Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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OOC Knowledge Only: What Holocrons and Artifacts You Got?

Not just holocrons -- what do we have for datacrons, artifacts, special data whatnots...what do our characters' archives look like?

Me, I've been keeping Rave's archive on google docs. Might as well get it on the board somewhere. Links to how and when she obtained these available upon request.
  • The Dark Forge of Aza'zoth (currently located in the tundra on Kelsier, at the secret Fort Elsa)
  • The coloring book of [member="Darth Vornskr"]
  • The journal of Darth Moridin
  • Complete data on Antihemorrhaging Hemostasis-Inducing Blood Augmentation
  • The entire Taurannik Codex (original given to Sirella Valkner)
  • The Zerek Strain
  • Sith Abattar (several)
  • Talisman of Concentration/Ensnarement (several)
  • Sword of Ieldis, from Odium
  • Holocron of Marka Ragnos, from Seydon of Arda
  • Two Sith scrolls on thin copper, from praxeum raid
  • Eshkar Niin holocron, from Dyn Hela
  • The Telos Holocron
  • A Convincing Replica of the Telos Holocron
  • A Holocron labeled "Force Drain and the Droch Connection." (at least, I think it was a holocron)
  • Digital copies of the entire Sith archives.
  • Miscellaneous, unlabeled, and unspecified other Sith trinkets evacuated from Korriban mere hours before the Jedi sacked the planet.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Whelp, I got Palpatines Lightsaber (the Electrum one) from one of Jons treasure hunts. Also I now have Qel-Dromo's holocron from here and I have Darth Rivan's Holocron (in the various canon Items threads). Will be trying to find more Sithy Recources for us as soon as I can.

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