Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On Wings of Whispers (Rogue's Only, Others PM for Invite)


News They Don't Want Heard
The Miy'til descended through the upper atmosphere of the planet and settled down in a clearing just outside of the remains of an ancient base. It was long abandoned by former Imperial types, but he was certain that it would make a good staging ground for future efforts. Dosuun was far out of the way of the rest of the galaxy and their politicking and even the base here was long forgotten. It would be ages before there would need to be any worry about someone coming in and trying to conquer the world, which made it an ideal staging ground for the Rogue Jedi conclave.

Silas completed the post-flight procedure and then hopped out of the craft, making sure to close the ship up tight behind him. No reason to let the local wildlife go nosing about in his belongings. That might cost him a ship, and he couldn't afford for that to happen on such a remote world.

He approached the first of the buildings and paused. Before entering he wanted to make sure that he wasn't walking into an ambush, deliberate or unintentional. There could have been some kind of carnivore waiting inside to pounce on the unsuspecting prey that entered its domain. All he felt when he reached out through the Force, however, was the animal and plant life in the woods that surrounded him. It did not appear that there was a living danger lurking within the structure. This he took with a grain of salt.

Cloaking himself in the deepest of the light side of the Force, using a technique that his Master had taught him, the White Current. It was best not to be detected at all. Opening the door, he let himself inside. It was time to begin searching.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] [member="Saran Drast"] [member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
There was a slight pop sound as a new vessel arrived in Dosuuns Atmosphere. Large and approaching with a slow the Cargo vessels back hatch dropped and from its metal steps fell a large figure covered in Black leather like robes adorned with Bones. This Robe rattled in the wind as the figure traveled and suddenly came to a brief silence. Landing with a thump Kezeroth stood up and pulled his baggy hood over his head. He was here looking for answers and more but so far all he found was trees. Hidden in the force due to the Taozin hide that was apart of the robe, the Gen'dai was in a sense slightly handicapped. The abilities that were similar to force sense were blocked and so his natural enhanced sensory acuity was all he had.

After a several minutes Kezeroth found himself at the Temple he was looking for, right at the front door. Without even looking around Kezeroth opened the door and walked in. If there was one thing he had learned over his two and a half millenniums was to trust his body, instinct and mind. Once inside several animals eyed the new stranger and emitted a low growl. They were some type of panther from the looks of it. Returning a gaze with a squint Kezeroth retorted with a deep growl that almost sounded similar to a rancor. Apon hearing this the panthers backed up and walked off to watch from afar.

" Hmm... What a Mess.." He said looking around the ruins of the Temple.

[member="Silas Fox"]
A light and small ship slowly flew through Dosuuns lower atmosphere and landed in a large clearing by a waterfall. The Khaleesh soldier trudged out through the mud surrounding him and past the glimmering waters that lie next to his ship. Despite clouds blocking much of the view from the air, Pravis managed to spot what appeared to be a village nearby.pravis hacked and slashed through the overgrowth with his VibroBlade, and finally came across a series of small thatch huts.

"Hmmm...Seems like it's been abandoned for centuries, but if that's right, then how are these weak huts still standin'?" Pravis asked aloud. He looked in some of the houses and merely found torn clothes and outdated blasters.

Something seemed suspicious to Pravis, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on about what was off-putting around here.
Xavka looked out at the planet his ship was now orbiting around. Dosuun. A planet so unlike his own birth planet, Iridonia, which was covered by dust and deserts. Sighing he guided his sip down through the atmosphere of the planet, searching for some place to land. He had come to this planet on a whim. He had need to find some place where he could relax and meditate, to reorganise and recollect himself, stop himself from falling to madness and shattering. After compiling a list of 'out of the way' planets he had picked one at random and set off, telling no one of his departure apart from the notes he left. Finally spotting an open field he lowered the ship down.

As the engines slowly powered down, Xavka stood out of his chair and arched his back, sighing in relief when a series of sharp pops echoes around the cockpit. Turning he made a beeline for the exit of the ship, pausing only to pick up his equipment and to pull on his jacket.

Stepping into the fresh air, Xavka took a deep breathe of it, in haling until his lungs were full of the clean air. Smiling slightly Xavka sealed his ship and stripped of his weapons, laying them in front of him. Lowering himself into seiza, Xavka ignored the other Force Presences and allowed himself to be carried away in the flows of the Force.

[member="Pravis Sharman"] | [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] | [member="Silas Fox"]
Sitting on the cold floor, Saran sat quietly, her hands moving with an automatic, memorized sequence through the air as the cylinder in front of her came apart. Part after part fell to the floor, settling down until she had deconstructed the weapon, leaving nothing but a blood-red crystal remained. Slowly, a small crystal, this one a deep purple, floated next to it. As the red crystal began to sink, part after part of the saber found its way back in place. As the simple handle slid over it, the blade settled down onto the floor. She brought it to her hand and stood up, satisfied.

She was headed to Dosuun for no real reason beyond that she felt like she needed to. If Anarya had taught her one thing, it was to trust those instincts. But no one ever died from being too careful. Really, she was dressed more like a smuggler or a bounty hunter than a Jedi. Lightsaber, blaster, a pair of grenades, and extra power plants sat on her belt. Across her back away the weapon she was least comfortable using. The scattergun was powerful, but she had trouble keeping it on target after it fired. Problems with being short.

As they entered the atmosphere, the pilot droid noted a few other ion signatures. "Put us down somewhat close to them. I want to see what's going on here."

[member="Silas Fox"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] [member="Pravis Sharman"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]


News They Don't Want Heard
The place was completely and utterly deserted. When the Imperials left they must have taken every last drop of essential technology and gear with them. There wasn't an ounce of power left within the cores that powered the facility, which incidentally meant he didn't have to worry about any traps that might have been set for unsuspecting future visitors. A ball of bouncing light floated above his hand as he traversed the facility, but he found nothing of particular interest aside from a map still stuck to a wall. It wasn't much use when you were leaving a world.

On the map he noticed the location of a temple. That's strange. I didn't know there was a temple here. Perhaps it belonged to the Imperial Knights. Not far from it was a small village, perhaps of those that had staffed the temple itself. Maybe the Knights were forced to rough it in an effort to harden them up. He shrugged and made his way out of the facility.

As he did so, he became acutely aware of the fact that there were now several other beings on the planet with power in the Force. One much stronger than the others, but all of them strong in their own right. Another was descending from the clouds and he looked upward to watch the ship as it came down. He stood just outside of the old Imperial base, wrapped in the Current and invisible to anyone that didn't know how to see through the illusion. He didn't know who these people were, and he didn't want to give his position away before he had to. Thus, he waited as [member="Saran Drast"] brought her ship down, every intent on seeing who was inside.

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] [member="Pravis Sharman"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
As he ship set down somewhere between the base and the temple, the Knight stepped of the ship, locking it behind her. Step by step, she approached the base first. Old Imperial tech. There were signs of a struggle and a fight, but all of them were old, probably dating back to before the plague. Who knew how much older than that they were. The entire base seemed dead. Empty. Not even the wildlife dared approach it. And that seemed wrong.

Something was here that she couldn't see. It seemed like the only thing that made sense. As a Miraluka, the thought was a scary one. She needed to move. Pulling the taozin bracelet out and sliding it onto her arm, she backed out of the base. This may have been a bad idea.

[member="Silas Fox"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Pravis Sharman"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Pravis brushed off the strange and empty village, and waded through the thick and dirty waters surrounding his location. Eventually, he managed to reach the other side, after much cursing and grumbling. The Kaleesh's first sight was a large, old Imperial Temple, and a figure backing away from the site.

"Well, this isn't what I had planned. Chit!" He muttered to himself.

Pravis grabbed the rifle he had strapped to his back, crouched, and slowly approached the mysterious being.

[member="Saran Drast"] [member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Kezeroth the Beholder"]
Location: Rogue Knight Temple

Walking toward where the Council chambers used to be Kezeroth frowned as he onyl saw couple skeletons and broken into containers, the loot had been taken and years ago was hi best bet. This angered him slightly as the whole purpose of his trip was to look for datacrons and Jedi Artifacts. Crossing his arms against his chest the Gen'dai began to think to himself on what to do next. There was more to explore in the Temple and so the giant began to lumber his way about the temple in search of some parts that belonged to history. Entering a ruined library a deep loud growl emitted from a corner of the large room. It was a Sludge Panther, a big one too. Reaching for his belt where his blaster pistol would normally be but they were not on him they were on the ship.

Approaching him in a false lunge the Sludge Panther roared loud causing a echo in the temple and slightly outside it. Returning a roar Kezeorth leaped forward raising both fists in the air and slamming them down on the Cats back. The Sludge panther moaned in pain but retaliated with a Tackle. Wrestling each other back and forth knocking over things and making a mess you know how it goes.

[member="Pravis Sharman"]
[member="Saran Drast"]
[member="Silas Fox"]
[member="Xavka Duquo"]


News They Don't Want Heard
Hmm. He was fairly certain the woman was a Miraluka. They were the most gifted of visionaries in all of the galaxy, but even they, unless trained in it, couldn't see him. Perhaps, though, it was possible for one to sense that something was amiss, and guess at what was going on. He didn't know, but he knew the base itself was deserted, which made her backing away from it seem like she'd picked up on the presence of something very close to her. Perhaps that put her on edge, and now she was afraid. Interesting. He'd have to make a note about Miraluka responses to White Current applications in his journals at some point.

There was no sense of ill intent from the woman. If anything she seemed perfectly calm aside from the slight bought of fright. Though she didn't feel like the other presences he now felt on the planet, some coming from the direction of the village and temple, he was certain that she wasn't there with ill intent. Thus, he felt out and conveyed a thought to her.

There is no danger for you here, lest you make it. The base is deserted.

Only after he'd spoken, so she became fully aware, did he allow the white current to slide away from him and reveal him standing a few feet off to the side from her. He knew she would be able to see him in the Force, even though her eyes would not see him.

"At least it is for now."

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"] [member="Pravis Sharman"] [member="Saran Drast"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
There is no danger for you here, lest you make it. The base is deserted.

Saran's hand instinctively dropped to her belt before she visibly relaxed. Someone was there, hiding. She watched as the form of [member="Silas Fox"] seemed to materialize. She had seen such an act before, but not for a while. It made sense, though. Empty building, powerful force user, and others nearby. Had she discovered something starting? Or the end of an era?

"So you plan to rebuild it?" she asked, focusing on the man beside her. She didn't recognize him. That wasn't much of a surprise, considering her, but still. very little. "It's rather remote, and you'd have to haul in the technology. Assuming you can even get it." she mused. "Even so, unless you come here to isolate, it's darn near useless." Unless that was part of the idea. She turned towards him. Perhaps this was something interesting.

[member="Kezeroth the Beholder"][member="Pravis Sharman"][member="Xavka Duquo"]

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