Freynk was not going to pretend he was something special, but when he touched down on Nar Shadda and got immediately mugged he sure felt like a winner. His Ewok bodyguard, Tika, had saved him from losing his credits but not from the solid blow to the chin and the following head striking the pavement. He walked in his grey three piece suit all the way to the local upper class nightclub with a handkerchief to the cut above his left eye and was promptly told he wasn't on the list.
"You have a list?" he said holding his arms out wide before putting the kerchief back to his cut. "Well, kark me freakin sideways."
Freynk and Tika moved on and settle for a middle class looking establishment and tika took off for the night to buy supplies with the promise she would scrape him up later. He offered a small sarcastic chuckle before He walked into the bar and sat at a table near the center of the room.
"Whatcha want hun." a Iktotchi woman asked, with a tray on one hip and her hand on the other.
"Flaming Rancor, a beer, and some bar nuts please." he said handing her a credit chip, "Owe and a straw for the beer."
The place was not as loud as some and a piano man played a jazzy tune rather than some Bith jazz funk meld. It smell slightly of fried bar food, stale booze and smoke, but what the heck. It beat drinking at home.
"You have a list?" he said holding his arms out wide before putting the kerchief back to his cut. "Well, kark me freakin sideways."
Freynk and Tika moved on and settle for a middle class looking establishment and tika took off for the night to buy supplies with the promise she would scrape him up later. He offered a small sarcastic chuckle before He walked into the bar and sat at a table near the center of the room.
"Whatcha want hun." a Iktotchi woman asked, with a tray on one hip and her hand on the other.
"Flaming Rancor, a beer, and some bar nuts please." he said handing her a credit chip, "Owe and a straw for the beer."
The place was not as loud as some and a piano man played a jazzy tune rather than some Bith jazz funk meld. It smell slightly of fried bar food, stale booze and smoke, but what the heck. It beat drinking at home.