Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Only the Force Matters | EE + Friends & Ask

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge


There are probably few places in the Galaxy where the Dark Side, Light Side, and Neutral side followers live in harmony side by side. At Spear, it all came true thanks to a triumvirate of leaders. In this place you can learn Force-using in a special way. This place is mostly like a university. Force Sensitive individuals can come here to learn, practice, and develop.

They come when they want, they leave when they want and they learn what they want. Or they can stay and teach others. They actually have two rules; the most important rule, no one can attack another. If someone violates this, they will be banned forever. The other is that no one can be discriminated against because of which side they have chosen for themselves. Balance and being able to work together is the most important thing for leaders.

The leadership is not interested in the point of view of the different sides that they should go to war, they have accepted that all aspects of the Force matter and cannot exist without each other. They try to teach students to accept each other because they cannot exist without each other.

Spear now held an open day at the academy where everyone can get to know the academy or practice with anyone else who is interested.


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OOC: Basically for the EE members, to our Light Side members to be able to play with the Warden somewhere, but they’re also happy to see our allies (TSE). And if someone else wants to come, write to Ingrid that they want to join. This is a loose practice with each other (lightsaber fencing and ability practice) thread. Have fun!


Tags: Open​
There was a power within her that remained cut off. It was like an old engine, forgotten, malfunctioning. The dark side still lived within her, but it had corroded, like a tool that had been discarded. It dwelled within her still, she could feel it, and yet there was a temptation to tap into it, to rely on that cancer that dwelled within her. In a way, it was an admition of weakness to give into that power, to acknowledge she needed it. In that way, she tried to resist, but it had also turned her into the creature that she was now. For that reason, she was trying to train herself to let go of the habits she had formed during her time as a Sith, trying to find a new source that she could find strength from. Truth be told, her efforts had proven fruitless this far.​
Here in the academy, she stood, facing a seemingly insurmountable bolder before her, it's mass far greater than what she could lift. Yet, she would do it regardless. Reaching her hand out, she felt it's mass, felt it's shape, and willed it to move, feeling her mind strain as she pushed herself to the next level. Very quickly however, she found her reserves deleted, the force which had dwelt within her like a vast ocean quickly drained into a lifeless wasteland. Her power fleeting, and yet her object of focus remained unconquered. She tried to focus, tried to keep it all focused on the singular goal.​
It was all in vain.​
The connection broke, and with it, she felt weak, as if gravity slammed her into the ground. Panting, she caught herself, steadying herself, as the strain seeped into her muscles, making it hard to even breath.​
She certainly had alot of work to do.​
Maybe one day, she'd get there.​

Tags: Bright7 Bright7
Equipment: Mandalorian Helmet, Generic Jedi-like robes, Red and Green Lightsabers, WESTAR-34 pistols x2

Darlyn was glad to have come. This Academy was, well, a rather lovely place. Open minds to his Darkness, and willing to let him walk around without the guards staring him down from behind masks and cameras. Better than the Jedi for certain, even if he understood it.

Even so, there wasn't a whole lot for him to... do. Truth be told he had long grown past what an academy could teach him, instead it was more of a refinery to his abilities. Slowly, surely, sharpening his skills. Refining power into a sharppened blade was all they seemed suitable to provide him anymore.

Teaching though, that was always an enlightening experience they alone could provide.

So, that is what he hpped to achieve. Refinement, and enlightenment. Teach, and refine. Preferably in the realm of lightsaber combat, as that was a very deep personal joy for him. However that was not to be, yet, as he caught interest of an armored woman. He sensed her wrestling with the Force, trying to lift a boulder. She was forcing it, trying to make it do what she could not will it to, and he could see the failure.

Striding up by her, he didn't look at her despite speaking with his modulated voice. "You are forcing it, no good will come of it. If you try to make the Force obey you, you will eventually suffer backlash from it. Exhaustion and death. Especially when you hold yourself back intentionally. Instead, guide the Force, calmly."

He held out a hand, like he was cupping the bottom of the boulder in it, and reached out. He felt the stone, and calmly willed it to rise. It took a few seconds, as his mind focused the Force, guiding it to what he desired, but indeed the stone did rise. Just a bit, enough to demonstrate his point before setting it down.

"And know what you can do. Do you see what I mean? Instead, when you have caught your breath, try reaching out and turning the stone in place. Guide it without trying to force it or yourself."

Tags: Open​
Left in her own frustrations, Lilanna hadn't realized that someone was near by, not until a voice spoke to her. Alarm came to her first, expectations from her Sith training struck, as she sprung to her feet, whirling about to find the intruder. She quickly withheld herself, recalling that she wasn't back on Korriban, this place was different now. The initial spring of fear faded into confusion, as she desired to know what brought the stranger here. He felt cold, but unlike her master, the cold wasn't seeping and icy, rather like a cool lake, not ideal, but not unbearable. She wouldn't need to close herself off from this one, yet. "I'm only willing it, yet it remains unmoved. The strength I learned to pull from no longer comes from my pain, my anger, but from...." She frowned, her hologram flickering as it struggled to convey the emotion properly for a split second. "I suppose myself." She finally rationalized, unsure as to what the man was trying to explain.

His altered voice made her wonder if he was as injured as her, though she had no real way of knowing. She watched as he lifted the boulder, shifting it with what seemed like ease. She took in several breaths, observing the motion, and trying to see how she could mimic it. She reached out, trying to do as she had been informed. She willed the rock to move, feeling it's weight, feeling a shift in something, within her. Frustration crept forth, and out of habit, she grasped for it, like pulling the cord of a chute. She realized her mistake instantly, as lightning cackled from her finger tips, slamming into the rock. Exhaustion swept over her, the weight once again hitting her, though this time she did not drop to the floor, only hung her head in annoyance. "It's difficult, to try and redo so many years of training, of thinking. It feels insurmountable at times." She knew it could be done, many had turned their back on both jedi and sith, and learned to form a new connection. Only now, with her past, she wondered if she could ever truly relearn what was needed to move on.

She hoped for her own sake, that she could.

Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron

Surur Pomi / Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Spear’s academy, Duatiel
Equipment: Chosen Host | Large book
Tags: Bright7 Bright7 | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Open
Dis was quite well known in this place; since many knew them and knew who or what they were, so most of the time they were here without a host. Today, however, many strangers also came, so they again asked Surur to let them use the girl's body. As always it was a symbiosis, they did not suppress or change the girl's consciousness or memories, the farghul remembered everything, if she wanted to, she could talk too.

Dis usually made no secret of what they were, so it was possible to feel exactly through the Force that they were possessing Surur's body. That is, they had two aura in it. The farghul girl was Darksider, while Shadowcat was completely neutral. Not to mention being a pacifist. A pacifist ghostly/shadowy creature made by a Sith Lord and befriending Sith. There are weird things in the world, after all, the Galaxy and Netherworld are huge, so weird things can happen.

Shadowcat was not a member of the Eternal Empire, that is, not literally, they had only studied here for months at Spear, actually for a long time. But they weren't interested in loyalist or rebel things. As in most cases, they were only driven by curiosity and interested in learning. And of course to make new friends. Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala told them they can’t learn Jedi and Sith things at the same time because they are mutually exclusive. Well, they can do it here.

They were in the library, from where they started to their usual place, to read when they noticed a strange couple. So walked a little closer and then stopped at a suitable distance.

"Don't you mind if I stay here to watch and learn?"

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Equipment: A Large Book | Pen and Ink | Sith Training Saber

Frank for once in his life wished to find peace within himself. As such frank would go to the University like place that others had been talking about. before he would go however Frank would Contact the TSE to see if he can get a training saber for himself before he heading over. Bringing materials to write down what he learns and study it frank had one more precausion to take. as he accesses his cybernetic HUD without a second thought he shuts off hiss hud and any reflex or strength enhancements he has inside of his body. before he enters the building.

While there frank would have had alot of time to think on what he had to learn and what he wanted to. in truth with everything in franks life from the death of his parents, to his squad before joining the CIS, the battle of dantoeen and even his time so far with EE, Its left frank with alot of hate and sorrow. "I would like to learn how to use the dark side of the force." Frank stated with a bow. to one of the masters offering to train dark siders.
Tags: Bright7 Bright7
Equipment: Mandalorian Helmet, Generic Jedi-like robes, Red and Green Lightsabers, WESTAR-34 pistols x2

"All that you've mentioned comes from you." Darlyn responded simply, watching her explain herself. Then, watching her use of the Force, and the bolts of Lightning that sprung from her fingertips. Ah, she had more than simply used the Dark before, he could see that now. She had traveled down that path, and now must want to avoid it all together. But she was still...

He outstretched a hand and shot out his own bolts of purple tinged lightning. However, instead of striking the rock, they wrapped and coiled aroumd it, like twisted wires... or coils of rope. Constrained, relaxed, and controlled. "The Dark is not something that can be denied, at least its existence. You wish to redo your training, undo something of your past as I did once. But whether that path resides in Light, Darkness, or something else..."

He released the will he was usimg to direct the Force, and the bands of Lightning dissipated. "First you must come to terms with those things you want to be rid of. Anger, Hate, Pain. You must learn to accept them, before you can use.. or turn away from them. But perhaps I'm going about this.. imperfectly. Why do you want to use the Force... what do you wish to draw inspiration from?"

Behind the helmet he frowned, thinking on those questions himself. What she wamted out of this was every bit as important as moving a piece of earth, after all.

When another entity arrived, and asked to watch, Darlyn didn't actually turn around to address them. Eyes focused on the one he was trying to actively teach. "I see no problem with you watching. I quite like teaching, so the more the merrier for me."
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