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Approved Tech Omen Mereel's Mandalorian Vambraces

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  • Manufacturer: Jiriad Galaar
  • Affiliation: Omen Mereel
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Beskar, electronics
  • Classification: Vambrace
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • EMP/Ion: Very High
    • Environmental: Low
    • Force: None
    • Acid/Corrosion: Low
    • Radiation: High
  • Gadgets Galore: The vambraces are packed to the gills with weapons and gadgets, ensuring Omen has a tool for nearly every occasion.
  • Beskar, Baby!: As to be expected of Mandalorian vambraces, their beskar construction allows Omen to block lightsabers with his arms, as well as blaster bolts. They are also very resistant to kinetic damage, ensuring they'll keep ticking no matter how many times he whangs his arm on the corner of the dinner table or blocks whacks from a gaffi stick.
  • EMP Hardened: The electronics within the gauntlets are hardened against EMP and Ion weaponry, ensuring it'll take more than a droid popper to knock these babies offline. Considering Omen's high-voltage choice of weaponry to be fitted to these vambraces, this feature was practically essential.
  • Acid: The vambraces are not very resistant to acid or corrosion, and should be protected in conditions such as acid rain. Sorry, no acid baths for you.
  • Force: The vambraces offer Omen no protection against the Force.
  • Extreme Temperatures: The electronics of the vambraces may cease to function under extreme temperatures, both high and low, as well as exposure to cryoban weaponry.
This pair of vambraces was forged by the Mandalorian Valkyri Jiriad Galaar for fellow Enclave member Omen Mereel, who commissioned the item at Jiriad's stall in the Ji'yr Market. At Omen's preference, the flamethrowers usually found on Mandalorian vambraces were substituted with plasma disruptors, electrical weapons that can overload droids, fry organics, breach doors, and disable security devices. Not one to do things in half measures, Jiriad packed the vambraces with a plethora of other gadgets including Whistling Bird mini rockets, a Personal Combat Shield, grappling lines, a dart launcher, an MM9 missile system, a whipcord launcher, and a holoprojector. Resistant to lightsabers, packed to the gills with gadgets, and armed with a unique choice of weapon, these vambraces are everything a Mando could want and then some.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jiriad Galaar Jiriad Galaar

Simple and solid! However I found some problems:
  • Please link Jiriad Galaar!s bio to the Manufacturer.
  • Please link Omen Mereel!s bio to the Affiliation.
  • Pressure, Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold are a simple "Environmental" resistance, please fix this.
  • There is such resistance like Alchemy, this is Force if you want to use the simple Force. So please edit this one too.
My bad, I was using a resistances setup from an old sub. Pressure, Extreme Heat, and Extreme Cold have been removed, Environmental has been added and set to Low, and I've added Disruptors: High to offset the balance loss from removing Very High Pressure
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Jiriad Galaar Jiriad Galaar

Thank you! Now your ratings are overpowered (+2), if you want to add more resistance, I suggest the Radiation, Sonic or Electricity. These are the ones which are the most acceptable and not fall under the existing ones.
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