Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private One Man's Trash....

Location: Ord Mantell, Clato's Medical Surplus​
Lilanna didn't trust junk dealers, nor traders for that matter. In fact, Lilanna didn't trust anyone. She hardly trusted the scoundrel she had hired, but only because he had an innocent air to him; sorta how she had been before the Sith had gotten ahold of her. Which was part of the reason she had come here. Nyx had always told her she could learn to embrace her cybernetics, full take over what she now was; a cybernetic monster. She could hear the roar of hover-trains near by, indicating just how this 'Clato' got ahold of his equipment. She assumed the man had a droid service that combed through the mess of metal and tech, probably sold what he couldn't fix off for scrap, but hardly was making more than he was losing. She'd make sure not to mention that when they finally met. As the pair walked past the containment field, she gave a glance to her companion. "Between the two of us, we should be able to secure what we need, just don't let them try and pressure you into anything." She suggested, wondering if this was the young man's first time on this world. Ord Mantell was just a junk heap really, nothing fancy, but the people that called it home were a crafty and determined lot. They didn't like taking no as an answer.​
Several eyes turned towards her, two being a pair of lightly armed security, the other being a pair of droids; Imperial class, probe models, probably what were running as the 'trash detail'. Now inside the establishment, there were several stalls set up with various bits of tech, with various piles of trash as well. "Remember, we need a sensor modulator, a facial recognition device, and..." She paused, unsure what was really needed for a facial reconstruction device. "Erm, and whatever else you feel is needed." She added awkwardly, though she would remain by his side as they went about, partly to protect him, partly to figure out what exactly she was going to buy.​
The truth was, while she could tinker with items via the force, that didn't give her any insight into what they did.​
Hopefully her new hire was more talented in this aspect then herself, but then again, she had no real way of knowing.​

Ord Mantell. The place reminded him of Tatooine in a nostalgic sense. Trash everywhere and filthy locals who looked like they could rip your arm off if you even looked at them wrong. Khoan loved it. His employer this time was someone who needed assistance in reconfiguring her facial cybernetics and facial reconstruction. He looked at her with curiosity and wondered.

"Jeez, I wonder what got her one of those on her face." He jokingly thought to himself. The facial cybernetics looked practically well kept, though something told him it would not be an easy job to start off with.
"Between the two of us, we should be able to secure what we need, just don't let them try and pressure you into anything."

"Relax, I've got this. Was raised into a family of barterers. Nothing gets past me."

As the pair were walking to the place where they needed parts, Khoan noticed the Imperial probe droids that hovered near them and gazed at them with a tech junkie's stare, his eyes big and jaw open.

"Man, if only I could get some of those to help around with the challenger!" His inner monologue raced.

Soon, they made their way to the place where they needed to go for the parts. A big neon sign standing awkwardly next to the entrance in Aurebesh reading,
Clato's Medical Surplus flashed. The pair went inside and were greeted with stalls of scraps and spare parts.

"Remember, we need a sensor modulator, a facial recognition device, and..." She paused, unsure what was really needed for a facial reconstruction device. "Erm, and whatever else you feel is needed."

"Well, while we definitely need those, I would also suggest some manifolds for your jaw calibrators. You know, to give you some more ease on the cybernetics on your skin and to keep it from overheating." Khoan ran through more of what they could need in his head. He picked up these parts one by one and motioned his employer to the counter where they would checkout and then begin working on her facial reconstruction.

A small and slouching Gran looked at the parts that Khoan had dumped onto the counter.

"Will this be all for you today?" The slumped alien questioned.

Khoan nodded and the total came out to be a mere 450 credits. Khoan smiled at his employer and looked down at the parts, his body language revealing that the price was far below what he expected.

"Hmm, this looks like your making something for her cybernetics. Facial reconstruction it looks like from this sensory module you picked up and the facial recognition device. I'll tell you what, I got a droid in the back whose primary function before I became the owner of it was prosthetic surgery. Maybe it could help you out with some of what you---"

"No thanks. Just let me get these and we will head on our way." Khoan said eagerly to the Gran. This was what exactly he thought was gonna happen. Another lousy owner trying to sell unwanted parts to him. Just like on Tatooine. The alien looked stumped and defeated and raised his hand outstretched to the pair.

"So, who's paying for this?"

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

Location: Ord Mantell, Clato's Medical Surplus​
She felt greatly relieved as he began to spout tech parts like she knew what he was talking about. At least he sounded confident. Though she felt he was side eyeing her out of the corner of her eye; it was nothing new, everyone seemed to be doing that now a days. They had ever since her accident. She watched as Khoan picked up equipment, letting the comment about her jaw manifold go without saying a word; it wasn't worth getting angry about. "I'd advise against using Imperial Probe Droids, they're programed to self destruct if they run into issues, or have their processors strained. Unless you want to end up like this." She said, knowing it would certainly get a response from Khoan. She was trying to get used to self depreciating humor. Nyx said it could help her come to terms with the change, but rather than amusement, she only felt angry.​
Regardless, they had what they needed, and that much she was okay with. She let her companion do the shopping, knowing with her deformities she often made for a poor 'face man' per say. She kept herself in check as the Gran made a comment about her face, her eyes narrowing, as she very nearly reached over and wrapped her hands around his throat. She let a breath out however, soothing herself, trying to give herself distance, as she had to get away from her Sith based mindset when it came to these things. "I'm paying." She said bluntly, her voice muffled by the implants, as she set her credits on the table, and waited for the man to count. "Yea, yea, this is in order, but are you sure you don-" "No. Thank you. Khoan, with me." She replied bluntly, taking the parts off the table, and storming away. The Gran was left with a sense that he had royally irked the Warden, in spite of Lilanna's attempts to push away her anger.​
Unknown to her however, one of the Imperial Probe Droids fixated upon her, zooming in on her, and sending out a low encrypted signal to a near by comlink.​
Her former sith master hadn't forgotten her betrayal, and he was about to show her just why he didn't let his 'things' go easily.​

"You got it, boss." He replied as they left the shop. The pair were walking down the alleyways back to the challenger. Since he didn't have his own lab or anything of the type, they would have to settle using a seat on the ship for the procedure. However, Khoan felt a slight... twinge? He could not explain it but it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand. He felt like he and his employer were being watched and all he knew was to flee.

He picked up his pacing and urged Lilanna to do the same.

"I don't actually think it's happening. Hell, I could just be paranoid. But, I think we may be being watched." He said urgently to his employer.

Whatever just occurred, Khoan did not want to stick around and find out if his paranoia had struck true.

As they were walking, panhandlers were asking for a credit or two and it gave Khoan mild disorientation to his paranoia. The voices seemed to grow in his head and, along with his newfound fear, it burdened a heavyweight on his mind's eye. Minutes passed and they soon reached the public hangar where he had the Challenger watched under the supervision of one of the employees. As that same employee neared them and asked for payment, Khoan just threw a couple of credits their way and raced back onto the ship.

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

Lilanna raised an eyebrow as the man suggested they were being watched. Odd, she felt nothing. Turning, she looked back, trying to see what he was on about. Only to find nothing. Perhaps the man might have just been mistaken. "I'd advise caution, Khoan. Else you make yourself a target. Which makes me look like a target." She reminded him, though she kept her tone mild so not to concern him.​
Oh, they were being watched, as Darth Levo's hired hunters were prepared to give chase as they prepped their gunboat for launch. They would have a surprise waiting for them whenever they decided to lift off, thankfully, that was some time for now.​
Lilanna ignored the beggars, knowing all to well that life from her time after the Empire. She could feel his unease growing, something of a mystery to the Warden, as she would give a pause to offer him advice. "Khoan, if my appearance terrifies you so, then merely say so. You are drenched with fear, and that fear, is an indicator that we have something to hide. Here, that can easily draw unwanted attention." She warned, frankly feeling that it was her appearance that was causing such a dilemma.​
The rest of their journey seemed uneventful however, though as she boarded the Challenger, she set the equipment down, and joined her companion in the cockpit. "You did well Khoan, perhaps I will have to purchase your services at a later time." She started, before turning to look at him once more. "Unless my appearance bothers you so." She added once more, waiting for his response, but would let him go about whatever he needed.​
It was frustrating to look like this all the time. One of the reasons she was looking forward to the restructuring of her face.​
Hopefully they could manage it this time.​

"You did well Khoan, perhaps I will have to purchase your services at a later time." She started, before turning to look at him once more. "Unless my appearance bothers you so."

"Trust me, I have seen much worse happen to people. If anything, you're a mild case." He smiled nervously. The thought of her appearance did not frighten him and he hoped that she did not mistake that for the cause of his paranoia and fear. It was true, he had seen worse. A good friend of his from Tatooine was involved in a speeder accident. The mere thought of it made his stomach churn with disgust and dread.

He wanted to change the subject as he felt an awkward tension in the air.

"Right, how about we get started on that procedure? I can take the equipment and pull something together really quick. I can also add some modifications to your cybernetics for more functionality and comfort. It won't be pretty, but it'll work. I'll get the Challenger prepared for launch and you can have a seat in the crew lounge and I will bring everything we need in a short while."

He began to click buttons and flip switches here and there on the main dashboard panel as well as on the walls next to his cockpit seat. Soon, the craft started to hover and they were lifting off. The fear still lingered, however, it was not as present as it had been when they were on the surface. Now all he felt was unease. He hoped that once they reach space that he can cast his troubles aside and start to work on reconstructing Lilanna's face.

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

It was nice to know she wasn't the ugliest person he had seen. That was indeed something. There was indeed an awkward tension that she had caused. "That depends captain, can you fly and preform surgery at the same time? As the patient, I will admit, I am skeptical of this." She added, her eyes lingering on him for a long moment, knowing well enough that she hadn't been 'pretty' in a long time. Though, so long as they could remodel the cybernetics to make her more...viewable, she wouldn't be opposed.​
Regardless, she wanted this done and over with. And so, she would rise, moving into the lounge, and remove the panel and jaw plate that concealed the damage done to her face. It wasn't something she allowed many people to see. In fact, only her two masters were the ones who had seen her without these pieces over her flesh. It would be odd, trying to repair the damage done, but this was the life she had known for many years now. Being a cybernetic freak, scarred up from years at the Sith academy.​
As the Challenger began to lift off, it wouldn't be long before it picked up another ship in hot pursuit. A gunship, one that was attempting to lock missiles onto the ship in question. The only warning was a badly spoken transmission in basic, one that only Khoan would be lucky enough to pick up on it. "Attention vessel, you are in possession of a wanted Sith criminal. Hand over Lilanna Kelamvor, or suffer the consequences."
Clearly they hadn't thought this out, if they were planning on blowing up the ship with the bounty on board.​

"Attention vessel, you are in possession of a wanted Sith criminal. Hand over Lilanna Kelamvor, or suffer the consequences."

Khoan was in disbelief. However, one word he was unfamiliar with. A sith? He had never heard of such a thing before. In either case, he stared down Lilanna.

"What do you mean by SIth Criminal? Just who exactly employed me?!" His fear grew immense now. He reached for the comms and tried to make a sound reply back to the unknown people who had contacted him.

"This is Khoan Fellis of the Challenger. I think you may have the wrong vessel. Whoever you think this criminal is, they are not on board. Now, how about we communicate this like some decent folk and tell me exactly who you are aft--"


The challenger suffered a rear shot near the engines. The momentum of the blast lurched Khoan forward in his seat.

"Fine, if you want to play dirty, we can play dirty!" Khoan turned on his weapons systems and strapped himself in. He accelerated to a high speed and penetrated the atmosphere, making sure to strafe and taking evasive action.

"Lilanna! Strap yourself in the gunner's seat!" Khoan shouted as the engines roared.

"Looks like we'll have to perform the procedure some other time." Khoan let out an awkward laugh before entering space. Now, it was him and whoever had shot him previously. He was hoping that his flying skills along with Lilanna at the gunner's seat would outmatch whoever was chasing them.

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

There was a loud BOOM as she felt the ship shake, nearly sending Lilanna to the ground, as she tried to steady her feet. Using her senses, she found the problem before Khoan had declared it aloud to her.​
Though when it was said she was needed on the guns, she muttered a small curse to herself. Something she had literally no experience with. Nearly falling over herself as the ship went about it's maneuvers, she found herself struggling to get into the gun turret as the battle began. It was an armored gunship on their tail, one that Lilanna hadn't seen before, though it was heavily armed. She began firing, spraying back and forth with little accuracy, which did very little as several shots splashed against the shields of the gunship.​
It was the enemy's turn to fire now however, as Lilanna could see the rotation of the missile pod on one of the wings, indicating they had yet another missile lock on their ship.​
She had to act now, there was no time to think.​
Extending her hand, she focused upon the buzzing that sounded from the inside of the ship, and listened to the system commands that blurred together from the ship. She focused on the weapons systems, using the force to manipulate the targeting lock, as the gunship would find their missile locking onto their own ship, rather than that of the Challenger. The gunship exploded, done in by their own salvo of concussion missiles, as the flaming wreck tumbled down into the atmosphere, indicating to all involved that the danger was passed.​
Though, Lilanna wouldn't dare reveal how she had done such a thing. Her power was showing itself to be quite the helpful tool however, and with it, she began to wonder if anyone could hope to oppose her. Pressing on the intercom from the gunner station, she made the announcement. "Khoan, that ship is down. Get us the hell out of here." She said firmly, before rising out of her chair, trying to put aside whatever that incident was about, as she was certain the man would reveal it to her shortly.​

As he was jetting around and about, dodging fire, Khoan had heard a loud blast and from the intercom:

"Khoan, that ship is down. Get us the hell out of here."

Khoan could not believe it. It only lasted minutes and yet Lilanna, at least to Khoan, must've shot the ship down in the gunner's seat! Instinctively, he passed through the intercom, "Nice shooting out there! Now, return to the cockpit so we can get situated on our next move."

Although he had a job to do, Khoan felt it was best if he had a bearing on whatever had happened just now. As he calculated the jump to lightspeed, Lilanna had come through to the cockpit. When the ship finally reached hyperspace, he had a lot of questions.

"Why in the hell were those people shooting at us?! You have a lot of explaining to do. Now. We are heading to someplace safe. If there are more out there, they won't be able to find us where we are headed. This could've been a simple job but you just jeopardized everything! Tell me, who exactly are you?"

Khoan let out a breath of anger. He fiddled with the switches in front of him and went to check the rest of the ship, making sure no internals were damaged during the fighting.

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

She heard his compliment over the sound system, though she felt that there was an underlining meaning to his words. She had failed to identify herself as a member of the Eternal Empresses' order of Wardens, and failed to disclose her past as a Sith apprentice; though honestly, who would openly announce that in this day and age?​
Entering the cockpit, she could feel his anger, she had a sixth sense for the emotion after all; it was the only way she survived Darth Levos when he was enraged. As Khoan began to rant at her, she had to fight the temptation to silence him, as such a thing was easily within her power. Her hand trembled, the power to grip him by the throat as he hurled insults towards her, it was there, and it was powerful. She was the one being hunted. She was the one who had been trying to get away, and it was the man in the walking Iron Lung that refused to allow her even that. Now, here sat a stranger, accusing her of being the problem. Yes, she was quite irate at the words being spoken to her. "I. Did. Nothing." She said pointedly, her hand raised in a tight fist, as she 'politely' tried to indicate directing that anger elsewhere would be in his best interest.​
She slowly approached, slowly exhaling, as she sought to ebb away the frustrations she felt. She was uncharacteristically fuming today. Perhaps it was all the eyes she had looking upon her today, something she should have prevented using her holoshroud.​
Perhaps it was her fault they were in this situation. She continued her slow approach, and gripped the co-pilot chair, as she slowly inserted herself into the chair. She let out a breath, and turned to him, her facial muscles still tight, as she was just as angry as himself. "My name, is Lilanna Kelamvor. Just as I told you, when I hired you. My past, is my own business. This job is very, very simple Mister Fellis, and thus far you've done very well." Her tone was icy cold, though that would soon change. "I understand this ship is your livelyhood, and you no doubt are very concerned about the most recent happenstance, but you will watch your tone when speaking to me." Her voice raised to a near shout, retaining the coldness. She caught herself however, and let out another breath. Her face relaxed, the tension slowly seeping out, as she steadied herself.​
"The man who did this to me, is the same one who hired those morons." She addressed, relining back in her chair, staring into the man before her. "Anything else you need cleared up?" She wasn't exactly going to be an open book, but she was willing to level with the man if he wished to have things addressed.​

"My name, is Lilanna Kelamvor. Just as I told you, when I hired you. My past, is my own business. This job is very, very simple Mister Fellis, and thus far you've done very well." Her tone was icy cold, though that would soon change. "I understand this ship is your livelyhood, and you no doubt are very concerned about the most recent happenstance, but you will watch your tone when speaking to me."

Khoan had fallen silent. Although he was angry and bitter, he decided not to take a step further with it. He knew now she was more capable than she seemed especially if bounty hunter were after her. What she had done, he will perhaps never know. He let out a long sigh and sat in the captain's seat. Again, he fiddled with switches for the navigation as they were heading out of hyperspace.

"Anything else you need cleared up?"
"Not at the moment, only just if there will be any more coming after us. But, that shouldn't matter now. We're here."

As the two lurched forward in the captain's and copilot's seat, a tan planet stood massively in front of them. Tatooine. Home. It had been a long time since Khoan had seen the planet once more. This time, he will not see his family but rather an old friend.

"In the case that there ARE anymore after us, they won't be able to find us here. Welcome to Tatooine. The loneliest desert you'll ever visit in the entire galaxy and the one place those crooks won't look for us." He lifted his hands in mocking celebration and welcome.

Khoan had penetrated the atmosphere and landed in the nearest spaceport. He looked to Lilanna with a repressive approach. He just now wanted to get the job done and get on with his life. So far, he had been nearly killed by bounty hunters and now he's dealing with something called a sith? This was surely a day to remember as he thought to himself.

"My friend will be waiting outside the spaceport. I signaled him from the Challenger a few moments ago." He told Lilanna with a more controlled tone. "There we will complete your reconstruction and we can go about our lives after."

Khoan leaped from this captain's chair and released the control to lower the escape ramp on the Challenger. As he went through the crew lounge, he picked up the equipment with both hands and walked onto the escape ramp. Once out, he could feel the arid and dry air. He let out a big breath in and out. He motioned Lilanna with him and threw some credits at the landing personnel of the spaceport.

"Take care of her, will ya?" Khoan said with an upbeat tone. He was excited to see his friend once more. A Sullustan man named Greer. As they exited the spaceport, he was very distinguishable from the crowd. The Sullustan spoke in a tone that could tell anyone that he and Khoan had been friends reuniting after a long time.

"How ya doing you old pirate! Say, we need some refuge back at the haven. Some hunters were after us and I gotta complete this one's job." He leaned a little closer. "I gotta fix her--" Khoan waved his hand around his face and Greer knew exactly what he meant. Greer motioned them forward and soon they would be off to a haven known as Velero...

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

To her surprise, he seemed to take her stance rather well. Good. She hated arguing. "If there are any more, I'll deal with them. Your under my protection Mister Felis." She rose from her seat, slowly moving back to stand at the back of the cockpit now, but would give him one tidbit to hold onto as he went about his work. "If you must know, I'm no longer of the Sith, if that's what they told you. You have no need to fear me." Easy for her to say, she wasn't the one that had just been low key threatened.​
She watched as a familiar looking desert planet came into view, one that made her scowl rather heavily. "Yes, but the overabundance of crime lord's looking to make a quick credit could very well lead more onto our trail." She warned, but eventually broke off the talk. It would do for the short time they would be on this world, that much she needed only to concern herself with. Her main concern was this 'friend' of Khoan that was going to get her set up with her surgery. Stepping off onto the hot and arid world, Lilanna's facial expression wasn't hard to picture; she was less than pleased with this whole ordeal.​
She said little as the man known as Greer came to meet them, merely looking on silence as the captain and his 'friend' spoke briefly. Lilanna was more concerned with what might be awaiting them once they were outside of the space port.​
Depending on how this all went, she might have to give Khoan a bonus. She had caused him a fair bit of trouble after all.​

As the trio went into Greer's landspeeder, they were away to Velero. The trip had been boring to Khoan. He had been used to the desert plains all of his life and seeing once more brought no feelings back. He personally didn't like Tatooine but he felt it was the only place to stay safe, even if the planet was crawling with criminal scum. Moments pass and they finally made it to the foot of a mountain range. As they neared closer to eh meeting edge of the ground and the range, Khoan spotted a metal door.

Khoan leaped out of the landspeeder and knocked on the door in a precise pattern while still holding the facial reconstruction equipment.

"Good, I still haven't forgotten it. Still got the magic touch, Greer!" Khoan laughed as a slit opened on the metal sheet door. A pair of yellow eyes peered unto Khoan and a sound of surprise came out. The door opened and a bulking alien came out to greet them.

"Khoan, it's you! You little spice runner!" The alien, who was a Lasat, grabbed a hold of Khoan and gave him a giant hug.

"It's good to see you too, Poro! Listen, we gotta stay here at Velero for a little bit. A few days at most. I gotta job to do and we were chased by some hunters on Ord Mantell." Khoan pointed to Lilanna and then looked back to Poro. "I gotta do some facial reconstruction on her. I thought we could use this place as both a safe haven and a place to perform the job. What do you say, old friend?"

"Fine with me! Just don't make the place a bigger mess than it already is!" Poro exclaimed while motioning the trio inside.

"Not that it wasn't a big mess already," Khoan whispered under his breath.

He was right. Once inside, spare parts had been laid out all over the place. Khoan had found a rusty metal chair and table and swept all of the junk off of them.

"Lilanna, you can take a seat right here. I'll get to work on the facial reconstruction device for a little bit. It shouldn't take too long to put it together."

Khoan took the equipment and went to work immediately. After approximately forty-five minutes, he finally had a contraption that could scan the face of anything and perform facial surgery meant to treat scars, burns, etc.

Greer complimented Khoan in Sullust about the device.

"Ah, it's nothing. Just some basic fine-tuning and I can turn this thing into a patent for the entire galaxy to use." He joked. "Alright, let's get this thing on you, Lilanna. Time to remove those cybernetics."

Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor

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