Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On Red Wings, Ravens Fly


Hacks stood restlessly near the back of the bar, her plastic eyes transfixed on the datapad she held in her hands. Security feeds from last night replayed on the display, witnessing the horror of wholesale slaughter upon the Hutt Council and the Consortium. The Mighty Gorba dead, powerful crime lords and lowly fixers murdered. Irritation bubbled in the pit of her stomach as the Black Suns announced themselves, their deceit and betrayal. It had seemed a lifetime ago when she had last heard of the Black Suns, another life on Antecedent in the Dragon Palace Casino. The Red Ravens and Black Suns waging a war across Hutt Space. She was almost too young to understand at the time.

Mechanical fingers danced across the keypad and the datapad displayed a list of members invited to the meeting. Zenva Vrotoa. Her brow creased into a frown, there was something familiar about that name, but her attention was quickly ripped away as a SIA agent caught her attention. "Five minutes to departure, back to your cell." Hacks slipped the datapad into her jacket just as the agent barked, "What were you doing?" She met his gaze, "Nothing," and slinked away from the bar, towards the exit where more agents were forming into a group.

Her life in the last two years had been much the same. SIA kept her under careful watch, monitoring her every footstep and net activities. She was allowed some degree of freedom for her services to the Galactic Alliance. The Consortium had abandoned her to her fate, no attempts made to free her. The Empire looked away, those responsible for her capture. Her resentment had grown fierce. She felt some satisfaction in Gorbas death, but regretful she could not have spoken to him first, and disgust it had come out of cowardly betrayal.

The SIA agents had brought her out to the bar for her limited R&R that they afforded her each month. An hour at a bar of her choosing, but always flanked by no less than a dozen agents to tail her. To make sure she did not run. Her eyes fell to her feet where she thudded along the walkway outside. Coruscant was busy tonight, a million lights playing across her eyes, dazzling and overstimulating.

Her mind fled back to the list, to the name she had spotted. Zenva.

Zenva Vrotoa Zenva Vrotoa

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
{Mature Content Warning} Theme Song {Mature Content Warning}

Reality blurred before the Zabrak's bizarre yellow-red gaze, her fierce features a mask of calm as Hyperspace flashed across the viewports around her. Her mind run through the events of the previous night, and how she had very nearly gotten caught up in a Black Suns coup d'état. The fething Black Suns! The audacity of those bottom feeders, attacking and butchering Hutts in the open like that. The mere thought of it all left the Zabrak's lips twitching on the verge of a snarl despite her best efforts to show calm in front of the Clan. Real space flashed back into existence, snapping the Crimson Lady back to the reality of the situation. The Matron's Frigate closing in on Coruscant.

Zenva exhaled sharply, one hand coming up to massage her temple for a moment. "This is foolish, Renesri. We're chasing a ghost when I should be returning to Hunter's Quarry and gathering our strength. In case the Black Suns turn their attention to our businesses." The Zabrak turned her head slightly, eyeing her niece in the seat to her left. The younger female was far to occupied with her datapad to respond immediately. "If Jen wanted to be involved, she'd make herself known to the old Ravens. We wouldn't need to hunt down some, what, chain of code that looks like Jen's handiwork?" With another sigh of frustration, Zenva reached out to flick one of her niece's horns. "Are you listening, child?"

The younger Zabrak cried out, with purposeful melodrama, grasping at the side of her head as though the flick had actually hurt. "I'm listening and trying to track our ghost. Which is not made easier when you hit me, Matron." The youth held up her datapad for Zenva to look at, none of anything the Matron saw made sense to her, but her niece had been insistent. "Like I explained before, Auntie, Jen was at that meeting. Or at least a cyber version of her. It's the same framework of coding. Yeah, it's different now, but this is the same kind of code Uncle Jarven taught me with. The same kind of code Jen taught him. It's Jen, or a Raven if nothing else. That means allies to deal with the Suns if you need to."

"Pray you are right, child." Zenva stood, picking her helmet up from the table between the pair as she moved. "Find the ghost. Tell me where they are. You have an hour before I give up and start looking for my own form of entertainment." Zenva left the bridge of her Frigate, settling her helmet in place and sealing her Armor with a faint hiss of atmosphere. As she heading for the hanger, and her personal Fightercraft, she was joined by two dozen of her personal Guard. They would be following in squadrons of Interceptors and would accompany her at every moment of the day until this trouble with the reemergent Black Suns had been dealt with.

Hacks Hacks
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Hacks stood firm, her four arms held behind her back, wrists together as the agents shackled her. The landing pad lay ahead. She strode towards it, every day of her life had become a familiar pattern, one she could follow with her eyes closed. In the first few months of her imprisonment she had been rowdy and hard to tame, but the energy had been sapped from her in time. The dawning realization she may never get her escape. That no one, not the Consortium, not Koda Fett, not Gorba the Hutt or even the Empire were going to help. She had burned every bridge back to Darkwire, they wouldn't bat an eye. This was it.

The loading ramp lowered and Hacks drooped her shoulders and hung her head, she was formidably tall at eight foot and had no plans to bang her head on the way in. She settled herself into a seat and two agents sat to either side, the others who had come to the bar moved back towards the venue. They would stay and enjoy their drinks. They knew Hacks wasn't going to be going anywhere. The shackles disabled the motors in her cybernetic arms, completely immobilizing them.

Her plastic eyes glimpsed the last of the nights moon before the ramp came up, sealed shut with a clunk and hiss. Hacks pushed her head back against the seat, closed her eyes and opened her mind. A deadly oversight of SIA, they had never scanned and registered every cybernetic the borg had. The implant buried deep in her brain converted the biological to the digital, the imperceptible neurons firing in her brain translated to virtual commands. SIA had yet to discover she could not only slice with a datapad, she could slice with her mind.

Her mind stretched out across the vast ocean of data that made up the Net. Reality fell away, soon forgetting she was bound and chained inside a Galactic Alliance prison transport.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Armored boots thundered rhythmically behind the Matron as she marched towards her waiting Stealth Fighter. The occasional clicks of encrypted comms chatter was the only sound to accompany their booming advance. Her warriors were professionals, and none wasted time with idle banter. Not that the carnivorous Crime Lord was in much of a mood for chit-chat. Hidden beneath the death mask of her armor, Zenva's face twisted with the rage she had been suppressing for hours. If Renesri was wrong, and there were no Ravens hiding in the lights of Coruscant's endless cityscape, she might just find some poor bystander to vent her frustrations on. Who'd notice one more murder in a back alley?

In short order Zenva and her retinue were aboard their fighter craft, and shortly thereafter, they swarmed from the Frigate's hanger. Streaking towards the City World below in a loose cloud. Zenva's hands moved through her cockpit without much need for conscious thought, cycling through the ship's stealth systems like a well practiced dance. In moments it was as though she didn't exist. Few things in this galaxy could overcome the plethora of hardware she had installed in her ship. And if she was somehow detected, her failsafes had a failsafe, her systems had backups upon backups.

Meanwhile aboard the Bridge of the Matron's Frigate, Renesri continued her dogged pursuit of her Ghost in the Net. They hadn't made it easy to track them. They were piggybacking off of SIA security systems. Kinda genius. The young Zabrak mused while growling in frustration. One had to slice into a monstrous defense network to even start trying to locate the Ghost. Then something changed. Her Ghost became active again. Code changing and shifting through the holonet like a living thing.

Comms snapped open in an instant, "Matron! They're active! I can't locate them, it's not possible without significant time. I'm going to send a calling card." Once she had permission, Renesri set out sending her message, simple thing really. She stole control of a few servers on the planet below and started spamming the local holonet with an image, a blood red Raven on a field of black. "Please answer!" Renesri whispered. "I know you're there, I just don't get where."

Hacks Hacks
Her jaunt through the Net began with the latest news, whispers the Consortium had collapsed. Rumours she herself could confirm. More interesting yet, the murderous Maw had receded in power, the Empire collapsed from within, and a dozen more nations across the galaxy had folded in a matter of weeks. A great collapse of power.

Hacks wondered briefly if there was any link between them, but her attention was drawn by a disturbance. An itch. Spiders legs crawling up her spine. Distantly she felt her body shiver. A flood of data washed over her, streams of code pouring in from a dozen different nodes across the local sector. Hesitantly she began to download the packet, shoring her network defences as she did so.

A blood red raven on a field of black. She hesitated for a moment, her throat tightened. The last she had seen that symbol had been another life, long ago. Was this Lysle? she wondered, is he sending a message? She began to trace the origin source, narrowing the field to a moving ping far above the skies of Coruscant. Sliced CCTV of distant skycutters craned their cameras to face the skies, scanning for the frigate.

Then, in an instant, she was inside. Something about the ships network security was familiar, code of a bygone era. She blazed through the vessel until she was at the source, then in a burst of light she was on the deck. Holoprojectors had snapped to life, projecting the image of a towering Hacks, four arms crossed tight against her chest. Little remnants of her humanity were suffocated by metal and wires and tubes, even her eyes held an unnatural plastic sheen.

"Who are you," she demanded, fixing her gaze on Renesri.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Panic shot along Renesri's nervous system like lightning. She hadn't covered her tracks all that well intentionally, but she hadn't expected her Ghost to invade her network. Her fingers danced across her datapad, trying to set up new layers of protection even as the Ghost slipped through those already in place. "No! No, no, no, no, no! How are you going so fast?"

She dropped her gear, pulling up a handheld comm. "Auntie Zenva, small problem." The young Zabrak said quickly. A moment later the holoprojectors in the bridge snapped to life of their own volition. A towering projection of a four armed cyborg suddenly loomed over the young Zabrak slicer. It snapped a question at her causing her to squeak in panic, dropping her comm device.

"How are you already in my systems? What the feth..." Her voice trailed off as her comm crackled, Zenva looking for an update no doubt. She glanced down to look at her equipment, seemed to reconsider her situation for a moment and glanced back up to the Cyborg. "Umm, so I'm Renesri. I like you're arms, please don't crash my system." The young Zabrak flashed a mouth full of serrated teeth in what might have been an attempt at an innocent smile.

Hacks Hacks
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The young Zabrak spoke in a fading voice, "How are you already in my systems? What the feth..." in a flash of sharp, dagger-like teeth she said, "Umm, so I'm Renesri. I like you're arms, please don't crash my system." Hacks stared for a moment, then an image formed beside her, the Red Raven, perched on a black tree. "What're you doing sending this across the sector?" she asked.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
The young Zabrak smirked, half chuckling to herself as the holographic Cyborg added a Raven in a tree to the display. She raised a hand, gesturing to a deck officer nearby to stand down. The background noise having started to become overly aggressive with the appearance of the hologram. "Well, that was meant for someone else, but you answered my calling card all the same." She paused, looking down at her chirping comm device. "I need to answer that soon before they order a shut down of our system to kick you out."

The youth glanced at her datapad, checking statuses, but not actually going for the device. "Look, if you understand what that symbol means, it sorta makes you one of two kinds of people. Someone protected by it, or someone that's deathly afraid of it. You choose to start talking. It's Raven business. I'm not a Raven, I can't tell you what's going on. I was told to post it." She gestured down to her comm device. "You have to ask the Raven about it."

Hacks Hacks
"Well, that was meant for someone else, but you answered my calling card all the same." Renesri paused, looking down at her chirping comm device. "I need to answer that soon before they order a shut down of our system to kick you out. Look, if you understand what that symbol means, it sorta makes you one of two kinds of people. Someone protected by it, or someone that's deathly afraid of it. You choose to start talking. It's Raven business. I'm not a Raven, I can't tell you what's going on. I was told to post it." She gestured down to her comm device. "You have to ask the Raven about it."

Hacks' mind raced, her frown deepening. Her gaze swept the room, then narrowed back in on Renesri, "The Ravens are gone, no one's afraid of us anymore. Cryax went missing years ago, Lysle hides in Babylon on the Smugglers Moon, and hell knows what happened to Jen and the rest. Probably dead in a gutter on some backwater shithole at the edge of the galaxy."

The holographic raven disappeared in an instant, and Hacks looked down at the comm device, "Who is it?"

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
The Zabrak's eyes flashed wide in surprise for a moment as the Cyborg began to list names, though she quickly hide the expression behind a scowling, determined expression. She didn't respond immediately, instead leaning forward to collect her comm device from the floor. She clicked it on, and spoke aloud as she answered the Cyborg. "Matron Vrotoa. I have the situation under control. Please stand down until I confirm our targets location. I was wrong. It's not Jen. I apologize."

She clicked off the device and set it down, scooping up her datapad instead. Her fingers danced across its screen as she started running tracker programs on her Ghost. She needed to figure this all out before Zenva's return, which she was beginning to dread. "You said Babylon? We thank you for the updated information. Small correction though. Our understanding is Bane was abducted by a Saber Jockey, Darth Who-give's-a-chit, those titles are impossible to remember. The two then retreated to some fortress at the edge of space to do the whole, you know, tortured to death thing. Since no one's heard from Bane since, we all kinda agreed that's what happened. Or that's the version my Aunt Zenva tells. If I had meet Bane, I was too young to remember it. She worked for him directly. Wet works I imagine. I was only allowed to meet certain Ravens, so I don't know who you are. Yet." She added, as she started trying to track the Cyborg despite likely being at her mercy already.

Hacks Hacks
Hacks watched the Zebrak's fingers dance across her keypad, and suddenly Hacks was aware of her Cerberus program. She let it go on for a moment when her implant gave her the tingling sensation that an intrusion on her geolocation data was about to be breached. She had tuned out the girls speech, only picking up the last of her conversation when Hacks clicked her holographic fingers to get the girls attention, -"Wet works I imagine. I was only allowed to meet certain Ravens, so I don't know who you are. Yet."

"Zenva may," Hacks finished, recognising the name from those listed at the ambush meeting by the Black Suns. A dangerous place for a Raven to be. "I was Lysle's ward, he kept me close and away from most of the Ravens. It was only his closest that knew me back then, just a little girl at Lysle's side." A data packet was sent to Renesri's datapad, it contained the active location of Hacks. "If you want my location just ask, it won't do you good. SIA has me prisoner, they've had me for two fucking years and not a single person in the Consortium lifted a finger to get me out."

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
"Wait! Wait, wait. You're in SIA custody?" The young Zabrak looked up in disbelief, seemingly frozen in place for a moment. "That's why I can't figure out how you got in! You're just broadcasting out!" The young Slicer grimaced. "I mean that sucks. Sorry." She groaned to herself at her outburst before turning her attention back to her Datapad.

Within a minute or two she had control of a camera near enough to her target's location that she could visually confirm things for herself. "Chit! That's a fething prisoner transport, isn't it?" The young Zabrak's shoulders slumped, her head rolling back and forth as though she were having an internalized debate. She let out a long string out vicious, guttural curses in her mother tongue, Zabraki, and picked up her comm device again. "Matron, I have confirmed our target's location. Sending now. Be advised, they are currently aboard a SIA prisoner transport, and in their custody. They claim to be a ward of The Hydian Way. I don't know how to confirm that. They know the right names and seem on the level. They claim you might know them, a female child at the time in the company of Lysle's Flock."

In the black void above Coruscant, Zenva's personal Fighter drifted unseen. Its engine sat cold, drifting on its own momentum as the Matron thought over her niece's words. She sat in the silence, a miniscule speck of nothing in an ocean of nothingness. Moments of quiet stretched to minutes. The silence only broken once by her niece asking for confirmation, she heard everything. The Matron clicked her comm open after another few moments. "Connect me. I want them to hear this." She paused for a moment, knowing her niece would comply quickly. "I don't remember your name, but I recall Lysle's ward. Raven's don't belong in cages, Little One. We'll see you take flight again." A moment later, engines flared to life as the Matron closed on her target.

Hacks Hacks
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Hacks tapped the side of her head, near her temple. "Aj-six unit, SIA never found it on their bio scans. I may have altered the data that came in from the scan," and she offered a rare smile, "As long as that unit is still running, doesn't matter how much security they throw me behind, I can still, in a way, get out."

As Renesri made her call Hacks fell silent, waiting to hear Zenva. When her words came across she didn't recognise the voice, but if it meant escape she wouldn't be complaining. "The names Hacks," she offered to Zenva, "But at the time I was just Himiko Ota."

In a wink Hacks' hologram vanished from the deck. Her mind fled from the ship and she opened her true eyes in a daze. The prison transport was awash in crimson red lights, the agents sat to either side of her and her shackled arms were chained between her legs and to the chair. She wouldn't be budging anytime soon, but she could still help Zenva.

Her implant whirred with activity and she felt a flush of heat run down her body. Code danced across her vision and streams of data organised itself, then compressed and was sent back to Renesri, so as to give to Zenva. It was a file containing information on the prison transport, it's route, and the guards inside.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Renesri set to work dissecting the data packet Hacks sent her the moment she received it. Siphoning off details as needed and forwarding them to not only Zenva's personal ship, but every vessel of the Matron's guard. Aboard the Frigate, the Matron's voice rang out from the comm systems. "All vessels are to assemble at this point." Coordinates for the Prison Transports hyperspace jump point being relayed back through the fleet. "Our Frigate is to open up with a M.A.R.C. Volley. Gut their engines before they reach their target. The moment their shields drop; Interceptors are to follow me in an attack run. Destroy their communications systems, here, and here." Target points on the Transport appearing thanks to the schematics Hacks had forwarded. "If we're fast enough, we can silence them before they can even signal they're being attacked."

Orders bounced through the Matron's Frigate. In the Ship's hangers boarding teams rushed to their waiting Gunships. The teams made up of the remainder of Zenva's personal guard. Gun crews worked at a feverish pace in the Frigate's forward Batteries, as the ship readied its first Salvo of nine ton Titanium rods. Their Target's shield systems might survive the first round, but the following three would surely accomplish the goal of destroying the Transports engine systems in an instant. Then came the race against time.

Zenva exhaled harshly, closing her eyes for a moment. The sound of her twin heartbeats filled her ears, drowning out the comms chatter of her Clan for a moment as she pushed away every thought beyond what she was about to do. Thoughts of old comrades, Cryax, Patricia, Lysle, their adventures, the victories and loses they had been through, all faded from her mind. None of it mattered now. Himiko Ota, a child raised by the creator of the Ravens, had been taken, and seemingly forgotten by those who were supposed to have safeguarded her. The Matron snapped her eyes open once more, and threw her ship into motion, racing towards her target at breakneck speeds. She'd right the wrong of her brethren personally.

Hacks Hacks
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Silence followed for the next few minutes, dragging out into an eternity. Hacks could pull herself back into the Net, observe what was happening but feared that her distraction in the Net could prove fatal in the flesh. Then as these thoughts subsided the transport seemed to explode.

Something fast and powerful had eviscerated the shields and struck the bow. Another shuddering impact and the ships portside plating peeled away in an instant.

The prisoner bay shrieked with sudden decompression, the agent to her right was completely pulled from his seat by natural forces and thrown out into high atmosphere, falling in twists and tumbles to the far distant ground below.

It was as though a giant had suddenly taken hold of the ship, opened her like a can and plucked the food from inside. Hacks' eyes had no time to follow the agent that vanished into the night void, her stomach had begun to lurch. The ship was rapidly descending, total engine failure.

The other agent was screaming in pain, shrapnel had lodged itself into his thigh and pinned him to the chair. It was then Hacks finally noticed the warning that splashed across her plastic eyes. Abdomen compromised. She looked down and saw a thin pipe sticking out from her stomach. Had she not had her recent cybernetic replacements, it could have been fatal.

She tugged at her shackles but they didn't budge, the ship was continuing to fall and she was trapped.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
It was impossible to see with the naked eye once set in motion, but the impact of the first six meter Titanium rod was resulted in a dazzling carona of light to ripple for a fraction of a moment around the Transport vessel. A second later the side, and rear of the vessel simply opened, blossoming like a flower. Armor plating, engine pieces, and several former occupants, cast in to the void like petals. The raw destruction was a spectacle that Zenva would muse over for years to come. In the moment however, panic ran through her veins.

The Transport was properly disabled, yes, however it had been it had been gutted like an animal in the process. Bleeding cargo, and personnel, it's legs cut out for under the unsuspecting beast. Zenva's comms opened as her raced toward her wounded prey, intent on slitting it's throat before it cried out. "Go, go, go! Renesri, the Target is venting atmo. How long on Gunships?"

The moment her weapons found their lock, a quartet of rockets streaked towards the Transports primary communication array. A few moments later hails of slug and blaster cannon fire erupted from her Fighter's nose chasing her rockets to decimate the delicate relays and antenna. She cut away, slowly drastically as she did, and soon she rotated herself to watch as dozens of Interceptors did much the same to the ship's secondary systems. Her comms clicked open, Renesri's nervous voice in her ear. "E.T.A. minus three, Matron. I think the rail guns might have been a little."

Zenva cut her off. "That's a long time to hold your breath. If she's in the damaged area, she doesn't have three minutes." Immediately her ship was in motion again, this time closing on the gaping wound that were it's rear sections. "Renesri, take control of my ship. Keep it close. I'm going for a walk." She grabbed the emergency life gear from beneath her seat, clipped the bag it came in to her chest harness, and double checked her armor was properly sealed.

Maneuvering herself with a lot more caution then she usually employed in her deadly little Fighter, eventually the rip in the Transport's side was directed "above" her. Overriding a few warning systems, she opened the canopy of her ship, the atmosphere around her vacuumed out in an instant. Pulling her free of her seat to hurtle towards the rend. After a few moments of free fall, and a few directional corrections from the rocket systems in her boots, she was close enough to engage the grappling systems in her armor. Cables fired from her hips, anchoring to the hull of the Transport, a moment later winches engage and she streaked towards her prey as though a spector of death itself were emerging from the void of space. As she went she drew her twin blaster pistols from their holsters at her thighs.

A cable released, withdrew in a moment, and fired out once more. This time it hammered into the wall inside the ship. The others released, and the Spector flew into the damaged holding area. She stopped her forward moment after only a second once inside, disengaging the mobility systems. She floated forward, closing her cloak around her, and vanished from the visual light spectrum. Her boots magnetized, pulling her to the floor and holding her fast as she surveyed the room. Her arms flew out after a few seconds, blaster bolts ripping through the room in twinned sets from each weapon. SIA officers were butchered in their seats even as they tried to secure themselves against the vacuum threatening their lives.

Hacks Hacks
The distant roar of an approaching flyer told Hacks all she needed to know. Zenva moved fast. It had not been more than a handful of minutes since Hacks gave them her coordinates and freedom was looming near, although so was her imminent death. Her plastic eyes stared out over the sky below, the jutting pinnacles of skycutters that cleaved through the highest clouds, quiet speederlanes and the occasional bird.

Her stomach crawled up along her back and she felt bile rise, wind whipping at her hair and glasses. Someone's screaming had been drowned out by what she thought was nearby blasterfire in the hold opposite to her. Hacks pulled her legs up at the edge of her seat, her body curled into a near-ball with her wrists still shacked to the bottom of her seat. She yanked twice and the metal cuffs refused to break.

She tried to push off from the edge of the seat, her arms raging in agony but the shackles simply would not budge. She slumped back into her chair, blood and oil began to mix into a puddle on her lap, slowly leaking from where the pipe had lodged into her stomach. She was panting hard now, her energy draining. She squinted in pain and turned to her left, the agent had stopped moving, his breathing gone, eyes staring blankly at nothing and no one.

Hacks glanced back outside again, the transport continuing to plummet, the city was getting closer.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Statuses flashed in Zenva's eyes, countdowns appearing for numerous things, reinforcements and planetary security forces rushing towards the gutted Transport, mission timers, but they were unimportant. Without an immediate threat to herself, the Zabrak had time to navigate her advances display systems and locate her target relative to herself. She turned to face the sealed doors to her right, and in rapid succession Zenva shut off the magnets holding her to the floor, then fired grappling cables at the doorframe. The escaping atmosphere pulled at her for a fraction of a second before she was pulled forward across the room. The instant she landed, she reset herself to the floor, and studied the door for a moment.

With a twist of her wrist, a blade extended from it, which she then forced between the sealed door. Synthetic muscle whining throughout her armor systems as she pried the doors open enough to get her fingers into them. The blade retracted as she got her hands between the doors. The effort was tremendous, even with the assistance of her power armor, enough that she was roaring audibly as they started to separate, the vocalizers in her helmet warping her cry into something bizarre. Wind whipped around her causing pieces of her to flash in and out of the visible light spectrum as her cloak shifted in the violent air currents. Sparks flashed as the doors failed, and abruptly they pushed apart without effort.

Striding into the room, her foot falls thundering as she locked to the floor at the end of every step, Zenva drew out her pistols once more. Twin arcs of red lanced through the room as she methodically gunned down any SIA personnel that were still moving. A few moments later she found herself standing in front of massive Cyborg. She knelt, pushing the woman back in her seat to examine the rod in her midsection. "How organic are you?" She asked as she began to pull out the emergency breathing gear she had taken from her ship. She forced a mask over the Cyborg's face, "If I pack that wound with Bacta foam, is it going to seal the wound, or just kark up your hardware?" Standing once more, Zenva grabbed the woman's shoulder to pull her forward, examining how she was secured to the seat. "Hold still." She warned as she drew a pistol intent on shooting the restrains.

Hacks Hacks
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