Olrunn Darr
Talk Of The Wolf And Behold Its Skin

Full Name: Olrunn Eldryn-Darr
- Also known as: Grylock (alter-ego)
Species: Gurlanin
Home-world: Qiilura
- Known tongues: Qiiluran - Galactic Standard Basic - Sith - Zabraki
Force-sensitivity: Positive.
~ Dark-side, Bogan.
~ The Sith Empire
~ [member="Darth Excidium"]

Attention: Olrunn belongs to a polymorphous species that can change shape at will to almost any other form. Description is based on her most usual human-like form.

Age: Her appearance and physical age seem to place her in her late teenage years, anywhere between 19-23 depending on perspective. Exact age is unknown due to the slow aging and maturation rate of her species, which can live up to 900 years and age accordingly.
Gender: Female.
Height: 1.74m (5'7")
Weight: 62kg (136 lbs)
Build description: At first sight Olrunn seems to be a relatively tall, thin girl. However, upon closer inspection she is actually a well-muscled individual that lacks more mass simply because she has long, flexible fibers.
Skin description: Olrunn's skin is of a pale, creamy tone.
~Scars: Olrunn has a long scar starting from her left shoulder and going diagonally down to the lower corner of her shoulder blade, obtained during a hunting accident in her childhood.
Her left palm is covered in burn scars from her first usage of Sith Magic, fighting a sithspawned Nexu alongside her Master, the Sith Sorcerer Vereshin and fellow acolyte, Rausvas Sveni.
Hair description: Long, ashen blond color. Her hair is straight and falls almost to her lower back. Sometimes it is braided in order to keep it out of her face.
Eye description: Steel blue. Occasionally, she will display her eyes in a bright orange tone (natural, not due to corruption of the Dark-side)
Most Common Forms:
Original Form

The base form of any Gurlanin, Olrunn is a canid-like predator with a dense, all-black fur and bright orange eyes. In this form, Olrunn displays 1.3 meter height to the shoulder and a length of 1.9 meters. She will most commonly be seen in this shape when in her home-world, when hunting and sometimes during other, more daily activities. Truth is, she feels the most comfortable when in this shape and does not spend more time in it only due to practical purposes. Olrunn's sight is at its sharpest when in her natural form and while in it, she is capable of using echolocation thanks to the well-developed ears located in her muzzle.

The second most common form of the Gurlanin is a humanoid female of Arkanian appearance. Olrunn employs it as her alter-ego, named by strangers as Grylock. Olrunn takes on her shape whenever she wishes to conceal her identity. Grylock is a pedlar, wandering the galaxy and selling small goods. She usually dampens her force presence when in this shape and keeps it for spying purposes only.

General Behavior:
Understanding the psychology of Olrunn is a hard feat to achieve, primarily because it is dominated by malleability and adaptation. If a predator is to catch prey, it must outwit its prey. If a prey is to avoid a predator, it must outwit its predator. As a consequence her behavior can be understood only in the context of the one belonging to others, to those surrounding and interacting with her. Accustomed to display the different shades of herself that best suit her current situation, one might think that the Gurlanin lacks authenticity in the manner in which she shows herself but this is far from the case. She is multifaceted, and the foundations of her personality traverse all of her layers.
Most of the time she keeps to herself, at least as verbal-communication goes, and turns her attention to the analysis of her surroundings and of people. Her low-profile, together with her observation skills have turned her into quite a reader and she often seems to have a better insight on what is going on than others. Logical but equally intuitive, Olrunn has a distinct way of seeing and understanding things from a more objective, detached point of view.
Though not the most open and social, she has a pleasant enough disposition and approaches others with politeness as long as there is no reason not to. Respectful towards her superiors and aware of her position among the Sith, the Gurlanin is not one to show offense or pride whenever the Knights or Lord see it fit to remind her of her status. This seems to be born out of her own self-value, she knows what she is and what she is not capable of and is not ashamed to turn down certain fights. However, she is also a perfectionist and prone to deliver harsh judgement on herself and to seek the approval of her betters, cherishing it among the rare prideful thoughts that run through her head. Unlike many of her acolyte peers, Olrunn is able to develop bonds of loyalty and genuine trust. It is actually among these very few people that the Gurlanin works most efficiently, thriving to prove herself in their eyes and grow in their esteem.
For reasons she is yet to discover, Olrunn has always found a comfort in the Darkness that the Light could never provide and despite having an exterior that displays the qualities of tranquility and calm-thought, the inner layers of the apprentice have always been a boiling ocean of raw emotions, kept hidden by the power of an ice-cold mind. Feelings of fear and anger, occasionally envy and sadness grow strong and deep within her, augmenting her affinity to the Darkness and fueling her presence in it. This obscured side of the Gurlanin, appreciated by only the most watchful eyes constantly above her, often leads many to underestimate her. What is written in the very core of her nature can never be forgotten, Olrunn has the potential of being a monster. She is full of ambition, of the determination to see herself through and though she herself rarely meets with this side of her, she is very well aware of its existence and of its power.

[SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE]▰▰[SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰▰ ▰▰▰ [/SIZE]
Neophyte: Knowledge on the skill is mostly at a theoretical level. Can practice it if in a focused and calm situation. Cannot use in PvE nor PvP, if used it is at a very high risk of causing self-damage in accordance to the damage done to the opponent. (initiate rank)
Competent: Has practical knowledge of the skill and can employ it with focus and care. Is able to utilize in combat, with respectable results. Has a high probability of failing if there is not enough concentration or if there is not a proper amount of energy. (advanced initiate)
Adept: Is familiarized with the skill and can employ it with ease and excellent results. The user is comfortable with practicing this skill in scenarios of stress and it is unlikely to fail unless severely exhausted or otherwise impaired (mentally or physically). (knight)
Expert: The user has achieved a higher level of understanding and ability in the usage of this skill and wields great power with it. (Lord/Master)
Master: The user is distinguished for his ability in this specific skill and can wield it in its most powerful forms. (specialized Lord/Master)
Competent: Has practical knowledge of the skill and can employ it with focus and care. Is able to utilize in combat, with respectable results. Has a high probability of failing if there is not enough concentration or if there is not a proper amount of energy. (advanced initiate)
Adept: Is familiarized with the skill and can employ it with ease and excellent results. The user is comfortable with practicing this skill in scenarios of stress and it is unlikely to fail unless severely exhausted or otherwise impaired (mentally or physically). (knight)
Expert: The user has achieved a higher level of understanding and ability in the usage of this skill and wields great power with it. (Lord/Master)
Master: The user is distinguished for his ability in this specific skill and can wield it in its most powerful forms. (specialized Lord/Master)

Force Rank: Apprentice.
~Specializes in: Sith Magic & Alchemy.
Force Control:
Art of Movement: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Force Speed: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Breath Control: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Tapas: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Force Sense:
Precognition: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ (refers to the involuntary skill, Force Sense)[/SIZE]
Force Smell: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Telepathy: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Comprehend Speech: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Force Alter:
Telekinesis: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Drain Knowledge: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Mind Trick: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Force Fear: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Sith Magic:
Theory and Lore: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Force Blast: [SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰ ▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]
Sith Alchemy:
Theory and Lore: [SIZE=11pt]▰▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰ [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]▰[/SIZE]

Polymorphic: The ability to change forms with almost no limitations is a good ability to have, one that Olrunn exploits oftenly.
Perfect Hunter: Gurlanin are known from being able to erase themselves from all known ways of perceiving the presence of something. This, in addition to her natural predator-like form and the ability she possesses in her original form to utilize echolocation make her a very dangerous hunter. She has taken it as her responsibility to make good use of this ability, and has made of herself a wonderful tracker.
The Force: Strong in her affinity to the Dark-side of the Force, she has the potential to become a powerful force-user. However, she sees herself lacking in the abilities of a proper duelist and tends to rely on the usage of her force-powers to gain leverage over better learned dueling opponents.
Intelligence and Perseverance: Quick of mind and with a steel will, Olrunn proves to be a fast-learner and very hard to deceive. Olrunn is very observant and a natural schemer, forever trying to out-step any potential opponents or enemies.
Self-control: She has found a beautiful way of manipulating the negative emotions that fuel her power by tucking them safely in the very core of herself, carefully making them flow when their energy is needed.
Fixated: It is easy for her to quickly grow fixated on a certain subject and she needs to see things through to an end, even when this is not the most recommendable course of action.
Old injuries bite back: When a child, Olrunn sustained a serious injury to her left shoulder. It never healed completely and thus straining it or using it to its full mobility for long periods of time cause intense pain to surge through her upper body. In addition, the arm is considerably weaker than her healthy, right arm.
Corruption: Having delved into the Dark-side of the Force since such a young age, Olrunn is more prone to falling prey to her own emotions and thoughts, a threat she has to constantly fight off if she wants to retain the sharpness of her mind.
Perfectionist to a fault: High standards almost impossible to achieve make her spend a lot of time working into the little details of everything, specially if the matter is related to her training or her responsibilities. She is never fully pleased with anything, and this builds a frustration that does not do her any good.

Direct Family: "Only one, and he was worth more than a million others."

Arnsre the Black ~ Father ~ Deceased.
"It's wolves and lambs, pup. It's always wolves and lambs."
The very first influence in her life, Olrunn had always been close to her father and only known relative. Arnsre was a dark and callous man, a shadow of death always at his heel and having the strength of will and power to deliver it to others. He made sure to temper his only daughter for a world he saw as forever sinking into madness, following obscure tides. He was harsh and sometimes cruel, yet the loyalty and care they shared was one rarely seen and she resembles him in more ways than she cares to admit. His death was Olrunn's final push into a spiraling darkness that had been building up within her since day one. He'll always be remembered.
Distant Family:
Masters and Guidance:

Sith Lord Darth Excidium ~ Master ~ Alive.
"You cannot attack a Master without attacking his servant. Nor the other way around."
Not long has passed since Olrunn was sheltered under Excidium's teaching, but then again it did not take too long for her to start progressively feeling more comfortable in the presence of the Sith Lord. She harbors immense respect for her mentor and the ties of loyalty were soon to follow the birth of this esteem in which she holds him. [member="Darth Excidium"] has been taken as her point of reference and the acolyte devotes most of her time, attention and resources to making sure she lives up to the standards the Lord sets for her, seeking his approval in the process.
Marital Status: Single.
~Orientation: Heterosexual.

Olrunn's Hunting Armor

Total Thread Count: 5
Threads Completed: 0
Threads On-going: 5
~Public Threads~
~Private Threads~
The Ground, the Pack and the Quarry ~ Hunting to gather supplies for a new piece of armor with the help of Xevek Rakama.
~The Dark Magus~
The Temple of Pain... | First mission of The Dark Magus. Scar obtained: seared left palm due to first, non-controlled use of Sith Magic.
~The Sith Empire~
Secrets Within Dark Halls | Mission thread. Retrieve holocrons from Dromund Fels.
Get me the following... | Mission thread. Provide Darth Excidium with Akk Dog samples. Alongisde Sith Acolyte Alm.
Two for Flinching | Skirmish on Kashyyyk against the SJO.
Get me the following... | Mission thread. Provide Darth Excidium with Akk Dog samples. Alongisde Sith Acolyte Alm.
Two for Flinching | Skirmish on Kashyyyk against the SJO.