The torches burned dimly in the central chamber of the Tomb of Darth Nihl, their flickering flames casting shadows across the black and red banners beneath them. Spread out as they were around the peripheries of the chamber, they illuminated the eight entrances to the chamber, but their light barely reached the center. Sloping down away from each entrance hallway, descending down a dozen stairs in a octagonal shape around a central podium. Upon this podium, cast in pure bronze, was the sarcophagus of Darth Nihl himself, the ancient Sith Lords remains still held within. Torches were mounted in pegs at each corner of the podium, casting their flickering light over the eternally frozen face of the Sith Lord.
Kneeling before the sarcophagus, head bowed, was Darth Vindictus. The Sith Lords eyes were closed in meditation as he felt out the Living Force, touching it for only moments at a time before withdrawing his mind. The Living Force was an interesting thing, Vindictus had come to understand. In his time since finding the Tomb, he had made many journeys into it to try and find its secrets, only to be rebuffed. The Living Force was anathema to the Dark Side, and every time Vindictus tried to pierce its defenses, he was cast back in agony. His efforts had taken a toll on his mind, but the secrets he had gleaned from the agony had proven themselves to be worth it. In time, he would find a way to explore the Living Force more, and fulfill one of his personal goals to taint it at its source.
Approaching footsteps drew his mind back to his body, and the Sith Lord slowly opened his yellow cast eyes. His vision was blurred for a moment, having been lost for hours during his delving, but slowly the physical world around him began to come back into focus. A Sith Acolyte entered the central chamber, bowing his head to Vindictus before descending the stairs. He came to a halt three steps above the Sith Lord, casting his eyes around the room, but never settling for more than a moment on Vindictus himself. After a moment, his voice pierced the silence of the chamber. "My Lord, they have begun to arrive."
The smile that crept across Vindictus's face was there for but a moment before the Sith Lord rose to his feet. Black and red robes rustled as they shifted for the first time in hours, and the Sith Lord turned to face the Acolyte. "Ensure they enter the Tomb, Acolyte. Escort them here, it is time to finally begin." The young man bowed his head quickly and ascended the steps, taking one of the eight hallways out of the sarcophagus chamber and making his way towards the Tombs entrance. Left alone once again, Vindictus reached out and placed his hand on the bronze sarcophagus, feeling the still lingering aura of Darth Nihl within.
"Do not worry, honored ancestor. Today, your vision shall finally come to pass. The One Sith shall be reborn..."