Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One Night On Tholatin (Open)

It all started with a bet.

Corellians, even the half-breed ones, don't like odds. When the chips are down, and numbers come into play, they always strive to beat the odds. Of course, sometimes that endeavor was a little bit less than legal. Fortunately, when on a world that was known as nothing more than a den of thieves and other unsavory characters, legalities became something less than a worry. Kamon wasn't one for frivolous shows of power, but when challenged to single combat by a Sith, and with betting being the forfeiture of the lives of certain family members, one didn't back down. Of course, he knew it was a trap, but a trap was no good unless it had to be sprung.

So he went to Tholatin and sprang the trap, engaging the Sith in battle. He won, as he had expected he would, but his victory was short lived. The trap, a necessary risk for the sake of protecting his children and granddaughter. While he faired fine against a few, and he hated to admit that numbers were a part of the game, he'd inevitably been overwhelmed by their numbers. To his surprise, however, they hadn't killed him, but had instead imprisoned him, placing him in binders in an ysalimiri sealed room. There wasn't anything he could do to escape, but he knew why it was that they were holding him:

They were hoping to draw out Spencer, lead her into a trap, and kill her.

It made sense but she wouldn't come. The idiots didn't know that he and his daughter weren't on the best of terms these days. Not that he didn't love her. He cared deeply, that was why he'd come in the first place. Spencer wouldn't come, but he figured someone might, even if it was just someone looking to settle a score with him. So be it. Maybe someone would actually be able to kill him for once. Maybe he'd actually get some rest.

Unlikely, but it was a nice thought, right?
Location | Aboard the Nightshadow |
Allies | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] |
Mission | Rescue [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] |

Word had come along the grapevine, via the sort of backchannels that the Jedi preferred not to admit that they had access to, but that often provided them with functional intelligence well in advance of more appropriate information-gathering sources. At first, it had sounded like the sort of scuttlebutt that was easily dismissed, the type of absurd rumour that was the stuff of playground arguments rather than the type of thing to make it to Jedi Strategic Operations, but the rumour had proven persistent, and had come from multiple sources. What had they to do but pay attention to it?

A Jedi Master had been captured and imprisoned.

It did seem absurd, Teynara had to admit. She'd seen what Jedi were capable of, knew that were dangerous individual when backed into a corner, and had powers beyond the ken of ordinary mortals, so the idea that they could simply be locked into binders and confined to a prison cell seemed at odds with her perspective on the matter. True, we're all fallible, and capable of making mistakes, but unless you kept a Master under constant sedation, it'd be hard to keep them confined.

Naturally the Order couldn't come into possession of such intelligence and not act on it - that would be forsaking one of their own, and potentially risking all their lives. Only takes one Jedi to break under torture and spill what they know to someone hostile to the Order, and we'd all be in real trouble. She knew it, the Grandmaster knew it, the other Jedi knew it. And we can't leave one of our own in the hands of someone who means them harm. It just wasn't the Jedi way.

[member="Kei Raxis"] has stepped forward first, eager as ever to do something useful. In some ways, the young Knight was more enthusiastic than anyone Teynara had ever met, and it was just a touch annoying to find someone in the ranks that had that drive that spoke of a special dedication. Naturally that ensured that his Padawan was 'volunteered' alongside him, a young woman that Tey hadn't actually met yet. And then there was the oldest of the group, a female Jedi Knight that carried herself with the casual arrogance of the nobility, but with a careful smile and short stature that made her seem eminently approachable. And then there's me, of course, the blonde added with a faintly-amused inner thought.

Her own role on this particular field trip wasn't designed as part of her training: there was the risk that the Master might need medical attention once rescued, and it was always better to send someone familiar with that role than to hope that one of the others might have sufficient knowledge to tend to their needs. Useless in a fight, but I can patch everybody up afterwards, Teynara noted in amusement. Though hopefully it won't come to that.

They were currently in hyperspace aboard Kei's transport ship, the oddly-named Nightshadow. Speedy, crewed with reliable officers, and suitably-equipped for their needs, it had made sense as a ship to get them to...well, wherever it was they were heading. And it didn't look like the sort of vessel that a Jedi would travel in: it was a little battered here and there, a nondescript ship that could have belonged to anyone, rather than a smart, polished diplomatic vessel. Keeps us flying under the radar, so to speak.

A little anonymity never hurt, after all.
Rescue [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
851 ABY
[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"]
Kei Raxis stood on the bridge of The Nightshadow as the stars streaked around them. His guests has been given the best quarters on the ship, Mysa obviously being given the best one. It paid to be the padawan of the captain. First Officer Julian Palmer stood next to Kei, smiling as the galaxy flew past them. The odd bridge officer or two walked past. They probably had important things to do, important things to keep the ship running.

Kei liked his ship running.

The captain nodded to his first officer, gesturing him to take the bridge. Jules nodded as Kei backed off, stepping from the bridge and out onto the thin corridor. The head chef would be somewhere, prepping a meal for their guests so that they could dine before the rescue mission in question. Butcher and Sailer were with Luke down in the hanger bay. The two security cheifs working with the head of strategy and flight to prepare the rescue team a shuttle.

Kei hoped it would be a simple grab and go mission.

The captain stepped into the captains quarters slowly. It was one of the bigger rooms on the ship, the cleanest room with the best curtains. Kei took a seat his desk, removing his jacket. He knew that he ought to wear Jedi robes, but the casuals were more comfortable. The rescue mission was probably going to be just a little dangerous, it had come through the dodgy deals that no Jedi Order really wanted to be associated with.

That just made it more dangerous. The information wasn't 100% reliable.
Location: The Nightshadow
Allies: [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"]
Mission: Rescue [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

Accommodations were accommodations. While the thought was simpler in contemplation than it was in actuality, there were benefits to blending the life of a Jedi with that of an aristocrat. Or so it was with her opinion of her fellow knight's ship, the Nightshadow, and her unspoken concern with the condition of the craft and the accommodations she'd been provided.

No good ever came from complaining about provisions in the matter of a mission and her master had taught her that directing one's attention to the task at hand provided comfort against many, if not all, complications. Alas a thought like that aroused the pain she still felt in her master's absence. Just two years and still she could not shake that even a mission like this was hardly something she was ready to face on her own.

Yet, as she righted herself in the quarters provided to her, she was apt to remind herself that it was not a Jedi's duty to mourn the loss of a master, friend or family; it was their duty to protect those still living and able to be saved from death or worse. And so, rather than fixating on the negativity that was slowly creeping over her, she pushed herself back and fully onto the cot and made to meditate on the coming mission.

As she entered her meditation she let her mind flow back to when she had been approached regarding a Jedi Master's capture. She was a politician, an aristocrat, and hardly felt herself or her skills necessary for such a mission. However as she meditated upon the nature of the matter deeper, and upon her own talents as a member of the order, she could only conclude that extensive knowledge of the Force alongside others with more capable blade work was one of few intelligent options.

Or so she told herself to center her mind on a place far more peaceful than the challenges to come.

She hardly knew the knight who owned the ship they were traveling on, and his padawan, and had only had brief, guided interactions with the other padawan involved. She did not think low of them, or incapable in their mysteriousness, but she couldn't deny a mild uncertainty taking on a mission rescuing an individual likely more capable then themselves.

That, however, was a thought she couldn't fixate on. Peace and focus were all she needed.
One slow breath, swiftly followed by another.

She knelt before the transparisteel viewing port that afforded her a view of the vast blanket of stars that made up the known Galaxy, an expanse which stretched far beyond comprehension, and yet itself was just a tiny blip in an endless Universe. Thinking on it would bring about little more than a headache for your troubles, and so she did not. She merely used it, the streaking lines of celestial light, as a focus.

Before her, suspended in the air, her lightsaber hung in the balance; the various pieces which made up its construction were strewn apart from one another, the casing open, the lens assembly slightly higher than the rest, and the crystals which lay within the chamber lower. Purple, blue, orange, she could still remember acquiring each of them, from the one she had found alongside her former Master, to that which came from the back of an iceworm, each had their own part to play in forming the blade.

Her eyes were opened, fixated somewhere between the floating mechanical wonders and the balls of gas beyond the ship, yet there was a very real haze which lay over them, as though she was not quite there. She kept her breathing even, yet surprisingly natural, breath rising and falling as though she were asleep and not at all preoccupied.

There had been much to consider in the past few weeks, since she had found herself upon Deneba, yet most of her concerns had been worked through, and only the slightest amount of doubt lingered within her mind. It would not disperse overnight, however, it wasn't something just a couple of sessions of meditation could solve. She had lived the majority of her life forming attachments, to people, to places, to things, to titles, and only now was she beginning to see the truth of the matter.

No sense in rushing it, that would only lead to further cracked foundations in the future.

Slowly but surely the pieces of the lightsaber began to close in one one another again, the emitter matrix, the colour crystal, and focusing crystals, power conduit, each came together, each found its place among the larger assembly, until the casing interlocked and the whole hilt lowered toward her outstretched hand. She caught it before it could fall completely, and the mist which had formed over her eyes cleared.

It was time.

She rose from her position on the ground and turned to survey the room. It was spacious, housed any amenity she could have needed, and most importantly it was clean. It would look no different when she left it than when she found it, though that was nothing new, such was simply her way. Her body turned, and she strode toward the door which separated her from the main ship.

Her attire was basic, a long sleeved blue shirt, over which lay a woven, armoured tunic, and her loose fitting training trousers. The same thing she wore every day. The same thing she had worn since stepping out of the shower that first day in the Enclave. Yet again her hair was tied back, shot through with braids, yet one in particular stood out from the rest on account of the fact that it held several beads. Those which marked her position as a Padawan. To those who paid attention, they'd probably even deduce whose Padawan she was... Not that such was a secret on this vessel.

It was just a small walk, which was surprising given the size of the ship, toward the Captain's Quarters. She was grateful that they were close by, though she wouldn't have minded the exercise induced by running the length of the ship several times a day. Stopping outside, she wavered in a brief moment of uncertainty, before bringing her fist down to strike on the durasteel door, resisting the urge to wince. Wood was so much more forgiving.

[member="Veleera Ta'al"] [member="Kei Raxis"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
Rescue [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
851 ABY
[member="Mysa Snowstrider"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"]


Kei closed his fingers around the lightsaber on his desk. It was a weapon that he had created with his own sweat, it had taken him days of meditation to craft the weapon. It was his, he had travelled all the way to Commenor to collect it after he left it in the care with Lady Kay. The weapon was rough and untidy, kind of like it's owner. The shell of the weapon had been put together in seconds with whatever he could find.

Thus the mess.

He heard the knock at the door. He was pretty sure he forgot to mention the inbuilt doorbell system. Hitting durasteel hurt, it could fracture a knuckle with very little issue. He stood up, attaching the weapon to his belt. The door slid open as he approached, revealing Mysa. The young Raxis sidestepped, inviting Mysa into the room. He debated offering her a chair but he knew that they'd be called for dinner soon.

He nodded to Mysa as the intercom system around the ship gave a little jingle.

"This is ugh, the chef speaking. Food for the guests is ready in the canteen"
"They won't come, you know," Kamon said as he looked across at the Sith who had come in to check on his vitals.

"Who won't?"

"My children and grandchildren. They won't come."

"Family is a powerful thing, even among Jedi. I wouldn't be so sure of yourself."

The Sith walked over to where Kamon hung, confined similar to the way Dooku had confined Obi-wan. He prodded at one of Kamon's wounds with a gnarled finger, but was only rewarded with a small wince. The Sith were the same, but different. Each one enjoyed causing him pain, but they all did it in different ways. This one was the type that liked to stick things into his wounds, even beyond fingers. It was a detestable practice, but he realized that all of these Sith had something in common: mental illness.

They couldn't help but be what they were. Not all, of course, but many Sith fit this mold. They suffered from some lack of proper brain wiring and it affected their ability to see and comprehend reason. For some it kept them from understanding how to feel. It was no Gault of their own, genetics was evil like that, but it just meant that no matter how hard they fought the Sith, they would never truly defeat them. It could only be contained a d dealt with rationally. Violence was not always the answer.

"We already know where they are."

"No, you don't. If you did you'd have attacked them directly. Your higher ups no full well that most of my children are not overly close to me, and that the ones that are aren't stupid enough to come here."

"You were stupid enough to come."

Kamon smirked.

"Someone had to spring the trap."

"You sprung it alright. And now we have you where we want you."

"Do you? Are you certain of that? Perhaps I have you where I want you and you just don't know it yet."

He grinned at the Sith, who stepped back and looked at him for a moment. Kamon knew he was trying to deduce whether Kamon was fooling with him or being serious. In the end, he turned and left in a hurry. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, but he smiled then. Someone was coming, he knew. Not because the Force told him, it couldn't with the lizards around, but because he'd known before hand that someone would come. He was counting on it.

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"]​
Location | Crew Canteen, aboard the Nightshadow |
Allies | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] |
Mission | Rescue [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] |

The comm chimes had sounded, summoning them all to the small canteen onboard. It felt odd to be thinking of food at a time like this, likely when one of their own was probably denied any, kept it conditions that were undoubtedly unpleasant, perhaps even subject to torture or harm. And yet let us all sit down to dinner. Teynara found that oddly disquieting: the notion of such simple routine when their mission was anything but routine, but then, starving themselves wouldn't help the Jedi Master they had been sent to retrieve.

Teynara had entered the cabin somewhat preoccupied, knowing that her thoughts were elsewhere a little more than usual - she knew that Jedi were supposed to be mindful of the moment, but she'd never been particularly good at that part. Requires too much confidence in your ability to overcome the things you haven't envisioned in your path. You spend so much time looking at your feet so as not to trip over a rock that you fail to notice the cliff edge in front of you until you've gone over. She knew the others probably would chastise her for that sort of thinking, but the scientist side of her brain couldn't help it.

"Have you honed in on where we're going to be starting our hunt, Master?", she said, pale-blue eyes flickering towards the figure of [member="Kei Raxis"], the Jedi that owned the ship they were currently aboard, her words offered without greeting or preamble. Tey had only caught the tail-end of the briefing that had sent them all hurtling through space, so her sense of where they might be going was clearly lacking. "As I understand it, the first few days in a disappearance are always the most crucial to finding the missing person. Before the trail goes cold."

The blonde walked gently over to the large table that seemed to dominate the room, sliding herself into a seat facing the other two Jedi there: the first being Kei himself, the second being the other young woman, paler in complexion than Teynara, and with a slender physique, sharp as a knife, the kind found on athletes and fighters. She had the sort of facial structure which suggested a severe woman, one you wouldn't want glaring at you, particularly with those pale blue eyes, so pale that they were nearly colourless eyes. Almost makes her look Umbaran.

"Teynara Jeralyr," she said in abrupt greeting, nodding her head towards the other woman. "You can call me 'Tey', or 'Hey, you!', if you forget that," the blonde added with a faintly-amused smile curving her lips, the sort that altered her expression from the more focused and contemplative muse that so often rested there nowadays. "I take it you're Master Raxis' student? I'd offer my commisserations, but he's still in the room," Teynara finished with a soft grin, sitting back in her chair.

The others would undoubtedly be filing in soon, too: though they were here for dinner, that was a pretext to talk about the mission and get to know each other, she suspected. It was always dangerous going on a mission with people you didn't know: you couldn't trust your abilities, or know what they were capable of. They had time - a little, at least - to correct that shortcoming before they jumped into the thick of things. At least, let's hope so.
Location: The Nightshadow
Allies: Teynara Jeralyr | Kei Raxis | Mysa Snowstrider
Mission: Rescue Kamon Vondiranach

Time and again she found it difficult to maintain the greater depths of her meditation. While it was not often a cause she could readily remedy, she often found that external stimuli remained a consistent barrier. As such when the sound of the message over the intercom came, alerting the passengers of the ship that dinner was prepared, she withdrew shakily from her meditation with an unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach. Unable to pinpoint just where the feeling had originated, she instead focused on centering herself.

Clearing herself from the bed and rising to her feet, Veleera took in her surroundings and dressed herself properly for a meeting with her peers and whomever of the crew that would be joining them. A simple endeavor, though one that taxed her patience with her preference to dress elegantly for any occasion involving any kind of delegation. It had always been impressed upon her that she dress to the best of her ability in order to maintain the attention of those she would need to impress. A lesson she could not wash out entirely.

While it had proved difficult and extensive to dress herself, it proved far simpler to find her way through the corridors of the ship; arriving none too shortly after others had begun introducing themselves. She had missed the initial introduction, but there was an air of welcome in the room as she moved to seat herself and disregard the manner at which the ship was kept. She was far more understanding than her father but a part of her buried beneath her composure felt a fleck impoverished by the settings simplicity. Outwardly she showed little to nothing, but she knew she was being inappropriate.

"Risking being abrupt, might I ask who I am to thank for the accommodations?" The question was complex, but delivered in the softest manner she could muster as she glanced around the Canteen for where she would find the food. While she was familiar with such environments, she could not help but recall her inclination towards the finer dining settings. It was a trait her master had constantly attempted to cure, but an ailment she had come to accept and appreciate nonetheless.

"Excuse my rudeness, I'm Veleera. Veleera Ta'al." She wasn't sure just who she was introducing herself to, though she knew the various names she had been given. It was easier to reacquaint than it was to make embarrassing assumptions. A lesson her master had taught her that made situations like these just a bit more bearable.
She winced as her fist struck durasteel, and thought against knocking once more to gain the attention of the man inside. Thankfully it seemed as though the Force was feeling especially kind today, for the door opened mere moments later to reveal her Master.

Without thought she bowed respectfully before him, before noticing that he had stepped aside to allow her access. She had not gone two feet before the sound of the integrated comm systems rang out with the promise of food. Mysa wasn't so sure she could stomach anything to eat at this point, they were too close to break point, so close to rescuing the Master who had been captured... Eating felt insulting, when she knew one of their own was trapped and likely without such luxuries.

Nothing was said as she followed her Master through the ship and toward the mess hall. Already numerous individuals had begun to gather within the room, the scent of dinner drifting throughout. It made her stomach turn and grumble, and she could not tell if she was hungry or repulsed by the smell of it.

Almost immediately upon entering the area, her Master gained the attention of a woman Mysa had not yet met, despite the fact that they had been traveling on the same ship. Mysa had stuck mostly to herself, meditation was a beneficial way to pass the time after all, and her briefing would come directly from her Master. Glancing around she realized she did not know any who were present, though surprisingly this did not daunt her.

She was the stranger here, the outsider who had only recently come into the fold. But she was here with a purpose, even beyond finding the captured Jedi, and with that in mind she kept her head held straight and high, serenity flowing freely through her, and her expression rather neutral but not unapproachable.

After a moment she realized that this woman was studying her; she could feel the prying eyes fixed upon her face, and slowly but surely looked toward her with just the subtlest of smiles.

When the hand and name were offered, Mysa tentatively extended her own to meet the woman's, and she inclined her head into a gentle bow of greeting and respect. "Mysa Snowstrider," she informed her, with a surprisingly soft and quiet voice, before taking a seat beside Kei, "And yes, I'm Master Raxis' Padawan. It is nice to meet you, Miss Jeralyr."

The woman could be a Knight or a Padawan, potentially even a Master if truth be told, it was hard to tell these days, and Mysa did not wish to offend by utilizing the wrong title. Tey's words had her raise a brow in surprise, not fully understanding what was meant by it. Thusfar he had proven to be a competent Master, after all, and they were both learning from one another as was the case with most successful apprenticeships.

She was going to voice as much, when another joined them. Her initial question could not be answered by Mysa, though she supposed Kei was the one responsible for sleeping arrangements, but when the woman gave her name the young Umbaran once more bowed her head in greeting.

Perhaps this newcomer had already heard her give her name to Tey. If not, well... Then she would offer it again.

[member="Veleera Ta'al"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member="Kamon Vondiranach"] [member="Kei Raxis"]
The Nightshadow
851 ABY
[member="Mysa Snowstrider"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
The call for dinner was almost welcome. Kei and Mysa headed through the bowels of the ship towards the canteen. He couldn't face food, however the canteen was a good meeting place where they could discuss the plan. Lack of plan was probably a better term. Kei was the most experienced Jedi aboard the ship, it was almost scary that the Jedi aboard would most certainly look to him for advice, especially when he couldn't really give it. He had given the last known co-ordinates of Master Vondiranch to the bridge and just hoped that pointing in that general direction would turn up something useful.

The dynamic duo entered the canteen slowly. He was instantly flagged down by Teynara Jeralyr. He wasn't surprised, she was a quick Jedi padawan, sharp as a stick. She was an incredible doctor, saving the life of many a Jedi in the medical bay. She began to ask him about the plan, and he shook his head. It was almost luck that she focused on Mysa soon after, asking her for a name.

"I heard that"

Always the insults. It was all a joke, Kei was well aware. It was a welcome distraction to what they were about to face. He offered a grin towards Teynara, pulling a seat out from the table. He sat down as Veleera ran into the room and sat down. The chef would bring out food soon after, Bantha steak's and blue milk. Simple food, but cooked well enough. No-one was likely to get food poisioning, if they did he trusted Teynara to heal them before it became an actual issue. No-one wanted to be doubled over during a rescue mission.

"Name's Kei. Kei Raxis. We're currently heading towards the last known location of our missing Jedi friend. I'm almost hoping that his last known location turns up something we can follow, or at least a hint as to the direction he went. If all goes well, we should just be able to point in the direction he went and follow whoever took him"
Dass kicked the sleeping guard, [member="Silence"], as he entered the cell, a tray full of food in his hands. The tattooed stormtrooper was a quiet man, and the sealed room that contained the Jedi unnerved him. He had never met a Jedi face-to-face before. He also brought something to keep the man comfortable, from his personal stores- tea. Everyone liked tea. Or at least, would drink tea. The door opened, and in stepped Dass.

He eyed the Jedi in the room, before walking over to the small table in the corner, and setting the tray on it. Dass nervously eyed the Jedi, before speaking as confidently as he could. The military taught him bearing, and this was the time to implement it.

"I brought you a meal and something to drink. If I let you down, are you going to be cooperative, Jedi?"

He stared at the man, suspended in the air. Dass looked over at the control panel nearby, then back to the Jedi hanging before him.

[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
Kamon lifted a brow when the person that entered the room proved not to be a Sith. Or, at least, not someone dressed like one. He carried a tray of food and what looked like some form of warm tea, or rather smelled like it, and he stared at it curiously. It had been a while since they'd given him anything to eat, but he was often capable of keeping that from really being a problem for him. Over the years he'd trained his stomach to survive on minimal amounts of food. The only thing he couldn't go long without was water, and tea would provide that.

When the man spoke, he lofted a brow. The door was closed, and he was still cut off from the Force. He had his other training, being half Echani, but he wasn't a person of that lifestyle any longer. Duking it out with this man, who was most likely armed, was something the old him would do, not the new one.

"I have no intentions of harming you if that's what you mean," he replied, eyes turning to watch him set the tray down. "I'm a Jedi, not a Sith. I defend; I don't attack."

Simple, and he did find that often times people didn't believe that, which he could partially blame on his own past actions. At the same time, if he looked around the galaxy he would see plenty of people who called themselves Jedi out there attacking Sith and others willy nilly. It was not the place of the Jedi to carry out such activities. One need only look at how that turned out in history. There own actions had created the Sith. Their own actions had allowed Palpatine to manipulate the public into believing the Jedi were traitors. Easy enough to do when people twist and bend the code to their own beliefs.

| [member="Dass Tallav"] | [member="Silence"] | [member="Kei Raxis"] | [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] | [member="Veleera Ta'al"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] |​
For some reason, Dass believed him. He also, however, believed in the dozens upon dozens of stormtroopers that could come into the room and rush the aging Jedi and beat him black and blue. He disengaged the man's lock and took one of the seats- that he presumed the Sith used to interrogate him, or sit in while doing so. He poured the man some tea from the kettle, and slid the tray to the other end of the table. Dass wasn't armed, but he was going to act like it.

"I could have a lengthy debate about Jedi and attacking, you know."

Dass found himself quipping to a Jedi. This detail wasn't so bad, now that he got to think about it. He stared at the Jedi for a while, before tapping the tray.

"Dig in before I get in trouble."

[member="Kamon Vondiranach"]

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