Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private On the Road Again


Location: Shadow Temple Kashyykk
Objective: Tour Temple
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Katarine was a little nervous as she sat in the back of the transport ship. The flight was smooth enough and even though she hated flying she was happy that the trip was smooth. No, it wasn't the flight making her jittery but rather the prospect that she'd run into Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor at the enclave that his father had created. She hadn't seen Connel in almost half a year at this point and that was probably a good thing. Their last encounter had been a disaster and as far as she knew it had sparked paranoia that she was investigating the young man. This wasn't true of course as Katarine hadn't even been around the Prosperity these days. She had returned to her work in the criminal underworld. Kat enjoyed her work as a Jedi Investigator but she couldn't deny that she was glad for a break. When Caltin had extended the invitation to tour his new enclave she had accepted the moment her assignment ended. She was looking forward to a little down time and the chance to see Caltin and possibly his wife again. The large Jedi Master was someone she considered a budding friend, so this trip was worth it despite the awkwardness with the big mans son.

When the ship landed she looked around and frowned. Were they in the right place? This place looked like a resort, not a temple. The pilot assured her this was correct however and she started forward with wide eyes. Maybe this was going to be more of a vacation than she thought!

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

The Pilot landed her in the general area of Starport, thus is the source of her concern and confusion for as Kat walked into the landing/launch area further, more and more would make sense. There was still the “resort” feel” but there were more and more Jedi, walking around, as well as X-wings, ETA-2200’s and so on. Eventually she would see the big man himself and I guess you could call him “the little man” in this case. Caltin was walking with Connel and an astromech, Connel was in a traditional “X-wing” flightsuit, his Combat Shield hanging off and over his back.

It was Connel who was first to acknowledge that Kat had landed and waved her over. The mannerisms, the general feeling, there was clearly something different “for the better” about the younger Vanagor. Caltin simply nodded the way he always had, he looked to be ridiculously busy at the moment, thus was the nature of an overseer of an Enclave.

[COLOR=ROYALBLUE}Hey there! Welcome to the Shadow Temple, Maste Ryiah… have you been here long?[/COLOR]

An astromech droid unfortunately had to interrupt them, walking up to get the big man’s attention.

“Terribly sorry to interrupt, sir, your attention is required nearby at landing bay 2.”

Again? An annoyed response that was directed at no one, was spoken to the ceiling. Sorry about that, an “Ace” class. I’ll be right back, I promise. Without another word, he followed the droid over to one of the Sullustan Jedi instructors and began “conversing”.

There was a moment of awkward silence, but Connel was quick to cut. Actually, I’m glad that I have a second. I wanted to apologize to you for what happened the last time we were face to face. No matter what happened, no matter who said what it’s all on me. I’m not expecting anything, other than for you to know that I am sincere about it, and know that… the “Connel” you knew and saw that night… even days leading up to it… that was not “me”. He shrugged and wrinkled his nose.

I mean, it was, but it is a story for another time when I was not on my way out to go on an assignment. Before either of them had a chance to say anything else, Caltin had returned.

Sorry about that, an instructor not realizing he was authorized in the manner he was. Where are you heading out to again, Connel? You know your mother is going to want to know… He asked like a father wanting to mask his own natural concern, Connel of course smirked and responded.

Batuu… There is an artifact that was found by a “Silver” recovery team that they are concerned about. Hey, K… Master Ryiah. Could you do me a favor while I’m gone? Check in on Buster? He’s with my Padawan, but she is also in a class with this big man. Patting his father on the shoulder as he took hold of his flight helmet, Connel was waiting for Caltin’s retort.

Father didn’t disappoint.

Hey! I said I would check in on him! I’m happy to.

Connel began walking away with a “cat that ate the canary” grin. I know you will, but Buster likes her too… Kiss Mother on the cheek for me. Looking down at the astromech. You ready, "Brad"?

The droid beeped enthusiastically.

Let’s get out of here. He waved to them both as he was heading to the very custom X-wing being pulled out to the launch bay, on the other side of the landing bay.

Caltin watched with a missed sense of pride as the young Knight was heading out. You’re a great investigator, Kat. I feel terrible thinking of the time that my son and I missed, I know that it is in the past, but you saw it and I didn’t. He was not simply “going through the same thing I did”. Well, he was but there was more to it. It turns out that Well, it’s not my place to tell you, it’s his, but there was something on top of that. Anyway, he’s doing his own thing now, and is more fulfilled than he ever felt in his old path. One would think that there was a tinge of disappointment in the son not following in the father’s footsteps, but nothing could be further from the truth.

His musings were good in distraction as they had walked from the landing bay, through the launch bay and out towards the fountains. The view was incredible as it made one wonder just what this place was, and was meant to do or be? Welcome to “The Shadow Temple”, this is not an Enclave that is open, simply for the sake of being open, there is a purpose here. To teach all three paths of the Jedi, but different groups and variations. From the “Weapons Master” and “Jedi Ace” of the Guardian, to the “Seer”, “Sage” and “Shadow” of both the Consular and Sentinel, to the “Investigator” and “Sentry” of the Sentinel.
While I turn no one away, you will see few Padawans here because of the more intricate teaching that takes place.



Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Learn More
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

As Katarine walked forward she began to see more Jedi and droids and felt a little more at ease, that is until she spotted Caltin and Connel. They were a welcome sight, but she was cautious as she approached, her deep green eyes scanning Connel face for signs of anger. She need not fear however because the moment Caltin left them Connel was apologizing. Katarine wanted to tell him that it wasn’t all his fault and that she had accidentally read his mind, but before she could Caltin was back.

“….. Hey, K… Master Ryiah. Could you do me a favor while I'm gone? Check in on Buster? He's with my Padawan, but she is also in a class with this big man.”

Katarine grinned and smiled widely. She loved animals. “I would love the chance to see him again.”

She watched as father and son said goodbyes and she waved at Connel, wishing him luck on his mission. He seemed more like the young man she had met that one night at the ball. It was a nice change and made her heart soar.

“You're a great investigator, Kat. I feel terrible thinking of the time that my son and I missed, I know that it is in the past, but you saw it and I didn't. He was not simply "going through the same thing I did". Well, he was but there was more to it. It turns out that Well, it's not my place to tell you, it's his, but there was something on top of that. Anyway, he's doing his own thing now, and is more fulfilled than he ever felt in his old path.”

Katarine was happy to hear Caltin say this. She had long worried she was getting too involved in their families business, but seeing his son so vibrant and happy made Katarine feel better than she had in a long long time.

“I’m so glad he’s doing better. He seems to really take to the flying.”

Carlton started to explain about Shadow Temple and Kat was fascinated to see that it really operated to give more specialized training. She liked that. It felt more like the old Jedi she had known before Order 66.

“It’s very impressive. I can see you’ve been extremely busy here. This place is massive and it feels alive with energy.”

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 1
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

It’s a long story about Connel, I’ll let him tell you. There was more to it. Somehow Connel’s personality “split”(not a split personality) and the part of him that wanted to please his parents and feared failing them took dominance when he was long under in bacta. The dominant parts of his personality were suppressed deep into his state, aware of his situation, but still fighting to get back to the surface, without “fear” the anger rose and rose causing a feeling of “darkness” not far away from the Knight. Just a quick summation, but, still a conversation for another time.

As they watched over the view and watched several ships come and go, Caltin began to walk around the fountains, eventually heading into the open and outward, eventually reaching Kachirho, one of the principal cities of Kashyyyk. It was by no means a technological marvel, or megalopolis, but a beautiful vision nonetheless.

”Alive with energy” is an interesting observation. The place is and strived to be “relaxed” because I helped design this place to hide in plain sight. As you can see by now.

Walking around various parts of the market they entered before down a winding but view filled path… One of my early assignments as a Knight brought me as well as another Knight here. Our assignment became irrelevant because at the time, The "Shyyyo's Heart" tribe was being violently forced out of their homes by Czerka. We defended the tribe and saved many of them from a burning Wroshyr tree. The memory was over eight hundred years old and still gave him pause.

Anyway, we were not only thanked, but the tribe welcomed us, even making us honorary tribe members. Pushing aside a part of his sleeve to show her the tattoo matching the crest on various flags flying proudly among the market. When I first came out of the ice and was brought to the Silver Rest, it turns out they were nearby, and a foundling when I was a Knight turned out to be the elder when I came back. Llabruf… he recently became one with the Force, but the tribe’s opinion has not changed out of respect for him. They work with us, we provide them with supplies and help and they provide security and a place to call home.

More distraction of walking and talking brought them through the checkpoint and back into the Shadow Temple in the middle of the Common Area/Respite District.

There’s enough going on out there in the galaxy. Why not have a place you can learn and relax at the same time, right?



Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Tour
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Katarine listened about the history with the Wookie tribe and followed in the big man’s wake. It was a beautiful site to see the enclave nestled among the wildlife with a slight resort feel. It was certainly something she didn’t see every day. She found all the enclaves she visited had their own charm. It was nice to see the Jedi have a dominate place in the galaxy these days.

“It’s wonderful. I think you can get some solid teaching done here.”

She gazesd around at the forested areas and wondered if she would have time for a hike latter. She wanted to see more of the areas beauty.

“What classes do you teach here?”

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 3
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

Well. Looking at her for a moment. Have you eaten yet? I’m hungry. Come on… He then started walking again.

Well, I wanted this place to be specialized… serious in what you are here to learn. There are enough Enclaves out there that are open just for the sake of being open. I want this place to have a real purpose. That is another reason you won’t see a lot of Padawans here. Don’t get me wrong, there are classes for them, but like I mentioned, we have a more direct line of focusing here.

He laughed as they walked into the Dining Hall which looked more like an elegant banquet hall with different “chef stations” of every kind as well as “cafeteria” style delights and a full service kitchen. You might call this place a “Jedi University”.

With that he went to the “omelette” station and put an order in Take the Sentinel path for example. You could learn to be an Investigator, a Sentry, or a Shadow. With everything that leads up to it. There are Jedi here as well as “experts” who are brought in.



Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Tour
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Katarine followed him into the dining area and felt her jaw drop a little. It looked more like a banquet hall than an ordinary cafeteria. It always amazed her how the Jedi lived now. The Rebellion certainly wasn’t a life of luxury, and before that the Jedi had taken vows of poverty. Katarine was still trying to get used to all the variety and comfort the Jedi enjoyed these days. It was a nice change but it did make her head spin a little.

She ventured around the stations to see everything being offered. It all looked delicious. Her favorite was a fruit array that had fruit from so many worlds. She filled her plate with fruit and then snagged some delicious chocolate looking thing she couldn’t resist.

She joined him at a table and started with a melon from the planet they were on. It was delicious.

“This place is truly amazing. I think it’s great to see different paths coming back. After Order 66 so much was lost.”

Katarine herself had been wondering if it was time that she find some funding and try to build a place for investigators to work with different police divisions. She knew there were other investigators out there but she wasn’t sure how active they were or what assignments they were on. It might be nice to have a central office.

“I’m really glad you asked me to visit. I’d love to sit in on some classes if I can.”

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

As he sat down, Caltin made sure to pick a table that others could sit at as well. He was not allowing himself to be the private person that he normally is. Those around here needed to know that the big man was approachable and this was always a good way to do it. His plate, which looked like it was big enough for three people, had his omelet, some fruit as well and a mess of tubers (potatoes). Throughout their mealtime, Caltin paid full attention to Kat as she was looking around. He remembered her questions the last time they had spoken about traditions, and the fact that this place was so well put together had to make her wonder. Appreciate the kind words. The thoughts on this have been in my head since the Temple on Coruscant was sacked a few years ago. The company that I am silent partner to is able to pay for all of this, it is a weight off of my shoulders in that regard.

She didn’t ask, but, judging by her past and their past meeting, he knew it was on her mind in some way shape or form. As for classes, sit in on any or as many as you like. You’re more than welcome to. In fact, if you wish to teach here, I could use a strong and experienced Sentinel instructor.

Taking in some of the tubers and chewing on that, he shrugged. You would have full authority to craft a curriculum and come and go as you like. That can be a conversation for another time though if you wish. Sure, he just played his trump card and spoke on the main reason why he extended the invitation, but ultimately it was her decision to make.



Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Tour
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Caltin knew that Kat struggled with confidence so it was no wonder when he first mentioned teaching she had a look of blind panic in her eyes. True she had taught many students before and had knighted over thirty padawans, but when you were like she was nothing ever seemed good enough.

“Well I guess there are a few things I could teach. Maybe investigation techniques or psychological profiling. Maybe a unit on the sentinel path.”

She started on her little chocolate crumble and smiled. “But I will have to be careful. The food is so good I might gain ten pounds.”

She laughed to try to ease the tension. Katarine always used sarcasm and jokes when she felt uncomfortable or nervous. Truthfully she knew she had skills she could pass on but she always worried she wasn’t good enough.

“What classes do you personally teach? Dueling I expect?”

He had taught her a form before.

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

Answering various questions of staff and other Jedi, it had been a long time since Caltin was “social” like this, but it was necessary for the success of the place. Besides, he liked telling stories. Almost missing her question he snapped his head. You’d think so, but no, not right now. Right now I teach general engineering, piloting, physical and of all things “appearance.”

He chuckled at the thought of a Jedi having to be taught” appearance”, but it was more about that leading up to combat, “Appearance” can slow down a fight. I’m not asking you to pick out silver patterns, Kat. It’s just teaching.

Taking a drink of his smoothie, he winked. Besides, if it is an incentive payment, I’ll teach you my trick of speeding up the heart rate when you eat. It speeds up your metabolism and you can eat all you want without gaining so much as five pounds, let alone ten. .


Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Tour
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Katarine had not successfully hid her nervousness from him but he seemed to have faith in her abilities. It was odd to see him talking to so many people. She know he liked his alone time but maybe this was a new journey for him and would help in the end. He seemed good in the role and she wondered if maybe it would turn him into a social butterfly. That mental image made her grin.

“Besides, if it is an incentive payment, I'll teach you my trick of speeding up the heart rate when you eat. It speeds up your metabolism and you can eat all you want without gaining so much as five pounds, let alone ten.”

Katarine chuckled and looked down at her half eaten chocolate.

“I will take that deal.”

She scooped the rest of it in her mouth and grinned. The food was delicious here.

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

He had a mouth full of tubers when she had accepted so it was a matter of chewing his food. Of course he was pointing to his chewing while he did so, in order to point out the obvious that he was not ignoring her, just not wanting to be impolite. Terrific. We have an accord, now it is just a matter of discussion terms.

Answering another quick question about the validity of whether or not he and two other knights took down a Lucrechullk Battleship on their own (it was a “Providence” class) before turning his attention back to her. Now, you have control over your own schedule, but what would you like to teach? Would you like to head up the Investigations department? You could utilize the staff for other measures too..

He shrugged.


Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Tour
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"I think I'll teach a criminal profiling class. It would be helpful for any of the Jedi who want to be investigators or work in the criminal underworld. I'm not sure how much interest there will be but something like that would be helpful for any Jedi who want to specialize as investigators. I can teach for a bit before my next assignment. I'm waiting on a lead from a case I've been working for a while now but its been put on hold until something else breaks."

Unfortunately that was the life of a detective sometimes. Leads ran cold and cases turned cold and there wasn't much that could be done until there was a new wave in activity. Katarine had been hunting down the criminals from Black Marsh Prison for a few years now, ever since her return to the galaxy and joining the New Jedi Order. Right now she was still tracking down leads and working with a lot of planetary police divisions to do so, but there wasn't much to go on until they had new evidence. She figured she may as well spend some time teaching here while she waited.

How we do anything is how we do everything.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Meeting with new instructor? | POST #: 4
TAG (ALLIES) : Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | TAG (FOES) : @

Polishing off his plate and setting it aside as one of the staff brought him a travel mug of Iced Caf. Looking her way with a “you didn’t have to do that” smirk and taking a sip he cringed. SWEET. Blinking a few times as he set it down, making a mental note to add more caf later, or maybe let it “sweat”, he wondered.

f you teach here, you’re not “stuck” or “restricted” in anything. If you want to be an instructor in other courses, or want to learn how to teach them, just say so. I’m telling you, I don’t want this place to be as “strict” as the Temple you and I knew. I’m not saying that the rules here will be lax, but you have already seen much of what I mean. There will be a level of respect to the old ways, but everyone here should want to be here for their own reasons and on their own time.

Looking around the room, he thought aloud. There is enough strife and drama out in the galaxy. There is no need for it to be here.


Location: Shadow Temple
Objective: Tour
Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

“I think you’ve definitely got a nice balance of flexibility and structure here. From what I’ve seen the students seem to be learning and enjoying themselves which is the best of both worlds. “

She didn’t want to keep him if he needed to get back to business. She planned on doing a hike around the local area and spending some time at the new enclave so she was sure to run into him again. Unless he had something else planned of course. She was pretty flexible. As long as she had a place to sleep she could make this work while she waited for a break in the case.


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