The man known as Darth Vornskr had been training diligently in the palace gardens, ever honing his form and style against a variety of robotic and stationary targets. He was bare save form the loose-fitting pair of linen pants around his legs, and the leather belt that bound his pants tightly to his waist. The soles of his feet made heavy thuds as he thundered across the pavilion, spun head over heels, and delivered a vicious blow with his right leg directly on-top of one of the training droids nearby. The impact between the two caused the droid's head to cave inward, and the chest to buckle and bop open with a shower of sparks. Vornskr didn't really understand why he still fought against these training drones anymore, but maybe it was to alleviate some of his pent-up anger directed towards anything with an A.I or anything droid-like in general due to his past torment of being controlled by a sentient A.I that forced him to fight against his comrades.
Or maybe because if he fought against a living person he might kill them and make a mess of the finely tiled courtyard.
Either, or.
Anyways, Vornskr kicked away the remnants of the annihilated droid and decided that he had enough of animated beings for today. He called for some servants to clean up the mess, and proceeded to re-dress in his iconic silver armor and dark green cloak. Once he was redressed, he quickly left the outside gardens and started to head towards his temporary quarters hidden deep within the palace, but he was stopped short as he caught the whiff of a familiar essence within the palace. Slightly concerned, Vornskr quickly turned right around and began to make a bee-line towards the throne room, his pace never going above a brisk walk as he passed by the regular attendants and officers that roamed the palace grounds. He ignored their hastily given, "Hail, milords" and all of that formal trash, as his mind was focused only on discovering what had bothered him so.
As he approached the throne room, the doors opened wide to allow him entry into the Dark Lord's sanctum. He was disappointed to see no one else was present in the throne room at the present moment, save the Dark Lord himself, and he had wondered what could have triggered him. Composing himself, he approached the Dark Lord's throne, and bowed deeply and respectfully.
"Pardon my intrusion, but something had triggered my senses, milord, and I was drawn to your throne with a sense of urgency."