Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish [OOC Sign-up] Kriselistian Krisis | GA. vs SO. Skirmish on Kriselistia





Kriselist, one of the many crown jewels of the Wornal sector, was one of the few oases in this accursed Galaxy that death and conflict had not yet reached. There had been times of tribulations but those had been few and far between. Now was the time for prosperity. Massive urban conglomerations spread across the continents like webs of durasteel and transparisteel. Towering spires sprouted like fungal growths. The newly completed Shahid Grand Starport promised to enhance its influence over sector trade.

All this changed when the Sith Order came.

For several months, Sith Cultists had infiltrated the world and begun to launch hundreds of rapidly escalating terror attacks on the populace. Stretched thin and outgunned, planetary security forces were forced to send out a plea for heavy firepower.

The Galactic Alliance answered.

Strategic Intelligence Agency analysis identified these cultists as unorganized rabble who had only gotten as far as they did thanks to the incompetence of the local Defence Forces. Still, with the growing Sith threat GADF High Command hoped to quell the attack quickly before internal security concerns were raised within the Senate. It was reckoned that second-rate troops of the 789th Reserve Division would be enough. That conviction was disproved the moment Alliance reinforcements landed in the Grand Starport and quickly found themselves besieged on all sides by cultists displaying not blind fanaticism but tactical acumen and advanced weaponry.

The situation has completely spiraled out of control. The call has been put out for any GADF unit in the region to deploy to Kriselist instantly, rescue the 789th from their rapidly shrinking perimeter, and bring order to the chaos. Similarly, Sith Forces are now rushing toward the world in a bid to pin down and even destroy GADF formations to prevent their involvement in upcoming offensives.

What began as a counter-terrorism operation has now devolved into a hell of fire and ferroconcrete.



The onslaught has begun. Sith forces are on the verge of destroying what remains of the Alliance's 789th Reserve Division and seizing the Shahid Grand Starport. The enormous building complex has now turned into a bloody abattoir of savage close-quarters running gunfights in the passenger terminals and brutal armored engagements across its sprawling landing pads. Raging infernos and ruptured ship reactors belching radiation have made fighting in the Starport an unbearable agony.

Yet fight you must for whoever controls the starport controls the flow of reinforcements.



The orbit of Kriselistia is on fire. Trapped within the world's tight ring of space junk and wrecked hulls, small squadrons of Sith and Alliance ships must navigate this tight labyrinthine maze of debris to seek out and destroy each other's convoys before they can make planetfall. Point-blank engagements and boarding actions have become the norm. There is no room for capital ships, only reckless starfighter pilots and fearless frigate captains.

One wrong maneuver and you'll find yourself splattered on an asteroid's side like a bug on a windscreen.


This is the OOC Sign-Up page for an upcoming skirmish between the Galactic Alliance and Sith Order over the planet of Kriselist. The skirmish is intended to have a heavy emphasis on warposting between the two factions. On the topic of civilian involvement: they are allowed to be a major factor only if your sparring partner agrees to it. Otherwise assume civilians will be a non-factor, having either escaped in the several months of insurgency or hiding under deep bunkers.

The thread will be posted in a day or two.

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That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
Let me know what objectives you guys want to be on and that way it can be easier to find sparring partners.

Speaking of Liram Angellus Liram Angellus would you be interested in boarding actions from the Sith Order?
If you think you can get it done, sure, but each ship is set up like modern day carriers/destroyers/frigates. There ARE Marines on every ship, a lot of them. I'm not saying "no" in fact I welcome, just saying "plan accordingly"
Skirmish is up!


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