Ceth Lintom
Jedi Rockstar
Ceth climbed up the stairs to the Jedi Temple jamming his head bobbing back and forth jamming to the music blaring in his ear pods. He always imagined himself going in front of a crowd of tens of millions of people to rock out. However, Ceth did not want to be a rockstar nah a rockstar is cool and all. But a Jedi Rockstar..... now that will set Ceth from the ordinary joes who want to go into rock and roll. With his powers of the Force starting to develop inside of him and the life of being an "indentured servant" of Bula the Hutt becoming boring, Ceth took the first ship to Coruscant and arrived in just a few hours. Gathering the credits was easy, Ceth just played some Sabbacc against some low leveled players that is people who played Sabbacc for the first time in their lives.
As he reached the top of the stairs, Ceth saw the large doors opening in front of him and turned off his music players. His large red scarf began to billow against the wind to the point where he continued to wrap the scarf around his neck. Ceth's cybernetic hand brushed against his pale cheek and he bristled against its cold armor casing. Yet the brief distraction was quickly ended when Ceth ran towards the entrance a smile forming on Ceth's lips. "HELLLOOOOO GALAXY!" Ceth shouted skidding to a stop. "YOU ARE WITNESSING THE NEXT GREAT JEDI! THE ONE! THE ONLY JEDI ROCKSTAR: CETH LINTOM!"
The young man's voice suddenly grew smaller as he retreated back to his imaginary realm of the audience cheering his name. "Oh yeah!" Ceth whispered. "Oh he's so cool! Ceth Lintom yay!"

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