Serena Bouie
The dirty blonde haired woman stood silently at the center of the circle of stones she had found on one of the mesas. She had been drawn here the life force, the white light of the force pulled her to this place.
Everything she knew was gone, her twin sister dead, her parents dead, and her life as a Jedi had taken a turn she had not expected. Her sister had a long standing relationship with a sith, Mythos and together they had children. Only one child still survived, the girl who no one would ever know by her real name and she would never be found unless Serena wished it. It was the best she could do for the young girl given her parentage.
Standing now at the center she closed her eyes and reached out to the force, would it still accept her. Would it wrap the warmth of its power around her again?
This life she had been living had served it's purpose and now she wanted to live again, and go in search of the history of the galaxy but first she must be herself, she must find herself and regain what talents she had.
She could see everywhere from here, the jungles, the mountains, and the bright sunlight. Each of the elements reminded her of who and what she was.
From within her mind she knew, she must be reborn to what she had cut herself from, and that required a pilgrimage.
Yavin to the old temples....
Everything she knew was gone, her twin sister dead, her parents dead, and her life as a Jedi had taken a turn she had not expected. Her sister had a long standing relationship with a sith, Mythos and together they had children. Only one child still survived, the girl who no one would ever know by her real name and she would never be found unless Serena wished it. It was the best she could do for the young girl given her parentage.
Standing now at the center she closed her eyes and reached out to the force, would it still accept her. Would it wrap the warmth of its power around her again?
This life she had been living had served it's purpose and now she wanted to live again, and go in search of the history of the galaxy but first she must be herself, she must find herself and regain what talents she had.
She could see everywhere from here, the jungles, the mountains, and the bright sunlight. Each of the elements reminded her of who and what she was.
From within her mind she knew, she must be reborn to what she had cut herself from, and that required a pilgrimage.
Yavin to the old temples....