Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Olivia (Bixby) Pendleton
RANK: Chairman & CEO of Pendleton Defense Industries
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8" or 173cm
WEIGHT: 126 lbs or 57kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
    • POLYGLOT: Olivia speaks multiple languages as a result of her career as a business executive.
    • ENGINEER: Before her trip to the C-suite, Olivia began her career as an engineer, designing equipment for the military-industrial complex.
    • METICULOUS: Appearances and cleanliness are very important to her, to the point of distraction if she is confronted with something untidy.
    • INEXPERIENCED: Having ascended to her position relatively recently, she doesn't have the confidence earned with a long experience.
    • COMPROMISED: Though the extent of her involvement is not clear, Olivia was involved in a matter of dubious legality that has had long-lasting reprecussions to her personal and professional life.
    • EMOTIONONALLY STUNTED: It's not that she doesn't feel things, it's just that Olivia struggles processing and communicating strong emotions, giving her a reputation for being cold and unfeeling with a vicious angry streak

A reasonably good looking young woman, Olivia stands at 1.73 meters tall. Her height tends to accentuate her slender figure and she dresses to accentuate it further, with highly tailored clothing of a certain style. She has golden blonde hair, typically worn in an elegant coiffure, of varying lengths. Her eyes are light brown. She wears minimal makeup, usually mascara, a little rouge, and red lipstick. She has a few moles (or rather, beauty marks, if you please). She often keeps a pencil behind her ear or tucked into an updo, an old habit from her days in engineering school and her engineering career.

Olivia Bixby was born on Corellia to a pair of scientists: her father a chemist, her mother a xenobiologist. Her life was distinctly middle class, and her upbringing was very education-oriented. Though she had a perfectly pleasant relationship with her parents and siblings, they were not a particularly close-knit or affectionate family. Displays of emotion made Olivia uncomfortable for as long as she could remember, which is likely a result of her upbringing, where there was seldom any kind of emotional connection. The closest one came was the occasional temper tantrum that erupted like a pressure gasket, or a glint of pride in her father's eye when she earned her Masters in Engineering from the University of Corellia.

After her Bachelors Degree and during the work toward her Masters, Olivia worked in the engineering department of Innovative Dynamics, a Corellia-based subsidiary of Pendleton Defense Industries. She was instrumental in a substantial improvement to energy balance differentials in Innovative Dynamics' overhaul of their kinetic field shield modulator. Olivia worked her way through the ranks. At a company function, she met one Mr. Ramsey Pendleton, the Chairman and CEO of Pendleton Defense Industries, who made a point of meeting what had been described to him as a star engineer. Impressed by her analytical mind, he promoted her on the promise of bringing her to PDI's HQ after her postgraduate degree was finished. After that, she relocated to Coruscant, taking a position in the Special Projects Division of PDI.

After a year of working closely together, having developed a close friendship bond that turned eventually to romance, Ramsey proposed to Olivia and the two married in short order. Shortly after that, Ramsey let slip certain information that would come to dominate their relationship, their lives, and the future of PDI, relating to the source and quality of an alloy used in defense technology sold to a Galactic Alliance defense contractor. Olivia learned about the substandard alloy after it was deployed, and despite her impulses to warn the defense contractor, she allowed herself to be persuaded by Ramsey that it would be catastrophic for PDI, and so she remained silent. The scandal that resulted when the news damaged Ramsey's reputation due to his close involvement in the alloy's deployment, and his sign-off on its quality as well as its source, using child labor in the mining, refinement, and forging of the metals used for the alloy.

Ramsey was indicted for his crimes. Over the course of the year-long investigation and lead-up to trial, the Pendleton marriage deteriorated, but Olivia still took it quite hard when Ramsey was discovered dead at his desk while out on bond. Because he left his stock holdings to her in his will, Olivia assumed a controlling interest in PDI, and has spent the months since Ramsey's death working to restore its reputation and see what can be done to resolve the legal consequences still facing the company, all while struggling to keep an unruly board of directors on side.

It was decidedly not easy work for a middle class engineer from Corellia.

A shuttle



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