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Omega Pyre Training Center : How to get Trained?



OmegaPyrE Fondor Training Center (OCTC) offers tactics and weapons training to their employees as well as to military, government, and law enforcement agencies. It is in this area that OmegaPyrE Shadow Guard train in the methods of the Force. While OmegaPyrE employees are trained to be deadly if needed, they were especially adept at close-quarters combat, using a multitude of forms and techniques. They were well trained in martial arts, and also had a large amount of weapons training as well. OS employees are always equipped with weapons; often they also carried personal armor and multiple devices allowing them to fulfill their client's demands. They were trained to use hold-out blasters and vibroblades, and for those with more of an exotic taste, were also educated in the use of more exotic weapons such as hand claws, shock whips, and zenji needles.

  • OmegaPyrE Special Response Teams (OSRT): Are non force user personnel capable of completing sensitive and difficult operations in on their own or in small teams called Special Repsonse Teams These small surgical strike teams are operated by each OmegaPyrE branch.

  • Omega PyrE Shadow Guard (OSG-Force Users): OmegaPyrE’s Shadow Guard are force users that utilize light and dark side Force abilities, and have shown skill with techniques common to Jedi and Sith, such as the ability to construct and wield a lightsaber, as well as some unique Force talents. At its essence, OmegaPyre uses a variation of the Potentium, where the potential for light and dark sides resided in the user, not the Force itself. It should be noted that while OmegaPyrE is neutral, some of their employees still attempt to avoid the dark side. They, however, saw the dark side as something within themselves to be avoided, not something in the Force.


An OOC Message about Training

In order to facilitate the in-character training of Omega Pyre characters, the forum [OMEGA PYRE TRAINING CENTER] is used for the creation of in-character threads geared toward training characters.

Any member of Omega Pyre is welcomed to use this forum as a means to have their character trained by a more experienced character.


This forum will be a standard approach toward training Omega Pyre Shadow Guard Apprentices to Shadow Guard Knight levels. A simple thread that features at least one Apprentice and at least one Knight or Master level Shadow Guard will be all that is required for this forum. The contents of the training thread shall be at the discretion of the parties involved. Remember, we have a medley of Force Organizations working for Omega Pyre, all that have been invited to stay and share their knowledge. These are remnants of Force organizational philosophies from fringe groups that have become part of the company.


There are simple but necessary meta-requirements in order to complete an Omega Pyre Shadow Guard Apprentice's training and promote them to the rank of Neutral Knight.
  • The Apprentice must have established some sort of character.
  • The roleplaying posts of this Apprentice are of satisfactory level.
  • The Apprentice is ready to begin teaching others.
  • And finally, the Apprentice has begun roleplaying at the front page forums of enough to establish the most basic of reputations.
Once the Apprentice has reached those basic requirements for Knighthood, the teacher of this Apprentice may request for a promotion at their discretion.

Also, a training thread in this forum is not required. Training threads for Neutral Force Practitioners are as valid in the Star Wars Open Role-Playing forum as they are here.

Knights may also seek training from other Knights or even Masters within this forum in order to establish a precedence for knowing certain techniques and abilities.


Since there are no three-tier ranks for non-FU members, training in this forum will be of the same spirit as Knights seeking training. This forum can be used to establish some sort of basis for why characters would know how to do certain things. Whether it be a new martial form, the ability to use a lightsaber, or to expand on other


Simply create start a thread. In the case of those to be trained having found their trainer already, simply tag their name in the thread. For those that are looking for a trainer, add [NEED TRAINER] into the title. Please remember to remove this Tag when you have accepted your Instructor.

Thank you and Happy Rping!

With the help of Flint :)

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