Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On a Wing and a Dark Word




Location: Red Hills, Dathomir​
Outfit: XXX, Hand-Markings XXX

Senka sat cross-legged on the floor of her hut, her eyes closed.​
A feeling nudged at her; visitors would be coming. It was altogether rare for anyone to venture this far into the Red Hills, especially to find her. However, those brave few did usually have a good reason to seek out the Nightsister.​
Green Spirit Ichor swirled in the air around her as she focused, using the magickal 'smoke' to see. Yes, these travelers did have a reason -- she could not yet glean exactly what it was... but their steps spoke of many things: dark determination, strong wills, desire, power. Senka's green eyes slowly opened to the dim candlelight, which was extinguished with a silent word. The ichor dissipated, returning to wooden basin by the altar of the Winged Goddess.​
Senka stood. After a moment of concentration, she held up her right hand -- blackened as it was by magick -- and disappeared. Though, not really. There was a flutter of wings as a blackbird stood in her place, but soon took flight. The bird left the hut and came to perch outside on a knotted branch. Any that entered would find a seemingly unoccupied hut.​
After all, it would be unwise to reveal herself willingly without knowing her guest's intentions...​


After failing to acquire the talisman from the archives on Woostri, she'd needed another option. Adrienne had been determined not to disappoint her master, so she'd done her research well. There was a rumor that a Nightsister Shaman lived in the Red Hills of Dathomir -- and she might be the key to their success.

The trip to Woostri had not been a complete waste of time, however. Adrienne had managed to ensnare a small group of Rakghouls -- which were currently bound to a glowing red amulet. It would keep them from turning on her or her master, but it could not create. True, Rakghouls were known for their ability to spread their disease... but what they sought was much greater than that.

A true outbreak -- the ability to create Rakghouls wherever and whenever they pleased.

"Her dwelling is just there," Adrienne said, pointing to the hut in the distance. "I'll wait here... with them."

Her amber eyes shifted to indicate the group of Rakghouls on their heels. "Good luck, master." A sinister smile curled her lips.

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