Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Only the Messenger

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
So I'm just clarifying that this isn't for me but for my friend Julie (Cypra Krum), who wanted me to give the fyi to anyone who needs to know. Since she's done school she's moving back to her home which is all the way in California. Because of that she's going to be out of reach for a while and she's not sure when's the next time she'll be able to come on; partly why she wanted me to give the news to begin with lol. If any of you do have questions for her I do have her number, which I'm not handing out lol, but I'll text her when I can to see what she says.

She did want to say if things get to hetic when she gets home and we may not here from her again that she really enjoys the site and all the friends she made, and she's sorry for not being on for the past couple of days because of school and all. She hopes you'll all understand and, again, that she'll be able to make it back ASAP.

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