Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"He who allows the heretic to live shares the crime of its existence."
Briaga IX, New Kadar

In decades past Briaga IX was merely one of the first of many worlds consigned to fire. Once a jungle planet home to a race of peaceful, serpentine xeno druids. They were helpless for what descended upon them when the growing Bryn'adul Empire cast its shadow over their world. Its resources were stripped, its continents shattered, its oceans boiled into nothing. The ensuing conflagration utterly consumed the remote world and transfigured it so dearly, few could scarcely even remember its existence at all. It was the price a remote species paid for isolation. The planet was transformed into a volcanic world gripped by perpetual hurricanes of choking ash, continental plates gave way to dormant explosive volcanos pouring molten lava through the skies. Such was the wrath of the Draelvasier that a species was consigned to the pages of history, its world left little more than a corpse wholly uninhabitable. It would be the first of many burned to fuel the ravenous beast of the Bryn'adul war machine, and it remained little more than a foot note until.
The fall.
Almost half a century passed before Briaga IX would see life walk its surface again. Once more the Draelvasier returned to the world they destroyed on the fringes of the galaxy. Only this time they did as their once glorious empire fell, and their species scattered to the stars. In the near half century absence, the horrible hurricanes ceaselessly pounding the surface had halted, becoming sporadic occurrences. The volcanic eruptions that transformed the very surface of a world broken open by fire had at long last birthed something new, remaining silent mountains content to watch over their creations. The Baedurin who called himself Narak, Commander of the Hordes of Kadar had used the fall to his advantage, rising beyond his station and expanding his personal fiefdom. This would be sovereign descended on the world of Briaga IX and over the years carved out his very own fiefdom, a domain he called New Kadar after a former colony once established during the height of the empire. It was from here that arrogance and ambition finally overtook his sense of loyalty, and in the rumors of the Titan's fall he ascended a throne of bone to claim the mantle.
It was a turbulent time of incredible strife for the Draelvasier, who were so bitterly hated and hunted as galactic despots and butchers. The toiling of time was a battle all its own and one that perverted the minds of Narak and his followers. They turned away from the Kad'Maera, away from the Maerd-Ka, they began to shun the seven tenets as they started to embrace a new path all their own, leaving mere piles of bones of those who spoke out against such terrible heresy. In time they even began to shout down the very legacy of the Titan himself, proclaiming it was his own weakness who brought down the empire. These blasphemers began to take to the stars, proclaiming to all Drael who would hear it of the salvation awaiting them at New Kadar. These self-proclaimed prophets began to spread their lies like poison, infecting the hearts and minds of wayward souls seeking unity. Such practices continued until one fateful day when these prophets' crossed paths with something they never expected, he who was declared dead, a legend seemingly returned from the grave itself. Such a revelation was the herald of doom for them, a hurricane of vengeance that followed them all the way back home.
Once more death cast its shadow over Briaga IX.
Out from the fathomless darkness of space came an armada of ships unlike anything seen since the days of the fall. Conquesters, Butcherers, Ragnos Ivicerators, Trezor Annihilators, Phedrak Carriers, Thruka Ravagers, Striker Shards, and so many more. It was a variable mix of ships, a roaming hive of destruction climbing out from the reaches of space one after another in an endless tide. The sheer might of this fleet was enough to shatter what ships sat against it. As their burning hulks trailed like debris was when something that stunned the would be Chieftain dead in his tracks, the Scourge emerged. A truly monstrous creation of organic beast and jagged dark metal, its engines cast a ghastly crimson light. They gave no warning as they started setting fire to the planet, their efforts through the mind stones were viciously answered with the batteries of destroyers.
The Darkener had come to Briaga IX. Wrath alone sundered the continents, shattering the world that had taken so long to rebuild itself from total disaster. Down within the city of New Kadar was the very eye of the storm and it shattered into a thousand pieces. M'gaelak Siege Towers were the silent heralds of oblivion as a tide of monsters descended, the very ground rumbling as Servitors moved to pull the very city apart. In the wake of this ravenous tide came the ironclad legions that slaughtered everything moving. So deep was the heresy committed here that nothing and no one could be spared. The rage of the Darkener would not be denied as he alone descended upon the Palace. Rakvul left nothing but ruination in his wake, the structure violently shook and rumbled the very moment he shattered its great gate and stepped inside. Half of the glorious structure collapsed in on itself with the violent quakes that seemed to engulf it as he slaughtered his way through its halls. Torches and braziers flickered as they struggled to cast light through the throne room while chunks of verikast rained down from the ceiling. Trophies, Arms and other grandiose displays of dominance fell and scattered across the floor when that wretched maul struck home. It shattered Narak's armor like glass, sending him careening through the throne itself with such force that the ten-meter-high display of metal and bone exploded trapping him and his broken body partly, pinning him to the floor.
"Peliet Darkener. Only patak can't see how much time has changed our reality. You live in the past, Vreda keeps you from seeing the truth." Narak coughed violently, struggling in a futile effort to lift the mammoth construct off of his chest. Silence had overtaken the chamber then. Only the loud hum of the terrible hammer remained. "Xiaq. As expected, But that is not your greatest crime. That is that you've dared to spread your heresy, your lies like a virus to others instead of keeping such thoughts to yourself." Every slow, purposeful footfall came like a thunderclap that rocked the hall. Rakvul rested the hammer on his shoulder as he approached "Your greatest crime is daring to think skag like you could ever follow in his footsteps, that you were ever destined for anything greater than servitude. You are nothing but poison." Rakvul finished. But Narak merely shook his head, blood slowly poured from between jagged teeth.
"Only you fail to see Darkener. My death will change nothing. Times have changed and you are all that remains, locked in the past. The Chieftain is gone. Even the Dreddikast has left us." Rakvul took the hammer in his hands, ready to bring it down as the words struck him hard. In contrast to the fallen figure he was a true living Colossus, wrapped in dark steel spiked armor, bristling with weaponry he was destruction incarnate. But the words alone seemed to stop him. It brought out a laugh from the arch heretic "Yes. Even the mighty Dreddikast is gone, the beast has no longer been sighted in its home. You are all that remains of that failed legacy Darkener, open your eyes. Everything is chang-"
Narak would never get the chance to finish those words. The maul shattered his skull and torso with a high-pitched whine, blasting the debris of the throne into powder and collapsing the back wall of the chamber with destructive force. "It is an omen, but not the one you expected. Only one could rouse the Dreddikast from its den. Only one has the strength of will to face it."

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Approaching the SHATTER FIELD.


A moon shard passed the Conquesters viewport, momentarily casting darkness across the bridge. A short break from the blinding haze of crimson emanating from the radiated ion storm behind the planet. The Titan stood at the pulpit, the foremost position on the bridge of a Conquester. During the war, the Ish'makra heeded the wishes of the Shaman Primarch, allowing the Shamans to compel the industrial machine with their wishes. The pulpit was one of the first installations requested, a marble platform with a crystal centre of refined Draemidus mind-stone. A position of command from which a powerful Shaman could oversee a battlefield, later on used by life-weavers for battle meditation command. The war in dark space had been viciously costly on all their warrior castes, but most of all the battles with which Servitors were fought were the most catastrophic. The brilliant flame of the Shamans, stone-singers, and life-weavers had been reduced to cinders by the endless hunger of great wonders. They had been fools to believe they could control beasts as Drael drowned in the blood of their own kin. Now the pulpit was no more than the best spot to watch the return journey home. No Shaman had stood on this pulpit in decades.

In their place, the mountain of flesh, carapace, and muscle. Tathra Khaeus. The Chieftain of the Draelvasier and architect of the misbegotten future of his kind. As worn and scarred as the sixty-year-old Kraelmundr and Verikast breastplate that crossed from shoulder to shoulder in silver and gold. Boths glow now faded. A loose ragged cape of Brumak lung hide hanging from the middle of the back across to the right shoulder. It only accentuated the breadth of the Titan. Gargantuan in stature, mandibles forming a sharp strong maw. Strong, unbroken but still, the brutality of the civil war had left more than one mark. The shard finally passed and the crimson flowed back into the bridge of the Conquester. Tathra may have seemed absorbed in the view, but his other senses drew interest. All except for those of Kad of the Chieftains retinue had only ever heard of Draemidus Prime before. They were born during the civil war, they had only ever known conflict with their fellow Drael and the emptiness of dark space.

Now they saw it. The true homeworld of the Draelvasier species, and what a sight it was.

One hundred and forty years of looking at Draemidus and every time it seemed more alien. Closer to a memory of a world. The planet had remained mostly whole, but the chaos and ruin strewn throughout the system overshadowed the wounded but living colossus. His home was Xaeldrask, the capital of Draemidus and the jewel of their Empire and yet he never yearned to return, he never spoke fondly of home. Never sent the wayward back to their origin world so that they might better understand their mission, their duty. Duty. Often that would be the chosen facade the few times Draemidus crossed his mind during the conquest. The truth was not so righteous, the truth was that all he could see was the debris too. The gulleys, canyons, cracks, and trenches burnt into the planet's surface and deeper within. Its moons splintered as the traduced intestines of Draemidus spewed out in molten whips, exploding into a cosmic wildfire that did not stop for centuries. The afterglow remained, the blight of Draemidus. A crimson shadow loomed over the planet, poisoning everything it touched. Tathra assumed it was the largest ion storm in the galaxy. Largest he had ever seen in any of the many galaxies he had visited. One battered colossus stood before another. Tathra was not here for Draemidus. He was here for reclamation.

What was left of the Tachael-Vemnak had been spread out to every corner of the fallen empire, searching for Warlords, surviving fiefdoms, artifacts, and munitions of value. No sign of the Axe yet. But there was something else, an asset of equal value. The Dreddikkast, a powerful being in its own right, the legendary mount of the Bryn'aduls God. If Tathra wanted to appear returned and unbroken, he needed to be more than still mostly intact. When the Draelvasier first came, Tathra had installed seven tenets, and a fixation of strength and merit in his kin. Over time as his empire grew and his victories became limitless, the Drael saw him as more than a Chieftain, a creator, a God. God had become a militant title capable of being achieved by any Drael. But to him alone fell such graces. Thus, iconography was of import.

And there was no greater symbol of Tathra's merit and discipline than his clenched paw on the chains of the Dredd.

When Hadad turned against them at Kardun, the entire loyalist force had been at stake. The volcanic black slate surface of the planet was sundered, a hundred sable-coloured spines rose and fell with mountains cleaved in half and pushed aside tearing like fabric. Everything short of the horizon shifted as one's stomach turned to knots. Formations of hundreds of thousands crumbled to their knees as the great serpent burrowed forth. Hell would rain down from the atmosphere as Conquester and Butcher ships let loose their entire arsenal to stop Hadad before it wiped out the Titan's army. As the colossal Hadad rose, its abyssal maw blocked the sun, ready to devour all. Instead, the Dreddikkast charged, a surging flying beast of beautiful cobalt unleashing a powerful force scream. It echoed across the battlefield and blinded the senses of the serpent, forcing it deep beneath the planet's surface. But not without cost, the serpent dragged the Dreddikkast and Tathra with it to the surface, crushing the Dredd. Tathra had been fortunate to survive and when the Dredd disappeared, he believed it had perished. It was the grief of Galak's betrayal that clouded his judgment, the Dreddikkast ran across a Galaxy. It returned home, it abandoned the Titan for how recklessly he sent them both to certain death.

Tathra left the pulpit behind as the Conquester drew closer to the planet. He stopped opposite the Seer Kalanthir who watched from the helm. The Seer had a hardened, grim face with a piercing gold gaze exchanged. Kalanthir was perhaps the last of his original attempts at creating the Drael and he knew intimately the risk at hand. The Dredd was nothing shy of a task for the God of the Bryn'adul Empire at his full strength. This was reckless but necessary if Tathra intended to win back the loyalty of the Warlords and crush the heretics swiftly. The Drael Warlords were agitated by the sudden disappearance of smaller covens of Bryn'adul forces, they did not know that it was Warlord Sethrak scouring their empire for these isolated bastions and returning them to the fold. They could not be trusted to know, not yet. The Tachael-Vemnak could see that the various fiefs were on the brink of a civil war, the smaller fiefdoms were beginning to be corralled in fear of the largest fiefdom, one only known as The Remnant. Beguiled by a heretical coward, Nakar at Briage IX. Another civil war could wipe out their presence in the Galaxy forever. To stop this, they needed to see their God, the Titan returned as he was fifty years before. The Dredd was a beast that would only respect strength. The true strength of an unclouded mind.

The Titan hoped he would return as Ravkul had, victorious upon Daoloth's back. Or Azarak Drek'ma, when he earned his title of Primarch by forcing the great Hadad to heel. He must. There was no other path.

"Maintain this distance from the storm. If I do not return in..."

"I will know, Sire." The Seer interrupted, bowing his head.

Tathra's lower mandibles tensed, pressing against his chin. A sort of subtle frown. He nodded and left. The bridge fell silent, whispers of his mission had filled the ship. They all knew this was do or die. His retinue awaited a few steps from the open deployment bay of his boat. No spike turrets nor plasmathrower, and its outer hull was black refractive verikast. A Gunboat designed for excursions into hazardous environs. It would give him the best chance of a return journey if the storm caught up to him on the surface.

His warrior-servants stood adjacent to the Gunboat, ready to accompany him anywhere he went. But he waved them off, they would only become a distraction on the surface. The Titan reclined into the pilot's chair, paws over two mind stones, connecting himself with the Boat and its biomass engines. They growled to life, bringing the vessel up and out of the Conquester's bay.

Gunboats were designed to deliver troop deployments quickly to a battlefield but they suffered in terms of mobility. It would have made navigating the shatter field difficult, but the Conquester had brute forced the majority of the journey. The Gunboat followed the spinning trajectory of one of the larger intact moons, hugging its edge until he reached the orbit of Draemidus. Geomagnetic storms continued to plague the planet, constantly fuelled by the exchange of solar energies as the ionic super storm passed over every inch of the remaining whole of Draemidus. When the ionic storm intermingled with the atmosphere of Draemidus, massive radiated strikes of plasma struck down at the surface while streams of solar wind were caught in the planet's storms causing tornados to pull at the broken flesh of the planet. This unending cycle tore away from Draemidus and grew the shatter field bit by bit with every rotation. One could not tell looking at the planet every day, but having been gone for decades. Tathra could see the damage.

His infrared vision watched as heat struck against the surface of Draemidus like a hammer, whirlwinds of energy so cataclysmic, hanging in the balance of powerful winds to be expelled back into the storm only to return again in the next rotation and grow further unstable. One day, Draemidus' storms would become so destructive that a single ionic strike would cleave the planet in two. A day very far in the future. One he nor any living being in the Universe at that moment would live to see. If any of the planet's usurpers remained online, metal spires designed by the stonesingers to attract the ionic lightning and help power Xraeldrask, he could use them to reach the surface with relative safety. It would provide a gap in the geomagnetic storms. One that a fast ship like the Gunboat could make use of. When a gap in the storm finally appeared, it was the size of pin. Though Tathra knew it would be his best option, the engines spun to life - growling hesitantly as they sensed the immense ion surge as they approached. But they obeyed the commands of the Titan, bolting through the storm as crimson ion lightning and shrapnel held in the solar winds tore at the refractive coating of verikast metal. The boat rattled and the viewscreen was obscured by energy and auroral light for a brief few intense seconds. Then it was over, and Tathra was back on Draemidus Prime for the first time in half a century.

Death, the entire world could be summarised by that word. Its surface was like frozen slag and muddied ash burnt into brittle volcanic glass. With every step the surface crumbled, snapped and gave way to more of the same beneath. Stealth had been a hard-earned skill for a lumbering mass of power like Tathra, but regardless of how skilled he might have been, stealth was impossible on terrain like this. He had left the Gunboat under the usurper spire, it would provide the best protection against the elements. But when the blight came, nothing would save the Gunboat. Only the Dredd could navigate the blight. If he could not find the beast, he would need to be rescued and that would destroy his currently in-doubt reputation. Allying himself with the Neti and Myka had been costly and strained their belief in his rule. Regardless of his comportment, the newborn Drael did not know his empire, or his vision, and those who survived, could only recall its demise.

The Titan left the Gunboat behind, moving across the surface of Draemidus with stern purpose. There was something more than the death, the loss. It encroached on every feeling, as if eyes watched from every hill and horizon. Black eyes, hundreds. An echo that called to him, deeper. Into the dark. He would find the Dredd, and remind it who held its chain.

His search would begin with the ruin of Xraeldrask.

A crimson paw clenched the exposed, rusted wing of an Eternal Empire fighter while the other grasped its sole attached engine. The Titan yanked once, pulling the fighter free from rubble. It had crashed and caved in a tram railway. Many of their trams and their tunnels had fallen into disrepair. Without the upkeep of native Drael, the tunnels had begun to collapse over time. Others had been shut on purpose. Akhenaton, Vaydralen, Ungulloi, and Draelvasier bodies became more common further in. They had been fleeing, evacuation before the arrival of any number of foes that might've taken advantage of their empire's vulnerability. The surface of Draemidus wasn't just a graveyard for the Bryn'adul Empire, he had passed Jedi, Sith, and Mandalorian debris on its surface in the last hour of travel.

Deeper within, the abandoned mega-city had begun to deteriorate. Its long spires and lights had all faded, the common traffic had long since fallen from the sky, and the city was silent. The damp smell of Drael blood forever imprinted on the city. Xraeldrask could be rebuilt, life returned. But it would never be the same again, the voices of the dead were imprisoned in the solar winds, and the blood had baked itself into the ceiling.

The Dredd had not made its nest here. There was only one other option. The Draeyde Hive. He had to go deeper, through the filth and bodies piled to the height of a M'gaelak. The surface hummed with wind and fire, moving across the surface to the caves would've been easier with better weather. This was only one other option. The thought of facing a hostile Dredd with the Draeyde under its whim gave the Titan pause at the entrance to the caves. Trepidation forced him to freeze on the spot, a moment of hesitance, the fleeting image of the Dreddikkast - rising from its slumber, a thousand eyes as black as Hadad's maw opening in unison. An imprint. Whether by sent or sense, the Dredd already knew he was here.

Into the belly of the beast.

Tathra dropped several feet into the cave, immediately met with winding tunnels bending away into pitch-black darkness. The caves still retained signs of Draeyde activity, its secreted arched caves were a maze of jet-blacks and deep navy blues. Rivets of crimson root stretching out from mounds of flesh in the corners of the caves. The air, damp like a grotto and the largest clue of all, Skag and Rhivak bones and rotted or fresh pieces of flesh littered the cave floor in every direction.

He hadn't seen any roving groups of wild beasts on the surface. The storms left most of Draemidus blanketed in darkness, giving the Draeyde an edge as apex predators on the surface and without careful moderation by the Drael. Tathra moved deeper in, finding a hive of nesting Draeyde at every turn. Creatures he had mastered long ago, but in greater number now than he had ever seen before. The Draeyde had grown exponentially while left unchecked in influence. and their hive had overtaken much of the surface caverns. Decades prior, one must travel half a kilometre deep to find the Draeyde. Unchallenged they were bold. But the challenge had came, the Titan Khaeus stood among them. The glow of the Titan's eyes dimmed as his sight switched from infrared to ultraviolet, the Draeyde secretion was like calcite, absorbing any ultraviolet light and casting it back. He covered his eyes, retreating to a colored vision. The residual heat of the Draeyde would hide even a large creature like the Dreddikkast.

Those black eyes peered from every rounding tunnel, every dark corner, and through the eyes of the Draeyde. They clung to the alcoves and ceilings. Tathra stopped as a mound of flesh came into view, a large Draeyde, carrying eggs sat, pulling a chunk of flesh from the decapitated head of a skag. Draeyde reproduced asexually, all Draeyde eventually fertilized their eggs. During this time, other Draeyde would protect them viciously. But the creature was in his way, and Tathra would not stop to avoid upsetting his own beasts. The Draeyde hissed, rounding its minuscule shoulders to look larger, standing on its wings. Suddenly the mindless rustling and movement of the other nearby Draeyde stopped. Silent. Before the lunge. Tathra widened his stance with raised shoulders in response, pushing his mandibles against the roof of his mouth. A cracking thunder-like sound erupted from the massive Drael, mandibles widening as the war whistle all Drael had caused the Draeyde to shudder. They were the descendants of his tamed beasts, they would remember their master's call. He stepped over the skag's head, passing the pregnant Draeyde without harm coming to either party.

The Draeyde conversed among themselves in hisses, some following the trail of the Titan, recognising his scent. Others remained hidden. They had a fear of light after all. Tathra followed that echo deeper, leading him to a crevasse. Barely enough space for a being his size to fit through, but he could tell by the sound of the wind beneath his feet that the cavern opened up beneath him, perhaps into a large enough area for the Dredd to nest.

Slowly he descended through the opening, finding nothing but a pit beneath him, the walls of the cave at such a distance that they're texture was completely shrouded in darkness. Stalactites hung between rivets of black mass spreading out from an unseen centre, more Draeyde hive biomass. Pillars at too great a distance to reach came down in spiraling shapes, some black like obsidian, others stone. Those eyes, their gaze felt heavy. Hot damp air, breath - came from somewhere. Something. The Dredd could've been under him, a gaping maw waiting to swallow. But if Tathra Khaeus was a God, a leap of faith was nothing.

Tathra dropped nearly two-hundred metres down to the bottom. Landing with a shattering crack, a two-metre-wide radius of hard volcanic rock was raised by pressure and snapped into pieces around him. His left paw at the hilt of Scourge. The first time Tathra Khaeus had reflexively gone for his blade in fear in over a century. But nothing came, no fierce anger from out of the darkness. Blazing golden eyes searched for any sign of life. Anything. He had never seen such a place in the Draeyde Caves and he had seen nearly all of it. This was new.

Still he felt watched, but not from all angles, no the Dredd had relinquished its telepathic hold of the Draeyde. It didn't need to spy on him anymore. Instead...

The ceiling moved. The darkness moved, stalactites rose and black ribbed tendrils pulled themselves along every pillar. The crunching sound of hide and mass shifting filled the cavern. His paw fell to his side. His sword would be useless at this distance. The Dreddikkast had evolved.

Its arms were innumerous, gilded with black rivetted scales and dagger-like teeth encircling their length. Limbs moving on their own, their weight crumbling the rock in their path. The mass adjusted itself, its larger tendrils, thicker than the largest trees pushed into the floor like it was digging its heels in. Smaller arms ended like spears, aimed at the Titan from all directions. Tathra's heart pounded as the Dredd growled, an entirely alien, chilling sound rising from its toothed beak. Even if he could not conventionally see the Dredd, one could feel its immense size, its power and he knew he was looking at its face. Tathra Khaeus stared back into the endless black, unflinching, holding his ground against the Dredd. It served him, it belonged to him. As all Drael and all things would. Unless that too changed when it molted into its new form. Perhaps now it believed because of its great immensity it was beyond a Draelvasier Master. From one of its tendrils, the Dredd threw a string of Malabast chains at his feet. The chains that once allowed the Titan to lead from his mount atop the magnificent beast.

That was an answer.

Tathra spoke to it in the old language, the archaic words of the Draelvasier who came before. A language now only known to him and it.

"Serve, Dreddikkast." Tathra's mandibles barely moved, a whisper in place of a bellowing roar. But still a command, he knew the Dredd could hear him. It would come to heel.

No. The Dreddikkast spoke not with words but with a voice that surrounded him.

Tathra could only rely on his senses, listening for the tensing of muscles and hide before the attack. The attack was inevitable. A dagger-shaped tendril thrust at his throat from behind, a movement he could hear coming before the tendril shot forward. It was easy to avoid, but as the tendril passed him, Tathra snatched the tendril in his left paw. He held it in place, testing the strength of the new Dredd. But it was no simple beast, within the same breath another tendril whipped him across the chest. The rivetted scales carved into his chest, deep enough to leave a dozen indents on his breastplate.

At that moment, he wished for the return of his Axe more than anything.

The Dreddikkast stabbed at Tathra with one of its larger tendrils, cracking the earth open as it struck with surprising speed. The Titan barely moved from its path, immediately taking Scourge from his back - laying half knelt he swung the blade with his wrist, slashing between the plates at one of the Dredd's eyes. If it wanted him, it was going to hurt first. Tathra was quick to his feet as the Dredd growled in frustration, swiping and stabbing with two more tendrils, quickly repelled with the Titan's blade as it brought a massive tendril across the surface, shifting its entire body to direct the wing across the floor. Tathra was forced to run for higher ground and jump, rolling with his back over the tendril as it slashed his back and waist with gashes. The Titan winced, falling from the tendril into a full sprint.

The head of the Dreddikkast was slightly clearer. Tathra darted between striking arms and batted others away with his sword and gauntlets, grabbing one of the smaller tendrils as it passed him and snapping it in his mandibles. Tathra had gotten close enough to see the silhouette of a torso, but the winding long arms of the Dredd easily pulled itself up and away into the height of the cave - bringing down hammer strikes with one massive arm after another. Tathra narrowly dodged two, rubble rising and falling overhead as the Dredd leaned in once again, a hundred small tendrils stretching out from the black edges of the cave to tear the Titan into pieces. Tathra swung his blade relentlessly in all directions, the Dredd's hide was strong, his blade barely denting its hide as it came at him again and again. A large tendril swooped low, wrapping itself around his right arm and pulling it taught, another thrust for the gaps of his abdominal armour. The Dredd and Titan traded blows as Tathra freed himself with a heavy swing of Scourge and the tendril slashed open his gut.

Tathra felt the blood in his throat, the loosening wease of his organs as his carapace tore. Eyes widened, paws tightening around the hilt of his sword as it came again. It struck with three large tendrils, forcing Tathra to dive as he drove the blade into the first - thrusting the massive sword into one of the bends in the tendrils plate, temporarily pinning it to the ground. The other two tendrils held him in place, twisting around his arms and shoulders. Tathra fought with all of his strength, crimon carapace, and muscle straining under the constriction of the Dreddikkast.


The Dredd did not relent, he felt its satisfaction - it had made a God bleed and cry out. The Dredd pulled itself along the walls and roof, it smelt blood - it wanted blood. It wanted its teeth in Drael flesh and to drain the life from his body. Its massive crown craned down, coating everything in black as its beak peered out from the crown, pushing out from the protective hide and lingering over Tathra before it devoured him, lurching as it snapped at the weakened Titan. Tathra's mandibles fully extended in a guttural scream, his entire body retracting as he overpowered the Dredd's tendrils, tearing their flesh and muscle as well as his own - freeing his arms as he rose seconds before the Dreddikkast could drive its pincers into his stomach, instead with such greed it tore into the floor in his place.

Tathra turned on his heel, hips twisting as he struck the crown of the Dredd with the entire back of his wrist and paw, following immediately into a downward hammering strike - pushing its gigantic frame into the stone. Tendrils spasmed in panic, slashing at everything and crushing pillars around them. With a grunt, he raised both fists and slammed them down again, a small shockwave exploding from the point of impact - cracking its hide.

The Dredd had regretted its decision, using its wings to pull itself back up into the darkness. But the Dredd had forgotten who - what, it was contending with.

The God of the almighty Draelvasier. The Dreddikkast howled, resent, and seething hate for its master coming from every direction. Tathra rose too, holding onto its crown as he struck again and again. His paw like a catapult, hammering into each of its eyes, bludgeoning them.

"You.. are MINE. ALL OF YOU." Tathra panted, speaking between strikes as the violent movements of the Dreddikkast forced the entire cave to begin to collapse.

The Dreddikkast could no longer see with such damaged retinas in the dark, it surged with speed, dragging itself and Tathra upward and tearing through everything in its path until it reached the surface. Destroying the symbiotic home it had created with the Draeyde. The Titan barely held on, an outstretched paw calling to the Scourge as it rose from the cave floor and up into the sky after them. Darkness was replaced by crimson auroral light, the deafening silence of the caves turned into the thundering rage of the ionic storm, the solar winds raging around the Dreddikkast as its full form outstretched in the eye of the storm.

A black miasma of fury and a top it, the Chieftain of the Drael as Scourge raced to his palm. A hundred tendrils struck at the Titan at once, forcing him to leap from the crown and down to meet his weapon, catching it in his left paw as he fell, striking at the underbelly of the colossus.

Red lightning surged through the Dredd, the beast absorbed the awesome power of the storm and grasped the red lightning in its maw - firing it again into the sky. The Dredd descended, landing hard but upright as Tathra cratered the surface. The hilt of Scourge rose in a bloody paw, pushing the blade into the ground as Tathra would rise, levying his weight on the blade. The Dredd would be impossible to stop on the surface, fully free to move as it wished - an incomprehensible spiral of tendrils and black hide.

Tathra stood upright, spitting blood and holding in his gut with one hand, the other raising Scourge forward. The Dreddikkast knew it had won, though irritated that it had to leave its lair. But as intelligent as the beast was, it was still a beast - ruled by instinct.

It had just broken its own pact.

"Heh. Patak." Tathra sneered at the Dredd, defiant as it encircled him. The lights piercing the storms above faded, and all was cast in Drael red.

With a single cry of his war horn, embedded in the throat of every Drael, several thousand, possibly tens of thousands of angered Draeyde burst from the newly made ruptures in their home. Tathra released the hilt of his sword, arms raised as the Draedye encircled him - piercing golden eyes staring out at the Dreddikkast as its tendrils were repelled, Draeyde began to slash and carve away at the beast. It wailed, a force-empowered scream as its last effort to render the Titan vulnerable. Draeyde heads popped from the weight of the sound, others flew from its path as the Titan stood firm. A single large arm struck out for his chest, the other contending with the entire planet's population of Draeyde.

He braced, stopping the dagger-shaped end of the arm, blood running down from each paw and his chin.

"Without me, old friend. You would have lived and died in that cave, corpse picked apart by these creatures you deemed lesser. I give you purpose and I say KNEEL."

I am yours once again.

The Titan sounded his horn once again, calling out for the Draeyde to stop and so they did, they obeyed their rightful master. As would the Dreddikkast, with their bond renewed.

The Seer did not believe his eyes when the Dreddikkast broke the atmosphere of Draemidus. Tathra sent word ahead to the Seer and Warlord Sethrak. All remaining Warlords and Draelvasier of standing where to convene at Briaga IX, New Kadar.



Briaga IX, a planet reduced to nothing by The Draelvasier in the name of their crusade towards domination. The First Warlock considered it a waste. Yes, the planet had provided many resources, but The Bryn'adul left the lands with nothing. It would have taken ages for the planet to recover, if it ever could. Sethrak in his age had learned that resources were a gift, not to be absorbed all at once, but to be used time and time again. They were renewable. It was one of Tathra Khaeus' mistakes to have left so many planets in ruin.

And now, The Bryn'adul were making the same mistake. From the atmosphere, the planet was clearly nothing but rubble once more. Scorched, Razed, demolished, obliterated. It resembled a hell of sorts...the kind of hell The Warlock often witnessed in The Nether. It was once more reduced to flame, ash, and rubble-covered infertile soil. The fleet before Sethrak had been the cause of this destruction. The flagship stood out above all in the mismatched fleet; The Desolation-class destroyer was an incredibly uncommon site within former Drael territory. So rare, in fact, that Sethrak knew this could only be The Scourge, flagship of Rakvul the Darkener. The Darkener was well-known within Sethrak's ranks. His exploits bordered those of a myth. If the rumors and Sethrak's own intelligence reports could be believed, Rakvul was a behemoth among monstrosities. A Draelvasier, but unlike any seen before, The Darkener towered above his brethren. Beyond his natural physique, The Darkener was reportedly augmented beyond recognition, described by one scout as 'a warbeast'.

Beyond all myths and rumors, it was certain that Rakvul was a force to be reckoned with...a force Sethrak avoided. His conquests were very real, and very impressive, and his followers were the most numerous of any Bryn'adul remnants, rivaling if not eclipsing Sethrak's own. It was not a fight Sethrak had been willing to take, even with his undead forces, rescued from The Nether. Rakvul was known for his brutality, slaughtering 'heretics' all in the name of Khaeus. Despite all his accomplishments, and the legend around him, to Sethrak, he was nothing but a cultist maggot. Tathra had failed The Bryn'adul once before, failing to heed Sethrak's advice to diversify their ranks, and then abandoning them at their weakest. Then he returned, seemingly changed. Sethrak had given him his loyalty, but was rewarded with punishment. A literal stab in the back in a cowardly ambush by The Titan. Anyone that would willingly follow Tathra was nothing in The Warlock's eyes. But his hands were tied, for now. He had no choice but to follow Tathra, even if it meant killing Drael such as Narak, Drael that ultimately would have agreed with Sethrak. Drael that could have reformed The Bryn'adul and saved them.

So when Khaeus ordered 'The Last Warlord' to rally the remaining warlords to Briaga IX, he did so. Now he stood in the bridge of a Trezor Annihilator. Behind his ship, a very diverse grouping of old Draelvasier and Vaydralen ships. Some were in better shape than others, but all were run-down, battered, and clearly participants of many battles and skirmishes. Many were half-manned, lacking the resource of manpower to fully arm them. Some ship groupings were painted in one way or another, representing the warlord they served. Others were repaired with very specific, regionally acquired materials, obtainable only in territory they had been stationed in. But regardless of this diversity, the fleet projected strength, for it was united under one purpose. For the first time in a very long time, The Bryn'adul appeared formidable.

The plan, unbeknownst to all warlords but Sethrak, was to rally outside of New Kadar, where Tathra Khaeus would join and reveal himself to his people. However, Rakvul was not among those invited, and his invasion put a kink in the plan. But Sethrak would follow the initial orders. If Tathra's grand reveal was ruined by Rakvul's conquest, it was no skin off his back. In fact, The Warlock found it amusing that Rakvul would get to Narak before Tathra. Not that it would change Narak's fate...he was surely dead already.

Therefore, the order was given to land the troops on a large plateau, within walking distance of New Kadar. Overlooking the plateau from the distance, volcano, likely dormant before the earth-shaking assault, but now glowing with orange lava. The Warlords gathered here, with their forces, and awaited Khaeus. Sethrak took point, standing in front of the masses. This army, like the fleet they originated from, was a heavily diverse assortment of Draelvasier. A host of old veterans, armed with various weapons of Bryn'adul and foreign origin, identifying themselves with warpaint. Baedurin, Aerevalin, and in some divisions, Ungulloi, Valdralen, and Akhenaton supported the ranks.

The formation closest to Sethrak was his own; Remnants from The Lothal Guard made up the front of the battalion, recognizable by their Lothwolf skull pauldrons. Following them, a legion of undead, rescued from their eternal punishment in The Nether. Finally, the ranks were full of the normal Draelvasier and allied warriors. However, these forces stood out from most warlords' battalions, for they had the best maintained equipment of all gathered here. In a way, Sethrak's personal retinue glowed in comparison to those around him. The Warlock was proud of this. It was a small indicator of hard-earned success and power, and a reminder of what once was, and what could again be: A powerful, well-maintained force of Bryn'adul, prepared for conquest. Sethrak had built this from the chaos and ashes left from the fall.

Khaeus could never.
Last edited:


Briaga IX, Ruins of New Kadar...

The ground shook.

The tremors threatened to shake the very world apart at its core. Before the eyes of all Briaga IX was once more being transfigured beyond recognition. It was dying, a wounded beast whose thunderous shrieks carried on the wind. The planet was reduced to a sea of charred husks and fire, such was the wrath of the armada. There was an art to complete annihilation, and it was one they had long since perfected. Every ship spaced perfectly apart in a screen, the Scourge at the very center coordinating the orchestra that heralded it into the jaws of oblivion. The superlaser burned the very clouds and gouged deep into the planets crust like the wrath of a vengeful god with radiant, explosive streaks. It gouged deep enough to detonate dormant lava chambers, leaving rivers of fire. Beneath its might shattered mountains, valleys. Debris shot a thousand miles into the sky as it fired again, again, again. It was a relentless, fury fueled, ceaseless bombardment that burned even the storms, the thick cover of black smog choking the sky away.
Beneath the sheer might of such fire, it created a kaleidoscopic light show that grew more violent when the rays of explosive golden light carved through the sky to erase everything it touched. In many religions, histories of various species there was a term known as Armageddon. The end of days, of all things. This was what befell Briaga IX, this was the fate wrought by those who dared to call this world home. Down on the ground it was a true sight to see as the world started to unravel itself. It would've been enough to stop hours ago its fate was sealed, nature would take its course now and scour what remains from the surface forever. But it wasn't enough for them, for him. They had dared to stretch too far, grow too fast and for their blasphemy they needed to be punished. No matter how far they had gone it wouldn't be enough for him, nothing ever would when he'd reached his breaking point. They had done this all by themselves and in doing so unleash depths of black rage he hadn't felt in a long time.
The great holy city of New Kadar, bustling seat of the Prophets of Nakar had broken into pieces like shards of obsidian, beneath the sheer weight of what came for them. It was pounded into rubble under the relentless bombardment of Obalisc Destroyers and Ra'mak Reavers. It was a multilayered storm of fury of such precision, there wasn't a break in the storm not once affording the defenders time to breath. When the bombardment finally ceased two pairs of two gargantuan Servitors descended from two separate directions, accompanied by a force of the colossal M'gaelak lumbering across the blackened earth loaded for bear. Between them came the Rhivak, Brumak leading the charge deeper into the city alongside the protective shielding of Quilxyn. The walking towers strode like living giants, right out of the pages of history as they descended upon New Kadar. Down from them came the disciplined, lockstep legions of the Darkener.
But that's not all.
Down from the skies came squadron after squadron of Striker Shards. They sliced through twisting towers and defensive emplacements as they came, rapidly deploying the elite teams of Zealots. Together they ripped apart the city from every direction. Defenders were caught between a vicious crossfire from all sides, shredding them into pieces with no idea from where their doom came. None would be spared the fate of death for they had chosen to come here, chose to turn away from their people. They had made the choice to believe the lives of others, to spit in the face of the living god who made them. To call it a battle was a generous title at best, the bulk of the fighting was over quite quickly beneath such a storm.
The Great Heretic was dead.
But it wasn't enough.
Not when the twisted effigy to his own arrogance - the throne itself shattered, not even when Narak himself was obliterated beneath the might of Zethrogar. It still wasn't enough to quench the rage burning under his carapace. Out of all Baedurin he stood out head and shoulders from the rest since he was hatched. For his sheer size, and the mysterious mutations that wracked his body. It left him as a true beast of legend out of his people, a living Colossus. Every cell within his body was carefully curated to genetic perfection, it swelled beyond control and deepened with age. Every passing decade hardened his form, deepened his muscle, sharpened his mind. To most it had gone far beyond what was normally possible, passing beyond understanding how his body was able to take such vast changes without unraveling. It pushed him beyond a simple Baedurin, and into the realm of something more. It was enough to give even the boldest Drael pause when standing before him.
Now the palace would suffer his wrath.
The Darkener's mandibles parted unleashing a deafening roar that cracked like thunder from the whistle of bone in his throat, reverberating through every wall and carrying clear out through the street as he brought the Sunderer down. A seismic explosion sliced through the ground the sheer force of it caused the very earth to buckle and gouged deep fissures through it. Again, he brought it down against the Verikast walls and beneath its might they shattered, pulled apart like paper. Every strike resounded through the halls like the clarion call heralding for the end, the entire structure trembled as it gave way to his fury. Beneath his rage it came apart and fell, the last pieces of it collapsing into a mountainous heap, dust rolled outwards in every direction like oceanic waves. It was at the doorstep of this once decadent monument that he finally came to his senses. The Darkener let Zethrogar slip from his hand, it fell headfirst cracking the ground while he closed his fist. Deep inset within the spiked gauntlet the hive shard glowed a deep crimson as he tapped into the network. The Colossus let himself disappear within it as his mind soared through the battle net.
Every thought transitioned between unit commanders, ship captains, he drank it all in allowing the flow of tactical information to burn its way through his mind. Long ago he learned the ebb and flow of battle, to quickly analyze strands of information. Far too often Drael missed the big picture, strength might win battles, but strategy won wars. Every piece was equally important. The fighting had largely ceased at this point as enemy resistance began to fade. Now it was a matter of ensuring not one traitor lived to escape and spread such blasphemous lies. "Scour the city. Hunt them down until there is absolute certainty that none remains." He ordered to all commanders. A string of acknowledgements quickly came in response.
"High Warlord, a fleet has exited hyperspace. Appears to be one of ours. It's size matches our own." An Aeravalin Fleet Captain reported in. A fleet? Could it be more heretics? Perhaps hidden strength from Narak come too late to save their master?
"Unclear. They have entered the system with weapons systems powered down. They make for the surface." The Captain replied. A series of images flashed through the network, brought into clarity through the efforts of the Hive Shard. It clearly showed him the fleet entering orbit, its landers descending towards a large plateau in the north.
"Let them land. I shall unravel this mystery myself."

Some time later...

They came at last.

Beneath the plateau stood the assembled might of the Bryn'adul Remnant. It spread out deep throughout the city. But the forces ascending the plateau were something else entirely. Every member came from the Zealot Order, sporting the new Blight-Pattern Special Operations Armor. They carried Thera Glaive, Agragost Kukri, each Drael sporting an arsenal of brand-new weapons, armor. They were a far cry from the ramshackle, diverse equipped troops before them. They were all Baedurin, Aeravalin, Vaydralen, Ungulloi, Akhenaton, and others behind the exclusively Drael Zealots. Even the Sraelvun beneath the plateau, corraled by commanders were sporting new forms of gear or fully restored pieces of equipment. But at the head of this force?
The Colossus came surrounded by his own retinue. He was flanked on either side by a pair of Honor Guard Prime, surrounded by Honor Guards. Beside him came various commanders from Juggernaut Field Marshal, Zealot Commanders to leading representatives from the various specialized orders and species. Every piece was designed to exude strength, to display the power of the Darkener and his Remnant to the gathered forces, and their vast legions stretched out behind the opposite end of the plateau. Rakvul walked a slow, purposeful pace with Zethrogar slung over his shoulder. Even this unexpected intrusion wouldn't quicken his pace into a sense of urgency, they would wait for his arrival. As he closed the distance with the gathered force one of the shaman spoke heralding his arrival:
"Before you stands Rakvul the Darkener, High Warlord of the True Bryn'adul Remnant, Wrath of the Chieftain Tathra Khaeus. State your intentions, or by-." The shaman was cut off by the Darkener's risen hand.
The very air between them seemed to shift then at the utterance of a single word. Sethrak the Last Warlord. The Arch Heretic. It was undeniable that the forces serving Sethrak were formidable, the second largest remnant in the known galaxy. For decades he held Lothal underneath his iron grip, despite the best efforts of galactic powers. Somehow Sethrak had managed to survive both the empire and the fall and come out of it without being torn apart. But it was typical of such lowly vermin to find a way to survive and scrape by in a world filled with their betters. Sethrak was nothing more than mongrel filth, a dirty heretic only allowed to live so long as he proved useful. But that was then when he was underneath the thumb of the Chieftain. But that begged the question what was he doing here now? Did he come to join ranks with the heretics? Perhaps recruit them to his fiefdom? But something was different. Sethrak had changed. Now he was little more than a decaying corpse, an abomination of the genetic supremacy that are Draelvasier. Once more his blood began to boil at the very sight of the putrefying monstrosity. Rakvul tightened the grip on his hammer as he stopped in his tracks roughly twenty feet or so away from the retinue of the Last Warlord.
"How dare you come here and stand before me, Arch Heretic. You are and have always been mongrel filth. You only ever existed because he allowed it. Because you proved yourself useful, relevant enough to stave off oblivion. I am not surprised you lived, such lowly creatures as yourself find a way to squirm by in the dirt. You bring froka to us all with every step you take. You dare to stand here among true Drael like you are their equal, their superior? You are nothing. Speak heretic. You will tell me why you've come here. I will give you this one opportunity in recognition for your past deeds from when you once stood among your own kind."


  • "Dialogue"
  • "Hive Shard Communication"
  • "War Whistle Communication"
  • "Beast Communication"
  • "NPC Dialogue"
  • "NPC Mind Dialogue"

In hindsight, it was fortunate that Rakvul's fleet allowed The Warlords to bypass the blockade. Sethrak had made the assumption that they would, but there was always the possibility of being mistaken as "heretic" reinforcements. Of course, Sethrak was indeed a so-called heretic, something he knew would cause problems with The Darkener. And sure enough, The Darkener himself revealed himself to Sethrak. It was quite the spectacle. The massive Baedurin was accompanied by a significant force of very obviously well-armed troops. One thing that caught Sethrak's eyes was their weaponry. Specifically, their Kukris. Sethrak had always preferred a Kukri for when combat got close. But these were not the Barad Kukri Sethrak had used. These were newer...different. These forces were very well-equipped. Better than Sethrak had seen even before the fall.

All of Rakvul's forces, even the Sraelvun, were in excellent condition. But especially those nearest to Rakvul. A personal retinue. These troops stood out like a diamond in a pile of coal. If Sethrak's own troops glowed in comparison to the other warlords, then Rakvul's retinue flared like a solar storm.

But these warriors were dwarfed by Rakvul himself. He was a monstrosity. The tallest being on the entire plateau, with visible augmentations across his body, and strapped behind his back, the most absurd weapon Sethrak had seen. It alone was easily the size of Sethrak's entire body. It uncomfortably reminded Sethrak of Tathra's weapon during their duel...a weapon that had been the source of much pain that night. But The Warlock was unphased by this appearance. Size wasn't everything, and this was just another fanatic traditionalist.

Rakvul was still a maggot. A very large, ugly, Drael-like maggot. But a maggot nonetheless.

A Shaman began to announce Rakvul's presence to the warlords as if a god had arrived. Sethrak scoffed at this scene. Such Hubris. But the shaman's preaching was cut short by Rakvul himself. Having spotted and recognized Sethrak, The Darkener immediately challenged him. The Warlock found this predictable, and ignored The Darkener's command to explain himself. Sethrak owed this thrall nothing. But the words were still infuriating. To be called a "lowly creature" and "mongrel filth" in front of his own forces was not something Sethrak could let slide. His forces didn't take kindly to the insult, themselves, and a rumbling could be heard as several within the ranks made their opinion known: Sethrak was their warlord, not their superior.

Sethrak said nothing, instead immediately slipping into The Nether realm, where he would be physically transparent, nearly invisible to those on the surface realm. With lightning speed, The Warlock dashed toward Rakvul and drew not his scepter, but his Kukri, pointing it at Rakvul's throat and revealing himself from the nether realm. This wasn't an attack, but a gesture. Had Sethrak so desired, he could have had the Kukri in The Darkener's throat. It would have only required a two quick strides, just seconds more. The Warlock spoke in a quiet, quick tone, staring into The Darkener's eyes:

"Do not presume supremacy, Rakvul. I have conquered far worse than you, for I have conquered death itself in the name of our people. You know not what is to come, and yet you parade around as if you are Khaeus himself. He would have your head for such a display, even if it was to serve him."

Mind games. Sethrak had indeed conquered death, somehow, and it was for their people. A subtle reminder within a threat that Rakvul and Sethrak were both Drael'vasier, Kraerd, not foe. Then he shifted into accusing The Darkener of showing too much Vreda, too much pride, suggesting that Tathra would not appreciate such a display. It was no secret that Rakvul was loyal to a fault to Khaeus. Accusing him of insulting his idol would perhaps strike deep. Or perhaps it would be wasted words. Sethrak didn't care. He had defended his honor and said what needed to be said.

Now it was Rakvul's move.
Briaga IX - New Kadar


What are Kings to a God?

The Dredd broke through the atmosphere with such speed, such ferocity, that gases rammed into comprehension lighting its silhouette with fire as it dove low and into the encompassing smoke. Momentarily disappearing in the fog of what could only be war.

Or slaughter.

The Warlords gathered, in total seventeen, all at once had their gaze shifted from The Last Warlord and The High Warlord to something on the horizon beyond them. Draelvasier warriors and Honour Guards turned on their heel, weapons fell into the sides of alert warriors and Warlords shrunk into their seats or rose with disbelief and awe.

A shadow rose among shadows. The Dredd arrived without warning, its arrival heralded by the Seer Kalanthir - the miasma of ships fell to a standstill. Nothing wished to be in its path, every ship and beast became still as a whisper danced through minds and stones, a skip of the dual hearts of every Shaman and Juggernaut and all in between. A storm of black scale, knives and teeth only illuminated by the reflection of the lava lakes below on the metal chains across its torso brought together at the nape of its neck. Burnt gold eyes sat atop the colossal beast, scouring the surface of 'New Kadar'.

Briaga IX. One of many. One of hundreds. For many the fall of this world was the moment in their lives they would remember forever, or the last moment of their lives. For the Titan, it wasn't even a memory, he knew this world fell because the archives said so, because the bones of the Super-Construct remained yet even in the face of the last fifty years of unyielding adversity his species had faced. Now, the cycle returned for Briaga IX again but in place of the natives, new meat took their place. Drael meat, heretics all. It would have been the first step forward for the Draelvasier once again under the banner of the Protectorate, an opportunity for those who answered the call to prove themselves worthy to be in the presence of a God once more. A chance for their God to prove he still was the Titan they held in such high esteem.

But that did not occur. Below was the evidence, utter turmoil and the ruins of the heretic Nakars fortifications.

The Warlords answered the call, but for some the call was in their blood. The boiling, thriving blood of a Drael warrior. The exemplar of strength and loyalty, the Commander of the Scourge. It could only be one, the Darkener. Tathra had heard of this High Warlord, leading a remnant - more Warlords under their banner than not. A fiefdom that matched the others combined, but was still minuscule to what their number once was. Sethrak and Rakvul, never were there two Drael more different, yet both bore whispers of concern. Even one of them had been bold enough to declare themselves Chieftain. The Last Warlord, and yet here more than a dozen stood. The High Warlord, only so much so in that he stood a head and shoulder above most. To stand tall with comparatives of ash is not high at all.

Strange titles, an echo of the true thoughts of those who bestowed the titles. Two would-be Kings of Drael.

The Dredd spat smoke from its beak, its growls reverberating through its torso, felt by Tathra's legs as they clung to its hide. The Titan sat between its spinal columns between its greatest arms, he had never needed a saddle when the Dredd was smaller and didn't plan on needing one now. He leaned over, patting between the hide plates of its spine. The Dredd could smell the blood and battle below, it was restless and hungry. Though Tathra expected it would not feed on any Warlords this day.

Nakar had already been reduced to atoms. So the Master-Shard embedded in his gauntlet told him, it seemed Rakvul had crushed him like the putrid thing he was. Sometimes good attributes endured.

A singular, war-whistle cried out in the silence. A call to rise.

With a blood-curdling screech rumbling through the air like a Destroyer's engines powering up, the Dredd rose in a spiral from the black smoke engulfing the destroyed city-scape, passing over the plateau and knocking over idle tents and chairs as its great wingspan would've forced anything but a Drael off their feet. The Titan laughed, paws releasing the chain. The Dreddikkast had always had a flair for gravitas. From its back, now facing the ground - a mass of crimson and silver dropped like a thunder strike, impaling the middle of the plateau between the Warlords and with the Remnant to his back.

Tathra Khaeus stood and all averted their gaze. Whether their legs failed them or they moved to their knees, every Drael fell to their knees, the Warlords all with arms outstretched and vulnerable palms raised. A traditional show of obeisance for their people. All except for those with eyes interlocked, Sethrak and Rakvul. The God-Titan could smell the adrenaline, the heat of their blood. Tathra turned to both, the Dreddikkast landing now at his back, between the Warlords and the vessels they had came in. Tathra's gaze fell to the war-party at Rakvul's back. Their arms and armour were still fresh from hot forges, all except for the Honour Guards at his flank, their half-century-old armour remained pristine. So few was their elite order in number that he imagined he would know their faces if they removed their helms. The Titan nodded, mandibles parting in an almost speechless exasperation, at the sight of a well-armed and fed force of his kin and the Scourge in the sky above.

In this, he saw the strongest of foundations for what was to come. Rakvul had done well. Still, the present quarrel would remind both and all their followers to heed their true leader.

"Peliet. Join your fellow Warlords. Now."



Briaga IX, Outskirts of New Kadar, Conclave of the Warlords...

The rumors were true. All around Sethrak the air hummed, his decaying body bristling with power barely contained beneath rotten meat. Looks could be deceiving and only a fool would underestimate the power this conjurer had at his disposal. The High Warlord didn't even move when the undying warlock seemed to appear before him, kukri pointed directly at his throat. The Honor Guard Prime's at his side had brought down glaives to cross at the warlock's throat before he could finish his sentence, eliciting similar reactions from the entire procession of Honor Guard. But it was his words that cut the deepest. The venomous words of the Last Warlord sliced deep like a blade driven through his hard carapace and into the meat below. They burned through his skull and into the deepest recesses of his psyche. Over the decades it had been a source of concern for him. How the God-Titan would perceive his efforts.

Everything he'd done had been to prepare the Bryn'adul Remnant, the Draelvasier for his impending return. To unify the dissident Warlords under his banner, prepare them for war. Every step taken he'd wondered how his former liege would perceive it, what he would do differently? In the darkest times it was his guiding light forward that convinced him he was making the right choices, a form of conscience as he led his kin. The words sank through his blood and set it on fire. It boiled through every vein and started to stain his mind the shade of freshly spilt blood. The rage ran so deep every muscle in his body contracted all at once. How dare the Arch Heretic speak his name. How dare he step to him and presume to speak for him. For his crimes Sethrak didn't deserve to even call himself Draelvasier, let alone speak of the God-Titan with such familiarity.

That was it. The plateau grew eerily silent then as the realization of what was about to occur sank into the minds of each member of his war-party, spreading down and across the city. The outer fringes of his vision began to darken as the berserker mutagen dug into the deep recesses of his brain, leaving nothing but rage in its place. Mandibles parted and a deafening war cry bellowed through his war whistle with such fury that it could've cracked the skies open. The Colossus took Zethrogar in two hands and moved to swing it down with such force that it would've reverberated through the entire plateau, it would've snapped it in two like twigs stomped on in the woods. That was before a screech so loud, it seemed to stop time itself in its tracks tore through the air. Something had happened. It was enough to stop the Darkener from bringing down the hammer, but it wasn't enough to draw his focus. So deep was the rage that he physically couldn't pull his eyes from the Last Warlord, they were transfixed as if in some hypnotic trance, with such hatred in his eyes that if looks could kill, he would've sundered the continent. The trance shattered when he appeared.

"Peliet. Join your fellow Warlords. Now."

The commanding baritone shook through, slicing through the red drowning his brain with a lust for battle and suppressed it through sheer will. It jerked Rakvul back to reality with the force of an artillery impact, his form shook as the blood rage started to leave his system. Such was the presence of the God-Titan it was enough to pull even him from the brink. The Darkener dropped Zethrogar with crashing thud, letting it slip through his fingers. He fell as if forced down to his knees for the very first time in decades. Out of his long life he'd only truly knelt for one figure, and it was a rare occurance for him to show such respect, for he was so often the one receiving it. But before the Chieftain? Rakvul knelt and presented his open palm before him, eyes locked down on the blackened earth.

"By your will Chieftain."


  • "Dialogue"
  • "Hive Shard Communication"
  • "War Whistle Communication"
  • "Beast Communication"
  • "NPC Dialogue"
  • "NPC Mind Dialogue"


The confrontation escalated. Sethrak was not surprised. Rakvul was known for his fanatical loyalty to Tathra, and clearly felt superior to Sethrak. He wouldn't submit to such insubordination. Sethrak met Rakvul's furious, penetrating gaze with a face as cold as the blood within his own veins. The Warlock stood ready to counter the upcoming strike with a roll to the right of Rakvul. However, there was something else. Sethrak felt it before Rakvul even raised his weapon. A presence. Something powerful was coming. Moments later, just before Rakvul's arms came down, the source of this feeling was revealed to Sethrak. Revealed to every living being on the plateau. It was Tathra. But behold, he rode a beast. A massive, multi-tentacled creature, with flesh as black as the smoke above New Kadar.

It flew over the plateau with such velocity, the wind slapped Sethrak in the face like a fist. He looked away for a split second, and upon returning his gaze to Rakvul, a figure stood between them. The Titan.

Sethrak had the awareness to notice the warlords around him fell to their knees and praised Khaeus as if he were their savior. Rakvul, predictably, obeyed Tathra's command immediately. How little they all had learned. Except for Sethrak's forces. Many of them were hesitant to take a knee for The Titan. Sethrak could feel the gaze of several on his back, waiting for him to act. He was their chieftain. He had earned their respect, their loyalty. Some, he had rescued from their eternal torment in The Nether. It was natural that they would follow him. But Sethrak knew that Khaeus would suffer no heresy. Not in this moment, the day of his reveal. He would surely execute dissenters. So Sethrak, for the good of his people, slowly took a knee. His warriors followed, falling to their knees.

Inside, Sethrak was conflicted. He had lost a duel with Tathra and been spared. His plan was to scheme, wait for Tathra to make a significant mistake, and capitalize on that failure, whatever it may be. But the temptation of this moment, with his most skilled and loyal forces behind him, and all the warlords gathered to witness it, to call Mak-Gora and challenge The Titan to a duel to the death...

...would have to be resisted. This was not the time, no matter what his mind would tell him. The Force, the very thing keeping him alive, warned him against such an action. He could feel it through his whole body, so strongly that he wasn't even sure he could get the words out if he were to challenge The Titan. So he would wait. He would play the power game against Rakvul. He would obey Khaeus like a sraelvun, and he would train himself for the day he would meet The Titan in combat again.

Silence overtook the entire plateau, the only sound, was that of chafing armour and the hum of distant fire and engines bristling. Whistling Errindak and the Dreddikkast's tendrils spreading throughout the plateau, its daggers finding space among the Warlords themselves. The Dreddikkast was near twice the size it had been before, its scales darker still and its arms and dagger-like tendrils tripled. Even by looking at the beast, it knew Tathra was still surprised he survived. One of his hearts remained bruised, the other crushed and slowly regenerating. One arm's bicep was gouged open. The Titan's chest slowly sunk as Rakvul and the honour guard at his side followed, clearly the Darkener had equipped himself well and earned the respect of the Ultra. Though, he was not here.

Perhaps Uthal was aboard the Scourge, watching.

Arrayed around them, Warlords distinguished by their personalised weapons and armour, a Shaman with the ribs of an Obalisc for a breastplate, its shoulder blade for a shield. Another, Galkarda, draped in a gambeson of blood irons and the cracked helm of a sith lord, a trophy from the Tingel Arm Incursion. A third drew the Titan's gaze, of Rakvuls' coterie. A Drael he did not know the name of, a head taller than Sethrak - carried a belt of Silver Jedi lightsabers. Others had things from battles he did not know, against enemies, he did not recognise. In all that time, Sethrak had only just found his place, down on one knee.


Tathra resisted the urge to scoff. What, exactly, had passed through the undead cur's mind. Would he again see himself battered and humiliated but this time with the audience perhaps? Froka. Did his base desires - that sad abandonment of a child, not a warrior - press him and urge him to fight back?

Did Sethrak finally have the Crosa to call for Mak-Gora? No. He did not. Nor did those under his influence, Draelvasier without a shed of skin shown, caged in armour as they rotted. They could never be trusted, never be loyal to anything but that which held their leash. The others, perhaps could be swayed. Tathra then went to Rakvul, leering over him, pleased by his show of obeisance.

Tathra turned to the others, still gazes averted. He had heard of the tales of the remnant and no doubt so had they.

"Rakvul acts with the comportment I expect from all of you!" Tathra spoke in bellows, a challenge to any and all Draelvasier contenders on the stage. His will would be laid out, and any who challenged it would be dealt with.

Tathra turned to Rakvul, a cream-white broken object in his paw, with his other he grasped Rakvul's and then clasped the underside of his wrist, placing the object in Rakvul's exposed palm.

"Rise, Rakvul. Show them this." Tathra spoke, his voice rumbling like the agitated growl of a cornered Rhivak. Only those in their immediate vicinity heard the order.

Tathra turned back to the Warlords now, slamming his left fist into the right side of his chest. The Titan used his war whistle so that all no matter how far could hear the order to rise to their feet. He pointed to what was now obvious as a Draelvasier skull raised in Rakvul's palm.

"Seetun! This has always been our enemy. Ourselves, weakness. Weakness is a cancer mostly deadly among the strong. You, my children. Witness this trophy, the skull of the heretic Galak. The first Warlord, the bravest and beloved Commander of the Juggernauts. He led many of you who stand here now, fought beside you, bled beside you. Now he is dead. Weakness, fear - these things corrupted him! I left my Empire to return from Kardun with a force that would destroy our enemies. Galak took that from you, left you here. Left you to fend for yourselves! But he is dead now! I killed him! The Primarch is dead, Osam is dead, Galak is dead! But I have returned, and with me I bring you STRENGTH. The Xaelesh. Species like us, subservient to our goals. With resources and weapons that we will master to return us to glory!"

A challenge and a promise set forth. The Drael cheered for the death of the heretics, they cheered for glory, they cheered for the promises of their God. The Titan raised his fists as other Drael raised their blades.

"We are not dead! The Draelvasier will survive!"



Briaga IX, Outskirts of New Kadar, Conclave of the Warlords...

If it was possible, the plateau grew quieter while the Last Warlord and his forces grew hesitant to submit.

The only sounds emanated from distant war beasts, the Tyr'kaditus far in the background. Out of the waves of attack, out of all the monstrous beasts that came it was by far the largest. A carefully curated beast and one of a kind in the forces of the Remnant, returned to life and designated the centerpiece of its invasion forces. Even at this distance the rumbling from the shifting beast carried due to the silence. Under the leadership of its High Warlord, the Bryn'adul Remnant had developed a fearsome reputation. They were fervent worshippers of the God-Titan, zealots in their loyalty to the Chieftain and his legacy. They became known as unbending fanatics who refused to cow to the ways of lesser, overly ambitious Drael who grew unruly without the discipline of societal bindings to keep them in line.
They dealt such heretics only death on a massive scale. The battlefields they left behind were nothing more than totems for all to bear witness to. To commit heresy was a sin that none could walk back from, in such a time of strife to turn away from the ways of your people? Away from the ways that made you strong? Away from the Progenitor who gave you life and led you to greatness? It was punishable only by death. Their remains were twisted into totems of death to mark their failure, to educate those who came after of the punishment to those who brought froka to all by turning away. They were a tightknit group and all who joined their ranks were bound tightly to the others, kept in line by the fervent disciplinarians who enforced unity. To even hesitate to kneel in the presence of the God-Titan? They knew how their leader expected them to respond.
For many it'd be the very first time they saw the Darkener submit to anyone. Even before the fall he was an Ish'Makra Warlord, considered the Wrath of the Chieftain. But before his liege he fell right in line, as he always had so many years ago. It was often his word to his subordinates that the true test of loyalty came when no one was watching. It was easy for the worm, the coward to display loyalty when the eyes of all were upon him. How about when he was all alone? What then? None alive could question his loyalty, they wouldn't dare not in his presence. It ran so deep the Chieftain himself addressed it to the crowd of leaders. It was why out of all assembled he was beckoned to rise first, handed a cracked Draelvasier skull to display to everyone. Even before it touched his paw, he knew what it symbolized. The triumph of strength over weakness, the price of heresy within their ranks. Rakvul held it out for all to see holding the skull of the once legend Galak while the Chieftain began his speech.
It set them on fire with excitement. It was an explanation, a promise, a path forward to salvation, to a resurgence the likes of which none have experienced before. It was everything they needed as a people, and it set the plateau alight in thunderous cheers. Once the Chieftain finished, he spoke, picking up Zethrogar from the earth to sling the immense maul over his shoulder once more.
"As I have prophesized to you all. The Chieftain returns to us and what does he bring? Truth! Salvation! Out of darkness he has emerged stronger than ever before! The Age of the Draelvasier has come! The shards of xiaq buried within us are gone, excised by the deaths of those among us who allowed it to fester! The True Remnant shall stand with Chieftain Tathra Khaeus! We shall follow him forward and show these new species, these Xaelesh what it means to be strong! We will stand above all others as we always have and carve out a future for our kind! We will pave the path forwards in blood and fire! But this new future has no place for those who bring froka to us all. For those who would dare stray despite the blessings afforded to them by their very existence. There is but one fate for them." The Darkener finished, raising the skull of Galak the Betrayer high in the air for all to see.


  • "Dialogue"
  • "Hive Shard Communication"
  • "War Whistle Communication"
  • "Beast Communication"
  • "NPC Dialogue"
  • "NPC Mind Dialogue"


Sethrak was passed up, and Rakvul was lifted up. It was not even remotely surprising, and Sethrak did not particularly desire the praise of Khaeus, not anymore. But it was still an insult. Tathra was telling Sethrak that his own remnant, his own work towards preserving or reclaiming his kingdom, was not appreciated. Rakvul was not a fresh face, but neither was Sethrak. Where was Rakvul when The Bendu fell? Where was Rakvul when the Drael were infected, and began to walk, the dead among the living? And Who saved Tathra that day? Where was Rakvul when The Drael had to face creatures unknown? And it was Sethrak, not Rakvul, who foraged into The Nether time and time again, attempting to find The Titan, his brother. It was Sethrak who sacrificed his own mortality to fight for his people. Perhaps Rakvul had been there all this time. Perhaps Sethrak was simply oblivious to his presence in his narcissistic, glory-seeking youth.

But it didn't feel like it. It felt like he was being betrayed, punished for what loyalty he had shown. Had Tathra's ideas not changed to resemble his own more since the return? The Titan seemed to accept allied species now...something he had been very reluctant to do before. Yet Sethrak was treated worse than Sraelvun.

But nothing could have mentally prepared Sethrak for what came next. Rakvul was given something...a skull. A Drael skull. The skull of Galak. Then, The Titan bragged about the death of Osam. It was at the mention of Osam, one of Sethrak's closest brothers, that he broke. The Warlock balled up a fist, squeezing so hard that his knuckles disconnected, and his fingers began to crack under the pressure. Blood began trickling down, through his clenched digits. It was better to crush his own hand, than to scream in rage, and lose everything, and bring death upon his warriors. But it was so difficult. Tathra stood there, an easy target, weak from his battle with his new pet. Surrounded in part by heretics.

The bones continued cracking within Sethrak's trembling hand. The sinews and joints popped as their tissues began to rip and tear. It hurt, but it was not the source of Sethrak's pain in this moment. The thought of Tathra killing his old brothers was nearly too much to contend with. Everything he fought for was to honor them, and avenge them. Was Khaeus the perpetrator of their downfall? Was Sethrak alone in his beliefs now? It could not be.

Battle lines were drawn clearly now. Tathra was truly the enemy, and Rakvul would be the first roadblock. The only question left was whether The Warlock would continue to force himself to play Tathra's games, or if his will would fail him here and now, and he would lash out at The Titan. It would be decided, soon.

Love and Hate.
Two sides of loyalty.
One seduced by ambition and the other driven by righteous purpose.

Even without a heart, Sethraks' impudent rage was known to the Titan. The minute details were obvious to his expert gaze even as it passed over him in neglect, a shadow cast over all Warlords as they joined in the celebration of Rakvuls' speech. The skull of the heretic raised in an open palm, and Sethraks' tightened like a noose around his neck. The Titan stood unphased, unabashedly open, vulnerable in that moment. Even wounded, Tathra was confident any Drael that challenged him in Mak-Gora would shatter like firewood in his grasp. Rakvul, Sethrak, or any other Warlord fool who forgot the strength of his paws. Here and now, with all their might drawn into one focused fist, with the future laid forth, now would be the time of challenges. Of blood, honour, and glory.

But the God-Titan would have that focus aimed inward. Aimed away from the title of Chieftain. His strength was absolute, theirs was not.

"The days of Warlords are over!" The Titans' voice boomed, rolling over the crowd like a wave as the words found their meaning. The cheering stopped, and the Warlords, so used to their power and position froze in place alongside their loyal warriors.

Tathra knew Rakvul and Sethrak inside and out. Knew why they stood here today, where their loyalties lay. Looking around him, he did not share that certainty with the faces of enough of his supposed trusted Warlords. He saw too many gaps in their armour, too many unknowns, too many chances, all based on notions of good faith in their surviving in his absence. A lie of nothing, of ease.

A weakness. Today, they would all learn much more about each other. Too many Warlords, too few earned. The Draelvasier gathered on the plateau today would be the new foundation for their people from this moment onward and the Titan would rather die than see fools rise to his side once more. Only strength would matter now.

"Fiefdoms, bring froka to our kind. We are a brotherhood! For strength and glory! New battle lines must be drawn! We must return to the old ways! Today, here and now we will have open Sehk-Gora! The open challenge! Every Warlord and their five trusted warriors will step forward today, and only those who yield, die, or prevail shall leave this plateau! Two of you will rise to new heights! The others, Commanders, Generals, Captains, in our NEW army! Choose your warriors now! Steel yourselves for what needs to be done! You have one hour."



Briaga IX, Outskirts of New Kadar, Sehk-Gora...


The supremely rare Open Challenge. It was an event spoken of in hushed whispers among crowds for its rarity was legendary. The Conclave held every major Drael Warlord of prominence and note in the galaxy, the unified race. The God-Titan himself threw down the gauntlet demanding they fight, prove their worth and cement their place in the rising army. For the Darkener there was nothing more sacred than the challenge, many had tried over the near century of his life, and all fell before him. To wade into such a deadly arena with the greatest of his brethren and cement his place? It would be one of the greatest fights of his entire life, and he immediately left to prepare.
First came the fire.
The High Warlord cleansed his battle-scarred body in lava itself, drenching himself in the molten lifeblood of the earth itself. To wash the blaze over every inch of his form in a tent prepared special for him. All around the pool stood the elder shamans who preached the ways of their kind, the Kad-Maera while others preached the sacred methods of war in the Maerd-Ka. Each were the heart and soul of their cultural identity. After the cleansing his body was prepared with the sacred paints. Each color held significance be it vengeance, honor, and so many more but the most coveted color was white. White signified purity of faith, righteous in purpose and its use was regulated heavily by the shamans. For his relentless, lifelong, fervent dedication to their ways the elder shamans had approved Rakvul's use of the sacred paint in this glorious fight to come. White war paint was applied head to toe.
Next came the arming ceremony.
Every plate was methodically set in place during ceaseless prayer, prepared with runic dedications of faith, honor, glory covering every piece of his immense raiment. Due to the inherent nature of the challenge he chose to honor the God-Titan directly by shirking the use of his helmet. Out from the tent he came like a living god surrounded by a procession of five Honor Guard. Decades prior they were assigned to him for his personal protection. In every battle, every war they would march beside him. Such was their eternal vigil, their sworn duty to stand beside their charge and defend him in blood and battle, to slaughter all of his foes. Right on the eve of the time limits expiration he emerged from the tent surrounded by his warriors. A long path to the challenge site formed flanked on either side by the masses. As he began to move with Zethrogar over his shoulder, a blade at his side.
While he moved in silence the crowds around him roared his name. Every warrior in his service knew of their liege's legend. All along the pathway Zealots beat their chests with clenched fists, their chorus a thunderous barrage rocking through the ruined landscape. For the ambitious, the heretic, all would know where he stood, where his loyalties lie. To all who would see him fall they would look upon him and see their positions rise? They would have to kill him to keep him down. Rakvul the Darkener would never yield. They would have to tear him to pieces to keep him from rising once more, so long as he remained alive it would never be over. Before long he arrived at the sacred site alongside all of the other contenders.


  • "Dialogue"
  • "Hive Shard Communication"
  • "War Whistle Communication"
  • "Beast Communication"
  • "NPC Dialogue"
  • "NPC Mind Dialogue"


His crushed fist was actively healing, only to be further mangled by his rage. At last he loosened his grip, allowing the fist to heal properly. His rage had been sidelined by his intrigue. It seemed that Khaeus was setting up a proving of sorts...a competition between the warlords, all of whom had just been stripped of their titles. It was obvious that this would be Tathra's way to separate the strong from the weak, and set up the new caste. There had always been a caste under Khaeus between the weak and the strong. It was natural for the strong to rise above the weak, but The Titan had always fortified this balance, ensuring the strong were rewarded while the weak were treated as less than dirt.

Ironic, then, that Sethrak had been reduced to nothing but a servant of The Titan, despite being the strongest among those gathered on this plateau.

But now he would have the chance to prove himself. A chance to remind not only Khaeus, but also the Warlords that it was he whom had held them together for so long after the fall. Furthermore, a chance to release the rage that boiled within him, hotter than the sharpest lightning and brightest lava in all the galaxy. A rage that threatened to consume him if not fed.

The Warlock immediately stood to his feet and turned to his forces. He was to pick five, and only five, out of an army of grizzled veterans, loyal warriors that he had fought side-by-side with for years. It would be a difficult decision. But there was no time for indecision. The Warlock walked straight to the finest in his army, the most-loyal, most vetted forces: The Lothal Guard. Lothal had finally been lost to insurmountable odds, but The Lothal Guard had evacuated the crumbling superconstruct with the rest of Sethrak's remnant. These were his oldest brothers-in-arms. Several among them had been present at the battle of Danuta, fighting alongside Sethrak.

The Warlock selected his five:
Kelrack, a less-experienced Baedurin that wielded twin Cleaver Battleaxes. Sethrak had personally witnessed Kelrack in combat before. The warrior was a force to be reckoned with, striking his foes with a torrent of strikes with his blades, using their weight to carry them from one strike to the next.

Drek'Mor, the oldest of Sethrak's five selected warriors, Drek'Mor reminded The Warlock of himself. He was not the fiercest Aerevalin in Sethrak's retinue, but he was a smart warrior. He could see weaknesses and easily decipher his opponents' fighting habits, turning it against them. He wielded a Val-Shae spear.

Galdrak, another Aerevalin, Galdrak had been in Sethrak's forces for a moderate time, but had finally proven himself in a skirmish against some well-armed mercenaries on Lothal that trespassed into the superconstruct. Galdrak was a beast in combat, quickly killing his foes in the goriest ways imaginable. He had once ripped the very skin off the face off one of his foes. He wielded a Theron's Reach blade, typically reserved for Theron commanders. But in Sethrak's remnant, there were no rules over what weaponry his warriors could wield.

Hrajmor: A Khukri-wielding Aerevalin, Hrajmor was fast. Very fast. He could wear down an opponent with quick, pinpoint strikes, and escape their reach with haste. Sethrak could think of no better warrior to face the type of opponent -he assumed- the other warlords would pick: Big, Strong, slow combatants.

Karkad: A Baedurin wielding a Crusher Mace, Karkad was fiercely loyal to Sethrak. He was not the most outstanding warrior, but he could hold his own. Sethrak chose him as a reward for his loyalty.

"Kelrack, Drek'Mor, Galdrak, Hrajmor, Karkad. I have chosen you, my greatest and most loyal warriors. You know the task that lies before you. I know your strength, but Khaeus does not. Nor does that fool, Rakvul. Show them."

With his selection made, Sethrak had only one task left: Prepare himself.

There was no hesitation in this step. He entered the Nether Realm, and began to meditate. This meditation was not the peaceful kind. In fact it was the opposite. Some would call it seething. He focused his thoughts on his failures, everything he had lost, everything that had been taken from him, by Tathra, by everyone. This mindset preserved the rage within him, and strengthened it. When it came time for battle, he would channel this rage. His purpose would be revenge, and it would give him strength.
An arena had been made, the intimate setting of tents and encampments replaced with a coliseum of ships, a dozen landed to make encircle the plateau, and others remained in the sky to observe the Sehk-Gora. Drael warriors arrived in droves, all that were able were required to witness this processing, to recognise the new order. Now among their number stood Tathra's Scions, second and third-generation Draelvasier warriors who had seen more than half a century of Galaxy-side warfare, and survived the civil war. They had no ranks, no warlords, no ambition. Their arms and armour were a different evolution than Rakvul's horde, one of constant adversity and little resource. They stood out in their mismatched, gold, black, and browns. All now wearing a half cape of red and black to match their Chieftain.

Tathra Khaeus stood, and so all Drael stood. Waiting for the parties of the Warlords to arrive. The sun fell into the black smoke that plummed over the Heretic city, night fell and the moon rose to illuminate the blood that will be spilled. Many of the Warlords gathered today were used to their station, comfortable. They would die to retain it, or yield to serve their species for the future in a lowered state. Both were respectable choices. There would be no shame in the arena today, unless - one refused to fight for their own kind - that was when shame would take their heads.

The hour passed and the Drael who once called themselves Warlords were now arrayed on the periphery of the arena alongside their chosen five loyal followers. One-hundred and eight Drael, standing at attention as Tathra moved from his seat among the Seers to the centre of the arena. The moonlight was reflected in the battered silver of his armour, shimmering on the ablative shoulder pauldrons of his armour. Tathra cast a long shadow.

"None of you ran. Good." Tathra stood tall, broad, strong. But still bruised, not unlike some of those present who had partook in the fighting in the city.

As was tradition, and only fair, the Sehk-Gora began with the title of Chieftain.

"We begin with Mak-Gora. Any or, all of you. This is your opportunity in the sight of all your kin to initiate. To rise to your ambition! Any who would do so, speak now!" His voice carried up and over the ships, stirring in the sky, listening.

His arms wide, offering any foe to take their shot. But they would do so without the aid of their entourage. He would face any challenge as expected, without fear. Galkarda stepped forward, walking out from between his chosen warriors similarly clad in blood irons. A veteran of the battles against the Sith, carrying a staff lightsaber in one hand and a Glaive in the other.

A Draelvasier who had fought for his station. But not one fit for the title, many here were more deserving. But apparently none were as bold as Galkarda. Such Vreda.

Galkarda stopped three metres from the Titan, he stood taller than Tathra by a few inches though similarly to Rakvul, was not as broad as Tathra.

"You've had your time, Tathra. I am a worthy contender as all know. I will make this quick, old warrior." Galkarda bowed, but his words did not mirror the respect implied.

Contender. The Titan scoffed, mandibles chattering with amusement. He did not bother to reach for his steel. Galkarda would come, and he would fall. Tathra knew him as a stubborn patak, and it would be no loss to the Draelvasier to put him down like a rabid skag. Galkarda moved with haste, closing the distance and igniting the crimson blade of the saber-staff.

The Glaive he raised over his right shoulder, thrusting like a spear for Tathra's throat. An attempt easily rebuked by the Titan, catching the Glaives' length on the outside of his gauntlet, armoured knuckles striking the Glaive and knocking it from his grasp. The lightsabers hilt caught in his clenched right paw before the blow could extend beyond the middle of its swing.

Tathra's left paw swiped across the brow of Galkarda before he could respond, the sharp mauling edges of his gauntlets armour cutting open a small wound above the eyes. The kind that bleeds. Tathra tore the staff from Galkarda's grasp and planted his boot on his chest, with a metal rending force, Galkarda was knocked from his feet onto the stone. Blood escaped his mouth as he fell, and Tathra's left boot came to rest on his throat. Galkarda struggled, vision and breath obscured by blood.

"A contender? You were something I found on my boot."

The Titan applied the smallest amounts of additional pressure, and Galkarda became limp and cold. Tathra threw the now broken saber down onto the body. He had no interest in such trinkets. The Titan turned his back on his audience, allowing the silent sages' of his retinue to remove the body.

"If that is all, we may begin."


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