Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Online Staff Gets in the Way

Boethiah said:

Yes, I know. But it's not a responsive wrapper. It minimizes the list, and leaves an empty space.
That is because in order to shrink the site main page down you have to minimize the main boxes, such as either the Factory, Codex, Archives, and so on, in addition to the sidebar.
Boethiah said:

Yes, I know. But it's not a responsive wrapper. It minimizes the list, and leaves an empty space.
"Responsive wrappers" has to do with viewports, aka different resolutions/devices you're viewing the website on. As we have a separate, disliked mobile version of the site - and this version is fixed - the argument of responsive wrappers has no bearing on this discussion or the functionality of the sidebar. SWRP's index is not responsive, none of it is.

It doesn't leave an empty space, it neatly tucks as intended. The entire sidebar block doesn't disappear though- it stays behind in case you want to maximize it in the future.

Its presence on the sidebar is not optional, only the ability to minimize or maximum it is.

That will bring it up a bit further, but it would be brought up even more if the widgets simply didn't exist.

At one point there weren't as many sidebars. I liked it better that way since there's information that really isn't essential. The tag cloud for instance isn't valuable at all except from a statistical point. Member stats are honestly better off as their own page. Staff Online actually is valuable as it would provide a quick access if you ever had to message a staff member.

The less information there is presented on the main page, the easier it is for a user to navigate what information is present. Although my suggestion isn't quite 'serious' I do like to nitpick because it is clutter. Might seem silly. It probably is silly.

Tefka said:
"Responsive wrappers" has to do with viewports, aka different resolutions/devices you're viewing the website on.
That's responsive framework. Which is all part of responsive web design. Which literally is just a web design doctrine aimed at improving user interaction based on improving scroll, site navigation, resizing, etc. In this case it's the forum's wrapper -- which holds the contents -- that is part of the overall web framework.
Boethiah said:
That's responsive framework. Which is all part of responsive web design. Which literally is just a web design doctrine aimed at improving user interaction based on improving scroll, site navigation, resizing, etc. In this case it's the forum's wrapper -- which holds the contents -- that is part of the overall web framework.
If you knew anything about responsive framework, you'd understand SWRP nor the software it runs on possesses it.
Boethiah said:
At one point there weren't as many sidebars. I liked it better that way since there's information that really isn't essential. The tag cloud for instance isn't valuable at all except from a statistical point. Member stats are honestly better off as their own page. Staff Online actually is valuable as it would provide a quick access if you ever had to message a staff member.
Your advice is noted and I thank you for it.
Tefka said:
If you knew anything about responsive framework, you'd understand SWRP nor the software it runs on possesses it.
Well, it might not run on bootstrap but any framework possesses the capabilities; unfortunately IPB uses its own proprietary framework, so I wouldn't know how. If Chaos ever switches to Xenforo (I think you mentioned it once) you can actually improve Zend with a few PHP lines.

Tefka said:
Your advice is noted and I thank you for it.
I just nitpick when I have nothing better to do with my life.
Boethiah said:
Well, it might not run on bootstrap but any framework possesses the capabilities; unfortunately IPB uses its own proprietary framework, so I wouldn't know how. If Chaos ever switches to Xenforo (I think you mentioned it once) you can actually improve Zend with a few PHP lines.

I feel like you're throwing out words now to sound smart.

Bootstrap is default responsive framework created by Twitter. It's a framework for website design, but is created with responsive design in mind. A lot of people are moving to responsive design, and Bootstrap is very popular - but its not the only one. IP4 is responsive, I believe. All you need to know is some CSS media queries and have a lot of time on your hands and anything can be responsive. But you definitely don't need...

Zend PHP framework. This has very little to do with responsive framework. It has very little to do with design, period. I'll preface this with an "I'm no PHP expert", but I know enough to know that PHP runs the objects and background processes for fetching data from the database. It's how your notifications appear, it's how your sidebar widgets populate enough people/tags/topics to push down your beloved members area. I use Zend OPCache, yes, to improve several projects I work on and increase the speed of media queries.

Whether SWRP will ever be responsive? Maybe, but it wasn't the question. You brought it up when we were discussing an already existing feature on a platform that is very obviously not responsive.

Finally, I present to you the difference between responsive and fixed designs.



Not Responsive:


You misunderstood what I said. I said it might not run on Bootstrap as in, it's not developed with that in mind. I use bootstrap for work. You're using the term 'responsive' as a buzzword, to represent the functionality of a responsive web design in terms of how it fits on a display -- typically for the switch between mobile devices and desktop without requiring a separate version.

However; It has multiple meanings, in that sense. in the IxDA community it's a very broad topic with a range of meanings, definitions, and intentions. As design at is core is literally an unending pursuit to improve the experience an individual has with a product.

Again, you misread what I was saying. Every framework can be used for responsive web design because responsive design is about nothing more than fluidity in its broadest definition. You can always add onto something, and improve it. Unintended and it might be inefficient, it may lead to problems down the line; but it is possible.

I know you have a habit of being blunt, but please don't make assumptions and interpretations in every regard to what I said. I can acknowledge that it may very well have been my error in wording, but don't jump the gun.

Boethiah said:
If Chaos ever switches to Xenforo (I think you mentioned it once) you can actually improve Zend with a few PHP lines.
I brought it up to convey that I am not familiar with IPB's own framework, but because I've worked with Zend, I'm familiar with that particular framework. That is all I was implying. Not that you can necessarily do more with Zend than you can with IPBs framework -- which I believe they call IPS. I wouldn't know unless I tried. It was a separate conversation that seemed to blend with what I was saying earlier. An error on my part.
Boethiah said:
Every framework can be used for responsive web design
Zend Framework 2 is an open source framework for developing web applications and services using PHP 5.3+. Zend Framework 2 uses 100% object-oriented code and utilises most of the new features of PHP 5.3, namely namespaces, late static binding, lambda functions and closures. Zend Framework 2 evolved from Zend Framework 1, a successful PHP framework with over 15 million downloads.
The component structure of Zend Framework 2 is unique; each component is designed with few dependencies on other components. ZF2 follows the SOLID object oriented design principle. This loosely coupled architecture allows developers to use whichever components they want.
Boethiah said:
I know you have a habit of being blunt, but please don't make assumptions and interpreting in every regard to what I said. I can acknowledge that it may very well have been my error in wording, but don't jump the gun.

I didn't jump the gun, you're literally not refuting any of my points, talking around in circles, and a lot of things you're saying make me think you don't quite know exactly what it is you're talking about. Hence my need to point it out.


Boethiah said:
I brought it up to convey that I am not familiar with IPB's own framework, but because I've worked with Zend, I'm familiar with that particular framework. That is all I was implying. Not that you can necessarily do more with Zend than you can with IPBs framework -- which I believe they call IPS. I wouldn't know unless I tried. It was a separate conversation that seemed to blend with what I was saying earlier. An error on my part.
Or to clarify better: When I write, I think on a topic-to-topic basis. I immediately flushed out the previous conversation.

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