During Year One the Galactic Republic was birthed from The Federation of Planets. Each world that joined the Republic had it's own government and it's own colonial military. The combination of which would eventual come to form the Republic Navy. A giant flotilla of ships from over a dozen different cultures and planets.
With the advent of the first Armory Manifest a grouping of uniform vessels was formed. While each planet represented in the Senate was allowed to keep it's own personal militia and Navy. Only the best of their cadets would come to serve on the shiny new vessels created by the Triumvirate.
Every since it has been tradition that Senatorial Worlds are given the right to hold fast to their own personal fleets of cultural significance. While often seen as lesser vessels used only during the Years of Plague? These personal fleets have always been active in the defense of their homeworlds and their colonial interests. Much to the ire and annoyance of the massive Republic Navy.
However, during the attack by Omni. Much of the Core, Mid, and Expansion Region lost all of it's ships to the assault. Even a volunteer Republic Flotilla made up of privateers and private vessels was no match for the battles that lingered on deeper towards Coruscant. By the time Omni was defeated, much of the Republic had been drained of ships both big and small.
In the aftermath that followed, the galaxy rebuilt. But the advent of new planetary and cultural fleets was never addressed by the Senate. The only industrial concern was the rebuilding of the core Navy. Even the poor Army got very little attention then. Sadness all around I'm afraid.
In closing. If the Senators want something to do? Why not look to their planetary needs following the conflict with Akala and the Netherworld domains. Given this Faction's history. You've got a blank slate to work with.
Run with it!