pomsty stirred within it. She set down her Potions and her Talisman.
Vytal lifted her hand over her head as she strode out into the circle. A snap of her fingers and the veil surrounding them rippled. Around them the arches drew away and the ground cracked along the edge. Floating platforms high and low appeared and the gaps between the spaces was filled with an iridescent glow. To those not part of the duel nothing would have changed; all would appear to be a grand illusion. It was, however, not merely a trick of the eyes, but a spiritual elevation to a realm just slightly out of phase with the material -- perhaps one that existed within the Force itself, or that had ensnared all senses.

"It is easier to rely on one's own mastery of power, than to call upon the aid of intangible and invisible entities you cannot control. Jedi and Sith alike draw near to our way to power, but come short. They feel this Force move around them and let or command it to flow through them. Some speak of the Will of the Force, but I do not believe they fully understand it. Here is where our worlds may meet -- that this 'Will' might be that of the spirits," the Nightsister replied. Vytal's left foot slid out in an arch before her as her right knee bent slightly; both palms were lifted and faced Pom as the pale woman seemed to strike a martial pose. "Only by engaging and educating them can we hope they ever learn the breadth of the world around them. In turn, we will come to better realize how similar our beliefs are." And from Vytal's point of view, how powerful and worthy of respect the Fanged God was. Her devotion was as solid as the foundations of the Castle nearby.

"Do not hold back, Sister," Vytal added regarding the matter at hand. "This place was designed for this purpose."

Tag: [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]​
[member="Vytal Noctura"] recited the Nightsisters’ Dogma of ages old. Pomsty felt the bridge between coexistence broaden instantly. Pomsty would not be free to have her views swayed no matter wether or not she discovered proof that the Force exists without spirits. In all honesty, Pomsty is extremely grateful. If she herself tries to prove a point interconnecting the beliefs of the Force and Magick, she prefers her sister, whom she idolizes, shall question any such theory to no avail!

It is such a mess though. Inside her conscious mind, the Fanged God is the root of the Darkside of the Force, but does this honestly mean that whenever any Force user, as outsiders, even those considered reprehensible, orchestrates a move through this Force, that it is by his will? She felt she could go crazy trying to wrap her head around these new questions. She does so want to comprehend the concept though! How difficult can it be? If she could just stop overthinking, sit still and listen, would the answers come? She has the perfect source to learn the Dogma, that being Darth Metus, but he is always involved in other things.

Yet she promised her god that she shall worship him. That is all he asked of her, and he in turn promised her...something now grown obscure. She feels she only remember half of his promise to her. But her connection to him renewed from afar, and things suddenly unlocked. She dare not question in any way that would cause his reproach, or worse, his withdrawal!

But if Magick and the Force are two separate things, as outsiders believe...
And the Witch does not dwell enveloped within this Force of theirs...
Then should the Witch by sheer will, then simply not become effected by the Force?

As far as Pomsty understands, a Witch does not exist outside the principles of the Force’s Laws of Physics. Because there is no division and the Fanged God is at the source of all power. Most certainly there must be a test for this.

Pomsty inherently understood her opening move.

Malacia disrupting the flow of the Force as one is accustomed to. We see it’s likeness within a Lightside Nexus. Darkness is chaos of the Force particles. Therefore Pomsty slowed the mass of independent waves of energy and watched through Force Sight as she quickly caused their flow within and surrounding Vytal to become ordered with unison, and then to suddenly stagnate altogether.

Would the generation of Magick be affected by a disturbance in the Force?
Pom made her move in seeking to cut the one she'd challenge from the Force. Vytal's stance did not change as the structure or flow of the energy around her was altered. The stillness was palpable even for someone that did not believe their self acquainted with the Jedi or Sith art. Something was off with the world. Almost as though there was some kind of buffer between the Nightsister and everything else.

"Between the branches, under the pale moon light; cast by giants, small ones scurry. Faster than light, quieter than death, the darkness lurks in every step." With Pom's attention focused on her Sister, the bright light of Beyond was revealed much like one opening a door into a brightly lit room. Green mist swept about Vytal's feet and soon billowed outward to cover the massive platform of the dueling circle the two occupied. Soon as it touched the edge, however, the mist was cast away only to loiter there on the precipice to the abyss; and in its place the ground beneath their feet was as black as the Void. Not one speck of light nor one mote of dirt stood out. All perception of movement or distance using the very ground they stood on as a reference had been erased.

"Those that use the Force say it is all around us. They surrender to it. They command it. My magick is not of this plane, Pom." A faint smile graced Vytal's black lips. "Even if it is as you say, the Fanged God possesses power beyond this one realm. That is the power few not of our kin ever truly understand. Constrained to this existence they will only ever grow so strong."

Vytal did not know her beliefs were true -- as there was only ever one way to be sure, and if she were right it would spell doom on all -- but she believed them adamantly. Witches and Warlocks brought together to channel their power of the many worlds could bring about a great conjuring the likes of which the most power hungry could only dream of. The laws of this world could be rewritten entirely! And in so doing, destroy everything. It was more of a pleasant thought exercise than a desire to fulfill. Vytal sought to bring strength and security to her and hers, not damnation.

Tag: [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]​
Through Malacia the buffer which formed between the two Nightsisters, took the form of the extreme opposing state of their alignment. The Light of the Force stretched out strong between them. Pom's curiosity lay in wether or not the Force consisting of two polar extremes cast between them can weaken or cancel out one another's focused intentions. This power, she understood as being akin to the Winged Goddess.

[member="Vytal Noctura"] made declarations, without first studying to prove if her theory is correct. Things Pomsty wants to answer, not merely assume to understand because they have been told them by those who never even left their planet once during their lifetime. "We always just accepted what they taught us. Let's put it to the test." Yes, her coven has been documented as fighting with incredible strength alongside the Sith who beckoned them. Would not the Nightsisters become stronger to understand this Force, to learn how to counter it effectively, rather than merely speculate or expect to come out on top?

"Neither power is of this plane, but it does indeed affect those of us on it. Darkness does extend from him, as I have seen it; but it is held in multiple concentrations throughout the galaxy. We have learned of the Force Nexus, it is not just wrought of the Light. Places I suspect he touches through the realm you have introduced to me."

Pomsty patted her hands along her sides, and she firmed her stance, leaning slightly towards Vytal, she would focus to use the Light of the Force to deconstruct the ebb and flow of Vytal's incantations as she saw them protrude about her, woven through the Force.

Pomsty did not believe this would be a waste of time at all. How much more powerful could this coven become, to truly understand what the Force Users refuse to even challenge!
Were Pom able to draw upon the Light-side of the Force strongly enough, there was no doubt she could dispel some of the conjured darkness. Had her Sister taken to meditation and surrendering to the 'Will' of the Force? Vytal would not have expected a response based in the teachings of the Winged Goddess. The ways of the Book of Law were not their own; intellectually it seemed as foreign as the Force itself.

"There is no limit to the Fanged God's power," Vytal responded, "but His is not the only source of darkness. Beyond is as vast and terrible as our realm is. There are others that would lay claim as most powerful or most worthy of worship and respect." The Nightsister would like to think all power came from their God, but it was not as simple as that. Given the limitations of their power away from Dathomir yet the continued strength of those that did not worship Him, there had to be more to it. Fortunately, they had discovered ways to tap into that power even so far from home -- or at least Pomsty had. Vytal had not so much discovered it as had it thrust upon her some time ago.

"We should encourage study of these Force Nexus. Perhaps one can be created or found here." It had been a thought for some time. What had been experienced on Monastery was no small thing. That one had been of the 'Light,' so then that of the 'Dark' would align better with the Sisters from Dathomir. Although, they would need to take into account the presence of Witches and Warlocks that would not find such darkness suitable. Vytal did not wish to drive away their counterparts no matter how much some of them may balk at the Dark arts. Their presence could aid in studying the Light just as Pom sought to do now.

Tag: [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]​
Pom and Vytal's ideas are keen on one another's thoughts. Pom does not know where a Darkside nexus even exists, but she suspects they might start with Dathomir. They can return scientists with a focussed study. "I would suspect the Sith have such Darkside Nexuses...Nexi? But I certainly have no intention of studying a Lightside Nexus!"

Pom patted her coat tails as she deepened her focus on [member="Vytal Noctura"]. She had drawn the Light of the Force in its rawest form out of the Darkness they are both accustomed to. The Light stood against the existence of every atom of their being. Pom formed it into a pillar between them. "Phase," she whispered through gritted teeth. The heat from the energy burned. Everything around it, it sought to counter and overcome, to muddle into that which is not similar to it and evolve it into its own likeness. Pom had never played with the light before, because she detests it. Something about this old holy colosseum made it possible to warp the power within this place, and in turn whip up anything imaginable. Is this truly possible? she wondered.

She attempted to integrate and infuse the power of the Light of the Force into Vytal's Darkside concoction. A loud banging sound echoed around them. It sounded like the bending of steel as heard within the hull of a ship traversing a most angry ocean.

Pom scrunched her fingers in the air, and the raw energy compiled throughout Vytal's posed power. It took form, appearing like utter blackness and light fought one another to be most prominent, but all it did is mix like oil and water. Soon a sheet water would rain down upon the two and Pom felt air blast over her entire being as their magicks leveled out.

Vytal smirked at her Sister's lack of enthusiasm for studying a Lightside Nexus. "That was not an enjoyable experience," the Nightsister agreed. Hashim's summoning of the Knights to such a place had certainly been at odds with those steeped in 'darkness.' It desired them to depart or to 'absolve themselves of their sins' and no doubt embrace peace, harmony, and serenity. To embrace the Book of Law. No Nightsister would be found bowing in such a manner. They were not unreasonable -- nor held spite toward the Winged Goddess for her beliefs -- but it was not their way. Monastery was welcome to their Nexus... Though Vytal would certainly want it studied by those more attuned to it. There was power there even if it was not attuned to the Nightsisters.

Then Pom did the unexpected, especially in light of what had just been said. She seemed to call upon the 'Light' to fashion a pillar between them. Had her Sister learned how to tap into this so-called "selfless" aspect of the Force?

As they two spells clashed, Vytal watched as Pom continued to struggle to conform the Light to her will and overcome the concealing darkness. It was a relatively low-level spell made to make movement difficult by concealing how much distance was traversed (and could be the foundation of more powerful arts later). It appeared the two spells were equal and opposite of one another, which was of interest. As was the effort needed by someone wielding the polar opposite energy.

"I have heard of one side using the other's abilities. I have also heard it is quite difficult, and the stronger abilities are all but out of reach. Some claim to be 'neutral,' and can be readily access powers of both," Vytal announced as she stood still in observation of Pom's work. "How do you feel in performing this feat?" The more data points there were the better the overall analysis; and Vytal would like to hear her Sister's thoughts as they enjoyed this tug of war.

Tag: Pom Stych Tivé​
At cancelling out the two extremes of energy, Pom drew back her mental focus and stood erect. She bid [member="Vytal Noctura"] a response. “The Light obstructs this of us stitched from his Darkness. It does not make sense that any Gray Practitioner might utilize any technique on both extremes. I read that some Darkside techniques are extremely damaging to the performer. Lightning for example, requires raw Darkness. Malacia, which I used, is merely altering the current of the energy surrounding us that was already in existence, likely from either this specific place, or ourselves. I did not project Lightside energy forth from my being. It’s impossible! I could not do so, for the life of me!” She could not imagine anyone flip flopping between both extremes of Force Powers!

“It has been an excellent exercise. Perhaps we both know enough about one another that we could not produce a surprise?” Pom wondered if maybe there were techniques of this nature she had been performing all her life thus far. She would need to meditate on it, to be sure. There must have been something of it, something that took some invisible power outside of incantations and potions, which she might realize.

Pom’s visage contorted to one of malice, when she spoke her next thought. “Maybe if we bring the Fanged God here, he will generate his nexus for us within which we might live. Wouldn’t it be splendid! And yet what repercussions might transform Ryloth! Would she soon transform to mirroring our homeland?” Would all of life which dwells within the Light today be forced to die away? Such as the plants which now thrive within the garden? Could they continue on under the umbrella of a Darkside Nexus? Pom’s eyes widened with wonder.

Regardless of the answer, she figured they most certainly should; but could they??

In her mind, she mentally prepared to generate an elaborate Illusion around them both. She would first honor Vytal by awaiting her reply.
Vytal nodded at Pom's explanation. What she said made sense, and reflected what had been put on display. A similar, but fundamentally different manifestation of power. Evidently something with which her Sister had quite a bit of experience in experimenting with given her 'safer' concoction of lightning. They were sure to have plenty of conversations on this topic as the time progressed. There must be a great deal of material waiting to be unearthed on the matter of wielding power regardless of its source -- or how the vessel with which power flowed was somehow altered affecting how it could manifest. A dark prism, perhaps, which tinted even the purest light? But they were not crystal. Might it be possible to changes themselves on a whim to call upon varying types of Force energy?

Magick held similar restrictions, but not nearly as dogmatic. After all, it would depend on which spirit aided you. All the same, the Witch or Warlock would naturally gravitate (or have spirits of a kind gravitate) toward a particular kind of power that might affect magick that was not properly aligned. It was then more flexible, provided a practitioner could bring their self to stomach something otherwise not immediately intuitive. Difficult to master, but not out of reach. Even a Nightsister could heal -- the Water of Life showed that much. The same effect, though the journey might vary drastically.

"A surprise?" Vytal's chin lowered, her eyes regarded her Sister from beneath her brow. "Do not tempt me, Pom." All in good fun, of course. They'd barely broken the surface of what either could do. "Which reminds me, I have not properly demonstrated the spell I used to leave home. Someday, perhaps. There is no one here for me to use it on."

Pom's next thought caused Vytal's brow to draw together a bit. "Bring Him here? The Fanged God is with us, Pom." Her eyes shifted to the side and she canted her head slightly. "Perhaps an alter would not be so terrible a thing, however. We should consult the Alter of Spirits here on Ryloth, first. Otherwise the transformation that may occur will be the result of a spiritual battle between worlds." Vytal smiled once more despite the caution in her voice. "Let us research this topic further. Whether here or elsewhere, such a source of power would be a boon to us, and others of Dathomir that come here."

Tag: [member="Pom Stych Tivé"]​

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