Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On a Call

Fondor City, Fondor, Colonies

Rens Ahim stood facing his apartment window. Thunder roared outside with rain pounding at the glass as if multiple drums were beating in unison. The place was mostly spartan with grayish walls, saved for a few Mon Calamari and Bestinian decorations adorning the sides. The senator was wearing a red shirt and matching pants with brown boots with the right arm hanging behind his back. He had a lot on his mind to put it mildly.

Rubbing his jaw with the left hand he continued to stare at the rain stained window though from behind was a hologram projector and on was a teenage Zabark lady with her arms crossed in a student’s uniform.

"Dad, when are you coming home?"

A sigh threatened to come out but Rens stopped himself. He slowly turned around with a regretful expression.

"When it is possible, Nai. You know there is-“

His adopted daughter waved it off

"I know, I know Dad. There's a war going on. It's just hard, you know. Mom is doing everything she can back here on Bestine. She misses you. We all miss you."

He felt his throat choking with emotion before clearing it. Seeing his daughter's pain in her face made it even more tormenting. Nodding with solemn eyes Rens confessed.

"So do I Nai. So do I." Awkward silence followed briefly before he asked.

"Are you adjusting well back to school?"

Nai sighed then answered. "Alright I guess. It's good to be back with my old friends. Sure studies can be a pain, especially galactic economics but I'm making it."

A smile escaped Rens. "How Davi? Your mother told me you two patched things up."

Rolling her eyes, Nai at first said nothing while pushing some of her long hair to the right side. Her awkward smile confirmed to them that she and her boyfriend worked things out. Being a father he was naturally suspicious of those who date his sons and daughters so he wanted to be informed on that matter.

"I could always give him the talk again."

"Dad, no! We're doing great, no need for that.”

Laughing Rens nodded. "Okay, Nai, I was just joking. You take care and I love you."

"Love you too dad."

The hologram shut off, leaving Rens alone in the room. More thunder boomed outside with more of heaven’s tears streaming down. Heading over to the console he switched up the next frequency. It was Jedi in origin.

I was meaning to contact them much sooner for a while but things kept getting in the way.

Now time was the time to remedy that. Soon the hologram activates revealing Valery Noble, Grandmaster of the Order. Bowing his head in full respect before giving a friendly smile the representative declared.

"Greetings Master Noble. I'm Rens Ahim, Senator of Bestine IV. It's a pleasure to meet you at last though regrettably not in person."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery sat down in her office seat at the Noble homestead. Usually, she'd make these calls from the Temple, but she had chosen to remain home to get some extra rest. The Battle on Coruscant had taken a toll on her mind and soul, and she didn't want to worry her husband and kids too much. Coming home to them had revealed some tension, especially after recent visions from her daughter.

They needed her home a little more, to be reassured.

When the call went live, Valery soon saw the holographic image of the senator and smiled, "The pleasure is mine, senator," Valery began. They had never spoken one-on-one before, but she had seen him speak in front of the senate. He was a senator true to his heart and loyal to the Alliance. Friendly towards the Jedi too, which was a rarity at times.

"I trust the day finds you well? I was hoping we could discuss our positions within the war a little further."

"I'm well thank you. Yes we have much to discuss." Rens replied to the Grandmaster. He was well aware of her reputation. A Jedi from the era of the ancient Republic who rose to become one of her bethern's greatest champions along with her husband Khail and so many others.

Of course Rens reminded himself there is more to people than just the legends that surround them. He can tell in Valery's eyes that she was tired and trying to recover. No doubt the fatigue was from the horrific battle fought on Coruscant. The Mon Calamari hated to take the guardian's time but circumstances made it necessary. Soon he spoke again.

"The Alliance truly owes all of you who fought in Coruscant's defense. While a victory we both know this latest war with the Sith is far from over."

For a moment Rens looked down in sadness. Will their children ever know some kind of peace? Shaking his head he lifted it toward the Grandmaster's hologram.

"I believe continued cooperation between your order and our government is essential, unlike certain colleagues of mine who claim otherwise. How can I help you strengthen those ties?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble
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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I agree. Coruscant was only the beginning." They had been taken by surprise when the Empire found a way into the core and wreaked havoc. It had forced the Alliance to retreat, but those tactics had paid off. Coruscant had not fallen and such a victory meant that soldiers, Jedi and civilians alike had a newfound confidence.

They knew they could win this war.

"It's important that we're not obstructed in the war. The military and Jedi need to act swiftly and they have to fight together. In my opinion, the Senate sometimes tries too hard to influence our military action. But they should leave that to experts." To generals and admirals who understood the finer details of warfare.

"What I need is people in the Senate who truly care for this Alliance, and are willing to support the people who have the ability to defend it."

Through the hologram across the stars Valery would be able to sense the immense gratitude in Rens' soul to the troops, the allies and the Jedi Order. As a child he grew up on the stories of Ackbar, Skywalker, Mothma and so many other heroes. Like the days of old this generation had its champions. For a moment he looked down to the floor feeling unworthy with a pained expression, thinking.

Why do I get to live and countless more don't?

He wasn't a Jedi nor a soldier and certainly no hero for that matter as far as he was concerned. Just a glorified bureaucrat as many in the galaxy no doubt see. That line of thought passed, reminded of his family. It is for them and his fellow citizens why he chose to serve in public office. Rens just hoped and prayed that he wouldn't stop caring about them despite his many faults and weaknesses.

Lifting his glance to Valery the Mon Calamari answered in a tone driven by purpose.

"You're absolutely right Master Noble. The Defense Forces and your Order must not be hindered. Rest assured I'll do what I can and coordinate with others who feel the same about dealing with those foolish attempts. Our legislative body should focus on strengthening the homefront and maintaining civilian representation in the Alliance."

He sincerely believed that. By the same token Rens wasn't naive about the fact there was much corruption in the senate and anti-Jedi sentiment in certain circles. There is much to do and much to sacrifice by him and those like minded. But if his efforts can somehow assist the defenders of the Alliances then so be it. Then he cleared his throat for the next part of the discussion.

"There is a possible way that can help our efforts in the senate. We need a different representative from the Jedi Order instead of Master Kahill Noble. Someone who can expertly and patiently present the Jedi view to the assembly and handle whatever accusations and slanders that would be thrown."

Considering his next words carefully he then said.

"Your husband is an incredible Jedi and truly a good man. Of course you know that better than anyone in the galaxy. At the same time Master Noble you also know full well his low opinion of the senate.”

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble
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