Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Night in Nar Shaddaa (Chiasa)

It wasn't long until I left Makeb, the mining there was basically done with, and as soon as my presence wasn't needed there any longer I left. I had more important things to see to. Matters of the heart. Chiasa had given me an open invitation to visit her, and this was the first opportunity that had been presented to take her up on that offer. There was something different about this time though. This time I had no real gift. I had given all the material possession I could to her already. More would inevitably follow, but I had not yet had the chance to dream them up and make them her reality.

The Night reverted from hyperspace above the Smuggler's Moon, where she often lived. I had seen much of Chiasa in recent times, and it was a trend I was looking forward to keeping up for as long as I could. When I was with her I was comfortable, free almost. The ship slowly slipped into the atmosphere, descending towards her palace she called the Golden Natluan. I landed and walked down the ramp, sure that her security had already called and told her I was arriving. I had quite the night for the two of us planned, but I wasn't sure how it would go over with her, and so I was nervous. She was normally very practical and even giving her expensive gifts I assumed she would prefer less jewelry and fancy things. But as this was to be our first true date, I had decided to go above and beyond with several surprises.

I was dressed in a finely tailored grey Executive Suit with the intention of dressing to impress. Thus far she had only seen me in armor and so I thought this would be a nice change of pace, giving the evening the feel of a real date between a low-born warrior trying to impress a princess. Sure she would be able to feel the cybernetic spine, but she was going to see it eventually. Within the jacket I carried a single pistol and a fett-kal knife along with a Paragon-class shield, just in case, but I sincerely hoped no one would interrupt our night.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"The lads at the spaceport have just tagged Mr Vereens shuttle Ma'am."

"What's he wearing?"

"I- uh. I'll find out Ma'am."

These people did not understand what was important! Men! She had no idea what Draco had planned, and subsequently no idea what to wear. For all she knew he was taking her to have a drink at her own bar, but given he'd spoken Mando'a at her last time.. It was equally possible he intended to go and hunt down nexu or something. These activities required vastly different wardrobes!

"Apparently he's in a suit Ma'am. One of the lads lady friends says it's probably a Czerka."

"What's he got a lady friend with him when he's working for? You know what? I don't care. Actually, see if she's worth anything and if she is hire her."

"Yes Ma'am."

All right, so probably not nexu hunting, which was a relief. Something nice then. Of course if he was in a suit that might mean they were going to wind up somewhere both high class and conservative. There was only so conservative the Twi'lek got, but she usually made at least half an effort. You wouldn't think picking out one black dress out of a closet full of them would take this much thought. It did. There was a science to this. Eventually however, she was satisfied.

Just in time apparently.

"He's here Ma'am."

She moved to go downstairs and meet him, through the staff elevator, unarmed, though of course she always had her wrist unit on her. This was a subtle statement in and of itself. That she trusted him, which to her surprise she found that she did. In honesty it did help that he was not in full armour tonight. It seemed like half the damned galaxy wore armour these days, this was definitely a thing she was going to have to get over, and it wasn't like she wasn't functional, it just made her.. uneasy.


She corrected herself.

Doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't stop us.

This was true. And it never had in the past, and certainly wouldn't now in one of the few times when it was uncalled for. Besides, there was only the slight edge of unease. Most of her was quite pleased to see Draco. He was handsome, successful, charming in an earnest rather than a slick way. And thus far he had been careful. Gentle. Edging around her. Showing his interest yes, but letting her come to him, rather than chasing after her. Not what she was used to, but perhaps what she needed at this moment.

She could feel him in the Force before she could see him, navigating unerringly through the swells of people who made their way about the Casino to find him, yellow eyes lighting up slightly when she did. He looked good in a suit. Lips lifted into a smile.


[member="Draco Vereen"]
I had thought the nerves would go away after I landed, and then when they hadn’t I had convinced myself that by the time I saw her they would have been restrained and I would be at ease. Then I saw her, eye shimmering in the dusk sun, beautiful as ever in a pretty black lace dress. My hopes of not appearing nervous flew out the window when I was struck by just how far out of my league she was. I had known that I had barely a snowballs chance in hell, but I hadn’t guessed this. “Chiasa, ner mesh’ika.” I responded when she said my name, smiling as I did so, trying to hide my anxiety from the Force. She was stronger than I in that category, and so doubt leaked into my mind even as I tried.

I approached her slowly, stopping just shy of bumping into her, to look down into the lipid pools of her eyes, glowing like tiny suns. She was happy to see me, that much I could tell. That was good, but from looking at her, I was having trouble putting words together. “You… you look gorgeous,” seemed to be all I could stutter out for the moment. I had to pause to let my thought run together into sentences.

I…” I trailed off again. Get it together man. You’ve fought the Hand of the Dark Lord and lived, pull yourself together and act like a functional sentient being. “I have some things planned for us tonight, hopefully, they will be to your liking.” I finally said. My heart was beating fast, faster than it should given my normal cold, calm demeanor. There was something about her, that made me afraid, made me doubt myself when elsewhere I would not, but even still I felt comfortable. I leaned closer towards her, allowing her to make a choice on what she wanted to do.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Ner mesh'ika.

She rememebred it from last time, she knew it was Mando'a, she did not know precisely what it meant. She'd considered having it looked up, but she'd been hesitant. She was sure it was something she would approve of, but it was Mando'a, which meant to some degree Draco was likely Mandalorian. This could rather neatly solve a problem she was facing, or more accurately avoiding, but she did not like the thought of it. Did not like the thought of using Draco in such a way, even if he was willing. Besides, she wasn't certain yet. And he had been Mandalorian. That thought spiked ehr heart rate again and not in a good way.

But Draco wasn't Garrett. She refused to think of him by either his first name or as the father of her child. He may have sired her, that was the extent of it.

Draco, with his decidedly unsuave, hesitating responses that were not calculated and weighed before delivery, with his storm grey eyes pinned on her, would not hurt her. She was certain of that. She vividly remembered the kiss above Makeb, and what she remembered most was the way he'd been so careful how he held her, as if she was going to break. She was made of much sterner stuff than that, but some days she felt cracked and it was.. It was nice to have someone show consideration. It was also nice when passions were too much and you clung to each other like you might fall off the Earth if you didn't, but that was common. This was not.

"Thank you, you look very handsome as well."

Again he hovered, just shy of her.

For a moment, uncertain about her own intentions, and then she stopped thinking and merely acted. She stepped forward, bridging the space between them. Hands and head were layed against his chest for just a moment, she could feel his heart beating beneath her cheek. This was good. This was safe. He dwarfed her, and with the comforting heat of his body against hers for a second, for just a fraction of a moment she closed her eyes and relaxed.

But there were things to do. Place to go. Appearances to be maintained. Yellow eyes flicked open, and stretching up a quick kiss was left on the underside of his jaw.

"I am sure they will be, and if they are not,"

She pulled away slightly, not stepping back to the same distance as if they were strangers or merely associates, but no longer.. inappropriate to any watching eyes.

"at least the company will be good. And it is not so bad spending time with you either."

She added, watching him sidelong as snuck that last in there, before flashing him a quick sharp toothed grin to show she was joking. Her vanity was almost famous. The reputation was partially deserved, but not entirely.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
A light kiss on the cheek for now, that was all she awarded me, but then again all I had done so far was arrive. It still made me feel like my heart skipped, but a second later I could feel it, pounding away. I reached for her arm, turning to walk beside her with it wrapped around my own. Part of it was an attempt to continue to be romantic; the other part was to bring her closer to me. I smiled, when she spoke, her voice almost a purr. “Well, I’m glad I am to your liking, if nothing else is.” I said wryly trying to play down my anxiety. In my mind I was focusing on slowing my heart rate, keeping my breathing easy using Jedi Techniques, but I was still just a padawan and I wasn’t able to achieve complete success.

I thought that we would go get something to eat in a quiet little place where we could talk and not have to worry about guards or being overheard.” I said, leading her off towards a limousine. I was serious, no guards would accompany us directly, but I had several on standby as I was sure she did as well. “The place is Bootana Bunko, or Garden Palace. It’s in the sky-line district tucked off away from the casinos and hotels. Its small and a friend of mine rented it, so we have the whole place to ourselves for as long as we want. Once we are done I’ve reserved tickets for us at several different showings of Squid lake, where we have a box to ourselves. Finally I have a surprise for you to finish off the night.” I said, giving her a short rundown of tonight’s activities.

It felt odd, I wasn’t sure what was going through my mind, what was being sent through the Force on my end. I hadn’t dared try to probe her mind, but I wasn’t sure I would notice if she probed mine, or what exactly she would find. Affection, for certain, and attraction. Fear, she would find fear. I was afraid she would realize that she was too good for me. Just over a year ago I had been a penniless convict, now I was walking arm in arm with the woman of my dreams. The universe did not play favorites, and in the back of my mind I was suspect of something horrible that would happen to me soon. I shoved those thought out, focusing instead on making her happy, making her feel safe in my arms, assuring her that as long as I was alive, no harm would come to her.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Her display of affection, short as it may have been, seemed to be all the permission he required, as he took her arm in his. Not that this was a bad thing, quite the contrary. She'd made it clear she was all right with contact between them, and now he demonstrated that he wanted this contact by taking it, all in an acceptable fashion. Of course, it might well seem like she needed no confirmation from him. Why should she? Of course she was wanted. She was beautiful, rich, powerful, infamous. She was known for vanity and ego, and it was largely well earned, both the reputation and the ego itself. But like most things, what was on the surface was only a tiny, insignificant piece of the whole.

Her life was made up of seeming. Masks and seemings. She was very good at it. She picked her role and committed to it, heart and soul, but like many who pretended something for too long, she was eventually stuck with a question she couldn't answer, though gods knew she'd literally made up answers good enough to please godlike entities. Who was Chiasa? Not Chiasa the dancer. Not Chiasa the President. Who was Chiasa, and did she have worth? Was she worth being? Her parents hadn't thought so. The Academy hadn't thought so until she was molded a trained to please others. Garrett must not have thought so.

In short, Chiasa was vain and depended so heavily on her looks because she was deeply insecure. Because she did not seem, on her own, to be enough for anyone. But Draco.. He hadn't looked, when he'd had the chance. He brought her gifts that did more than decorate and enhance her person. He seemed to actually be taking note of her as a person, and apparently he still wanted her.

"It sounds nice, I think more than only you will be to my liking."

The word swap from just to only was intentional. Again he showed skill in picking for her. The restaurant, cafe, whatever it turned out to be classfiable as, was not one she was familiar with, so it was interesting, that they had it to themselves meant she did not have to be quite as on, that the masks could be relaxed. That it was small made it more intimate and less of just a grand gesture.

Squid Lake was also a good choice. She liked dance, and since Mon Calamari could do things she physically could not, she could enjoy it without being too critical. That there should be a surprise at the end only made things all the more exciting.

"You certainly know how to take a girl out in style."

She commented as they reached the limo. Had she ever been on a proper date? She'd been to events with people when she was required. Had been seen out on people arms in the past. Had she ever been on an actual date though? Not that she remembered.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
She was pleased, or at least she seemed pleased. Being in her presence and having her be approving of my choices was good, it helped me relax. I wanted to know about her. Really about her, what she thought of herself as. I could do research and have her background looked into, but I hadn’t because I didn’t need to know what other people thought of her or her psyche. I only needed to know what she thought and what I thought, and I was already smitten by the tiger twi’lek. The more I was around her the more comfortable I felt with her. I could tell, at least from her outward expressions that she seemed to feel the same with me.

I am glad you suspect so, I will try to live up to your expectations.” I said, opening the door of the limo for her to climb in, following her into the luxury of the passenger compartment of the vehicle. The driver was a pilot droid, allowing us more privacy, as I didn’t want to lug around a living chaffour. People could talk, and I wasn’t sure whether she was willing or able to have a public relationship. I didn’t mind either way, besides the less people that new about me in her life, the less people could tell her she could do better.

The restaurant, the Bootana Bunko, was fairly nice. It was upscale, but was no five star dining experience. I figured that with the President of the Red Ravens and the CEO of ArmaTech, trying to have privacy in too large a restaurant would be impossible, and privacy was what I wanted for this date. I wanted her to be comfortable and relaxed, not have to worry about anyone walking up to her and asking about me, or endangering her for that matter. That is why I carried weapons. Only so I could protect her if I had too.

Upon arriving, once I again I opened the door for her, and the door to the restaurant allowing her to enter unimpeded. The dining area was empty and the staff had been heavily reduced to compensate for a mere two guests. The windows were tented or closed so that we could see out, but others would have trouble seeing in and a single table sat under a dimly lit chandelier. Music played softly in the background and only a waiter stood waiting. I smiled as I turned to her, reaching out to take both of her hands in mine, “I hope you like it ner mesh’ika.” I said softly looking into her sparkling yellow eyes. She took my breath away with just her eyes, even though I had seen her before, and had looked into them several times, even tonight, I felt as though I could look into those eyes for the rest of my days and die a happy man.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
His manners continued, opening doors and assisting her in and out. Small things, but again, they added up to something greater than the whole. This was aided by the fact that in her nervousness and curiosity her mental control was not as good as it could be. She didn't mean to pick up on any of the things he was broadcasting, but his own shields were not as good, and sampling the 'air' around her at intervals had become habit. Consciously or not, she was picking up on some of what he was feeling towards her.

She surveyed the restaurant with interest. Partially because she was interested and invested in this date, and his choices. Partially because it was habit to be aware of her surroundings. This was less urgent tonight. Another side effect of the unintentional snooping. Normally there was a fairly large part of her that knew, knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was always in danger to one degree or another, and that when it came no one would be there to save her except herself. This was for once being largely mitigated and soothed by his earnest intentions to protect her. The dimmed lighting was a nice touch, it kept the place from feeling empty with just the two of them and the light staff. Still, there was one question that rose in her mind, one danger that he might not see coming. Which friend? A friend of his was not necessarily a friend of hers. Who had rented this and extended it's use to him? That thought had her pressing in just a little bit closer to him, though her expression was pleasant enough as she finished looking about.

Her breath caught in her throat when Draco turned, enfolding her hands in his. She'd always thought the whole staring into each others eyes bit was a touch, well, hokey. But now, with his grey eyes pinning her.. It was possible she was going to have to re-evaluate that opinion. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks.

"It is perfect sei viyi'ee."

The music blended seamlessly from one song to the next, unobtrusively in the background. If whoever had come up with this playlist was not being generously compensated, they probably ought to be.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
I released her slowly, and moved to pull her seat for her so she could sit comfortably in the plush chairs that had been brought in. The empty, dimly lit room was almost perfect. I smiled, decided to show off for her just a little. When I took my seat across from her I reached forward and lit the candle off to the side of the table with my fingers using the Force to create the tiny spark and begin burning the scented candle. The waiter hovered, about three meters away, waiting to be summoned, but he was far from my mind. I could only focus on her. She had said something, calling me something I thought. I would have to look it up to be sure. Not because I thought it was a veiled insult, but because I thought it was something sweet and personal, something I needed to understand if I was going to understand her.

I kept my eyes locked on hers, until I felt that I had starred for too long. I glanced away blushing at the realization. The music in the back ground was perfect and I would have to remember to leave a hefty tip for them once this was over, if I could bear to have this night end. I returned my eyes to her, starting to speak, as heartfelt as possible. “Well, Chiasa. The reason I wanted privacy was because, well I wanted to know you. We haven’t spoken much about each other. I,” I paused, trying to be careful about how I phrased the question. I didn’t want to be too eager, nor did I want to seem like I wanted an essay about her past. I wasn’t interested in her past. I was interested in her as she was now, as she would be, not as she used to be. “I want to know about what you want, what you need, and who you are.” Another short pause. “Not your story, but really who you are inside.” I finally said, softly. Audible enough for her, but not so loud that the waiter would be able to accurately hear what I was saying.

I continued smiling. I hadn’t been this happy, in well, ever. I knew she would be able to pick up on that, I wasn’t trying to hide that. Her eyes, her kindness, her pleasure, had helped but me at ease. In the back of my mind I could still feel that anxiety, but what was courage if not the ability to overcome fear. I may not be good enough for her, but I was going to try every day I was given the opportunity to be good enough. Everyday she awarded me I would make the most of. I may not be good enough for her, but I was going to be the one that tried the hardest to be. I let that sentiment seep into the Force, partially because I wanted her to feel, partially because being near her made me at ease, allowed me to put my guard down, especially the guards around my mind.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
She smiled slightly at his display of pyrokinesis. It was a showy talent. Her own ability to use it waned as she put her efforts into other abilities, but when she did use it, it was largely to impress. If you put on enough of a show, it was often enough to avoid a fight.

Who she was inside? That took her aback for a moment. Who was she? How did you answer that for someone? Her first reaction was to dodge the question, likely with humour. She didn't even know how to answer it for herself. Still with his attention on her, and him radiating his intentions and emotions at her, it hardly felt right not to make some effort to answer.

Where to start then? With that she guarded most closely she supposed. If she kept walking this path, if he did not turn away, he would need to know eventually. Better to tell him now perhaps, then to let all go well, tell him later and have him leave angry with her for leading him on. That thought brought a faint tinge of fear. What would he be like? When he was angry? She glanced away for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she struggled to find the words and the courage. One hand briefly touched her wrist unit. A reminder that they were on her planet. If it registered injury, someone would come. Eventually.

"I suppose we've not really."

She agreed slowly, eyes finding him again.

"It has mostly been business. Between the Ravens and my daughter I do not have time for much else."

It was slipped in casually, but in her mind it was anything but. Muscles in her shoulders tensed up slightly. Many of the Ravens were not even aware of her daughter, and she kept the child with her always, from planet to planet.

"I do not know how to answer, I have not been just me for.. a very long time."

Small. Afraid. Alone. That was who she was. Terrified but determined to survive. That was not what you told a prospective suitor.

"When I joined the Ravens.. I had nothing. What I wanted and needed then was easy. Somewhere to stay. A roof. Food. Credits. Something to do. Now? The more you have and the older you get the more complicated everything is I suppose."

She offered him a small half smile, though she did not feel like smiling. She was wary of his response. Ready to run. He'd done nothing to justify that feeling, but all past experiences said that this could go very badly, very quickly.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
She didn’t strike me as old enough to have a child, but then again she and I were roughly the same age. It wasn’t unheard of. I just wasn’t aware. The only twinge of fear I got from that revelation was what about the father, but, I brushed that aside. She was here with me, and that was all I needed to know. I kept smiling, it was easy too. She was opening up to me, telling me about herself and her family, and her life. I looked her deep in her eyes, twinkling in the light, and I could feel and sense her brief moment of unease. But, it had passed. Perhaps she was worried I didn’t like kids. A lot of men didn’t. “I would love to meet your daughter one day, if that is alright with you.” I winced as soon as I finished speaking. I may have made a mistake by implying she would agree to see me again.

I reached out and took her hand in mine, her eyes shimmering, the candle light dancing on her orange skin. I was trying to be comforting, reassure her that her fears weren’t valid, that a child wouldn’t deter me. If anything it added a layer of respect. She was able to lead the organization and raise a child. “I haven’t ever spent much time with kids anyway; it would be a new experience for all of us.” I said giving her a more playful smile.

I almost laughed at her other response. Yes, it did get more complicated as time moved by, the two of us seemed to know that better than most. “Well, if you must know about me,” I said moving the conversation along, hoping she wasn’t annoyed by my assumptions. “I have everything I ever wanted right now.” I told her, hoping it was as gooey and romantic as I thought it was. The words had just kind of slipped out, but I was pleased with them.

I nodded the waiter over and ordered something simple, allowing her to have whatever she liked. What I ate wasn’t important to me, not for this. Only who I was with. I only hoped she could sense everything I was thinking, as I was finding it hard to find the right words to express how I felt.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
His response was positive, but she noted the wince and misinterpreted it. Did he regret the offer? Wish he'd not made it? Maybe he just felt forced to try and be positive because he was a good man. Too good to get angry and violent, but still wishing he could extricate himself. She wanted to believe in the hand that reached out to envelop hers. To accept the comfort and security he offered. Even more so when he spoke about himself, causing her to blush slightly.

If it had been just for her, if it was only herself she was gambling with, she would have believed him. But oh her daughter, her flesh and blood. No chances or risks could be taken there, she couldn't stand it.

So she resorted to something she never did. Something she found distasteful. Aided by the physical connection and his openness, she reached out and sifted through his mind. She was careful, careful not to go anywhere hidden, to leave closed doors closed, she chased only after any thought, any emotion, any intention tied to her daughter. Not even herself. That did not matter. If she was hurt, she was hurt. She had been hurt before and still stood. Perhaps it was sad the way she simply accepted that there would be betrayal from all those around her, but it had so far proven to be true. There were many kinds of armour people donned to face the world.

Still, she found nothing from him except the intentions he'd stated aloud. The worst was concern about her daughters sire. When she found that he would feel the flash of fear and rejection. He was not going to be in the picture, regardless of what he thought or wanted. Beyond that, in his mind as she was, he would feel subtle mixtures of anxiety, happiness, longing, fear, hope, disbelief and cautious optimism. In short, beneath a perfectly composed and beautiful exterior, his 'princess' was just as much if not more of a confused wreck as any other being in the galaxy.

"It would be all right with me."

Perhaps it would be good for Maliha as well. Quite frankly Chiasa was bumbling her way through this motherhood business. Were you meant to socialize infants? Would it be bad for her not to be near very many people? So few were trustworthy. Declan and his woman. Hen. Xalus. Even them only rarely, for the most part it was Chiasa and modified FAU-V1s.

She ordered when the waiter came over, almost unaware of her choices. When the waiter moved off again she spoke once more, considering the small flickering flame of the candle.

"If this is all it takes for you to have everything you want.."

Yellow eyes flicked up to meet grey once more.

"Perhaps you should have it more often."

[member="Draco Vereen"]
For a moment she was silent, she blushed even at my comments. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach fluttered, she was pleased, she was happy, she was trusting. Everything I had wanted to come from this date had just happened in one fell swoop. Then I felt something in my mind, and for an instant I was distracted. I felt fear and rejection, but that could not be. She was emanating joy and elation, and I felt the same. Then I felt the other mixture of emotions and thought back to my miniscule training. She had probed my mind and left me subtle hints to her own mind. I smiled, waiting for her to speak as a lost myself in her eyes. She was beautiful and exotic, yes. She was strong and independent, courageous and proud, coy and had a mean streak. But there was something more, something about her that would never change, something that drew me to her and would hold me there forever. I felt as though I would never know what it was, but I would spend my time searching for it.

Nothing would please me more, Mesh’ika. Everytime you are willing, I will be with you.” I paused opening up this time so if she wanted to she could probe deeper into my mind. It was a side effect of feeling so comfortable with her, my defenses were lowered, like a gate unbarred. There was nothing in my mind I didn’t want her to see. Then I decided to tease her some “Did you find anything you liked poking around in there?” I asked playfully.

Our food came quickly; with only two patrons it was easy for the kitchen staff to prepare it and bring it to us. I only rarely tore my eyes from her. Shortly after that we were done eating, but I was not ready to go. Part of me wanted nothing more than to stay and listen to her voice, but I wanted this night to be perfect, and perfect meant up to her. “We can leave whenever you are ready. I reserved that box for every showing tonight, so there is no hurry.” Then a new thought entered my mind. I did want to go to the opera, and spend the whole show with her wrapped in my arms.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"Ah, I am sorry I-."

She cut herself off, and did in fact look rather embarrassed.

"I do not usually. I.. I have had my own mind looked into, uninvited. It was not enjoyable."

Vornskr. Kaine Zambrano. Ripping repeatedly into her mind trying to find secrets, and to enforce that she was weak and he was strong. It had been followed by physical torture. Not enjoyable was an understatement.

"I just. I had to be sure it was safe. For Maliha. The man who sired her is.. He is not a good man. I do not intend to let anyone like him around her again."

That was who the fear and rejection had been aimed at. Not Draco. Draco proved again and again that for all that he was a warrior, he was also a patient, gentle man.

Luckily the food came then, allowing an escape from a conversation that bordered on too honest for her to deal with. This was not a side of herself that had seen the light for a very long time. Being open and honest was not a good survival trait in a criminal. Likewise expressing fears or apologizing. Nothing that could be used against you, no signs of weakness.

She laughed when he spoke again, a relief after all the deep and meaningfuls.

"I thought perhaps you had misspoken when you said several different showings! What do you think we will be doing, Viyi'ee, that we will miss so much we will need to watch several showings to see the whole?"

She teased him, brow cocked.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
She started apologizing and blushing, embarrassed I had mentioned her probe of my mind. I had thought nothing of it at the time. Her looking into my soul, that had been a blessing, something to be sought after, not some form of punishment. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything about it.” I said, somewhat ashamed I had caused her to feel embarrassed. That wasn't something I wanted to do to her. I had only been teasing, but I realize for now I should not press the issue further. The music subtly changed, playing softly in the background.

Then she mentioned the father of her child. I could feel the fear and the pain in her voice, there was no need for me to use the Force. “I am not him, nor will I ever be.” I said reassuringly. It was all I could do. I could not make the past go away, or dissolve the pain of it in one night. All I could do was start trying and hoping she let me.

My tone changed from reassuring to playful again. “I wasn’t sure when you would be ready, or when you would want to leave the restaurant, so I thought it wise to plan for anything you wanted.” I said, playfully acting hurt. She called me Viyi’ee again. I needed to know what that meant. I knew it was a term of affection she had given to me, but what it meant was important. It might tell me something of what she expected of me in the future. “I didn’t pick the show because I thought I would like it.” I said. Honestly I did doubt I would actually watch the show at all. I wasn’t a high society type. It was just something I thought she would like.

Nevertheless it was time to move on through the night. I wanted it to be perfect, and to last forever, but we rarely got what we wanted. We had time though, and my surprise had been readied so that it could take place anytime, even if the travel time was a little extended. That would only mean more time with each other as far as I was concerned.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
He actually seemed to think he had done something wrong by calling attention to her actions. As far as she was concerned he had been right to do so, it was wrong to enter another's mind without permission, yet he thought it was all right if she did. Did he.. Did he really trust her that much? Or have so little to hide? Either thought seemed strange to her. She would not want him able to go through all of her mind, but this was largely because she did not think he would like what he found. She did not get where she was by being a good person. He might turn away from her.

This time she accepted his reassurance. She had seen it, felt it and so knew it to be true.

"San ktan deo so sei torr viyi'ee. Ko deo anan san, ko deo tlosank san,ko deo so a blina ar ceu qa bayid si'user san, San bayid ohk dei. Dobayid ohk dei teeubo vil rahsan tae dei n'irs."

There were some things she could not say in Basic, or at least not yet. This likely cryptic if earnest remark made, she flashed him a smile.

"Well, even if you did not choose the activities for yourself, hopefully you will not be too bored, I will try to prevent that."

Their meal had been thoroughly enjoyable, even if neither of them had been paying as much attention to it as it may have deserved. Setting her napkin neatly to the side of her now largely empty plate, she spoke again.

"I am ready to leave the restaurant now, it was nice here though, I am glad you took me, I'd not heard of it before.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
She accepted my simple attempt to reassure her, to ease whatever pain she had suffered in the past. I was pleased with her reaction. Then she said something in her native tongue. I needed to let her teach me it someday. Hopefully someday soon.

"With you, I could never be bored." I told her raising an eyebrow at her. she was being cryptic and sly, but I felt it best to continue being open and honest. I couldn't have been swauve right now anyway.

I hadn't hardly stopped smiling since I had seen her the first time tonight. Her tone had been sweet and kind, even if I wasn't sure what she had said.

"As you wish mesh'ika" I said when she proclaimed she was ready to leave. I stood and pulled out her chair and escorted her back to the limousine. I wanted nothing more than to wrap her in my arms as she watched the show I had chosen. I could only hope it didn't control all of her attention.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
It was funny, lines that from nearly anyone else would be just that, lines, a means to an end, he seemed to really mean. Even the Twi'leks famed paranoia and cynicism was being slowly but surely worn down and away by him, and he didn't even seem to be doing it on purpose. It was just, well, him.

He escorted her from the table back to the limousine, and from there to the box overlooking the fairly stunning sight of the suspended water globules the performance would take place within. In the dimly lit box, in keeping with its VIP nature, rather than the usual stadium seating there was what equated to a love seat. It was of course possible for two humanoids to sit upon it without touching, so it was not overly presumptuous, but nor would it take nearly as much or as overt shifting to bridge the gap.

"I was trained as a dancer, before all of this."

She commented idly, eyes on the water. Likely he knew or had guessed. As usual, her wording was deliberate. Not 'I trained' which would imply it was her choice, but 'I was trained' because it had not been. Not that she necessarily regretted it, she loved dance, she just loved it for its own sake rather than as something to appease others with.

"I could not do this without much gear though, and that would detract from the performance. I've never actually seen this. It will be interesting to see Mon Calamari in their own environment, one does not usually think of them as graceful."

[member="Draco Vereen"]
I shifted to her quietly, wrapping one arm over her shoulders pulling her close, allowing her head to rest on my shoulder. With my other arm I took her hand in mine, assuming she did not resist the advance. She sat quietly, watching the show. There was music and lights and movement, but I only looked at it. It was not something I would usually sit through, but the company was exquisite and so it was no chore. I was happy to sit here quietly with her in my arms, my heart rate was elevated, my breathing steady, trying to remain calm with the woman of my wildest dreams lounging in my arms, trusting me as no other had. I only questioned whether I deserved that trust.

"I am sure that you would sell out stadiums even burdened so. but that might be because I would purchase every ticket." I teased and flirted at the same time. I hadn't known she was a dancer once. What a lucky coincidence that she was trained and able to appreciate the show because of that.

As the show continued I simply looked on, occasionally glancing at her, exuding my emotions through the Force. She would feel my elation, my affection, my optimism, and my anxiety A similar mixture to the emotions she had shared with me earlier, even if the reason was different. I whispered softly, so as not to distract her from the show too much "You know you are too good for me. I am just glad you have given me the chance to be what you deserve. Even if I never live up to it." The words were choked out, difficult to say. What if that revelation drove her away, what if, what if. The words were spoken from the heart, but I hoped that she felt differently.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
There was no resistance from her, if anything there was relief when his arm wrapped around her, pulling her in close, sheltering, and his other hand found hers. Though she did watch the performance, her attention was not nearly as dedicated to it as it seemed. Instead she took this quiet time to acquaint herself with him. With the way he sat, the way he shifted, how he breathed, the precise placement of the calluses on his hand, the subtle scent of him.

She'd grinned at his flirtatious reply before turning her attention back to the show and to him. More and more of her attention swung to him as he purposely broadcast his emotions. When he spoke again, his voice hardly more than a whisper she froze for a moment, and it was more than she could stand. Somewhere within her an internal flood gate buckled and things she hid and ran from and pretended were not there or were not true came pouring into her mind.


In one smooth movement she was on his lap, straddling him, her lips stemming the flood of words. Her kiss was insistent, demanding. Not like the gentle one they'd shared above Makeb.

"No. I am not too good for you, I-. Do not be what I deserve, don't do that. I think.. I think I had what I deserved before I can't.."

Again the twin memories, it was quiet possible in her agitated state and close as they were he would live them with her. Gauntleted hands on her throat, lifting her off the ground, no air, vision fading and the other, more vague sand under her cheek and the taste of blood.

"Don't be what I deserve."

This no more than a whisper, begging.

"Be what I need. Please. I am not.. I am not much, but. But if you just love me, protect me, I am yours. Please."

How many bad decisions had she made? Too many. Who could she count on, who was capable and could help her? No one. She was alone. Always alone. And she'd convinced the galaxy that this was fine and she needed no one but it was a lie.

Just one person. She needed just one person. One set of arms she could run to when it was too much. Just one.

[member="Draco Vereen"]

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