He failed in getting anything out of Alexandra, she was in fact more powerful than he was... After all she was the one who first took notice in him when he was but a pup.... But things had changed... He stood in the depths of a forest... He continued to seethe.... The boys face plagued his conscious, he saw him everywhere... In everything he did...
Ah... Maleus... You return..... We have grown since the last time you called upon me.... I know what you seek... It's what all the others seek... Power... Seethe...Lost your mind to the dark-side for it is the strongest force in existence.. Let us become one... Together...
He would ignore the voices for now, after all he had some mastery over this skill. It would be a shame if he fell to it's influence every time he called upon it's presence......
He opened his eyes.... At his feet rested sand, the culmination of the gritty grains stuck to his clothing causing him to feel itchy... He'd also notice a thin line of blood that ran down the surface of the ground that he stood on.... Next the terrain oozed blood, a scream could be hurt and what he saw confirmed his suspicions from the start.
Forcing himself to his feet he'd shout into his intercom... "We are to go to Kashyyk, at once.." The craft pushed off the ground causing a strong breeze that caused the grassy hills to rumble...
Soon they'd blast off into the horizon as they set their course for Kashyyk...
Many days later they reached their destination.. As they prepared for entry he'd clench the edge of his arm-chair as the ship clamored with strain, it was obvious this vessel was worn and he'd request a new one once his task had been completed.
The doors leading to the exit extended outwards letting the thin line of light provided by the sun to strike the vessels interior...
From within the darkness of the cock-pits silo a man arose from his seat...
Tugoro Taidarious
Dex Drakkel
Ah... Maleus... You return..... We have grown since the last time you called upon me.... I know what you seek... It's what all the others seek... Power... Seethe...Lost your mind to the dark-side for it is the strongest force in existence.. Let us become one... Together...
He would ignore the voices for now, after all he had some mastery over this skill. It would be a shame if he fell to it's influence every time he called upon it's presence......
He opened his eyes.... At his feet rested sand, the culmination of the gritty grains stuck to his clothing causing him to feel itchy... He'd also notice a thin line of blood that ran down the surface of the ground that he stood on.... Next the terrain oozed blood, a scream could be hurt and what he saw confirmed his suspicions from the start.
Forcing himself to his feet he'd shout into his intercom... "We are to go to Kashyyk, at once.." The craft pushed off the ground causing a strong breeze that caused the grassy hills to rumble...
Soon they'd blast off into the horizon as they set their course for Kashyyk...
Many days later they reached their destination.. As they prepared for entry he'd clench the edge of his arm-chair as the ship clamored with strain, it was obvious this vessel was worn and he'd request a new one once his task had been completed.
The doors leading to the exit extended outwards letting the thin line of light provided by the sun to strike the vessels interior...
From within the darkness of the cock-pits silo a man arose from his seat...
Tugoro Taidarious
Dex Drakkel