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LFG OOC Sign Up Thread For: New Blood // Inaugural Trials [Academy of Korriban]



This is an OOC sign-up thread. Find your dance partners! Thread launches Sunday, October 20th, 2024. Below is a sneak peak of the fun to come. Look forward to seeing you there!
The red sun, Horuset, hangs low over Korriban's jagged mountains, casting long shadows across the stone structures of Kor'ethyr Academy. The air is cold, biting at the skin, despite the barren desert landscape stretching endlessly beyond Academy walls. Today, the halls are alive with anticipation—a day of trials, where only the strongest and most cunning will garner the attention of Academy Masters. The normally oppressive silence of the desert is broken today by the coordinated howls of semi-sentient, Sithspawn Tuk'ata, echoing distorted through wind-tossed gusts of sandy air.

Students gather within the Academy, their dark robes flowing as they pass beneath the towering statues of long-dead Sith Lords. Overseers and Masters watch from the upper balconies of Kor'ethyr towers, searching for those students with undeniable talent. Today, blood will be spilled, both in combat and in the hunt, and minds will be tested. These trials are not merely to be survived—they are a crucible. Today, those who emerge victoriously distinguish themselves from within the ranks of the Sith.​


Welcome to the desert hunt, students. Beyond Kor'ethyr lies the Desert of Golg, an expanse as treacherous as it is vast. There, in the chilly sands beneath Horuset’s red glare, the Academy’s finest Tuk'ata await you—fierce, swift, clever, and deadly. Your task? Track them. Hunt them. And know that they are hunting you. Return with proof of your kills, but remember: you’re not the only one chasing them. Other students will be hot on your trail, and the sands hide more than Tuk'ata. Sinkholes, sandstorms, the undead and worse await you there. Failure means means death. Success? Power and respect. Now, go—and may the Force guide your hand.​

Line up, students. Today, you will face one another; not with lightsabers, but with something... more traditional. These bone-carved swords are covered with the microscopic barbs of pelko bugs, and one cut will fill your veins with an immobilizing, searing agony. The toxin won’t kill you, but it will cause unforgettable pain—the kind you must learn to use and inflict upon our enemies. Each of you will be paired with an opponent. Academy Battlemaster Darth Thaliax and his proctors will watch closely; none have any interest in mercy or hesitation. Strike hard, strike fast, but remember: this is more than just survival. Prove the superiority of your technique or be left writhing in the dirt.​

Not all trials are fought with blades, students. Before you, on each of your workstations, are six vials of liquid in a set of three pairs. Any two of a pair may appear identical, though in fact one of each is an agonizing poison or debilitating intoxicant. Whispering rumors work their way through your peers, suggesting that one of the vials may even be lethal. Regardless—three are poisoned, three are safe to drink—and you have limited time to determine which is which. You may seek to render the poisons inert or divine the qualities of each vial's contents; or you may find some other creative solution. You have access to all library and laboratory resources, including the greenhouse. Will you choose the correct three? Will you solve the trial in a unique way? Will you complete the challenge and drink the three vials? Knowledge is power, student, and ignorance is pain.​

Everything You Need To Get Started:




This is an OOC sign-up thread. Find your dance partners! Thread launches Sunday, October 20th, 2024. Below is a sneak peak of the fun to come. Look forward to seeing you there!
The red sun, Horuset, hangs low over Korriban's jagged mountains, casting long shadows across the stone structures of Kor'ethyr Academy. The air is cold, biting at the skin, despite the barren desert landscape stretching endlessly beyond Academy walls. Today, the halls are alive with anticipation—a day of trials, where only the strongest and most cunning will garner the attention of Academy Masters. The normally oppressive silence of the desert is broken today by the coordinated howls of semi-sentient, Sithspawn Tuk'ata, echoing distorted through wind-tossed gusts of sandy air.

Students gather within the Academy, their dark robes flowing as they pass beneath the towering statues of long-dead Sith Lords. Overseers and Masters watch from the upper balconies of Kor'ethyr towers, searching for those students with undeniable talent. Today, blood will be spilled, both in combat and in the hunt, and minds will be tested. These trials are not merely to be survived—they are a crucible. Today, those who emerge victoriously distinguish themselves from within the ranks of the Sith.​


Welcome to the desert hunt, students. Beyond Kor'ethyr lies the Desert of Golg, an expanse as treacherous as it is vast. There, in the chilly sands beneath Horuset’s red glare, the Academy’s finest Tuk'ata await you—fierce, swift, clever, and deadly. Your task? Track them. Hunt them. And know that they are hunting you. Return with proof of your kills, but remember: you’re not the only one chasing them. Other students will be hot on your trail, and the sands hide more than Tuk'ata. Sinkholes, sandstorms, the undead and worse await you there. Failure means means death. Success? Power and respect. Now, go—and may the Force guide your hand.​

Line up, students. Today, you will face one another; not with lightsabers, but with something... more traditional. These bone-carved swords are covered with the microscopic barbs of pelko bugs, and one cut will fill your veins with an immobilizing, searing agony. The toxin won’t kill you, but it will cause unforgettable pain—the kind you must learn to use and inflict upon our enemies. Each of you will be paired with an opponent. Academy Battlemaster Darth Thaliax and his proctors will watch closely; none have any interest in mercy or hesitation. Strike hard, strike fast, but remember: this is more than just survival. Prove the superiority of your technique or be left writhing in the dirt.​

Not all trials are fought with blades, students. Before you, on each of your workstations, are six vials of liquid in a set of three pairs. Any two of a pair may appear identical, though in fact one of each is an agonizing poison or debilitating intoxicant. Whispering rumors work their way through your peers, suggesting that one of the vials may even be lethal. Regardless—three are poisoned, three are safe to drink—and you have limited time to determine which is which. You may seek to render the poisons inert or divine the qualities of each vial's contents; or you may find some other creative solution. You have access to all library and laboratory resources, including the greenhouse. Will you choose the correct three? Will you solve the trial in a unique way? Will you complete the challenge and drink the three vials? Knowledge is power, student, and ignorance is pain.​

Everything You Need To Get Started:

Sign me up. Dima wanna see what you godborn do~ <3
Sign me up. Dima wanna see what you godborn do~ <3
Oh ho ho, be careful students. Tuk'ata are certainly not the only dangers prowlin' this desert.

wonder how tuk'ata taste? Either way, signing up for Objective 1!
Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl there's only one good way to find out—bring a fork!

Dude we should hold a feast after objective 1... They feed on dark side energy, so their meat would be infused with it

Zal Aditi Zal Aditi The Jen'ari will be accommodating faculty in the spires overlooking the day's events, no reason they can't serve up dinner afterwards too.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion & Aramea Bel Aramea Bel this thread may interest you!
I would be open to that. Reign needs to be a little more open to other Sith philosophies. He's already buddied it up with some Jedi. Happy to oversee.
Darth Reign Darth Reign Korriban (and by extension, Korriban's Academy) is all about accepting diversity of philosophy and thought! You're in the right place. DM me on discord if you want to hammer out some coordination logistics!

I will be overseeing Objective 3 as school nurse due to the likely eventuality that students require healing or revival. My approach will be to further set the scene, then let loose students and interested observers alike to enjoy the Library, labs, and greenhouse. Please feel free to PM me here or for a faster response, find me on Discord.

Anyone writing on Objective 3 is welcome to reach out if you have specific hopes for how that trial will go for your character. My presence can be as involved or laid back as writers wish for the sake of the story they wish to tell. Example: if you have a clear path forward and you want your character’s story to go a certain way then go for it and enjoy! But if you want me to surprise you with some nasty poisons or challenge you proper with riddles/ dice rolls, I’m available to throw your character some curve balls.


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