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On Voss [Open]

On Voss
| [member="Keira Ticon"] |

Voss, home to mystics who were said to have the ability to see the future. Vilox Pazela did not put much stock in their ability- if they had any at all- in their said power to see what could happen, for they would known what the Dark Master planned and the mark he would leave on the Galaxy.

In the modern era, Voss also played home to the Silver Sanctum. Through his connections in the Primeval, he had some knowledge on who the Sanctum were and their objectives. But he had never personally encountered a Silver Jedi before. Despite this, Pazela was aware that his reasons for venturing deep into the heart of the Silver Jedi and the world that held their Order would in turn create the opportunity for such an occurrence. Suffice to say, by the end of this, it was a possibility that Pazela would finally encounter one.

Vilox Pazela was not on Voss to meet with either it's mystics nor it's Silver Jedi, but was here to find another like himself. Somewhere planetside, Keira Ticon was here and he had come along way to find her. Whilst this writer would never impede on someones personal thread, it gave the opportunity for the Silver Jedi and others who found themselves among the Sanctum to be involved. After all, it was their world.

But eventually, Pazela would find Ticon and so he found himself planet side too, on Voss...
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

George a Knight of the Silver Sanctum wondering the temples and buildings of Voss-Ka as he would any other day. He stopped by seeing the Padawans train, he watched the elegance of the lake drifting in the wind, remembering the dangers below the surface. But he couldn't shake the feeling of maybe not someone in particular, but something, a dark signature. George couldn't put his finger on it. With this he pushed it to the back of his mind and continued his duties around the city of Voss-Ka.

George headed back to his quarters to rest. However this didn't last long. As he closed his eyes the world opened up, not of the good kind either. He imagined himself walking through the green grass of the outskirts of Voss-Ka, but it was dusk. The sun had mostly disappeared. As he turned to look around a figure appeared, shrouded in darkness. There was something about him, once again, something familiar, but unknown. Was this a vision? Or was it just a nightmare? George couldn't tell.

The stood dormant in front of him, no sound, no movement. George could feel the darkness radiating off him, it felt as if it was attacking his soul directly. As George tuned to return to the city the shadow appeared in front of him again, the pain in his head throbbed hard. The pain was becoming unbearable. He turned again trying to escape the figure, but it appeared again, everywhere he looked it was there. He tucked his head into his chest. Closing his eyes wishing it all away. As suddenly he woke up. The nightmare felt so real. Something had stuck with him through it all... But what was it? There was something wrong, George just had to find it.
| [member="George O Rourke"] |

The city of Voss-Ka was remarkably different to the cities Pazela had recently visited on Lianna. Somehow, the Voss had managed to maintain and keep hold of their heritage, despite the Galaxy becoming aware of them and their world centuries ago. Despite the presence of the Silver Sanctum and the Jedi that served it.

As Pazela admired the architecture, he could only think of the woman that had come all this way for. Keira Ticon had been many things in her life time. Hero and villain. Conqueror and liberator. Saviour and monster. Yet the Dark Master knew that all that Keira was searching for was a purpose. At least that was what he thought. It would not take much to learn whether that was the truth or not.

His search begun in the capital, but it would not end there. The Shrine of Healing would be his next destination. Taking the next transport, Pazela settled himself at the back, upon the observation deck to watch the scenery. Night had fallen on the Voss and him with it.
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

George had been sleeping for a few hours and the night now took over. George got up from his bed and wrapped his belt around his waist, fastening it tightly around his waist, his two lightsaber hilts swung gently against his hips. It was time to head out, but where to first? Where could the source of George's outlandish dreams taken place? He first began within the temple and then moved onto the rest of the city.

As George left his chambers he began looking through the temple, at night it was a dark place, not something one would mark as Jedi like. However it was like anything else, perspective. As he continued through the empty corridors and searching the vacant rooms he realized that the temple was clear. Thus he moved his search into the city.

It was a calm night as the people of Voss casually strolled through the city. George made note of each and everyone of them, looking feeling for them. Seeing if they were what he was searching for, but no luck. He continued around the city for an hour or so before it got the better of him. "How can I find this 'thing' when I don't know who, where or what I am looking for." He muttered to himself quietly. The frustrating of the unknown was taking hold. But where was he to look. Where was the darkness coming from.
| [member="George O Rourke"] |

The Shrine of Healing had been visited once by Darth Nox, the Dark Lord of the Sith who sought an ancient ritual that would cure her mind, body and soul from the effects of having several Sith ghosts inhabiting her. Nox had the ability to lock the ghosts of dead Force-sensitives and stealing their power, to be used for herself.

Thus, it was not the first time that the Shrine had been the venue to Dark Lords and on that particular night, a former Dark Lord from another time emerged from the transport. Voss came forth to enter the Shrine, to continue their training, but for Pazela, he was here in his quest to find Ticon. It made sense that Ticon would be here.

It was the common place for other worlders- especially Force-sensitives- to venture to the Shrine, so it was not a stretch of the imagination to think that Keira had come to Voss in order to visit the Shrine, given her perspective that she was damaged. Pazela happened to think otherwise, but that was a debate that would have to wait until both of the Dark Jedi came head to head.

And if the Dark Master could make the connection between the Shrine of Healing and Keira Ticon, then it was not a stretch to say that Jedi Knight George O Rourke had made the same connection between the dark presence that had woken him up and the Shrine as well.
[member="Vilox Pazela"]

George grew ever frustrated with the situation. The more he looked, the less he found. More questions if anything. However as he looked around the streets of Voss watching people walk by he decided to stop and think about it. He had no idea what he was looking for. So what did he know; a dark energy woke George sending him into this mission and that he couldn't locate the the figure of darkness through the force. There were a few places on Voss where the darkness hide, one of these places might harbour the dark figure from his dreams.

One of these dark places was the Shrine of Healing. George decided this would be his first stop. Hopefully he could hit the stop and find it first time, but he wasn't sure, it was more like finding a needle in a haystack. But it was worth a go.

George headed out of the city towards the Shrine, it was dark and the closer he got the more the darkness he could feel inside of him. At the moment it was a manageable levels. But prolonged exposure and moving closer to the source wasn't going to help. But George needed answers, and quick.

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