The time had come for war to begin again. Too many people were feeling the itch to do battle again as the events of the galaxy had finally been forgotten, mostly, and people began to settle into their routines once again. For Graad this meant credits would begin to flow again. Since the rapture had taken place, most of the galaxy had spent their time trying to find out what happened to those who had been lost, but as best minds could only produce theories, people looked to their leaders once more to make things stable again. For a man who makes a living off war, Graad was happy to see disputes arise once more in the galaxy.
Most of the work which came was not the result of all out war, but rumors were circulating it would be coming to the galaxy again, and soon. Graad found himself with a group of other Mando’ade form the one world he had never really set foot on, at least not to memory. Mandalore was where his family from generations past had come from, but Graad had never ventured to see the world. The way these verde described it though, he knew he would have to see the cities and sights of this world.
He lay in the mud, the one warrior unaccounted for. His job was to remain still, wait for the enemy to pass over him, and when all were gathered together quickly rise and take them out from behind. The trap was a simple one, and usually the simple traps were the ones most people fell for. Whatever got the job done. If only the intel on how well armed this army they were fighting had been accurate, or the fact they had a force user fighting with them. The blaster bolt which had been fired at them was quickly redirected to Graad’s buy’ce, knocking it off.
Falling to the ground quickly, his head hit a rock, fortunately not anywhere critical, but left a nice gash on the side of his forehead. The verd quickly quit moving and played dead to avoid getting run through with the crimson blade that dispatched some of the other verde he was with. As the battle was drawing to a close, it was clear victory was not the goal, but rather survival. Fortunately someone had managed to call for backup and a medical shuttle to collect the wounded.
Graad’s vision was beginning to fail as he was starting to blackout. Eyes drew to a close, but he remembered hearing the sounds of heavy blaster fire from the corvettes which flew overhead. He also saw the medical shuttle landing just before losing his site completely. When he woke, if he woke, it would be on the medical frigate the Mando’ade had sent to retrieve their wounded.
[member="Briika Detta"]
Most of the work which came was not the result of all out war, but rumors were circulating it would be coming to the galaxy again, and soon. Graad found himself with a group of other Mando’ade form the one world he had never really set foot on, at least not to memory. Mandalore was where his family from generations past had come from, but Graad had never ventured to see the world. The way these verde described it though, he knew he would have to see the cities and sights of this world.
He lay in the mud, the one warrior unaccounted for. His job was to remain still, wait for the enemy to pass over him, and when all were gathered together quickly rise and take them out from behind. The trap was a simple one, and usually the simple traps were the ones most people fell for. Whatever got the job done. If only the intel on how well armed this army they were fighting had been accurate, or the fact they had a force user fighting with them. The blaster bolt which had been fired at them was quickly redirected to Graad’s buy’ce, knocking it off.
Falling to the ground quickly, his head hit a rock, fortunately not anywhere critical, but left a nice gash on the side of his forehead. The verd quickly quit moving and played dead to avoid getting run through with the crimson blade that dispatched some of the other verde he was with. As the battle was drawing to a close, it was clear victory was not the goal, but rather survival. Fortunately someone had managed to call for backup and a medical shuttle to collect the wounded.
Graad’s vision was beginning to fail as he was starting to blackout. Eyes drew to a close, but he remembered hearing the sounds of heavy blaster fire from the corvettes which flew overhead. He also saw the medical shuttle landing just before losing his site completely. When he woke, if he woke, it would be on the medical frigate the Mando’ade had sent to retrieve their wounded.
[member="Briika Detta"]