Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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One step closer

Past events were not going as planed since the start of this personal assignment, a very quick lead turning up a dead end because of some Sith refusing to cooperate for his own selfish desires, and a fight taking place not soon after landing on the moon because of some random assassin wanting to play hero automatically mistaking her for trouble.

Sometimes she wondered if such a mission was even worth the time, the future was always in motion, so perhaps those force vision would not come to pass. Then again the though of not doing anything when she could very easily intervene was not a risk the mercenary was willing to take, it did not help that tracking skill were not her real area of expertise, most of the time the objective and place was already known.

Walking through the lower ends of Na Shadda, slight murmurous had started to circulate, a brief story of a two people team shutting down some robber gang. It was not that people were impressed with the feet, it more had become a joke with people saying things along the line of 'Mo'koors gang was so weak' and other stuff as such.

What struck as a bit suspicious was the people in said story, some strange seductress, with a changing personality who had gone turn coat on the gang, it may have been a long shot but their were not a lot of assassins that turned on their employers before getting paid. Slowly Kurenai made her way towards said site, currently passing the local space port.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
Marcus was standing at the same spot he had thrown Mo'koor down from, walking around the spaceport he was glad nowan had taking Mo'koors place yet, he smiled glad in the knowledge Thad there were a few less robber praying on new arrivals.

He walked into the direction of the cantina when he noticed [member="Kurenai Yumi"] , she seems surprisingly similar to the assassin he met a few weeks back "wel Thad cant be a coincidence" he decide to follow her at a distance curios of were she was going.
Kurenai was a jack of all trades, not really an expert in any specific area, except full front fighting, but skilled enough to tell if someone was following her or just walking in the same direction, and some strange man seemed to be doing just that. Tough what seemed strange was his motive, she was not able to sense anything sinister about him, no intent to harm, she sensed, curiosity, but why would someone be interested in her, from the outside Kurenai looked like your average assassin/mercenary nothing more.

Did this man know something of use, it may have been another long shit but she had to take every lead that came up, stopping in her track but not looking back Kurenai muttered a few words to her would-be stalker, "why are your following me"?

[member="Marcus Lund"]
Marcus smiled, ofcours [member="Kurenai Yumi"] had noticed him, he wan't the stealthiest of people, he walked up next to her trying to stay inconspicuous to the people walking around, and spoke in a softly anof Thad bystanders wouldn't overhear them "you seem eerily similar to someone Thad i met a few weeks ago, so i was just curious weather it was him in a disguise, geas i was wrong" he slowly walked past her and continued on his way.
Such a statement raised an eyebrow out of Kurenai, not a lot of people looked like her, partially due to being an energy vampire, but was seemed to gain her interest was the part about disguised, Tanaski was known to be one that would, 'dress up' for fun or certain mission, and her own armor was not to different from what he used, this was getting interesting. "You have peaked my interest, tell me, ummmm cyborg? (She was not always the best at introductions), what did this person look like, and did they give you a name"?
marcus smiled "tought thad would interest you, the name is Marcus by the way"he tought fore a second trying to remember the name "he introduced himself as Tanaski, but then again whit assassins you can never be sure if it is a alias or there real name, he looked very similar to yourself, he looked surprisingly feminine, and he dit use some weird blades" he thought back fore a second "yeah Thad would be about al i geas, atleast the most stand out tings" he looked curious at [member="Kurenai Yumi"] "but my question is why would a merc care about a single assassin?"
Not many people would use that type of name, even as a alias, its slightly strange meaning, and uncommon language, being dissuading, especially in a part of the galaxy predominantly Huttees and Twi'lek. "Similar hu, same hair fringe, facial features, were the blade wrist mounted, green light sabers". The description kept sounding more and more like him, especially the effeminate part, there had to be not doubt about it, this man had seen Tanaski.

"Well thank you Marcus, as for why I am looking for said assassin, believe it or not I am their mother, and before you ask, my looks do not reflect my age". Though it may have been easier to play it off as being related in another faction, Kurenai's way of talking was much more mature, and lying was not something she was particularly skill in.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
marcus nodded "yes al of those" he siad as he remembered the assassin, he looked over [member="Kurenai Yumi"] , she indeed seemed a bit to young to have children the age of Tanaski "wel you do seem quit young to have a child thad age, toug than again geasing age is a tricky ting" he smiled "and i am not particularly good at it, so im sure your older than i expected, not Thad i was gonna ask anyway" he looked at her again "so wat is your plan now?"
She though about the question posed at the end, . "In all honesty I kind of rushed into this how adventure, any clues or lead to his last location would help". She lightly hesitated in where to keep speaking, but the fact that Tanaski was willing to share their real name with this man hinted towards him being trusted, though not all the details could be relived, some things had to be kept private "The reason for my jounry if from what I have seen of the family future, men clouded by the dark side, taking them away for there own desires, I knew they were to young for this galaxy, and now if i don't act fast enough I may never get them back".

"Any help in tracking them down would be of help, even if it is just a small lead" she had been so close to finding Sukai's'\ location not to long ago, this lead was not going to be getting away, even if it was only a minor one.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
marcus looked at [member="Kurenai Yumi"] she seemed sincere about finding her children and he was intend on helping her even toug he didn't know Thad mutch about tanaski "wel he was hired to kill me but ended up aiding me in getting rid of the leader of a robber gang, after Thad he walked of and i haven't seen him sides " he lookd at her sternly "he does seem abel to take care of himself toug, your worry micht be unfounded" he looked back at the abyss of the city below "im sorry but thad is a i know"
She gave a slight snicker at Marcus response, that was exactly how Tanasuki operated, he was an anti-hero, always doing the right thing for the wrong reason, what on one trait he took from her well, even if he was much more reckless. "Thank you for that, as long as I know his safe, I can always try and find him later, but it is his sister I am more worried about, I sense a possible future that would befall them, I though if I could find him it would also lead to my daughter, but at least I have some area", she started to take her leave before asking one last question, "did he by any chance make mention of contacting some one"?

[member="Marcus Lund"]
Marcus smiled , glad to see her relieved at Thad information "he seems to be doing fine, atleast we got a few less robbers around nowe"he thout fore a moment before awsering her question "he did't mention Thad he was trying to contact somwan" he looked at her apologetically "i am afraid Thad is all i know about him"

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]
She mulled over what he said, who would he be calling, and why, she was not sure but had a slight idea on hoe to find out, "thank you again for your time, I think i know a way to find them, it may be another long shot, but I seem to be on a role with those as of late".she reached out in a motion to shake his hand, a little old fashion but he had helped her out of the kindness of his heart, something very few people on Na Shadda would do. "I hope the rest of the day finds you well, maybe we will meet in the future".

She then turned around and left, giving a wave along the way, she had a Hutt crime lord to track down.

[member="Marcus Lund"]
He shook her hand whit his mechanical hand, "i wish you the best of luck finding your children, if there is anything i can help whit, you know were to find me".
he walked of back into the direction of his apartment to get some work done.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

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