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Codex Denied Ole

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Josia Ogunder

  • Uncle.jpg

  • Intent: To create a member of Josia's crew, and a side character that can participate in Josia's story.
  • Image Credit: (x)
  • Role: Crewmate, negotiator.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Josia Ogunder
  • Age: 52
  • Force Sensitivity: No
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Ole has a sunburnt, orange hued face, and a large gray beard. He has big, bushy eyebrows and a round, bulky nose. He has large sideburns, and prominent wrinkles on his nose and beneath his eyes. He is stocky, and often wears a large hat, and a dirty white overshirt, and blue bandanna, and a pair of suspenders as well.
  • Name: Ole (pronounced oh-lay)
  • Loyalties: Josia Ogunder and his crew
  • Wealth: He can provide for himself, but not much else.
  • Notable Possessions: None
  • Skills: He can speak two languages, which include Galactic Basic and an old Corellian language called "Sguospek", however few understand it, only a few old timers on Corellia do. He is experienced in bargaining due to his time as a police negotiator.
  • Personality: He has a multiple-track mind, but the tracks all veer off in different directions. He is ditzy and scatter brained, and often grumpy and bitter.
  • Weapon of Choice: DL-44 blaster pistol
  • Combat Function: Ole takes on a support role in combat, acting as an extra gun. He is not an exceptional gunslinger, but he possess formal training with firearms. He can serve as a negotiator, helping the crew out of sticky situations.
  • (+) Negotiator: Due to his time as a negotiator in the Corellian Security Force, Ole can serve as a negotiator for the crew, wether bargaining with a shopkeeper or convincing police to let them go free.
  • (+) Firearms Training: Ole, while not an exceptional gunslinger like many of his fellow members of the crew, still possess formal firearms training, a luxury afforded to few of his peers. He is well versed in the "proper" way to use a blaster, and while not familiar with the more unconventional techniques his fellow gangers may use, he still has practiced the techniques he knows for a long time.
  • (-) Grump: Ole, unsurprisingly, is about as cuddly as a cactus. Due to both his old age and natural lazy conviction, he is often seen grumbling to himself about how his shipmates interrupt his good day's sleep on the deck of the ship.
  • (-) The Drink's Hold: Not unlike many of his crew-mates, Ole is susceptible to sin and vice, his particular one the sin of alcohol. While not an alcoholic, he is quite the day-drinker. He downs at least two bottles of beer every day, dulling his senses and even further scattering his mind.
  • (-) Scatter-brained: Both old age and his general disposition have made Ole scatter-brained, and he cannot for the life of him multitask. He is often absent-minded, and if something does not absolutely 100% REQUIRE his absolute attention, he will often forget it.
Ole was born on Corellia, growing up to serve in the local planetary security force. During his younger years, he showed a natural charisma and ability to compromise. He soon became a police negotiator, and had a long and successful career. It is unknown what happened in the near 21 year gap between his retirement and the beginning of his service as a member of the gang, but Josia knows how he met the man. Josia went to a local tavern, and to make a long story short, got himself into trouble with some local thugs. They were about to beat him, but Ole stepped in and convinced the two men to leave Josia alone. They agreed, and Josia and Ole became fast friends shortly thereafter, becoming the first member of the Ogunder gang.
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