Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply On Thin Ice

Good Men Don't Need Rules

The ice, thin as it was, was the perfect training area for me. Coming back to a job in which I would be using my skills once again. I needed to get back into the fighting shape I had once held. Roaming the galaxy acting as a Wayseeker didn't help my regimen. I had grown lazy and recluse. I needed to get back into the aspect of fighting and training daily like I had done. Now though, I was doing what had been done before by other Paladins of the tower. Training on a lake. One that had thinner ice so that one could practice balance, and strike, move, jump without breaking it under their feet.

Failure to do this. meant you fell through, and then had to do the process all over again. Even if you were cold, and freezing from the winter weather. It was pain. It was to train you to fight no matter the circumstance. Even more so if you know abilities to mitigate those disadvantages. So here I was, Leaping through the air to land down on my target. But at the last second of the strike, would soften my landing so I wouldn't break through the ice. However, it was not enough. Falling through into the water. The freezing depths snared my breath. Fight or flight response with adrenaline racing through my blood stream as I resurfaced. Slamming hard my hand into the water in anger.

"Gods be damned."

Pulling out of the water, I was shivering in the Jedi Jumpsuit. I could almost feel the hypothermia setting in. Yet, I stood there. Closed my eyes, and focused on the force. Tapas. The power to keep the cold away from you. Keeping myself from succumbing to the lower temperatures. Then once more, went back into training with my punches and kicks. Throwing them while staying light on my feet. Before attempting to throw an Ax-kick, and find I had the wrong balance and fell in again. Putting too much pressure on one point. Falling in.

"Come on."

Once more, sliding out, and regaining my footing before trying again.

TAG: Kaleleon Kaleleon

It was moments like this that was the reason Jonyna kept her coat.

Winter was almost a foreign concept to a Cathar. The rainforest and savannah didn't have such brutal swings in temperature, and the cold was almost non-existant on the planet outside of the brutal tundra of the poles.

Still, the cold wasn't entirely unfamiliar to this Cathar. After all, she had spent 900 years frozen. From Hoth, to Avaruus Suomi, to the icy prison of Javaal, Jonyna was well acquinted with the frozen parts of the galaxy.

Still, Wiek wasn't what she expected. She had ventured out to the planet, mostly to discover where Rayia Si Rayia Si had grown up.

She hadn't expected the cold.

To to see the red haired knight again.

"Long time no see." Jonyna said, relying on her repuslor boots to keep her above ice.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Throwing a couple kicks high into the air, Making sure to keep my balance, I could hear words off to my right. Not really sure who it was, or what they really said, I looked towards them to see it was Jonyna. A familiar face who I found to be a confidant in the Jedi. With how outspoken she was in many cases, and even becoming a Master with the Galactic Alliance. However, as soon as I did that, I lost my footing and slipped onto the ice.

Falling onto my side, and cracking the ice, feeling the water touch my skin and clothes, but not quite breaking through it. Scoffing at myself for breaking focus, I almost slithered to a safe spot before standing again. Gaining my footing before looking back up to her and the hover boots she was using to stay off the ice.

Speaking with a shaky cold voice.

"Been busy."

Might as well take this as a moment to take a break. Indicating the shoreline where there was a bag and some materials that I had brought here on my trek up here. Even then, I used this as a moment to train. Slowly moving my feet forward and moving into a full sprint over the top of the ice without breaking it. Light foot placement to reach the shore. Slowing down and coming to a stop. I reached into the bag and grabbed a towel. Ruffing up my hair badly with drying it and then letting it rest over my shoulders.

"What brings you to my home?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Kaleleon Kaleleon

"Getting to know the place. My adopted daughter Rayia is from here." Jonyna answered, watching the man use methodical movements. "What's the training routine today?"

Jonyna remembered when she was training every day for months. Trying nothing more than to take her time to catch up with the rest of the galaxy. When she came into the new era, unfrozen after nearly a thousand years away, she needed to scrape herself to the starting line.

Nowadays, she found training to be a luxury. Something she did when she could afford the time.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Knowing the place in which her adopted daughter grew up in? I was curious to who this was as not many people came from Weik. Let alone people who were within the Galactic Alliance. Sure, I didn't know everyone that showed up to the planet, but I knew many due to my time here and being its warden. Influences from all over the galaxy came here, and it was my job to make sure they didn't mess with the ecosystem. However, I needed to answer her question first.

"Its about balance. Performing high intensity movements over thin ice. Good for learning balance, and how to land without slamming yourself into the ground. Also, a very cold way to train."

I chuckled a little as I rubbed my shoulders a little from the cold. It wasn't too much now that I had been using tapas, but it was still there.

"Also, your daughter? Where was she from on Weik?"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Kaleleon Kaleleon

"One of these days I need to take you back to Cathar and teach you Treesurfing. Much the same, without the cold. Don't know how to stand it, honestly. As for my daughter...I dunno. I never asked her. I don't know if you know the name Rayia Si Rayia Si , but she's originally from here. What about you? I actually don't know much about you."

Jonyna had tried her best to get to know her fellow jedi now that she was a master. Back in the day, getting to know her fellow crewmates was just a matter of dicking around the ship lounge. Nowadays, she found she had scant time to do that sort of thing.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Treesurfing? Same idea of moving between the trees. Sure it was possible, but I didn't like the idea of falling. The whole Icarus feeling of getting an ego then falling thirty feet to break a bone. For me, the cold was better. A shrug of my shoulders came out at the suggestion. Only because the same premise was there, just implemented differently. However, the Cathar did mention that her adopted daughter was from here and gave me the name. I nodded my head a little.

"I feel like I should know that name, but I am not at the current moment. Might just be the cold."

A light chuckle escaped my lips at that.

"I grew up in a family that were leaders of the Paladins. Like, the planetary version of Grey Jedi. Acting as Warrior-Judges for our people. Aiding the populace without being part of any one city politics. Nor are they a ruling class. The only places they own are small places within each city to be there if needed, and then the main home of them. Which, to be honest, not sure if I can share that."

After drying my hair, I reached into the bag and pulled out some clothes. Setting them onto the bag as to not be on the ground. Then took my own clothes off. Stripping down to change into clean dry ones.

"Father retired from the paladins so he could raise myself and my siblings. My mother is on her last years as the leader of them. Which will be passed down to me sometime soon. Considering that now I have the First Blade."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

TAG: Kaleleon Kaleleon

The fact that the jedi was stripping in front of her was a strange sight, but given Jonyna's own recent relationship, her own normal tendencies didn't shine through this day.

"My mom was a Shadow. Course, she didn't tell me until I was in my twenties, but that's where my initial training came from. I wasn't some grand lineage, or anything special. Technically, I'm the first Jedi Master in my family line. My mom only ever made it to Knight." Jonyna rolled her shoulders, "My dad wasn't around much. In Cathar culture, fathers are hunters, so he didn't stick around all that often. Too busy putting food on the table, on top of him being a tribe chief."


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