Nar Shaddaa/Crimson Love Nightclub
The Zabrak soared through the air with the aid of his jetpack, the rain clattering against his crimson armour as he headed for his next gig. The job's description was simple enough, a mob boss from the Black Sun was looking for a mercenary to go convince some people to pay up some stupid tax or whatever. The usual gig. In all honesty, Kaz stopped paying attention to the descriptions of these types of people long ago, it was rarely actually interesting enough to memorise. At least the credits were more than enough to earn his attention, which was the only reason he agreed to meeting with them.
The venue was a night club that he had never heard off... a common theme for Nar Shaddaa. Not that it was a bad thing, visiting new clubs was like opening a box of chocolates. Every now and then there was one that stood out to him and brought him back once or twice. He hoped that this one would be one of those... ignoring the gangsters, of course. Luckily the T-visor was enough to dissuade them from picking a fight with him. The guns also tended to help with that. He finally arrived at the place and touched down by the front door, scaring the two bouncers standing guard rather well. He worked hard on keeping his laugh in with that one.
"I'm here for your boss. Was looking for a merc, I heard." He kept a casual tone as he glanced between the two. After a few moments they let him through and he waltzed in calmly. From the look of things, this club was right up his alley. The first thing to catch his eye was the stunning view of dancers doing their thing all around the place. Instinctively he made sure that his cred stash was safely tucked away underneath his cuirass before he ventured further. Was wasn't going to fall for that one again anytime soon. Another goon met with him and ushered him to a table to wait. He was a second or two away from voicing his disappointment in the service until a waitress was sent his way. Nah, this service was just fine.