Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The crashing of the waves was louder down here... the Precepts temple on Ahch-To was something few went to but after the news of
Romi Jade
disappearing... well some measures needed to be done. Best way to search was from a perspective few others could reach aside from older things... deeper things. The lift that went through the crystals caves of the jedi temple that Sorel had discovered were beautiful. GOing down deeper and deeper while she entered the chamber. Murals of older things swirling around above and around the galaxy. Playing with the beings within. Making light and dark clash as well as fighting among each other. The sacred jedi texts had turned them into a poem.
There were other tales in the Rammahgon, secrets few others would be able to know or have the time to decipher. The copy she had of the texts fed itno the library annex which the silver jedi and her jadeite jedi were able to access with their hands or the temple books. A few others had the books outside of the order. The two dragons she had assigned down here. The Dragons of Ahch-To standing tall... taller then most in the order and the padawans usually towered over her eventually. THe dimunitive jedi master getting a look before the pair bowed their heads and she crossed the threshold into the inner chambers. The energy changing while busts of beings were there. the sound of a Fuegomiri as the force lizard looked at her and its tongue came out licking its eye before moving away.
"Open." She said it and held a hand up as the pillars in the chamber glowed... Anchorpoints designed to allow the temples of the jedi an inner workings. A pocket dimensionally shifted that they could use. IN this case less an inner temple then a pathway. Twisted paths in sands that were swirling around in a whirlwind. The trail back to the entrance lost quickly. Mentally she knew there was a danger here.. mostly. One wasn't supposed to look back or they would lose their way but eventually it would expell you after an hour or two as a safety measure. Wandering around was not always the best course as she came out on the other side. An unmarked cave on Ahch-To that was even more remote. Shrouded in a Fallenassi illusion to conceal it from sensors and aside from maybe Jegan, Ijet or ones like Cira who were elders of the white current.... most would not be able to find it.
"What brings you here master jedi?" The voice was soft and despite the youthful tones was able to be far far older. "A friend has gone missing. Finding her is important." The woman looked at her and sat there as one hand crooked and there was a fire in an alcove. Casting orange light around them both. The cave walls smooths and shaped to make seating arraignments. "You know the price for help master jedi." Matsu looked at her and nodded as she sat across from her and breathed in the scent of grass, sea and the barest hints of Ashla's Root it grew here and was cultivated. SOmethign that padawans could test themselves to try and bond with. I don't know if I have any stories that haven't been told to you." The woman looked at her, pale skin and dark hair with a smile tugging at her lips that was dagger thin. "Oh come now everyone has a story."
Matsu breathed in and then out.. allowin herself to calm and focus on it as she spoke. "Yes yes they do..... The Father had three wives." "A raised eyebrow from the woman as she was there. "Three?" A smile playing on her face. "Yes, it is not a story that they tell much anymore. It is an old story the first jedi heard." She continued as the woman nodded. "It began with him an androgyne giant back at the beginning of time. He was born four arms, four legs, two heads... and in his loneliness he divided into two beings. The Father and the Mother." There was a look of amusement and a raised eyebrow. "SHe was his first wife, powerful, intelligent she was after all a part of him.... and she wanted equality... superiority perhaps. WHich was the final straw. She was cast away, her children taken from her and secluded on Mortis."
A slight nod. "THe mother went her own way, made her own home and copulated with other beings giving birth to beings that spread across the stars spreading darkness and influencing thousands of worlds.. With her gone the father was left alone... It was then that the father created a new wife." A smile now while the woman was there in shadows. "And what was her name." Matsu looked at her. "The poor thing, she was never given a name. The Father created her from nothingness.... Bone first, then internal organs, flesh, muscle, sinew, fat bile, eyes, snot, skin, hair, breath." The jedi master looked a little sad. "He wouldn't go near her, he saw her for what she had been full of secretions and blood. Even powerful beings have problems with the things that go on within them. You find out someone inside is just mucus and meat, slime and bone."
The woman nodded for a moment. "THey live, salivate, defecate, cry and it can just kill the romance." The woman spoke. "And what happened to her?" Matsu swallowed for a moemnt she knew there was always more to this beings then she presented. "Opinions differe, some texts believe that the father destroyed her, other texts claim she was allowed to leave and find her own place in the galaxy." A small nod to continue. "Then it was that the father met another, a human woman. HE took her in to care for his children. A son and a daughter... and for a time she was there but fearful of losing them she drank and bathed in places no mortal being was meant to go and in doing so was trapped away from the children she cared for. Destined to be alone."
She looked at the woman now. She had moved and made three with the force on the caves walls. "And the mother went on to birth wutzek and from him typhojem and the mnggal. Which have haunted the galaxy. Even now they still walk. The nameless one was made and forgotten, perhaps destroyed and unmentioned except in the oldest of tomes... and Abeloth lived to be older then any human woman if she could be called that any more... Some say she was a daughter of the Mother displaced to avenge herself upon the father.... and that is the story." She said it and the woman looked at her with a smile. "And lovely as always master jedi." She was amused and it practically radiated off of her. "Your friend is somewhere no one can see, a strange and intriguing moment."
SHe said it. "You know where she was... but even some cannot see where she has gone. Perhaps she took the moons path to be one with the force but her light would likely have warmed all of you and it would have been felt." She tapped her chin and gave a nod. "If I sense her then I shall inform you... for now our talk is concluded." She said it and Matsu bowed going towards the cave entrance as two of the fairalee were there. The winged beings acting as guards to the cave when the jedi master stepped off of the rock and up into the air to fly back towards the temple. SHe sent a message for it and needed to as after she had visited that being everytime... shake the feeling of being small.. she was closer to dust in her presence and above all of it the woman was amused with her like a child showing off they learned something.
"Prepare The Magdalena, I'll investigate myself." She said it as the ship didn't really need to be prepared... more asked to return for her and told what they wanted to be. Matsu would take anyone who wanted to come along with them to try and find clues about Romi's disappearance but this was going to be a long way to travel.

There were other tales in the Rammahgon, secrets few others would be able to know or have the time to decipher. The copy she had of the texts fed itno the library annex which the silver jedi and her jadeite jedi were able to access with their hands or the temple books. A few others had the books outside of the order. The two dragons she had assigned down here. The Dragons of Ahch-To standing tall... taller then most in the order and the padawans usually towered over her eventually. THe dimunitive jedi master getting a look before the pair bowed their heads and she crossed the threshold into the inner chambers. The energy changing while busts of beings were there. the sound of a Fuegomiri as the force lizard looked at her and its tongue came out licking its eye before moving away.
"Open." She said it and held a hand up as the pillars in the chamber glowed... Anchorpoints designed to allow the temples of the jedi an inner workings. A pocket dimensionally shifted that they could use. IN this case less an inner temple then a pathway. Twisted paths in sands that were swirling around in a whirlwind. The trail back to the entrance lost quickly. Mentally she knew there was a danger here.. mostly. One wasn't supposed to look back or they would lose their way but eventually it would expell you after an hour or two as a safety measure. Wandering around was not always the best course as she came out on the other side. An unmarked cave on Ahch-To that was even more remote. Shrouded in a Fallenassi illusion to conceal it from sensors and aside from maybe Jegan, Ijet or ones like Cira who were elders of the white current.... most would not be able to find it.
"What brings you here master jedi?" The voice was soft and despite the youthful tones was able to be far far older. "A friend has gone missing. Finding her is important." The woman looked at her and sat there as one hand crooked and there was a fire in an alcove. Casting orange light around them both. The cave walls smooths and shaped to make seating arraignments. "You know the price for help master jedi." Matsu looked at her and nodded as she sat across from her and breathed in the scent of grass, sea and the barest hints of Ashla's Root it grew here and was cultivated. SOmethign that padawans could test themselves to try and bond with. I don't know if I have any stories that haven't been told to you." The woman looked at her, pale skin and dark hair with a smile tugging at her lips that was dagger thin. "Oh come now everyone has a story."
Matsu breathed in and then out.. allowin herself to calm and focus on it as she spoke. "Yes yes they do..... The Father had three wives." "A raised eyebrow from the woman as she was there. "Three?" A smile playing on her face. "Yes, it is not a story that they tell much anymore. It is an old story the first jedi heard." She continued as the woman nodded. "It began with him an androgyne giant back at the beginning of time. He was born four arms, four legs, two heads... and in his loneliness he divided into two beings. The Father and the Mother." There was a look of amusement and a raised eyebrow. "SHe was his first wife, powerful, intelligent she was after all a part of him.... and she wanted equality... superiority perhaps. WHich was the final straw. She was cast away, her children taken from her and secluded on Mortis."
A slight nod. "THe mother went her own way, made her own home and copulated with other beings giving birth to beings that spread across the stars spreading darkness and influencing thousands of worlds.. With her gone the father was left alone... It was then that the father created a new wife." A smile now while the woman was there in shadows. "And what was her name." Matsu looked at her. "The poor thing, she was never given a name. The Father created her from nothingness.... Bone first, then internal organs, flesh, muscle, sinew, fat bile, eyes, snot, skin, hair, breath." The jedi master looked a little sad. "He wouldn't go near her, he saw her for what she had been full of secretions and blood. Even powerful beings have problems with the things that go on within them. You find out someone inside is just mucus and meat, slime and bone."
The woman nodded for a moment. "THey live, salivate, defecate, cry and it can just kill the romance." The woman spoke. "And what happened to her?" Matsu swallowed for a moemnt she knew there was always more to this beings then she presented. "Opinions differe, some texts believe that the father destroyed her, other texts claim she was allowed to leave and find her own place in the galaxy." A small nod to continue. "Then it was that the father met another, a human woman. HE took her in to care for his children. A son and a daughter... and for a time she was there but fearful of losing them she drank and bathed in places no mortal being was meant to go and in doing so was trapped away from the children she cared for. Destined to be alone."
She looked at the woman now. She had moved and made three with the force on the caves walls. "And the mother went on to birth wutzek and from him typhojem and the mnggal. Which have haunted the galaxy. Even now they still walk. The nameless one was made and forgotten, perhaps destroyed and unmentioned except in the oldest of tomes... and Abeloth lived to be older then any human woman if she could be called that any more... Some say she was a daughter of the Mother displaced to avenge herself upon the father.... and that is the story." She said it and the woman looked at her with a smile. "And lovely as always master jedi." She was amused and it practically radiated off of her. "Your friend is somewhere no one can see, a strange and intriguing moment."
SHe said it. "You know where she was... but even some cannot see where she has gone. Perhaps she took the moons path to be one with the force but her light would likely have warmed all of you and it would have been felt." She tapped her chin and gave a nod. "If I sense her then I shall inform you... for now our talk is concluded." She said it and Matsu bowed going towards the cave entrance as two of the fairalee were there. The winged beings acting as guards to the cave when the jedi master stepped off of the rock and up into the air to fly back towards the temple. SHe sent a message for it and needed to as after she had visited that being everytime... shake the feeling of being small.. she was closer to dust in her presence and above all of it the woman was amused with her like a child showing off they learned something.
"Prepare The Magdalena, I'll investigate myself." She said it as the ship didn't really need to be prepared... more asked to return for her and told what they wanted to be. Matsu would take anyone who wanted to come along with them to try and find clues about Romi's disappearance but this was going to be a long way to travel.