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Approved NPC Omega Old Guard

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Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Out of Character Information:
Intent: To create a unit Noah can fight with for the Galatic Alliance
Image Credit:
Role: A shock trooper unit designed to instill the fear that the Omega Pyre use to instill
Links: None officially
General Information:
Unit Name: 1st Composite Shock Trooper Battalion AKA the Omega Old Guard
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Classification: Shock Troopers/Light Infantry
Combat Information:
Availability: Unique
Deployment: Limited (Only 330)
Strengths and Weaknesses:

  • Will of Iron: The Old Guard has faced some of the most vicious enemies the galaxy has ever known, the Bando Gora, the One Sith, the Fringe. They have faced them and never once ran.

  • Battle Hardened: The Old Guard has fought from Hoth to Coruscant and every planet between.

  • Vulnerable from the Air: While the Old Guard have some anti-armor capability they are extremely vulnerable to air attacks.

  • Lightly Armored: The Old Guard rely on other units to provide things such as artillery or armor support.
Description: There was once a time in galactic history when the name 'Omega Pyre' was mentioned on the battlefield the enemy would shake in fear. Many argue that this time is over and came to an end when the Galactic Alliance absorbed the Omega Protectorate. Though the Old Guard argue otherwise. The Omega Old Guard, officially listed under Alliance records as the 1st Composite Shock Trooper Battalion, was little more than a patchwork unit before Noah, now promoted to a Colonel once again, was given command of it. It had mostly been made up of sub-par soldiers and people the Galactic Alliance Army wanted to wash their hands of. To say Noah had completely gutted the unit was a understatement. It went from 1,200 rejects to 330 elite shock troopers, and of those 330 none were original members. To fill the ranks of the unit Noah called on former members of the Pyre who were out of jobs after the near gutting of the Pyre by the Alliance. While some were reluctant to work for the same organization that put them out of a job many just wanted to make a living the only way they knew how.


Well-Known Member
[member="Noah Corek"]

You're missing the Category names from the template. Please add them back in.

Noah Corek said:
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
  • Link the faction please.

Noah Corek said:
Lightly Armed: The Old Guard are a light infantry unit meaning they only have access to small arms.
  • Having looked the equipment list through, this Weakness is patently false. Please replace it with an actual, feasible Weakness for this unit.
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