Console Cowgirl

Hacks stood restlessly near the back of the bar, her plastic eyes transfixed on the datapad she held in her hands. Security feeds from last night replayed on the display, witnessing the horror of wholesale slaughter upon the Hutt Council and the Consortium. The Mighty Gorba dead, powerful crime lords and lowly fixers murdered. Irritation bubbled in the pit of her stomach as the Black Suns announced themselves, their deceit and betrayal. It had seemed a lifetime ago when she had last heard of the Black Suns, another life on Antecedent in the Dragon Palace Casino. The Red Ravens and Black Suns waging a war across Hutt Space. She was almost too young to understand at the time.
Mechanical fingers danced across the keypad and the datapad displayed a list of members invited to the meeting. Zenva Vrotoa. Her brow creased into a frown, there was something familiar about that name, but her attention was quickly ripped away as a SIA agent caught her attention. "Five minutes to departure, back to your cell." Hacks slipped the datapad into her jacket just as the agent barked, "What were you doing?" She met his gaze, "Nothing," and slinked away from the bar, towards the exit where more agents were forming into a group.
Her life in the last two years had been much the same. SIA kept her under careful watch, monitoring her every footstep and net activities. She was allowed some degree of freedom for her services to the Galactic Alliance. The Consortium had abandoned her to her fate, no attempts made to free her. The Empire looked away, those responsible for her capture. Her resentment had grown fierce. She felt some satisfaction in Gorbas death, but regretful she could not have spoken to him first, and disgust it had come out of cowardly betrayal.
The SIA agents had brought her out to the bar for her limited R&R that they afforded her each month. An hour at a bar of her choosing, but always flanked by no less than a dozen agents to tail her. To make sure she did not run. Her eyes fell to her feet where she thudded along the walkway outside. Coruscant was busy tonight, a million lights playing across her eyes, dazzling and overstimulating.
Her mind fled back to the list, to the name she had spotted. Zenva.