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Approved NPC Ombris, The Glistening Eminence

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Ombris, Horror Of Ronyard


"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
-H.P. Lovecraft


Whatever you make of Ombris, know this - it's a liar.

I've attempted to communicate with the black oil creature, after deducing its sentience, and it seems that no matter what questions I ask it the creature just either omits large portions of the truth or lies altogether. It devours metal, you see. Oxidized iron, as the layman calls rust, seems to be the only thing it will process for nutrients. We built a large cage and immediately began attempting to teach it basic. The experiment has either failed spectacularly, or this creature is a massive liar. We built a complex system of rust covered alphabets, rewarding the creature even further when it seemed to understand our question. Language and food, that's all it seems to respond to. Shock therapy, fire, etc. Though we have demonstrated capability to destroy the organism, it doesn't react in fear or pain. It doesn't have a fight or flight reaction. It doesn't react like most other forms of life.

Oh right, the lies. Ombris is a liar, as it does change its story pretty consistently based on who is asking it. When asked "What are you?", a simple question that sure, does have some complex answers on occasion - it answered "giant". When pressed further, and magnetically depicted creatures it may share a heritage with, the creature continues to show one professor towards a depiction of the Summa-Verminoth. Yes, you read that correctly. The creature identifies as one of the largest, most dangerous predators in the Galaxy. Zero tests, biological or otherwise, have demonstrated any truth to this claim. While we were rubbing our heads in dire confusion at this claim, a different professor was quizzing Ombris on the same questions for further verification. He got completely different answers, this time referencing the Wirturid, a species of fungi half a galaxy away. When the professor re-ran his selection of questions, he got the same answers until the former was brought in. It appeared to us that based on who was physically in the room, Ombris would change it's answers.

Communication, once established, led us down several splitting avenues that couldn't be trusted. We were reduced back to physiologically testing Ombris, and we didn't lack subject matter - the bowels of Ronyards was rife with it. While it grew from consuming rust, it's metabolism was extremely slow, leading us to send further expeditions to Ronyards to track down more of the stuff. Any junk world would be a prime target for an entity like Ombris, with all the decaying and dead droids littering the planet, a veritable buffet. Though initially believed to be a colony of individual species, our research quickly led us to believe that the Ombris oil was a fungi of some sort, a collective hivemind that shared a singular consciousness throughout all of it's individual tethers. The same stories were conveyed, half-truths or lies they might be, by all the individual Ombris entities that we found. Eventually, we were able to land on a sort of tall tale, a possibly fictitious history of the creature.

It told the tale of a large colony of Ombris, massive in size, enough to engulf a small planet such as Ronyards in totality. It painted a tapestry of war, against machines, spanning planets and galaxies and multiverses. With each rusted alphabet letter, it constructed a narrative that the Ombris entity was beyond time and material, that it was a beyond ancient myconid, deified by countless civilizations before finally succumbing to defeat during a war of organics and machines. It's somber fiction ended with it's own imprisonment and weaponization by one of the machine races in this war, in which Ombris was enslaved and forced to serve in a sort of parasitic relationship with the machines.

We're forced to believe that, based on his aptitude for fictional storytelling, not all is as it seems with Ombris. However, such far-fetched mythology has to be rooted in some sort of truth, but it's my fear that much of this truth will forever remain unknown.

-Holodex of Zori Kapshan, the Exiled

  • Ombris can self-replicate, albeit extremely slowly, by eating rust. It can double it's size over the course of many years, roughly, if consistently fed.
  • Ombris can communicate via rust-puzzle sign language.
  • Ombris moves, but like a snail or sludge.
  • Ombris possesses no known combat capabilities or perks.
  • Ombris acts like a lubricant and oil.
  • Ombris does not feel. Pain, fear, etc.
  • Ombris states that it can exist "outside of time" but exhibits no known abilities to perform this.
  • Ombris can exist in a vacuum as it does not need to breathe.
  • Ombris does not need to eat, but only increases in size when consuming rust.
  • Ombris does not speed up the manner in which he eats rust.
  • Ombris possesses a mycelium-like collective conscious. Plunging your hand into one pile of Ombris is like plunging your hand into all Ombris.
  • Ombris does seem to exhibit senses beyond normal comprehension of awareness, but this is hard to quantify and more analysis is required.

Physical Information
Age: N/A
Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User.
Species: Ombris
Appearance: Black oil.

Social Information
Name: Ombris
Loyalties: N/A
Wealth: N/A
Notable Possessions: N/A
Skills: Eats rust, moves slow.
Languages: Electromagnetic touch.
Personality: Liar.

Combat Information
Weapon of Choice: N/A
Combat Function: N/A
Force Abilities: N/A


See Traits. Eats rust. Is Oil.


Doesn't do much else but eat rust and be oil.

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