Nemesis Knight

Only the dead have seen the end of war - Azrael remembered the line from one of the tomes he was studying at Fortress Vasmenor as a young squire. It was a philosophical ideal of war undoing all good in people and it having no true victors at the end. It was one of the hints he took in between studying the art of killing and receiving lectures of how killing is bad. Hypocrisy.
Since then he had marched across several battlefields and through campaigns, thanking his early martial education but praising what he had claimed for himself. The path of a Sith does not lead one through dogmatic adherence or petty half-truths, it was a reality one could choose. Azrael had chosen. The dead were not the ones who saw the end of war, but who pathed the way to victory. There was honour in the death of those who fought for the truth, honour in loyalty, in sacrifice and brotherhood.
He knelt in silence in front of the shrine, a single candle lit, it's flickering light breaking in the sword which hilt his face was resting against. The cavern he was in was carved out of the bedrock, pure stone finely hammered and melted away to fit a small temple in there with a single room. The origins or builder lost to the aeons, the face of the single statue he knelt in front, unknown, only hints of a cape, hood and a bladed weapon remaining.
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