Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One more Bar...on Nar Shadda

Freynk Porkins

Freynk was not going to pretend he was something special, but when he touched down on Nar Shadda and got immediately mugged he sure felt like a winner. His Ewok bodyguard, Tika, had saved him from losing his credits but not from the solid blow to the chin and the following head striking the pavement. He walked in his grey three piece suit all the way to the local upper class nightclub with a handkerchief to the cut above his left eye and was promptly told he wasn't on the list.

"You have a list?" he said holding his arms out wide before putting the kerchief back to his cut. "Well, kark me freakin sideways."

Freynk and Tika moved on and settle for a middle class looking establishment and tika took off for the night to buy supplies with the promise she would scrape him up later. He offered a small sarcastic chuckle before He walked into the bar and sat at a table near the center of the room.

"Whatcha want hun." a Iktotchi woman asked, with a tray on one hip and her hand on the other.

"Flaming Rancor, a beer, and some bar nuts please." he said handing her a credit chip, "Owe and a straw for the beer."

The place was not as loud as some and a piano man played a jazzy tune rather than some Bith jazz funk meld. It smell slightly of fried bar food, stale booze and smoke, but what the heck. It beat drinking at home.

Talon Vosra

Talon Vosra walked into a bar. It sounded like the beginning of a terrible joke but the cold hard facts said it was so. He walked barefoot into the cantina. The dim lights were not his favorite as it was near blinding to him as he made his way straight for the bar. He parked his slender form on a bar stool and looked around the area. He was a bit out of his element but he would rather be here than in the lime light these days. His plain grey cargo shorts and black shirt probably screamed tourist but he didn't mush care at the moment. He thought of [member="Ember Rekali"], [member="Kira Liadain"], Spencer Jacobs, Isolda, Alderaan, Coruscant, The Graug and shook his head.

'Talon' he thought to himself, 'The galaxy hates you mate.'

'Shut up Talon' he thought back, 'and order a drink.'

"Good Idea." he said out loud.

"Did you say something mister?" the Barman a Quaren said.

"Namana Juice please." He said as he rested he forearms on the bar. "leave the bottle."
...Abric Korne touched down on Nar Shaddaa in a light freighter and made his way to the nearest bar he could find. The Vertical City, as it was known, was a sprawling metropolis of decaying infrastructure that stretched as high as the eye could see and was overrun with the dredges of society and organized crime. On Nar Shaddaa the only law was the law that someone could enforce themselves...

...dressed in his Sun Guard armor with his helm tucked under his left arm and with no visible weapons on his person the Mercenary strode into the bar where the chords of the piano touched his ears and caused a small grimace to cross his features. Abric wasn't against the jazz tune he heard, nor did he dislike the piano, it was just a natural reaction. He moved towards the bar where several other patrons were easily visible, most of their backs to him as he came into view, and took a seat near a man in a grey three piece suit that looked like he had just started what would definitely be a long night... he took a seat and the Iktotchi woman came towards him he'd ask for a..."Beer."...then he'd hesitate before adding to his order..."Make it two beers." wasn't evident at the time why he'd ordered more than one drink but as he sat Abric hadn't much to say at the moment...

...time would pass and the woman would deliver the two beer that he'd ordered which Abric paid for in credits, tipping the woman meagerly, before he took the first mug in one of his hands, raised it to his mouth and started to drink until it was down completely. No fooling some of the beer was running down his chin by the time he'd finished and set his mug back down but wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he didn't seem to care. Looking over at [member="Freynk Porkins"] then he'd have remarked...
"Looks like you're getting ready for a long night. Good times or bad?"...usually the mercenary wasn't much for small talk but what the hell...

...there was something else too, someone in this bar was touched by the force the same as him only to a much greater degree, but Abric ignored it for the moment and concentrated on what was important. Drinking...

Freynk Porkins

[member="Abric Korne"]

Freynk smiled at the woman and gave her a small tip as she delivered his Flaming Rancor and pint of ale. His thick mechanics fingers wrapped around the tumbler of who knows what and blew out the flames before drinking it down in two long gulps.

"Is it ever good?" he said in response to the man as he set the glass on the table and thought hard about seeing if there was a semi single woman near by to sit with him and make him feel like a big shot for the evening. "Don't tell me, just, never mind." he continued, "I think I just came to get drunk for no reason."

He smiled at the waitress again as she brought him a bowl of bar nuts and popcorn, his favorites. he picked up the bowl and held it over to the man.

"Want some of my nuts?" he said before realizing the guy could probably use his head as a drum, "Ya know to eat. There good with beer, my nuts, I mean these nuts in the bowl. in my hand. Not my...okay."

He waved down the waitress again.

"I may need a scotch and um leave the bottle." he said with a small smile.

'Why do i open my karking mouth.' he thought.

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