Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 One Year Anniversary, Gimme your critiques


Too many characters, I have
So, technically it was last week, the 16th, but I thought I'd throw this up regardless.

This isn't a question of individual characters, this is me asking y'all to critique or praise me as a writer overall.

Hit me with your best shot.
DeadpoolMLP DeadpoolMLP

Does it serve its purpose?

Your contributions serve their purpose well, DP. You bring fresh ideas and creativity, which are crucial for fostering a dynamic and engaging writing community. Your willingness to collaborate with a variety of writers helps to build a diverse and inclusive environment.

What do you like best and why?
I particularly appreciate your spontaneity and the way you play troublemakers and mischief-makers. For instance, your characters who constantly stirs up chaos adds a layer of excitement and unpredictability to our stories, making them more engaging.

Your submissions to the Factory are not only creative but also practical, especially regarding technical aspects. These submissions often add a fun dynamic, enriching our collective storytelling. Your detailed descriptions of new technologies and gadgets provide valuable context and enhance the funfactor of our setting.

Additionally, you are very active and engaging within the community. Your presence is consistently felt, whether through participating in discussions, contributing to ongoing threads, or providing feedback to others. This level of engagement helps keep the community vibrant and ensures that everyone feels involved. Your genuine effort in collaboration and your helpful nature are strong traits that enhance our community. It's clear that you genuinely care about the success of our group and put in the effort to support others. Your enthusiasm and commitment make a significant positive impact.

What could be executed better and why?

One area for improvement is the tendency to get caught up in power creep with your characters. This sometimes leads to overlooking story potential and growth opportunities in favor of making characters appear cool or perfect. For example, when a character becomes too powerful too quickly, it can limit their development and the potential for interesting challenges.

Additionally, there are times when you struggle to stay on track with the overall theme of some threads and plots, or have a tendency to shift the focus on occasion. This can sometimes disrupt the narrative flow and make it harder for other writers to follow along.

However, I recognize that this may be influenced by the environment of our site, which can sometimes pressure writers to focus on character power and individuality. It might be helpful to occasionally step back and consider how your character's journey fits into the broader narrative and themes we're exploring.


Too many characters, I have
Additionally, there are times when you struggle to stay on track with the overall theme of some threads and plots, or have a tendency to shift the focus on occasion. This can sometimes disrupt the narrative flow and make it harder for other writers to follow along.
yeah that's my ADHD. :sweatdrop:
Heya Deadpool. I don't normally try to give feedback but I thought I should try at the very least aha.

I always enjoy the way you're willing to approach situations, and bring like your own idea and perspective to things. You've always been relatively creative when it comes to like making weapons and equipment alongside various other creations. I'm trying not to echo Cat with their own opinion aha.

I also like that you're not purely a one faction writer. You've been branching out into the other factions which always seems like a good idea to me. It's something that I can't really do myself if I'm being honest. You're always putting in effort to try and cooperate with other people which is something not everyone will always do. And it can also be pretty stressful, I'm sure.

I will say, one of the criticisms though is how I feel like you write Jedi. (Or at least with Jonyna. I haven't gotten a super good feel of your other Jedi, so I may be wrong and I'll admit that.) Whilst I think you write Jedi amazing in some ways, I feel like you don't write them to their full potential. A lot of them to me have gimmicks that are better suited towards combat I think. With Jonyna's whole elemental attacks, and Nir's whole portal summoning of items he owns. What I want to see you try the most, is to write a Jedi who is completely opposed to fighting. They don't necessarily have to be a healer (that's Shan's job! Stay away from it /jk) but I think there's plenty of neat routes you could take with it.

A few suggestions could be something like an Archaeologist with Psychometry, a Roboticist that might try to make artificial limbs, or hell for a more comedic character, you could try to make like a lunch lady Jedi aha.

At the end of the day though, I think you're a fantastic writer (I never said water. Water you on about) and I always appreciate seeing your ideas being formed and coming to fruition.
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