Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unreviewed Omnia


  • Planet Name: Omnia
  • Demonym: Omnosians
  • Region: Wild Space
  • System Name: Omnia System
  • System Features:
  • Location:

  • Gravity:
    • Standard [9.8 m/s^2]
  • Climate:
    • Temperate [By the Northern Pole]
    • Arid [Equator and Below]
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Desert [Equator and Below]
    • Grasslands [Northern Pole]
  • Atmosphere:
  • Capital City:
    • Urbs
  • Planetary Features:
    • Urban
    • Wartorn
  • Major Locations:
    • Templum Martyrum
    • Locus Harenae
    • Portus Locus
    • Navale Portum
    • Urbs
  • Native Species:
  • Immigrated Species:
  • Population:
    • Heavy
  • Demographics:
    • 70% Humans
    • 30% Other Intelligent Species
  • Primary Languages:
    • Galactic Basic
    • Sakatine [Local Language]
  • Culture:
    • Nomadic and Barbaric [Desert]
      • The desert tribes are constantly on the move, either chasing dwindling water sources or clashing with rival tribes. They are notoriously unwelcoming to outsiders, and many are rumored to be cannibals—making them best avoided whenever possible.
    • Orderly and Pious [Cities]
      • Due to the planet-wide martial law, the cities maintain strict order, with a culture that emphasizes adherence to the rules and harshly punishes those who step out of line. The predominant religion has fostered a deeply pious population, with citizens often targeting those who don't share their faith.
  • Government:
    • Military-controlled democracy
  • Affiliation:
  • Wealth:
    • Average [City-folk]
    • Low [Tribes]
  • Stability:
    • Extremely High [Cities]
    • Extremely Low [Deserts]
  • Freedom & Oppression:
    • No Government Control [Deserts]
      • Despite the government's power and repeated attempts to launch campaigns into the desert, none have succeeded. The primary obstacles were the difficulty of maintaining supply lines and the fierce resistance from the tribesmen. As a result, the government has officially declared its borders, stating that anything beyond them is out of its jurisdiction.
    • High Government Control [Cities]
      • All cities remain under martial law, with dissenters harshly punished and riots swiftly quelled by force. However, due to the widespread fanaticism of the population, most citizens seem untroubled by these measures—aside from a few outliers. The government maintains a firm grip on the people but still permits certain freedoms, such as market activity and religious practices, even though these liberties aren't recognized by the people.
  • Military:
    • Large Standing Military and Militarized Population
  • Technology:
    • Galactic Standard

Before the Civil War:

Prior to the civil war, the planet was dominated by crime-ridden cities, and the populace was largely secular. This was largely due to pervasive government corruption at every level. Over time, public dissatisfaction led to a rebellion spearheaded by the New Republic of Sanchina (NSR). As the NSR gained momentum, the government responded by deploying the military to crush the uprising. The resulting clash, known as the Battle for Freedom, ignited the civil war.

During the Civil War:

Although the NSR was initially favored by the people, they faced opposition from multiple factions: the disintegrating current military, the Legio Fortitudinis (a war cult), and the Liberation Movement (a group of terrorists despite their name). The conflict was devastating, with approximately 60% of the population killed, 70% of cities reduced to rubble, and the remaining 30% living in barely habitable refugee camps. The mismanagement of the surviving areas led to waning support for the NSR, shifting favor towards the Legio Fortitudinis. This shift culminated in the final battle, the Battle of Urbs, where the NSR was defeated. Their inability to address the issues in the provinces they controlled led to their downfall.

Post Civil War:

After the civil war, the Legio Fortitudinis assumed control of the government, but corruption persisted. This changed when the current Primarch led a coup to take over the government. Following the coup, martial law was enforced to suppress dissent and execute remaining rebels. Despite the harsh rule, the new government, under the Primarch, was popular as they enlisted tradesmen to assist in the planet's reconstruction. This effort led to a population surge and the rebuilding of major cities. During this period, many citizens began converting to the religion of the Legio Fortitudinis, seeing it as the path forward.

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