Darth Ren Malgus
[SIZE=12pt]The woman that had regained consciousness on a planet within the Vong Galaxy was not the woman, or the Jedi that many had met before that moment. A woman named Vanessa had helped her off the planet and a creature named Bond hid her from those they preyed on those who did not defend themselves.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The only name she could remember was Wren, and it became the name she would be called. Today she walked along paths of Chandrila a world foreign to her, like so many other with names that had an odd familiar sound. Memories that were as elusive turned to mist only in her sleep did the faces return waking her leaving her drenched in sweat wondering about herself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Odd that she carried nothing that told her what her identity was, it was as if she had been plucked from one world and placed in another.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]This world with its lush green meadows and crystal clear water a vacation for anyone but not for her Wren was lost among the stars and searching for home. She sat looking into the water her own reflection staring back at her. She stared into her own eyes asking questions but there were no answers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She sat back raking her fingers through her hair, the bleached white was fading and the golden tones of blonde began to reappear. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]A lack of sleep and being haunted at night had left a mark upon her. She turned to look at every corner was someone there?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She tried a free database putting in the name Wren the tiny circle turned endless as it searched through billions of bytes of information only for the result to be unknown, try again. Try again.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Rubbings her hands together she could feel the scars lining her palms ridge upon ridge the work on Tatooine had been hard but she had endured. Wren could feel defeat there had to be a reason that she couldn’t remember.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]A healer had looked at her reassuring her that there appeared to be no head injury, not surgeries, nothing that would indicate that the memory loss was from a strike to the head. Resting her cheek against her palm staring into the depths of the lake, she let her mind wander.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In a few days she would move on to Adumar a freighter needed a cook and while she was not gourmet by any description of the word she could at least boil and egg. But that was a few days away, and she would need to find a place to sleep and food to eat until then. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]The only name she could remember was Wren, and it became the name she would be called. Today she walked along paths of Chandrila a world foreign to her, like so many other with names that had an odd familiar sound. Memories that were as elusive turned to mist only in her sleep did the faces return waking her leaving her drenched in sweat wondering about herself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Odd that she carried nothing that told her what her identity was, it was as if she had been plucked from one world and placed in another.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]This world with its lush green meadows and crystal clear water a vacation for anyone but not for her Wren was lost among the stars and searching for home. She sat looking into the water her own reflection staring back at her. She stared into her own eyes asking questions but there were no answers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She sat back raking her fingers through her hair, the bleached white was fading and the golden tones of blonde began to reappear. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]A lack of sleep and being haunted at night had left a mark upon her. She turned to look at every corner was someone there?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]She tried a free database putting in the name Wren the tiny circle turned endless as it searched through billions of bytes of information only for the result to be unknown, try again. Try again.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Rubbings her hands together she could feel the scars lining her palms ridge upon ridge the work on Tatooine had been hard but she had endured. Wren could feel defeat there had to be a reason that she couldn’t remember.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]A healer had looked at her reassuring her that there appeared to be no head injury, not surgeries, nothing that would indicate that the memory loss was from a strike to the head. Resting her cheek against her palm staring into the depths of the lake, she let her mind wander.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]In a few days she would move on to Adumar a freighter needed a cook and while she was not gourmet by any description of the word she could at least boil and egg. But that was a few days away, and she would need to find a place to sleep and food to eat until then. [/SIZE]