Father of Titans
Not the best place to be, but it was the capitol of the Fringe Confederation. It was a long time ago during the creation that my brother, Morna, had aided in building up the fringe as it is today. Truthfully I hated, yet I loved my brother. He had done a lot of things that I hated. Leaving me, not coming back, and when he did find out about me, he didn't write, no calls, or any kind of contact before he died. However, I still loved him because he was family. He was my brother and he fought in a war to protect his wife. That was selflessness. Being able to give up your own life for the betterment of others? Good thing he did that, because I am just the opposite.
I was in one work, a prick. I liked to mess with people. It was fun to see them sweat and cower. It was enjoyment for me to see people in pain at times. Other times, I didn't like it. There was a hidden side to me. And only two people in the entire galaxy knew of it. And that was my family. Lexa Imura, my sister-in-law, and my girlfriend, Aerin. Those were the only two people that I actually cared for.
I wouldn't allow anyone to see it here either.
A small adjustment on my Lotek'k jacket, and it fit over my shoulders perfectly. I liked it how when I bought this at such a reduced price that it had been tailored to my form, as well, the symbol of a Dragon carved in on the back. Looking like the symbol was etched into the leather by fire. My brother was known as the Phoenix. A bird that was reborn from the Ashes of the dead. He restarted our family back to a proper legacy. Now it was my turn to keep it going strong. To do that, it needed to be on strong wings. A set of wings that would keep it up, and allow our fiery heritage to grow. And that was the flames of a dragon.
More over, the Arkanian Dragon. Flames could be spouted, and the scales were harder than any type of weapon up to blasters, and even a vibrosword. Grenades seemed to no damage at all either. And both Morna and I were known to be tough force users. He had used his body as a shield for a grenade. I had fallen from a height well over 20 stories. Yet we were both alive at the time.
Walking towards the training grounds, an open Parthenon like structure, I walked past the pillars to see others fighting with training swords, sabers, and even ranged weapons like pistols and rifles. Looking among them, I wanted to find someone who could test my hardieness. Oh who would it be.
Oh who would it be.
[member="Anders Sivas"],
Not the best place to be, but it was the capitol of the Fringe Confederation. It was a long time ago during the creation that my brother, Morna, had aided in building up the fringe as it is today. Truthfully I hated, yet I loved my brother. He had done a lot of things that I hated. Leaving me, not coming back, and when he did find out about me, he didn't write, no calls, or any kind of contact before he died. However, I still loved him because he was family. He was my brother and he fought in a war to protect his wife. That was selflessness. Being able to give up your own life for the betterment of others? Good thing he did that, because I am just the opposite.
I was in one work, a prick. I liked to mess with people. It was fun to see them sweat and cower. It was enjoyment for me to see people in pain at times. Other times, I didn't like it. There was a hidden side to me. And only two people in the entire galaxy knew of it. And that was my family. Lexa Imura, my sister-in-law, and my girlfriend, Aerin. Those were the only two people that I actually cared for.
I wouldn't allow anyone to see it here either.
A small adjustment on my Lotek'k jacket, and it fit over my shoulders perfectly. I liked it how when I bought this at such a reduced price that it had been tailored to my form, as well, the symbol of a Dragon carved in on the back. Looking like the symbol was etched into the leather by fire. My brother was known as the Phoenix. A bird that was reborn from the Ashes of the dead. He restarted our family back to a proper legacy. Now it was my turn to keep it going strong. To do that, it needed to be on strong wings. A set of wings that would keep it up, and allow our fiery heritage to grow. And that was the flames of a dragon.
More over, the Arkanian Dragon. Flames could be spouted, and the scales were harder than any type of weapon up to blasters, and even a vibrosword. Grenades seemed to no damage at all either. And both Morna and I were known to be tough force users. He had used his body as a shield for a grenade. I had fallen from a height well over 20 stories. Yet we were both alive at the time.
Walking towards the training grounds, an open Parthenon like structure, I walked past the pillars to see others fighting with training swords, sabers, and even ranged weapons like pistols and rifles. Looking among them, I wanted to find someone who could test my hardieness. Oh who would it be.
Oh who would it be.
[member="Anders Sivas"],