This is a tale that began long ago. During the Great Galactic War, House Palerma of Serenno was an outspoken ally of the Jedi Order, and their villa served as an operating base against the Sith. In 3661 BBY, the Sith captured the villa, and the House fell defunct. The survivors in their disgrace fled Serenno, and scattered to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy.
Without their status and wealth, some struggled merely to survive. Others married into more modest families, and understandably the bloodline thinned. By the time of the Galactic Empire, the name was only vaguely remembered by History. The Great Jedi Purge came with events that readily expunged the exploits of the Jedi from heroic status, and with those, the efforts of House Palerma fell on the wrong side of History.
Eight Hundred and twenty years after the Battle or Yavin, in the wake of the Gulag plague and many subsequent years of war, a son was born. Oleksandr learned his place in the Galaxy quickly. The son of a middling Coruscanti family, he spent time in libraries and archives across the face of the Galaxy, obsessed with his family's ancient disgrace. Time had wiped them from widely known history, but vengeance kept them warm in the near two thousand years of darkness.
Armed with a hatred for all things Sith, Oleksandr rejected the teachings of the Jedi Order even as his family pressed him to take the vows. He knew that he could never live up to those vows. Instead, he sought to fight on the front line, and perhaps one day to free Serenno- and reclaim House Palerma's former glory.
To that end, he has joined the New Imperial Order.

Name: Oleksandr Romulus Palerma
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: White
Height: 6'1"
Weight: Welterweight
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Force Sensitivity: Yes
Appearance: Silvery hair, gilded eyes, a kind face. He usually wears comfortable, well-to-do noble clothes, or armor when on the field of battle.
Aristocra: despite the circumstances of his birth, Oleksandr knows what he is. He has groomed himself as a member of the Aristocracy and prepared his whole life to take on the duties of a Serennoan Count. Even if he never succeeds, he will display the qualities befitting of the station, at any cost.
For the Greater Good: Oleksandr will do anything to serve the greater good- protecting others at the cost of his own well-being is the tip of the Iceberg. He has trained extensively in defensive tactics at both close and long range, in an effort to become a Shield that defends others.
Defender: Oleksandr's defensive capabilities with the Force are unparalleled. In his family, the Jedi traditions remained strong due to the strong bonds they had in ancient times. Because of this, they developed an affinity for Force powers that protect others from harm. On the other hand, he simply has no aptitude whatsoever for offensive Force powers.
Vindication: Oleksandr burns with the ancient hatred of his House. He will go to extreme lengths to undermine Sith rule, even as far as to disobey orders. The is no such thing as a war crime against Sith- he does not see them as human.
Contempt: As with most Aristocra, Oleksandr has a penchant for seeing the common man as beneath him. Even if he does not express it openly, there are telltale signs when he does not respect someone the way that he should- the occasional sneer, the lack of a bow, something as simple as foregoing a given title or rank. He is prone to mouthing off when he should not, and it can absolutely get him in trouble.

Ship: n/a
Bounties: n/a
Kills: n/a