K i n g


Location: Illyria, Azurine City, Dragonne Palace
With a subtle flick of his finger the glass doors to the balcony came open under his command. The midday breeze was cool. It was one reason he enjoyed the palace so much, the nice cool days with cool breezes, especially in the winter months. Still, he knew the cool winds were only something that brought him comfort. For this wife, who was always used to a warmer climate she could not be bothered to enjoy the cold. Yet, the summer months were when she thrived the most and the King was happy for that balance.
There was a knock at Adron's door which caused him to blink softly to himself.
Why do I even bother trying to have a moment alone? He mused. He half turned towards the door, calling out with a clear tone of agitation. "Enter." He commanded. The door was immediately opened by a member of the King's Royal Guard. The man who stepped inside of the room wore thick black and brown robes with an amethyst sash falling down his shoulders. His iconic mask was that of the newly formed organization of diplomats and ambassadors, the Representatives. The King turned towards the man, taking some appreciation in the uniform that the High Court had decided upon for the man. A very good choice. Once the door was closed behind him, the man pulled the helmet from his head. He was an aged man with mid-trimmed blonde locks, many of which were turning grey. The ambassador fell to one knee, bowing his head respectfully while cradling the helmet under his arm. "Your majesty." The King gazed at the man, before realizing his significance. "Yaramen Hule." The King spoke his named with some familiarity. He was one of the diplomats tasked to oversee the agreement between Illyria and Geminidae.
"It is my honor for his highness to recognize me. Thank you, my King." The man was aged and steeped in the deeper traditions of Illyria, traditions that Adron had grown to respect and even enjoy. Especially when those traditions dictated absolute loyalty to the King. "Rise, Representative Hule." He commanded, before making his way over to the bar cart in the side of the room. "A drink?" The King offered, however the rising representative seemed hesitant to accept. "Apologies majesty. However your command was for us to take special care of the Geminidae treaty and alert you of any and everything. There seems to be a change of climate, your majesty."
"With the treaty?" Adron asked, turning away from the bar cart.
"Yes, sire. The Geminidae have been a bit less hospitable as of this past month."
This caused the King to take hold of a bottle of fine scotch. "Explain." He demanded.
"Our shipments had a priority amongst the Geminidae authorities, however recently it seems they no longer wish to expedite our commerce vessels. This is causing a slight delay in transporting goods to the world. Of course, it is nothing significant. We expect this kind of thing when comparing our agreement to other galactic agreements of the same caliber. I am sure it is merely the settling phase."
Adron considered this for a moment before glancing over to a datapad on his desk. No. It was not a settling phase. He felt the Dark Side flowing through him as if delivered from an unseen conduit. That conduit being the Geminidae Sovereign, Feyd-Serit. The King wished he could smile at the thought of the woman losing herself to such a simple trick, yet this could not be. He must maintain appearances. "We will continue to monitor the situation. However it is as you say, likely nothing to be worried about." He told the man.
"Of course, your majesty." The man bowed his head respectfully before replacing the helmet. After it sealed with a barely audible hiss he looked to the King once again. "Thank you for your time, my King."
Adron offered a warm smile. "No, you are doing excellent work for the state. Please, see yourself to the Royal Halls to rest and rejuvenate before you venture out again. Enjoy a meal from my kitchens and a warm bath." The King offered, holding a hand towards the door with a kind gesture. The man bowed his head once again. "You are too kind, your majesty. Thank you." As the man was exiting the room, Adron considered something for a moment before looking to one of the members of his Guard. "The Lady