OmegaPyrE Fondor Training Center (OCTC) offers tactics and weapons training to their employees as well as to military, government, and law enforcement agencies. It is in this area that OmegaPyrE Shadow Guard train in the methods of the Force. While OmegaPyrE employees are trained to be deadly if needed, they were especially adept at close-quarters combat, using a multitude of forms and techniques. They were well trained in martial arts, and also had a large amount of weapons training as well. OS employees are always equipped with weapons; often they also carried personal armor and multiple devices allowing them to fulfill their client's demands. They were trained to use hold-out blasters and vibroblades, and for those with more of an exotic taste, were also educated in the use of more exotic weapons such as hand claws, shock whips, and zenji needles.
- OmegaPyrE Special Response Teams (OSRT): Are non force user personnel capable of completing sensitive and difficult operations in on their own or in small teams called Special Repsonse Teams These small surgical strike teams are operated by each OmegaPyrE branch.
- Omega PyrE Shadow Guard (OSG-Force Users): OmegaPyrE’s Shadow Guard are force users that utilize light and dark side Force abilities, and have shown skill with techniques common to Jedi and Sith, such as the ability to construct and wield a lightsaber, as well as some unique Force talents. At its essence, OmegaPyre uses a variation of the Potentium, where the potential for light and dark sides resided in the user, not the Force itself. It should be noted that while OmegaPyrE is neutral, some of their employees still attempt to avoid the dark side. They, however, saw the dark side as something within themselves to be avoided, not something in the Force.