Avatar of Dread
"I'm bored," A voice echoed as the ship grew silent. "Echnos," Quinn ordered the ship pilot. His eyebrow raised, knowing that they weren't supposed to go in that sector; it wasn't part of the patrol. He knew not to argue, though, especially after the woman stated her boredom. Wincing, the man set course to Echnos without a word, and Quinn sat in the command chair with a happy grin spread across her face. She would bother a certain governor who had caught enough of her attention that the Princess assumed could provide entertainment.
It didn't take long to arrive. Quinn quickly left the ship to the crew. They would have left when the Princess found her way towards the Governor's palace. Something about Kaila kept Quinn interested enough to think of the woman when she found doing the second legion work unnecessarily. Gerwald would have to deal with it, and Quinn knew she could quell the wolf's disapproval. This wouldn't be the first time Quinn arrived unannounced; she had done so recently after the force storm and the mess Anathemous had caused with the Kainites. Quinn figured she should have probably called ahead, but with the assumed friendship, she decided Kaila would be expecting her.
Guards opened the door, and Quinn made headway toward the woman's office; no one stopped her as they knew better than to try. The sharp click of her heels echoed down the hallway, potentially giving the blonde governor forewarning of the Princess's arrival. Standing before the twin doors of the office, Quinn looked to the guards in front of it and cleared her throat. The man looked at the woman, and she cleared her throat again. It suddenly dawned upon them who was standing before them, and they quickly opened the door, unable to properly announce the royal. Quinn didn't wait, slipped through the small opening of the doors, and pushed them closed with her back.
"Hello, Kaila, I hope I'm not disturbing anything important. If I am - I'm sure it can wait because I was in the area and extremely bored." Smiling, Quinn walked to the woman's desk and seated herself on the edge as she looked down at her carefully and beautifully manicured nails. "Echnos is looking better than when I was here - you've done quite the clean-up job." Remembering that she was responsible for a large portion of the destruction, she winced and smiled coyly. "Sorry again for my little outburst." Quinn motioned, pantomiming a storm. When she was finished, hands found their place in her lap as she crossed her legs and leaned slightly over the desk.
"So you're taking the rest of the day to entertain me? You know the estranged Princess of Eshan, goddaughter of the Empire, etcetera, the most wonderful Quinn Varanin?" Continuing to smile, Quinn was in a rare mood that people weren't privy to seeing. She felt something close to kinship with the young Governor. Quinn hoped the woman was in a better mood, especially seeing how glum she had been the last time Quinn had been on Echnos.