Kurenai Yumi
I'm too old for this
Past events were not going as planed since the start of this personal assignment, a very quick lead turning up a dead end because of some Sith refusing to cooperate for his own selfish desires, and a fight taking place not soon after landing on the moon because of some random assassin wanting to play hero automatically mistaking her for trouble.
Sometimes she wondered if such a mission was even worth the time, the future was always in motion, so perhaps those force vision would not come to pass. Then again the though of not doing anything when she could very easily intervene was not a risk the mercenary was willing to take, it did not help that tracking skill were not her real area of expertise, most of the time the objective and place was already known.
Walking through the lower ends of Na Shadda, slight murmurous had started to circulate, a brief story of a two people team shutting down some robber gang. It was not that people were impressed with the feet, it more had become a joke with people saying things along the line of 'Mo'koors gang was so weak' and other stuff as such.
What struck as a bit suspicious was the people in said story, some strange seductress, with a changing personality who had gone turn coat on the gang, it may have been a long shot but their were not a lot of assassins that turned on their employers before getting paid. Slowly Kurenai made her way towards said site, currently passing the local space port.
[member="Marcus Lund"]
Sometimes she wondered if such a mission was even worth the time, the future was always in motion, so perhaps those force vision would not come to pass. Then again the though of not doing anything when she could very easily intervene was not a risk the mercenary was willing to take, it did not help that tracking skill were not her real area of expertise, most of the time the objective and place was already known.
Walking through the lower ends of Na Shadda, slight murmurous had started to circulate, a brief story of a two people team shutting down some robber gang. It was not that people were impressed with the feet, it more had become a joke with people saying things along the line of 'Mo'koors gang was so weak' and other stuff as such.
What struck as a bit suspicious was the people in said story, some strange seductress, with a changing personality who had gone turn coat on the gang, it may have been a long shot but their were not a lot of assassins that turned on their employers before getting paid. Slowly Kurenai made her way towards said site, currently passing the local space port.
[member="Marcus Lund"]